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1、课题Module 10 My future lifeUnit 1 Im going to miss classmates 教 学 目 标德育目标: Help the students learn how to talk about the future plan知识目标:a. Key vocabulary 重点词汇beat ceiling fetch pardon raiseb. Key sentences 重点句子You look great!Yes, its very enjoyable, but I feel a bit sad.Its got a great beat.Do you i

2、ntend to stay in China for long?Lets fetch something to eat.And well always stay friends.Lets raise our glasses.Heres to our friendship, everyone and the future.能力目标: Enable students to listen to and read the conversation about the school leavers.Enable students to talk about the plans for the futur

3、e.重点How to talk about school leavers party and the plans for the future. 难点How to talk about school leavers party and the plans for the future. 课型Listening and speaking教法PWP approachStepWarming up and lead-inIn this procedure, try to make students know how to describe a school leavers party.Here I w

4、ant you to look at two pictures. Please tell me what they are doing. They are having a School Leavers Party. They are very happy.I think at the school leavers party, maybe some of you will sing and dance. Now look at the picture on Page 80 and answer the questions.(The students are talking about the

5、 picture.)OK! Can you answer the questions now?Step Listening and readingListening1. First read the words in the box in Activity 2 after the teacher in order to read them fluently and have a clear understanding of them. 2. Read through the questions in Activity 2 in order to know what the material i

6、s about. 3. Play the tape for the students to listen. While they are listening, they should write some notes relevant to the questions.4. After the first time, play the tape again for the students to check.5. Check the answers with the whole class. Go on our listening practice. Lets listen to a conv

7、ersation about a school leavers party. While listening, please make notes and complete the table in Activity 4. The students listen for the first time to fill in the blanks and the second time to check the answers. ReadingRead it and lets do Activity 5 together.Please decide if you know the answers

8、to the questions and if you know, answer them.Step Vocabulary In this procedure, get the students to know well about the incline words in Activity 6.Try to remember and make sentences with them after class.Step Pronunciation and speakingPronunciation1. Listen to the tape for the first time to pay at

9、tention to the sense group.2. Listen again and read the passage in Activity 7 after the tape.3. Read by the students themselves without listening to the tape.4. The students themselves practice saying the passage aloud in Activity 8 and make sure they pause at the end of each sense group.5. Listen t

10、o the tape about the passage in Activity 8 and check. SpeakingTalk about your answers to the questions:n What are your plans and hopes for the future?n Are you going to have a school leavers party?n What will you do on vacation?n Will you miss your friends and classmates?Step Homework 1. Ask student

11、s to learn the vocabulary by heart. 2. Ask students to make a dialogue about a school leavers party. 课题Unit 2 I wish you success for the future教 学 目 标德育目标: Help the students learn how to talk about the future plan知识目标: a. Key vocabulary重点生词和短语 forgive (forgave; forgiven) treasure stay in touch owe p

12、ay back kindness patience gift fair model role modelb. Key sentences重点句子Wish you success for the future.I had learnt the importance of relationships with people, on all sorts of levels.The three things are friendship, love and knowledge.A life without old friends is like a day without sunshine能力目标:

13、Enable the students to learn the ways of making a speech. Enable students to write a speech at a school leavers party. 重点Learn to talk about how to give a speech at a school leavers party. 难点Learn to talk about how to give a speech at a school leavers party. 课型Reading and writing教法PWP approach教学过程 S

14、tep Revision and lead-inReview what we learned in last period and introduce what will be learnt in this period. Lets play a game. You are divided into four groups. Come to the blackboard to write down some words, phrases or sentences which are about a school leavers party. You must do it one by one

15、within three minutes. Then lets see which group write more and correctly. I will give them red flags. Are you ready? Start!The students of each group come to the blackboard to write some words, phrases and sentences quickly and carefully. They are very happy to play this game. Then time is up.Look a

16、t these pictures. Can you say something about them? Answer the questions in Activity 1. Step Listening and readingIn this procedure, ask students to listen to the passage and then read it. ListeningListen to the tape and pay attention to the intonation of the sentences in the passage. Play the recor

17、ding and ask students to listen to it carefully. Reading Read the passage loudly, paying attention to the intonation. Answer the questions in Activity 2. These questions may be a little difficult to answer. You can have a discussion. Read the passage a second time, find the sentences which show 1. t

18、he three things they have learnt. 2. the three groups of people they have learnt from 3. What they have learnt from each group of peopleThe sample answers to Activity 4:1. a 2. excited, polite, thankful, moving, warm 3. a, b, dStep Writing After learning the speech, you should learn to write a speec

19、h. Imagine you are going to give a speech at your school leavers party. What will you say? You can write it like this: Start your speech by saying what your speech is going to be about. Ladies and gentlemen, Id like to thank you for. Say how you feel. I feel a bit nervous as Ive never given a speech

20、 before. Decide who you want to say thank you to. There are many people who Id like to thank. The first is/are. Decide what you want to thank them for. They have always shown me great kindness. Think of examples of why you want to thank them. One day, she/he helped do my homework Think of saying whi

21、ch you can use for a school leavers party. They say that your school days are the best days of your life. Finish your speech by giving best wishes for the future. Thank you and good luck in the future.The sample speech: Ladies and gentlemen, Id like to thank you for your coming to listen to my speec

22、h. I feel a bit nervous as Ive never given a speech before, so please forgive me if it shows. As we all know, this is the school leavers party, and its time to say goodbye to everyone. At this moment, there are many people who Id like to thank. The first is my head teacher. I can never pay her back

