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1、石家庄铁道大学四方学院毕业设计火灾自动报警系统设计Automatic Fire Alarm System 2011 届 电 气 工 程 系专业 自动化 学号 学生姓名 指导教师 刘 扬 完成日期 2011年5月25 日毕业设计成绩单学生姓名学号班级专业自动化毕业设计题目火灾自动报警系统设计指导教师姓名刘 扬指导教师职称讲师评 定 成 绩指导教师得分评阅人得分答辩小组组长得分成绩:院长(主任) 签字:年 月 日题目火灾自动报警系统设计学生姓名学号班级专业电气工程及其自动化承担指导任务单位电气工程系导师姓名刘扬导师职称讲师一、主要内容要求单片机与烟雾传感器互联,通过数码管将相应的浓度数值显示出来,

2、或启动喇叭工作。二、基本要求1使用STC89系列单片机配合温度控制传感器工作。2采用半导体电阻和AD变换器采集数字信息。采用烟雾传感器识别火焰。3使用Keil C编程。实现相关逻辑控制。4电路原理图设计。5提出系统设计框图,提出相应的解决方案。6需单片机和芯片,开发电路板,烟雾传感器和步进电机以及驱动电路模块。7. 分组人数2人,分别为传感器AD模块设计;显示屏模块设计;单片机系统设计等几个部分的开发。三、主要技术指标1电压直流5V,工作电流小于500mA。2. 可实现要求基本功能。3. 电路原理图4. 论文正文不少于1.5万字,查阅文献资料不少于10篇,其中外文文献2篇以上,翻译与课题有关的

3、外文资料不少于3000汉字。四、应收集的资料及参考文献C语言开发关于STC89系列相关单片机开发文档。传感器应用电路400例 王煜东 中国电力出版社五、进度计划1第1周第2周 调研、收集材料,完成开题报告;2第3周-第4周 分析、确定方案 ;3第5周-第11周 设计系统、编写单片机程序;4第12周-第15周 撰写论文;5第16周 完善论文,答辩。教研室主任签字时间年月日毕业设计任务书毕业设计开题报告题目火灾自动报警系统设计学生姓名学号班 级专业自动化一、本课题的研究背景火灾,是指在实践或空间上失去控制的燃烧所造成的灾害。人类能够对火进行利用和控制,是文明进步的一个重要标志。火,给人类带来文明进





8、MQ-2STC89C52RC报警器Currently,there area variety offire alarm systemsbut generallyalsobelong toartificial means,in the event offireto contact thefire department,through peopleoften notreported immediatelyandcause significantdamageif there isan automaticalarm system,willgreatlyExtent,reduceproperty dama

9、geandreduce casualtiesThis project proposes a combination of smoke microchip sensor to detect fire, smoke and alarm design.This paper studies two aspects of hardware and software included, smoke sensor selection MQ-2 type, single chip select STC89C52RC. Hardware design includes: design of signal acq

10、uisition, AD conversion circuit design, circuit design, digital display, alarm indicator circuit design, motor drive circuit design, and sound the alarm circuit design; software contains the digital display circuit design, design status indication and alarm DesignExperimental results show that the d

11、esign rational, stable, has high performance.Keywords:MQ-2STC89C52RC Alarm目录第1章绪论11.1研究背景和意义11.2国内外发展趋势11.3本论文主要研究内容1主要内容2基本要求2研究方法2第2章火灾报警器的方案设计32.1火灾报警器整体设计方案3火灾报警器设计思路3火灾报警器工作原理32.2火灾报警器的框图设计42.3火灾报警器的各模块功能4第3章火灾报警器的硬件设计53.1火灾报警系统原理图53.2信号采集设计53.3AD转换电路设计7PCF8591的简介7PCF8591的功能7PCF8591的特性7AD转换的硬件电


13、论与展望19参考文献20致谢21附录22附录A外文资料22附录B电路原理图27附录C实物图28附录D程序清单30第1章绪论1.1研究背景和意义1.2国内外发展趋势 1.3本论文主要研究内容1.3.1主要内容1.3.2基本要求研究方法第2章火灾报警器的方案设计2.1火灾报警器整体设计方案 2.1.1火灾报警器设计思路2.1.2火灾报警器工作原理 2.2火灾报警器的框图设计图2-1可燃性气体检测报警器结构框图2.3火灾报警器的各模块功能 第3章火灾报警器的硬件设计3.1火灾报警系统原理图附录B是单片机控制的火灾报警系统的原理图。原理图包括以下设计部分:信号采集设计部分、AD转换电路设计部分、数码管

14、显示电路设计部分、报警指示灯电路设计部分、电机驱动电路设计部分、声音报警电路设计部分、单片机芯片选用部分。3.2信号采集设计外形尺寸(mm)接线图接线图测试条件测试电路 回路电压:VC=10V加热电压:VH=5V负载电阻:RL=2K图3-2信号采集电路3.3AD转换电路设计3.3.1PCF8591的简介3.3.2PCF8591的功能3.3.3PCF8591的特性3.3.4AD转换的硬件电路图图3-3AD转换电路3.4 显示电路设计数码管显示电路设计及显示电路图图3-4数码管显示电路3.4.2数码管数码管是一种半导体发光器件,其基本单元是发光二极管。数码管显示分为静态显示和动态显示。本设计采用的




