【中考夺分天天练】2015届中考英语(人教版)总复习第一篇 基础巧过关:九年级全一册[Units5—6](共39张PPT) (2)_第1页
【中考夺分天天练】2015届中考英语(人教版)总复习第一篇 基础巧过关:九年级全一册[Units5—6](共39张PPT) (2)_第2页
【中考夺分天天练】2015届中考英语(人教版)总复习第一篇 基础巧过关:九年级全一册[Units5—6](共39张PPT) (2)_第3页
【中考夺分天天练】2015届中考英语(人教版)总复习第一篇 基础巧过关:九年级全一册[Units5—6](共39张PPT) (2)_第4页
【中考夺分天天练】2015届中考英语(人教版)总复习第一篇 基础巧过关:九年级全一册[Units5—6](共39张PPT) (2)_第5页
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1、第第16课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 56第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566基础精梳理基础精梳理 类别类别中考考点助记中考考点助记词语词语联想联想1.名词转化:名词转化:leaf_(复数复数), postman_(复数复数), hero_(复数复数), day_(形容词形容词), salt_(形容词形容词), nation_(形容词形容词), profession_(形容词形容词)2形容词转化:形容词转化:pleasant_(名词名词), beautiful_leaves leaves postmenpostmenheroeshero

2、esdailydailysaltysaltynationalnationalprofessionalprofessionalpleasurepleasurebeautybeauty第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566类别类别中考考点助记中考考点助记词语词语联想联想 (名词名词), happy_(名词名词), wide_(副词副词), near_(副词副词), lucky_(副词副词)3动词转化:动词转化:compete_/_(名词名词), include_(介词介词), invent_/_(名词名词)happinesshappinesswidelywi

3、delynearlynearlyluckilyluckilycompetitorcompetitorcompetitioncompetitionincludingincludinginventorinventorinventioninvention第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566短语短语精选精选1. be _ of/from 由由制成制成2. _ the past 在过去在过去3. be famous/_ 以以闻名闻名4. no _ 无论,不论无论,不论5. as _ I know 据我所知据我所知6_ hand 用手用手7. all _ the

4、world 全世界全世界8. be good _ 对对有益有益9. in _ 事实上事实上10. in the _ 在将来在将来11. _ example/such _ 例如例如mademadeininknownforknownformattermatterfar asfar asbybyoveroverforforfactfactfuturefutureforforasas第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566短语短语精选精选12. according _ 根据根据13. _ out 发出去发出去14_ trouble 处于困境中处于困境中15. be

5、 _ with 被被覆盖覆盖16. _ the Spring Festival 在春节期间在春节期间17. at _ 在午夜在午夜18. be_ for 被用作被用作19. in _ lives 在日常生活中在日常生活中20. by _ 偶然,意外地偶然,意外地21_ into 掉入掉入22_ place 发生,出现发生,出现totosendsendinincoveredcoveredduringduringmidnightmidnightuseduseddailydailyaccidentaccidentfallfalltaketake第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units

6、 5Units 566短语短语精选精选23. _ doubt 毫无疑问,的确毫无疑问,的确24. all of _ 突然,猛地突然,猛地25. by _ 错误地,无意中错误地,无意中26. _ the _ time 同时同时27. dream _ doing sth. 梦想做某事梦想做某事28. _into 把把分开分开29. look up _ 钦佩;仰慕钦佩;仰慕30. _ on 选定选定31. come up_ 想出想出32. _ sb. to do sth. 鼓励某人做某事鼓励某人做某事withoutwithouta suddena suddenmistakemistakeatatsa

7、mesameofofdividedividetotodecidedecidewithwithencourageencourage第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566重点重点句型句型1.哦,据我所知,茶树种植在山坡上。哦,据我所知,茶树种植在山坡上。Well, as _ as I know, tea plants are _ _ the sides of mountains.2他发现有趣的是,当地商店有如此多的产品都是在中国生产的。他发现有趣的是,当地商店有如此多的产品都是在中国生产的。He found _ interesting that _ _ pr

