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1、Unit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teacher: Huang LikuiTeaching material: NSEFC Book 6 Unit 2Lesson type: warming up & speakingTeaching aids: 1. a tape recorder2. a projector3. Slides and PicturesTeaching Objectives:1. To present the topic of this unit poetry2. To help students form

2、 concept of poetry.3. To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.4. To cultivate students interest of poetry.Teaching Important Points:How to improve the students speaking ability.Teaching Difficult Points:How to make the students gain enough information to exp

3、ress themselves.Teaching Methods:1. Pair work or group work to make every student join in the class activities2. Discussion to make every student express himself freely.Teaching Procedure:Step 1: Daily Greetings (1 minute)T: Good morning, students!Ss: Good morning, Miss Huang!Step 2: Warming up (11

4、minutes)T: Last unit we have learnt something about art, right?Ss: yesT: It is a kind of art. This time we will learn another kind of art. What is it?Ss: Poetry.T: Yes, poetry. From now on, we will begin a mysterious trip of poetryUnit 4: a garden of poems. Here “poem” means 诗,它是指一首具体的诗。It is a coun

5、table noun. We can say “a poem” or “poems”. For example, we can say “a love poem”. Well, the word “poetry” refers to 诗歌,它是指诗歌的总称。So it is an uncountable noun. Is that clear?Ss: Yes.T: Ok. Who are the people that write poems?Ss: Poet.T: Yes, we call them poet. Can you name some famous poets in China?

6、Ss: T: Very good. So many. Now, Id like to introduce you two of them. Who is he?(show a picture of Li Bai on the Blackboard)Ss: Li Bai.T: Good. Li Bai. Can you recite any of his poems?Ss: T: Good job. (show a poem written by Li Bai on slide 1)So from his poems, we can see that Li Bai is full of imag

7、ination, right? His poems are always very romantic. So we say Li Bai is a representative of Romanticism. What about another famous poet? Who is he?(show a picture of Du Fu on the blackboard)Ss: Du Fu.T: Yes, youve got it. Do you know any of his poems?Ss: T: Wonderful, thank you. Compared with Li Bai

8、, most of his poems present us a real life in that period. For example, “朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨” . It tells us the living condition of the people at that time, right?Ss: YesT: So, we call Du Fu realistic poet. Now, Id like to take a poem written by Du Fu for example. (show a poem written by Du Fu on slide 2)Xx

9、x, would you please read it for us?S1: (reading)T: Thank you very much. Well, can you understand the meaning of this poem?Ss: No.T: I dont know, either. I think if we dont know the background of the poem and some necessary explanations, it will be very difficult for us to understand a traditional po

10、em, right?Ss: YesT: Well, what about this one? Whod like to read it for us?(show a English songs “Do Ri Mi on slide 3)S3: (reading)T: Do you think it is easier to understand?Ss: YesT: Im sure all of us know what it talks about.Step 3: Reading (5 minutes)T: Today well learn some English poems. They i

11、ncludes many kinds.Ss: (reading)T: Thanks for your sweet voice. Look at the first poem , can you tell me what is the Nursery Rhymes?S4: Strong rhythm and rhyme, a lot of repetition, easy to learn and to reciteT: Yes. Good.What the matter is. OK?T: Can you understand the meaning of this poem? It talk

12、s about a football match, right? With him?S5: They lost the game.Step 4: Discussion (10 minutes) T: OK, up till now, we have collected several words to describe different styles of poems. Well, what other words will we need to talk about poems? Now, would you please form a group of four and have a d

13、iscussion.What other words will we need to talk about poems? Are you clear?Ss: YesT: Ok. Ill give you three minutes. After that, Id like some of you to list some words you need. Now, go!(Three minutes later)T: OK. Times up. Whod like to be the bravest one?S6: funny, happy.T: Good. Any other opinions

14、?S7: Boring, dull, sad.T: Very good. Any other words? S8: Moving, meaningful, meaningless.Step 5: Pair work (10 minutes)T: Well, what about this one?(Sing an English song of another style by myselfJingle Bells)Do you think it is very sad?Ss: No.T: Do you think it is happy?Ss: YesT: Yes, it sounds ve

15、ry happy. It is also very lovely, right?Ss: YesT: Well, compare with these two songs, which one do you like better? This time, Id like you to discuss with your desk-mates and make up a dialogue.Which song do you like better? Why?You can make up your dialogue with these useful expressions and sentenc

16、e patterns. Maybe this sample may help you a lot. (show the useful expressions and a sample on slide 5) Is that clear?Ss: YesT: OK, go. You have five minutes to prepare.(five minutes later)T: Who is ready?(check some pairs.)Step 6: Conclusion (3 minutes)T: Today we just begin our magical journey of

17、poetry. We have talked about some famous poets and learnt many words to show our ideas about poems and songs, right? Besides, we also enjoyed two beautiful songs. Do you feel good this class?Ss: YesT: Thank you.Step 7: Homework (5 minutes)T: Here comes your homework. Next period well make a further

18、study about poetry, especially English poetry. So:1. Please preview the reading part and look up the new words in the dictionary.2. Try to find an English song or poem, and write a review.Are you all clear?Ss: YesT: Ok. So much for today. Thanks for your attention. See you!Ss: See you!Blackboard Design: Unit2 Poems 具体的一首诗romantic 浪漫主义的 realistic 现实主义的 poetry 诗歌(总称)interesting uninteresting poet 诗人funny 滑稽的,可笑的 dull / boring 枯燥的 limerick 打油诗happy sad 悲伤的 style 风格meaningful meaninglesslyric 抒情的 bold and unconstrained 豪放的moving 感人的 lovely 可爱的encouraging 振奋人心的附:Slide 1: Slide


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