18、MHz。用户应用程序空间:8K。片上集成512字节RAM。通用I/O口,复位后为:P1/P2/P3/P4是准双向口/弱上拉(普通8051传统I/O口) P0口是开漏输出,作为总线扩展用时,不用加上拉电阻,作为I/O口用时,需加上拉电阻。 ISP(在系统可编程)/IAP(在应用可编程),无需专用编程器,无需专用仿真器可通过串口(RxD/P3.0,TxD/P3.1)直接下载用户程序,数秒即可完成一片。有EEPROM功能。看门狗。内部集成MAX810专用复位电路,外部晶体20M以下时,可省略外部复位电路。共3个16位定时器/计数器,其中定时器0还可以当成2个8位定时器使用。外部中断4路,下降沿中断或

19、低电平触发中断,Power Down模式可由外部中断电平触发中断方式唤醒。通用异步串行口(UART),还可用定时器软件实现多个UART。工作温度范围:-40+85(工业级)/075(商业级)。3.8.2STC89C52单片机的内部结构STC89C52单片机的内部结构框图如下图所示。STC89C51单片机中包含中央处理器(CPU)、程序存储器(Flash)、数据存储器(SRAM)、定时/计数器、UART串口、I/O接口、EEPROM、看门狗等模块STC89C51系列单片机几乎包含了数据采集和控制中所需的所有单元模块,可称得上一个片上系统。3.8.3STC89C52单片机的管脚功能P0.0P0.7


21、1.4:标准I/O口PORT14。P1.5:标准I/O口PORT15。P1.6:标准I/O口PORT16。P1.7:标准I/O口PORT17。P2.0P2.7:P2口内部有上拉电阻,既可作为输入/输出口,也可作为高8位地址总线使用(A8A15)。当P2口作为输入/输出口时,P2是一个8位准双向口。P3.0/RxD: P3.0 标准I/O口PORT30;RxD 串口1数据接收端P3.1/TxD:P3.1 标准I/O口PORT31;TxD 串口1数据发送端P3.2/INT0: P3.2 标准I/O口PORT32;INT0外部中断0,下降沿中断或低电平中断。3-10STC89C52单片机的内部结构框

22、图P3.3/INT1:P3.3 标准I/O口PORT33;INT1外部中断1,下降沿中断或低电平中断。P3.4/T0:P3.4 标准I/O口PORT34;T0定时器/计数器0的外部输入。P3.5/T1:P3.5 标准I/O口PORT35;T1定时器/计数器1的外部输入。P3.6/WR:P3.6 标准I/O口PORT36;WR外部数据存储器写脉冲P3.7/RD:P3.7 标准I/O口PORT37P4.0:标准I/O口PORT40P4.1:标准I/O口PORT41P4.2/INT3:P4.2 标准I/O口PORT42;INT3 外部中断3,下降沿中断或低电平中断。P4.3/INT2:P4.3 标准

23、I/O口PORT43;INT3外部中断2,下降沿中断或低电平中断。P4.4/PSEN:P4.4 标准I/O口PORT44;PSEN 外部程序存储器选通信号输出引脚P4.5/ALE:P4.5 标准I/O口PORT45;ALE 地址锁存允许信号输出引脚/编程脉冲输入引脚。P4.6/EA:P4.6 标准I/O口PORT46;EA 内外存储器选择引脚RST:复位脚XTAL1:内部时钟电路反相放大器输入端,接外部晶振的一个引脚。当直接使用外部时钟源时,此引脚是外部时钟源的输入端。XTAL2内部时钟电路反相放大器的输出端,接外部晶振的另一端。当直接使用外部时钟源时,此引脚可浮空,此时XTAL2实际将XTA

24、L1输入的时钟进行输出。VCC:电源正极。Gnd::电源负极,接地。3.8.4STC89C52单片机的管脚图本设计选用的是STC89C52单片机,如下图3-11。选用此芯片的原因是对它比较熟悉,容易采购。3-11STC89C52管脚图第4章系统软件设计4.1系统流程图进入报警处理程序N信息采开始程序初始化传感器预热信息采集AD转换浓度显示是否超过报警限Y4.2程序设计过程4.3火灾报警器电路的软件设计数码管显示程序设计4.3.2报警子程序设计第5章实验误差分析5.1软件方面 5.2硬件方面 第6章结论与展望参考文献致谢附录附录A外文资料Automatic fire alarm system i

25、s in order to inform the early detection of fire, and take effective measures to control and fight fires, and set in a building or other place of an automatic fire facilities, is that people with a powerful tool to fight the fire. Fire alarm system, fire detectors generally, regional centralized ala

26、rm alarm and composition; also be required under the project with various fire-fighting facilities and communication devices linked to form a central control system. From automatic alarm, automatic fire fighting, evacuation guidance, system process shows that, fire up a complete file management, fir

27、e control system.Fire detectors are fire detection devices, as in the stage of fire will produce smoke with high temperature flame cells. The smoke, heat and light into electrical signals through the detector alarm or automatic fire extinguishing system to start fighting the fire in time. Area where