8、oducts in the local shops were _ in China.3他意识到美国人几乎不可避免地会买中国制造的产品。他意识到美国人几乎不可避免地会买中国制造的产品。He realized _ Americans can hardly avoid _ products _ in China.farfargrowngrownononititsosomanymanymademadethatthatbuyingbuyingmademade第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566重点重点句型句型4.然而,他希望在将来,中国也更擅长制造人们在世界各地

9、都能买然而,他希望在将来,中国也更擅长制造人们在世界各地都能买到的高科技产品。到的高科技产品。_, he wishes _ in the future China will also get better _ _ hightechnology products _ people can buy in all parts of the world.5“这个飞机模型是由什么制成的?这个飞机模型是由什么制成的?”“它是由旧的木材和玻璃制成的。它是由旧的木材和玻璃制成的。”_ the model plane made of?Its _ _ _ wood and glass.6当他处于困境时,他把它们放

10、出去以寻求帮助。当他处于困境时,他把它们放出去以寻求帮助。He sent them out _ _ _ help when _ _. HoweverHoweverthatthatatatmakingmakingthatthatWhatsWhatsmademadeofofusedusedtotoaskaskforforinintroubletrouble第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566重点重点句型句型7.完成一切要花费几个星期。完成一切要花费几个星期。It takes several weeks _ _ everything.8虽然现在许多人都了解茶

11、文化,但是毫无疑问,中国人是最了虽然现在许多人都了解茶文化,但是毫无疑问,中国人是最了解茶的特性的。解茶的特性的。_ _ many people now know about tea culture, the Chinese are without _ the ones who best understand the _ of tea.9今天,篮球运动的流行程度在全世界提升了,许多年轻人梦想今天,篮球运动的流行程度在全世界提升了,许多年轻人梦想成为著名的运动员。成为著名的运动员。Today, the _ of basketball _ _ around the world, with many

12、 young people _ _ _ famous players.totocompletecompleteEvenEventhoughthoughdoubtdoubtnaturenaturepopularitypopularityhashasrisenrisendreamingdreaming ofofbecomingbecoming第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566重点句型重点句型10.篮球不仅成了一种适合玩的受欢迎的运动,而且也成了一种篮球不仅成了一种适合玩的受欢迎的运动,而且也成了一种适合观看的运动。适合观看的运动。Basketball h

13、as _ _ become a popular sport to play, but it has also become a popular sport _ _11NBA中的外国球员人数有所增加,其中也包括中国队员。中的外国球员人数有所增加,其中也包括中国队员。The number of foreign players, _ Chinese players, in the NBA _ _12这些明星鼓励年轻人努力工作来实现他们的梦想。这些明星鼓励年轻人努力工作来实现他们的梦想。These stars encourage young people _ _ hard_ _ their dream

14、s.语法结构语法结构 一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态。一般现在时和一般过去时的被动语态。详见详见P112,语法专题,语法专题9notnotonlyonlytotowatchwatchincludingincludinghashasincreasedincreasedtotoworkwork to to achieve achieve第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566考点巧突破考点巧突破考点考点1 everyday/every day 1 everyday/every day 巧辩异同巧辩异同(1)everyday(1)everyday是形容词,意为

15、是形容词,意为“每天的,日常的每天的,日常的”。(2)every day(2)every day意为意为“每天每天”,通常在句中作状语。,通常在句中作状语。We should practice everyday English every day.We should practice everyday English every day.我们应该每天练习日常英语。我们应该每天练习日常英语。第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566考点考点2 pleasant/pleasure/pleased/please 2 pleasant/pleasure/please

