



1、托福写作高分的四大技巧首先,summarize,也就是概括阅读和听力文章的主要内容和各三个 分论点。这其实就是 Introduction 要写的内容,掌握了概括,第一段就不 成问题咯 !其次, Paraphrase ,也就是改写。掌握好了改写句子,你写起文 章来将会感觉到如鱼得水,游刃有余。改写其实主要有下面的两种方 法:第一,使用不同的词汇a. 使用同义词,比如以下的一些写作高频词汇的同义词,你一定 要掌握,出现的尤为频繁。important 宀essential, crucial, vital, significant,think claim, believe, con sider, de

2、em, figure outno waday curre ntly, at prese nt, now, rece ntly, in rece ntyears, these daysb. 改变词性,这是一种稍微难一些的方法,要求你的语法基础非 常好,你才能灵活自如的使用。n. v.Eg: When we look at a comparison between A and B Whe n we compare A and B Adj. n.There are a variety of solutions to the problem.There are various solutions to

3、 the problem.c. 使用不同的承接词。承接词在文章当中的使用相当频繁,不但 是段落和段落的连接,还包括句子和句子的连接。背住一些常用的承 接词比你的改写将会有极大的作用。because of due to, owing to, because, as, since, forbut however, n evertheless, non etheless, whereasso therefore, hence, thus, consequentlyd. 形容词的逆向表达。在某些形容词上实行修改,会达到非比寻 常的效果。Eg: not as easy as more difficult

4、 tha nNot uncommoncommonThe cheapest the least expensive第二,使用不同的句型a. 改变词序。这是非常简单的一种方法,完全不用动脑筋就能够 实行改写。常常将句子中的状语 (包括状语从句 ) 换位置。Eg: For many years, people have believed .People believed for many years.After this programs has been solved, work on cancontinue.b. 主动语态和被动语态的互相替换 Eg: Trained scientists per

5、formed this research.This research was performed by trained scientists.c. 使用“ there be ” 句型,能够将一个简单句,马上变成一个 加入定语从句或者分词的复杂句。 Eg: Several computer programs can be used to solve this problem.There are severa l computer programs that can be used to solve this problem. 或 There are several computer progra

6、ms used to solve this problem.d. 定语从句,分词和插入语的互相替换Eg: Study ,con ducted by sociologists in 2004, shows that Study ,which was con ducted by sociologists in2004,shows that Eg: This , which is one of the most powerful in theworld, has This , one of the most powerful in the world, has接下来, Cite ,即引用。综合写作乃

7、客观写作,仅仅一个旁观者 的角度对这两篇文章的内容实行描述,所以,某观点是出自哪篇文章 一定要说清楚。所以,下面的这些句型在综合写作中必不可缺。a. According to+noun.Eg: According to the passage/lecture/author/professor,b. Subject+verbs of reporting +that clauseEg: The author tells/reports/suggests/explains/says/argues/states/indicates/ claims/points out/thinks/believes

8、that或 The speaker agrees/disagrees/rejects/disputes/challenges/takes adiffere nt viewc. As is indicated/displayed/illustrated in the passage/lecture,.最后, Synthesize ,也就是连接。具体来讲,就是承接词的使用 是相当重要的,将文章当中的重要信息连接起来,体现作者对于两篇 文章的理解准确,说明作者的思路清楚。因为综合写作是对两篇文章 的比较,所以下面表对比和递进的承接词使用的最频繁。a. Transitional words showing contrast: however, on theother hand, in contrast, on the contraryb. Transitional words showing a


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