28、 the floor of alarm detector can send the signal into sound and light alarm, and fire on the screen showing the room number; while also monitoring the concentration of certain floors of alarm (if the monitor is located in the building fire Control Center) output signal or control automatic fire exti

29、nguishing system. Concentration of alarm signal is received by way of sound and light show, and the screen also shows the specific fire floor and room number, the plane stopped taking the first alarm clock to record the timing, use of the machine-specific phones, but also quickly to the fire alarm t

30、o give directions and. In addition, you can control the fire extinguishing system or signal transmission to the fire control room.Automatic fire alarm system is by the trigger devices, fire alarm, fire alarm devices and other auxiliary functions of the device with the composition of a button fire al

31、arm system fire alarm system. It can fire early stages of burning smoke, heat and light radiation and other physical quantities, by temperature. Photographic and other smoke and fire detectors into electrical signals, transmitted to the fire alarm controller, and also shows the site of the fire, the

32、 fire record of the time. General fire alarm system and automatic sprinkler system, fire hydrant systems, smoke control systems, ventilation systems, air conditioning system, fire doors, fire shutter, smoke screen and other related equipment interaction, automatically or manually issue commands to s

33、tart the corresponding device.(A) of the trigger devices in automatic fire alarm system, automatic or manual fire alarm signal devices generate called trigger conditions, including fire detectors and manual fire alarm button. Fire detector is able to fire parameters (smoke, temperature, flame radiat

34、ion, gas concentration, etc.) response, and automatically generate a fire alarm signal devices. Fire response parameters according to different fire detectors into heat detectors, smoke detector, sensitive fire detectors, combustible gas detectors and fire detectors five basic types of composite. Di

35、fferent types of fire detectors for different types of fires and different places. Manual fire alarm button fire alarm signal generated manually start the automatic fire alarm system devices, automatic fire alarm system is an indispensable component of the.(B) the fire alarm device in automatic fire

36、 alarm system to receive, display and transmit fire alarm signals, and can send control signals and control functions with other auxiliary equipment as the fire alarm device instructions. Fire alarm control is one of the most basic kind. Charged with the fire alarm control fire detectors provide a s

37、table working power; detector and the working status of the system itself; the reception, conversion, processing a warning of fire detectors Shuchu; Jinxing sound and light alarm; Zhishi specific location and alarm time; the same time supporting the implementation of appropriate control and many oth

38、er tasks. Fire alarm system is a core component. In the fire alarm devices, some devices such as break, regional monitors, fire shows and other functions can not complete disc alarm device, which can be regarded as the evolution of fire alarm controller or supplement. Under certain conditions applie

39、d, and the fire alarm device fire alarm control belong.The basic function of fire alarm control are: the main power, backup power automatically converted, standby power charge function, power failure monitoring function, power functions working status indicator, power supply for the detector circuit

40、 function, control sensors or system failures, sound and light alarm, fire sound, light alarm, fire alarm and memory function, clock function unit, with priority being given fault function fire alarm, sound alarm sound audible alarm mute and again. (C) fire alarms in automatic fire alarm system to s

41、end different from the environment, sound, light the fire alarm signal device called the fire alarms. It sound, light and sound approach to the issue of fire alarm signals alarm area to warn people to adopt safe evacuation, fire fighting and rescue measures.D) Fire control equipment in automatic fir

42、e alarm system, when receiving the fire alarm, automatically or manually start the related fire-fighting equipment and display devices of their state, known as the fire control equipment. Include fire alarm control, automatic fire extinguishing system control device, fire hydrant system control devi

43、ces, smoke exhaust system and air conditioning and ventilation system control device, normally open fire doors, fire shutter control device, the lift back down control equipment, and fire emergency radio, fire alarms, fire communications equipment, fire evacuation signs and emergency lighting contro

44、l devices, control devices in some or all. Fire control equipment normally installed in the fire control center to facilitate the implementation of centralized control. While others set fire control equipment, fire fighting equipment is located in the charged field, but its actions must be returned

45、fire control signal, combined with the implementation of centralization and decentralization of control. (E) fire alarm system power supply electrical equipment belonging to the fire, the main power should be in the fire power, standby power use of battery. In addition to fire alarm power controller

46、, power supply, but also related to the system for the fire equipment such as power supply. (from: automatic fire alarm system design )译文:火灾自动报警系统是人们为了早期发现通报火灾,并及时采取有效措施,控制和扑灭火灾,而设置在建筑物中或其它场所的一种自动消防设施,是人们同火灾作斗争的有力工具。 火灾报警系统,一般由火灾探测器、区域报警器和集中报警器组成;也可以根据工程的要求同各种灭器是探测火灾的仪器,由于在火灾发生的阶段,将伴随产生烟雾、。这些烟、热和光可以通过探测器转变为电信号报警或使自动灭火系统启动,及时扑灭火灾。 区域报警器能将所在楼层之探测器发出的信号转换为声光报警,并在屏幕上显示出火灾的房间号;同时还能监视若干楼层的集中报警器(如果监


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