16、d/please 第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566My sister is a pleasant girl.My sister is a pleasant girl.我妹妹是一个讨人喜欢的女孩。我妹妹是一个讨人喜欢的女孩。We can get lots of pleasure from the book.We can get lots of pleasure from the book.我们可以从书中得到很多快乐。我们可以从书中得到很多快乐。She was very pleased with my work.She was very pleased

17、 with my work.她对我的工作很满意。她对我的工作很满意。The teacher cant please every student.The teacher cant please every student.老师不可能让每个学生都满意。老师不可能让每个学生都满意。第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566考点考点3 almost/nearly 3 almost/nearly (1)almost(1)almost和和nearlynearly都可用来修饰不定代词、形容词、副词、都可用来修饰不定代词、形容词、副词、动词或介词短语等。动词或介词短语等。I

18、ts almost/nearly impossible.Its almost/nearly impossible.那几乎是不可能的。那几乎是不可能的。第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566(2)almost(2)almost可用于可用于 any any 以及以及 no, none, nobody, nothing, no, none, nobody, nothing, never never 等否定词之前,但等否定词之前,但 nearly nearly 一般不可以。一般不可以。Almost no one came to the party.Almost

19、no one came to the party. 几乎没有人来参加晚会。几乎没有人来参加晚会。(3)nearly (3)nearly 前可用前可用 very, pretty, not very, pretty, not 等词修饰,但等词修饰,但 almost almost 之前不能用这些词。之前不能用这些词。 Its not nearly as easy as we think.Its not nearly as easy as we think.它并不像我们想象的那样容易。它并不像我们想象的那样容易。 第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566考点考点4

20、 be used for/be used as/be used by 4 be used for/be used as/be used by (1)be used for (1)be used for 意为意为“被用来做被用来做”,介词,介词for for 表示用表示用途,后接名词或途,后接名词或v.v.inging形式,同义短语是形式,同义短语是be used to dobe used to do。The pencil is used for writing.The pencil is used for writing.The pencil is used to write. The pen

21、cil is used to write. 铅笔是用来写字的。铅笔是用来写字的。Wood is used to make paper.Wood is used to make paper.Wood is used for making paper.Wood is used for making paper.木材被用来造纸。木材被用来造纸。第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566(2)be used as (2)be used as 意为意为“被用作被用作”,介词,介词asas表示表示“作作为为”,其后一般接名词,强调使用的工具及手段。,其后一般接名词,强调

22、使用的工具及手段。Coal is used as fuel.Coal is used as fuel.煤用作燃料。煤用作燃料。Curie is always used as a surname.Curie is always used as a surname.“居里居里”总是用作姓氏。总是用作姓氏。(3)be used by (3)be used by 意为意为“被被使用使用”,介词,介词byby后面接动作后面接动作的执行者的执行者( (宾语宾语) )。Piggy banks are used by children to save money in.Piggy banks are used

23、 by children to save money in.孩子用猪形储钱罐存钱。孩子用猪形储钱罐存钱。 第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566考点考点5 be made of/be made from/be made in/be made 5 be made of/be made from/be made in/be made by/be made into/be made forby/be made into/be made for(1)be made of(1)be made of意为意为“由由制成制成”,指可以看出原材料。,指可以看出原材料。Th

24、is kind of glass is made of paper.This kind of glass is made of paper.这种杯子是纸制的。这种杯子是纸制的。(2)be made from(2)be made from意为意为“由由制成制成”,指看不出原材料。,指看不出原材料。This kind of drink is made from apples.This kind of drink is made from apples.这种饮料是用苹果酿成的。这种饮料是用苹果酿成的。第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566(3)be made

25、in(3)be made in意为意为“在在制造制造”,介词,介词inin后接地点名词。后接地点名词。This bike is made in Shanghai.This bike is made in Shanghai.这辆自行车是上海制造的。这辆自行车是上海制造的。(4)be made by (4)be made by 意为意为“由由制作制作”。This machine was made by Uncle Wang.This machine was made by Uncle Wang.这台机器是王叔叔制造的。这台机器是王叔叔制造的。第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units

