1、Words and expressions about appearance description -by PengQian & YangHui & Huang XiaojuanWhat do they look like ?How to describe someones appearance Appearance Physique (Build)Face Impressive appearance description Physique (Build)nHeightnStature(figure)nThe development of the human bodyn F
2、orce Height Height is one of the most important characteristics index of the body. Short TallWords about shortDwarf(侏儒,矮子)Midget(侏儒)Shorty (shortie) (矮子)Nanus(矮子 ) Microsomia(矮小;矮子) Jack Sprat(侏儒,矮子) Zwerg(矮人)Nanosoma(矮小)Dwarfism,Pygmyism(侏儒症)Height associated withnSexual maturitynNutritionnSleepnHe
3、reditynPhysical trainingnMental factorAverage HeightnMale: 1.702 m (Urban)n 1.663m(Rural)nFemale:1.586m(Urban)n 1.570m(Rural)n The highest average height in the world is the Croatia(克罗地亚) Male :1.8m ;Female: 1.7mSome world leaders heightnObama: 1.85 m; Harper: 1.82 m; Brown: 1.8 m; Hatoyama 1.77 m;
4、Medvedev梅德韦杰夫(俄罗斯总统)) : 1.7 m; Sarkozy萨科齐(法国总统) : 1.65 m; Merkel: 1.65 m; Berlusconi: 1.67 m The tallest man in the history of the Guinness Book of world records Robert Pershing Wadeluo (罗伯特潘兴瓦德罗) Up to 2.72-meter, and weighed 222 kgnThe worlds tallest childnGigantism(巨人症)n巨人与侏儒: Orcs and Elves ;Gia
5、nts and Dwarfs Stature (Figure) 胖胖 Fat(肥的) Stout(矮胖的)Plump(圆胖的,丰满的)Portly(肥胖的)Obese(过胖的)Chubby(圆胖的)Corpulent(肥胖的)Pudgy(矮胖的)Cherubic(胖乎乎的)Squabby(矮胖的) 瘦瘦Thin (瘦的 ) Lean(瘦的) Slim(苗条的)Slender Skinny(皮包骨的)Bony Scrawny (骨瘦如柴的) Svelte(苗条的,线条清晰的)Gangly (身材瘦长的) Scraggy (皮包骨的)Lanky (瘦长的) Gaunt (枯瘦的)Rawboned
6、(骨瘦如柴的) Fleshless (消瘦的)Emaciated(瘦弱的)骨瘦如柴nAs lean as a rakenSkin and bonesnAs emaciated as a fowlHuman head shape there are three types: flat, round, pointed Hair style Straight curls (自然卷)pompadour(束发式)Wavy hair(波浪发)Ringlet(小圈,长卷发)Afro(非洲式发型,爆炸头)Non-mainstream hairstylenExplosive type (爆炸型) nMessy
7、type(凌乱型)nDecadence(颓废型) nNeatly flow of the sea(整齐的流海型)noval face 鹅蛋脸nheart-shaped face 瓜子脸nround face 圆脸nsquare face 四方脸nlong face 长方脸nwrinkled 长皱纹的npimpled 长粉刺的nfreckled 长雀斑的npock-marked长麻子的nfleshy 肉多的npuffy 浮肿的nswarthy 黝黑的npale 苍白的 npretty 漂亮的nlean 清瘦的ncrimson 绯红的nRegular 五官端正的nrosy 红润的nill-look
8、ing 病态的nhandsome 俊美的nhaggard 憔悴的ngrim 严肃的nFinely-cut 眉清目秀的na face like thunder 满面怒容npull a long face 愁眉苦脸nraise ones eyebrows 目瞪口呆nbeam 笑逐颜开ngrimace (因痛苦、厌恶等)扭曲着脸nglower 咄咄逼人地瞪视nforced smile 苦笑na grim smile 狞笑Forehead na board forehead 宽大的额头na domed forehead 突起的额头na high forehead 高高的额头 nan open fore
9、head 宽阔的额头na narrow forehead 窄小的额头na retreating forehead 后塌的额头Eye nwide-open eyes 瞪圆的眼睛 nbulging eyes 凸出的眼睛ndeep-set eyes 深陷的眼睛nsunken eyes 凹陷的眼睛nbloodshot eyes 充满血丝的眼睛none-eyed 独眼龙ncross eyes 斜眼nslant eyes 分开性斜视眼nmyopic eye 近视眼nhypermetropic eye 远视眼nalmond eye 杏仁眼ntiny eye 鼠眼nleer 媚眼,秋波Nosenpug nos
10、e蒜头鼻nupturned nose朝天鼻nhooked nose鹰钩鼻ndumpy nose 肉鼻子nflat nose 塌鼻子nboard nose宽的nnarrow nose窄的nstraight nose挺直的nsnub nose翘的Mouthnthin/slim lips 薄唇nthick lips 厚唇ncherry lips 樱桃小嘴ndrawn and retracted lips 瘪嘴nwry mouth 歪嘴nharelips 兔唇,唇腭裂 Cheeks nchubby cheeks 丰满的nruddy cheeks 红光满面的nhollow cheeks 深陷的nclea
11、n-shaven cheeks 刮得精光的nstubbly cheeks 胡须满面的nrouged cheeks 涂脂抹粉的nmole 痣 dimple 酒窝Chin na double chin 双下巴na pointed chin 尖尖的下巴na round chin 圆圆的下巴na protruding chin 翘起的下巴Facial hairnmustache (上嘴唇的)胡须nwhisker 络腮胡nbeard 下巴胡ngoatee 山羊胡How to describe someones appearance?Like the human face, human personali
12、ty is very complex.nHuman face & human personality n which one is more complex?.nNice face & nice person ?.nGordon Ports , an American psychologist , found nearly 18000 English words characterizing difference in people s behaviors -nKind considerate friendly warm bookworms conservatives mili
13、tary nBeautiful handsome lovely pretty good-looking charming sweet funny ugly cute cool attractive awesome gentle amusing peculiar rough ill-looking elegantly plain smartly-dressed well-dressed neatly dressed scruffily dressed (衣服不整洁)AppearancenDescribing wordsLooking dignified and strong(虎头虎脑)With
14、fine features(眉清目秀)Flush with shame(面红耳赤)Shining with happiness(满面红光)Sharp eyes(火眼金睛)A benevolent and kind countenance(慈眉善目 )With big eyes and bushy eyebrows(浓眉大眼)Have an imposing appearance(气宇轩昂)Bright and brave(英姿飒爽)nYes, he was certainly wonderfully handsome, with his finely-curved scarlet lips, his frank blue eyes, his crisp gold hair. There was something in his face that made one trust him at once. All the candor of youth was there, as well as all youths passionate purity. One felt that he had kept himself unspotted from the
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