



1、只供学习与交流资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除The relationship between humans and natureDeclaration of Dependence declares that all men are created equal. However, thelaws can guarantee human rights , by whom can the nature rights be protected? TheOutlook of Scientific Development requires that we should pursue the ha

2、rmoniouscoexistence between human and nature. Actually , that is just the relationship betweenhuman and nature.Human beings live in a natural world, developing nature and harnessing nature. Atthe same time, they are also exerting influences on nature. This influence has becomemore and more obvious a

3、s humansproductivity increasesrapidly. Beyond any doubt, wemust now admit that the influence is mostly negative, that is to say that we are achievingdevelopment at the expense of destroying the natural environment. Is this the path wemust take? From the point of view of Marxs dialectical materialism

4、, it is clear that this isan extremely erroneous view of the relationship between man and nature. This extensiveapproach, regardless of the development of future generations, is necessarilyunsustainable.we must adhere to the correct concept of harmonious relations between man andnature. So the curre

5、nt problem is that how can we establish a correct view between manand nature and achieve a better development of mankind instead of detours and wrongroads?资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除The answer I suppose is that We must learn to fear and respect nature and reject theerroneous perception of anthropocentrism.

6、 Since the emergence of humans, there havebeen traces of human activity on the earth. By using ourselves own powerful wisdom,mankind has achieved unprecedented productivity growth in the 20th century, whichcreated splendid industrial civilizations, and delivered light, warmth, convenience to everyco

7、rner of the world. However, with the rapid development of economy and society, such astrong practice of occupying and enslaving everything and attempting to dominate thenature has resulted in the massive exploitation of natural resources, which leads to thesevere destruction of the ecological enviro

8、nment. Humans have unilaterally emphasizedthe need to transform nature and conquer nature. For this reason, the natural world haspaid too much for it. The growth of population and the excessive use of natural resourcesall lead to an imbalance between man and nature. The development of science andeng

9、ineering technology also pose a great threat to nature. As a result, nature haslaunched frantic revenge on humanity.Economic development is certainly necessary, butenvironmental protection should not lag behind economic development. Both should andcan be synchronized. In contemporary China, if we ch

10、oose the development path o“fcontrol after pollution first”, the price to be paid in the future will not only be the costof“post-control”, but some precious natural resources and beautiful natural landscapesmay never be able to restored. Therefore, sustainable development is what we shouldinsist on,

11、 and it is the correct relationship between man and nature.In short, human beings use their own practical activities to influence and transformthe natural world, in which the natural world continues its own existence and developmentin new forms. At the same time, nature also affects human survival through environmentalchanges. Therefore human beings cannot violate the laws of nature and transcend theendurance of nature to transform nature, conquer nature, and destroy nature. By adheringto the laws of nature and insisting on the correct methodology to unders


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