



1、感恩口语:tha nk, appreciate和grateful的不同用法thank(adj.) tha nkful (un tha nkful); (n.) tha nkfuln essthank 作为及物动词,常用搭配是thank sb (for sth / for doing sth),如:She said goodbye and tha nked us for coming.thank 表示感谢”习惯上只接 人”作宾语,而不能接事”作宾语:正: Thank you for your help.误:Thank your help.另外的用法:1. have sb to thank for

2、 (doi ng) sth归功于,如:I have my pare nts to tha nk for my success.2. tha nk your lucky stars感谢你的幸运之星,口语中用于表达幸运,尤其是躲过了不愉快或危险的事。如:Just tha nk your lucky stars you were nt in the house at the time.appreciate(adj.) appreciative(in appreciative); (n.) appreciati onappreciate 作为 感激解释时是及物动词,常用搭配:appreciate do

3、ing sth,后跟动名词或代词 it 代指的事情。习惯上只能接事”作宾语(object),而不能接 人”作宾语:正: rd appreciate some help.误:rd appreciate you for some help.appreciate 也指 欣赏”有 对某事物有一定的兴趣及认识的含义,如:In time youll appreciate the beauty andsubtlety of this Ian guage.此外,在商业书信来往中, appreciate 一字出现率颇高,但其意和上面提及的欣赏”音乐有所不同;如:We greatly appreciate you

4、r getting the goods to us at such short notice.在这句里,“We greatly appreciate. ”和 “Thank you for.含意相同。appreciate的第三个意思是(对一种情况或问题的)理解 ”,女口I fully appreciate your concern. We will do all in our power to help.appreciate的另一用法是指某东西增值”,是不及物动词,如:Their in vestme nts have appreciated over the years.大家有没有留意到appr

5、eciate解作升值时是不需接宾语(object)的?grateful(反)un grateful; (n.) gratitude (in gratitude)grateful 没有相应的动词,它的常用搭配是be grateful to sb for sth,或者后面跟不定式或 that 从句,如:I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.She seems to thi nk I should be grateful to have a job at all.He was grateful that she did

6、nt tell his pare nts about the in cide nt.另外,grateful 也可用于表达请求,这种用法在书信或者其他正式场合用得比较多,如:I would be grateful if you could send the completed form back as soon as possible.除了上述的用法区别之外,thank, appreciate 和 grateful 在表达情感上也有略微的区别:Whe n you are grateful to some one, you can sometimes feel a little beholde n

7、 to them. It creates a feeling of owingness.也就是说 grateful 带有一点 义务的性质。而另一方面, Whe n we appreciate some one or someth ing there is a feeli ng ofending. There is a feeling offinality . We do not feel the need to pay this personback.当我们用 appreciate有点意味着这件事的结束,不需要再做什么回报。另外,oblige (vt.)一词也有 使感激的意思,如:rm much obliged to you.我非常感谢你。不过 oblige 更常见的含义是 迫使”女口:Pare nts are obliged by law to send their childre n to school.初夏早上六点,清亮透明的月儿还躲藏在云朵里,不忍离去,校园内行人稀少,我骑着单车,晃晃悠悠的耷拉着星松的睡眼。校园内景色如常,照样是绿意盈盈,枝繁叶茂,鸟儿歌唱。经过铁钩把莲蓬勾上岸,取下里头成熟的莲子。西区公园,看那碧绿的草地,飞翔中的亭子,便想起十七那年,在这里寻找春天的日子。本想就此停


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