26、 5Units 566(5)be made into(5)be made into意为意为“被制成被制成”,介词,介词intointo后要接的后要接的是产品,与是产品,与be made of/frombe made of/from所表示的意义正好相反。所表示的意义正好相反。Glass can be made into many kinds of things.Glass can be made into many kinds of things.玻璃可以被制成许多种东西。玻璃可以被制成许多种东西。(6)be made for (6)be made for 表示表示“为为而制造而制造”,介词,介

27、词forfor后接所后接所供给的对象。供给的对象。These desks were made for the students.These desks were made for the students.这些书桌是为学生们做的。这些书桌是为学生们做的。第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566句型点击句型点击考点考点1 1 He found it interesting that so many He found it interesting that so many products in the local shops were made in Chi

28、ducts in the local shops were made in China.他发现有趣的是,当地商店有如此多的产品都是在中国生他发现有趣的是,当地商店有如此多的产品都是在中国生产的。产的。第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566 点拨点拨 句中句中itit作形式宾语,真正的宾语是作形式宾语,真正的宾语是thatthat引导的从句。引导的从句。I think it important that we learn a foreign I think it important that we learn a foreign languag

29、e well.language well.我认为我们学好一门外语是重要的。我认为我们学好一门外语是重要的。 拓展拓展 “find “find宾语宾语补足语宾语宾语补足语”结构中,宾语补足语结构中,宾语补足语由现在分词、过去分词、名词、形容词、副词、介词短语或不由现在分词、过去分词、名词、形容词、副词、介词短语或不定式定式to beto be等来充当。等来充当。第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566考点考点2 It is believed that the first basketball 2 It is believed that the first b

30、asketball game in history was played on December 21, 1891.game in history was played on December 21, 1891.人们认为历史上的第一次篮球比赛是在人们认为历史上的第一次篮球比赛是在18911891年年1212月月2121日进日进行的。行的。 点拨点拨 “It is believed that “It is believed that”意为意为“人们相信人们相信/ /认认为为”,相当于,相当于“People believe thatPeople believe that”,其中,其中itit为形式

31、为形式主语,主语,thatthat从句是真正的主语。从句是真正的主语。第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566 拓展拓展 “It is “It is过去分词过去分词that that 从句从句”是一个固定句是一个固定句型,类似的结构还有型,类似的结构还有It is said thatIt is said that据说据说;Its Its reported thatreported that据报道据报道;Its known thatIts known that 众所周众所周知知Its said that his son will go abroad next

32、 month.Its said that his son will go abroad next month.People say that his son will go abroad next People say that his son will go abroad next month. month. 据说,他儿子下个月要出国。据说,他儿子下个月要出国。第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566智能双提升智能双提升基础过关基础过关.单词拼写单词拼写根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明确

33、,语言通顺。确,语言通顺。1 1All the desks in the room are made of All the desks in the room are made of g_(g_(玻璃玻璃) )2 2There are many nice birds on the g_(There are many nice birds on the g_(草草地地) )lasslassrassrass第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 5663 3Remember to take a pair of g_(Remember to take a pair o

34、f g_(手套手套) with ) with you when you go out.you when you go out.4 4My uncle didnt m_(My uncle didnt m_(提到提到) it in his ) it in his letter.letter.5 5Put the meat in the f_(Put the meat in the f_(冰箱冰箱), or itll ), or itll go bad.go bad.6. The girl likes the h_ (6. The girl likes the h_ (手提包手提包) very mu

35、ch. ) very much. She wants to buy it.She wants to buy it.rassrassloveslovesmentionmentionridgeridge第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 5667. The bird is Jills. I_ (7. The bird is Jills. I_ (它的它的) name is ) name is Poly.Poly.8. My father often looks through the w_(8. My father often looks through the

