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1、21春电科大学英语1(专科)课程在线作业2答案注意:图片可根据实际需要调整大小It is reported that the fish can _the difference between colors.A.tellB.makeC.sayD.talkI found a place, _ myself, and reached for the menu.A.satB.seatedC.sitsD.seatsThe faster we get this assignment done, _ we can go out and play.A.soonB.soonerC.that soonD.the

2、soonerWe live in the country, and go hunting and camping quite _ times.A.a great dealB.a number ofC.a lotD.a lotsWe pided them _ groups according to race, religion and social background.A.toB.inC.forD.intoAnd he does not sit down _ the other person does.A.untilB.ifC.whatD.whenRemember the chances to

3、 read or think _ come now and again during the day.A.thatB.whenC.whoD.whereThe USA _ a great advanced country without the labor of the newcomers.A.could becomeB.can becomeC.couldnt have becomeD.couldnt becomeThe car _ when the driver was making a sharp turn.A.turned downB.turned upC.turned offD.turn

4、ed over Shall we have another cup of tea? _A.Do you like tea?B.Why not?C.Good tea.D.Im thirsty.The tall buildings _of streets in New York make one feel as though he were walking through a deep valley.A.at both sidesB.on either sidesC.at both sideD.on either sideIt was very funny. The words stood _ ,

5、 and didnt move as they _ on a TV.A.stilldoB.quietlydidC.stilldidD.quietlydoThey put me in mind of _ good things I might have bought with the rest of the money.A.thatB.whichC.whatD.whicheverSuch a company collects _ information about such man or woman.A.a great number ofB.a great manyC.a great dealD

6、.a great deal of Sorry, I cant find the books you asked for. _A.Dont mention it.B.Its your fault.C.Thanks anyway.D.I wont forgive you._their degrees, they refuse to do what they think is “low” work.A.As a result ofB.As a resultC.As a matterD.As a matter of factNancy isnt here. Its my fault. I forgot

7、 all about _ her.A.to telephoneB.to telephone toC.telephoningShe had carried home her babies who were _ sleepy to walk.A.tooB.toC.soD.suchHe had grown up _ the poor in Londons East End and experienced great poverty.A.inB.betweenC.amongD.overI found a railway official and asked him if I could get a p

8、lace _in a sleeping-car.A.whereB.whenC.somewhereD.somewhatI should have gone to the opera yesterday. It was very good. I wish I _ yesterday off.A.have hadB.hadC.haveD.had had I prefer the red dress. _A.You have a very good taste!B.I respect your work!C.You have a very successful business!D.You wife

9、is very charming!He put his hands in the worn-out jeans and took out _ pennies.A.a handful ofB.the hand ofC.a hand ofD.the handful ofThe Dutch paid the local Indians some cloth, diamond-like stones_ about 24 dollars.A.worthB.worthyC.being worthD.being worthyHe kept the bag closed _ his sister couldn

10、t see the modest gift he had bought for her.A.thatB.as soC.so thatD.so asThe beggar kept wandering why the rich men with so much money were never_.A.satisfiedB.satisfyingC.satisfyD.satisfactionMy sisters and brothers asked me _ I had paid for the whistle.A.how muchB.how manyC.how wasD.howeverShe did

11、nt like her picture book _ , so she threw it away.A.not moreB.no longerC.any longerD.no moreMy first job _for four years, my second for ten, my third for seven.A.tookB.lastedC.takeD.spentIt is an exciting experience just _ down a New York street.A.walkingB.being goingC.to walkD.to be goingI was asha

12、med of the place we _ , so I managed four years without having a friend visit my house.A.lived inB.where livedC.livedD.which livedOn the quiet waters _ a dark outline of the Statue of Liberty under the pale moonlight.A.are castB.is castC.were castD.being castIn short, the sufferings of mankind are l

13、argely _ their putting a false value on things.A.due toB.becauseC.butD.atAre you going to fix the car yourself, or are you going to have it _?A.fixB.fixedC.fixingD.to fixHelen was seriously injured in a car _.A.incidentB.matterC.eventD.accident Can you go to the concert with us this evening? _A.No,

14、I already have plans.B.NO, I really dont like being with youC.Id love to, but I am busy tonight.D.Im ill, so I shouldnt go out. Thank you ever so much for your lovely gift. _A.Never mind.B.Im glad you like it.C.Please dont say so.D.No, Its not so good. Sorry for having kept you waiting for so long.

15、My car broke down. _A.Thats all right.B.I dont care.C.I cant bear it any more.D.Its my pleasure.The more often a fish is nearly caught, _ it will be to interest it next time.A.less difficultB.the more difficultC.the difficultD.more difficultThe ring has been passed _ in my family from mother to daug

16、hter.A.onB.offC.outD.OverThat story you have just told _ me of the experience I once had.A.recallsB.remindsC.remembersD.reviewsI am trying to _ smoking.A.giving upB.give inC.giving outD.give upIf no one cleaned our streets and _the rubbish away from our houses, we should get diseases in our towns.A.

17、carryB.broughtC.moveD.tookThere is no way to escape _ the work.A.to doB.doingC.to have doneD.having doneWhen people are waiting for a bus, or in a post office, he _ his turn.A.madeB.tookC.takesD.makesSo the young people are encouraged to _ such companies _ a perfect match.A.payforB.paidforC.paytoD.p

18、aidtoActually, the busier he is, _ he feels.A.happierB.the happyC.the happierD.happier moreHe is unable to go to work _ the fall from his bike.A.as a resultB.as a matterC.as a result ofD.as a matter ofHis father died _ drink.A.inB.ofC.asD.forNo matter _ he says, I do not believe him.A.whetherB.ifC.whatD.when【参考答案已附】参考答案:A参考答案:B参考答


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