23、for her kindness, her patience, and gift of knowledge which she has offered me. Sometimes she has been strict with me. I remembered once I made some mistakes in my math homework because of my carelessness, she was angry and let me redo all the exercises. But she has always been fair and she will alw

24、ays be our role models. The second Id like to thank are my friends, and what Ive learnt is the importance of friendship. Weve worked hard together, weve even shared some difficult times together, but weve also had a lot of fun. When I meet some difficulties in study, they often help me. Well stay in

25、 touch. The school days are the best days of my life. From the bottom of my heart, I thank you all and wish you success for the future.Step IV Homework1. Ask students to learn the sentences and phrases in Activity 1 by heart. 2. Ask students to write a short speech. 3. Preview Unit 3 Language in use

26、课题Unit 3 Language practice教 学 目 标德育目标:Help the students learn how to talk about the future plan知识目标: a. Key vocabulary 重点词汇 value, decision, graduateb. Key sentences重点句子Im going to buy a new black handbag. I want to buy a book to put the photographs inThe activity of learning is your education.Being

27、 friends with someone is called a friendship.The act of being kind is called kindness.能力目标:Enable students to use derivative and compound words. 重点The usage of derivative and compound words.难点The usage of derivative and compound words.课型Revision and application教法Formal and interactive practicesTeach

28、ing procedures and ways教学过程与方式Step Warming up and lead inEncourage students to think what derivative and compound words are. Give us some examples.StepGrammar (合成构词法) and Derivation(派生构词法). 英语的构词法主要有两种,一种是合成,另一种是派生。合成指由两个或多个单词合成一个新词,而派生是通过加前缀或后缀构成新词。 1合成构词法 合成构词法是一种比较灵活的方法,可以合成名词、形容词、副词、代词、动词等。常用单词a

29、fternoon, birthday, blackboard, bathroom, newspaper, airplane, classmate, grandfather就是通过合成法构成的名词;kind-hearted, middle-aged, hard-working 等为合成形容词;however, maybe, himself, everyone, nothing等也都是通过合成法构成的新词。Can you give some examples about compounds?S1: roommate, policeman, grandparents, which are all n

30、ouns by Compounding.S2: well-educated, warm-hearted, which are adjectives by Compounding.T: Good! Next is about Derivation(派生构词法). 2派生构词法派生构词法是扩充词汇的主要方法。对于派生词来说,一要掌握常见的前缀和后缀,二要掌握常见的派生方法。 1)常用前缀 前缀意思例词en-使可能enable 使能够,each 使富裕il-, in-,不,非inexpensive 不贵的,irregular 不规则的im-,不Impossible 不可能的,impatient 不耐

31、心的mis-,错误的misunderstanding 误解,mistake 错误 non-,不,非non-smoker 不吸烟者, non-swimmer 不会游泳者un-,不unable 无能的,unpopular 不流行的,unhappy 不高兴的 re-,再,重复rewrite 重写,retell复述,reunion 重聚 tele-,远程television 电视, telephone 电话 2)常用后缀词类名词后缀例词-er, -orteacher, worker, conductor, inventor, visitor-ianmusician-istscientist, arti

32、st-mentgovernment, judgment-nessillness, happiness, coldness-tionpreparation, competition, education, information, invitation-ingbuilding, painting, shopping, sightseeing, meaning, greeting-thtruth, warmth-tysafety 3) 派生方法 由一个词根可以派生出很多名词、形容词、副词等,掌握一定的派生方法对扩充词汇有很大作用。如: 由名词interest 可以派生出: interest-int

33、eresting-interested-interestedly-uninteresting-uninterested 由help可以派生出: help-helpful-helpless-helpfully-helplessly 由able可以派生出: able-unable-enable-disable-abilityStep Practice First ask students to read the dialogue and then complete it with the words in the boxes.Activity 2, you need to fill in the

34、blanks with the correct form of the words. That is to say you are formed by derivation(派生构词法).Give the students two minutes to fill in the blanks and then check the answers.The answers to Activity 21. enjoyable 2.suggestion 3. education 4.friendship 5. kindness 6. teacherThink of more words with the

35、 same endings as the words you have written. Compare with a partner.Step Listening and speakingIn this procedure, get the students to do Activities 3, 4 and 5 to review what we have learned in this module.Listening1. First ask the students to listen to the tape and complete the notes about Adams tri

36、p in Activity 5.2. Let the students act as Adam to talk about the trip. Using the notes to help them.3. Ask two or three students to talk about theirs and ask the others to listen to them carefully then ask them to repeat or answer some questions.SpeakingT: Now look at the picture on the top in Acti

37、vity 3. Whats on the picture?Have a free talk about these questions with your partners Step V. ReadingIn this procedure, get the students to read the passage and do Activity 7 and Activity 8.Please skim the passage in Activity 6 and match the photos and the paragraphs.Give the students two minutes t

38、o skim the passage and then check the answers.Paragraphs a: Travel Paragraphs b: Working for no moneyParagraphs c: Work experienceTo do Activity 8, you should read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to the questions.The answers are: 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. d 5. cRead another passage “Junior

39、high school dances in “Around the world.” Now begin to read it and then complete the table on the screen.Give the students a few minutes to read, and then check the answers together. organizera student committeePlacethe gym(very nice)balloonsspecial lightsother thingsfoodThe food from the restaurant or the food made by the parentsclothesgirls: Pretty dressesboys: smart clothes activitieseat, dance and have competitionsStep VI Module tas


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