36、 w_(网网站站) in his free time.) in his free time.9. Yang 9. Yang LiweiLiwei and and FeiFei JunlongJunlong are our national are our national h_ (h_ (英雄英雄) )10. At her birthday party, several b_ (10. At her birthday party, several b_ (篮筐篮筐) ) of fruit were eaten up.of fruit were eaten up.ridgeridgeandbag

37、andbagtstsebsitesebsites第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 566.单项填空单项填空1. The teacher divided the students _ 1. The teacher divided the students _ several groups to discuss the question.several groups to discuss the question.A. from B. with C. up D. intoA. from B. with C. up D. intoD Ddividedividei

38、ntointo意为意为“把把分成分成”。第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 5662. 2. Do you know when Jack will _ the work?Do you know when Jack will _ the work?In about two days.In about two days.A. complete B. sendA. complete B. sendC. polish D. produceC. polish D. produceA Acompletecomplete意为意为“完成完成”;sendsend意为意为“派遣

39、派遣”;polishpolish意为意为“磨光磨光”;produceproduce意为意为“制造制造”。句意:。句意:“你知道杰克将什么你知道杰克将什么时候完成这项工作吗?时候完成这项工作吗?”“”“大概两天后。大概两天后。”故答案选故答案选A A。第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 5663. If you want to improve your _ English, 3. If you want to improve your _ English, you should practice it _you should practice it _A. e

40、veryday; every dayA. everyday; every day B. every day; everydayB. every day; everydayC. everyday; everydayC. everyday; everyday D. every day; every dayD. every day; every dayA Aeverydayeveryday是形容词,意为是形容词,意为“日常的日常的”,在句中作定语;,在句中作定语;every dayevery day表示表示“每天每天”,在句中作状语。故选,在句中作状语。故选A A。第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九

41、年级全一册 Units 5Units 5664. The dumplings are so cold. You must 4. The dumplings are so cold. You must _them before eating._them before eating.A. heat B. finish C. remain D. keepA. heat B. finish C. remain D. keep5. 5. When did the old man die?When did the old man die?In 2007. He has been dead for _ se

42、ven In 2007. He has been dead for _ seven years.years.A. hardly B. ever C. nearly D. neverA. hardly B. ever C. nearly D. neverA AC C第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 5661 1 20132013枣庄枣庄 Most of my classmates prefer loud Most of my classmates prefer loud music _ they can dance to.music _ they can d

43、ance to.A. that BA. that BWho CWho Cwhose Dwhose Dwherewhere2 2 20132013滨州滨州 Most students like the teachers Most students like the teachers _ understand them well._ understand them well.A. which BA. which BWho CWho Cwhere Dwhere Dwhenwhen中考透视中考透视A AB B第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 5663 3 2014

44、2014宜宾宜宾 Thats _ brothers shirt. Thats _ brothers shirt. It isnt _It isnt _A Amy; your Bmy; your Byours; mineyours; mineC Chers; his Dhers; his Dhis; yourshis; yours4 4 20142014南充南充 When were you born?When were you born?I was born_ a cold winter morning in 1994.I was born_ a cold winter morning in 1

45、994.A Ain Bin BatatC Con Don DofofD DC C第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 5665 5 20142014黄冈黄冈 Another good idea! And we could Another good idea! And we could each call up ten people and ask them to come.each call up ten people and ask them to come.Hey, were _ a lot of good ideas, arent Hey, were _

46、 a lot of good ideas, arent we?we?A Agetting along with Bgetting along with Bcoming up withcoming up withC Ccatching up with Dcatching up with Ddoing well indoing well inB B第第1616课时九年级全一册课时九年级全一册 Units 5Units 5666 6 20142014枣庄枣庄 She likes _ She likes _ cookies.Theycookies.They are hard, dry and easily broken.are hard, dry and easily broken.A Asalty Bsalty BsweetsweetC Csour Dsour DcrispycrispyD D第第1616课时九


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