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1、Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Sheet Metal FormingDie face designSpringback & CompensationHotformingDr. Martin SkrikerudSheet metal forming & die face designProduct marketing manager1Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved

2、.How-to improve & speed up die face designHow-to improve springback calculation and compensationHow-to simulate the hotforming processTopics2Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.3Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.4If cars would be build based on mesh,they would look like t

3、hisCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.5Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.6Not really what people are looking for?More like this maybe?Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.7Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.8GET IT RIGHT!With CAD based die face design!C

4、opyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.HOW-TO IMPROVE & SPEED UP DIE FACE DESIGN9Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Traditionally: trial and errorTime consumingCostlyHigh risk of delays for productionDie Face DesignCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.CAE for Die Fac

5、e DesignVirtual Manufacturing:Has become a standard toolMany of the existing CAE/CAD/CAM systems are purpose builtstrong functionlityeasy-to-use.These systems, however, seem to have reached their limitations the main reason being their traditional strengthCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserv

6、ed.Die DesignEvaluation& ValidationPartCADToolCADINPUTOUTPUTOverview of the job to be doneCAD Input and CAD output why leave the CAD environment?The next step will be to integrate die design software directly into the PLM environment all modelling done directly in CAD environmentCopyright ESI Gr

7、oup, 2011. All rights reserved.13Speed of Die Face designNo need for rebuilding the model between feasibility phase and validation phaseOnce a feasible design is found, the die is ready for millingANDQuality of surfacesQuality of the Native CAD surfacingGet better feasibility results due to more det

8、ailsMajor BenefitsCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Traditional workflowMesh-based and Cad-based design:2x the same workCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.New proposed work flowfor die designThe conventional workflow is shown at the top and the new proposed workflow based on

9、 PAM-DIEMAKER for CATIA V5 is represented below clearly showing the potential time saving Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Customer Sample from first test usage at MercedesRoof railMaterial: HC340 LAThickness 0.8 mmSymmetricsymm. In ZX-pla

10、neone not symmetric hole16As shown in the German User Forum 2011!Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Full Die Face Design was done with Pam-Diemaker for Catia V517Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All r

11、ights reserved.Following operationsFinal forming simulationSpringback compensationTransfer the compensated mesh back into the CATPartCompensate the die face design with DIGITIZED MORPHINGOffsetCreation of the solidtoolsMilling of the tools18Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Copyright ES

12、I Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Result19The milling result is very good and for a prototyping tool more than sufficient. The programming in TEBIS caused no problems whatsoever.“ The Offset-Surfaces could be processed directly in TEBIS without any problems.“ Uwe Fischer Mercedes-Benz Cars R&DC

13、opyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Result20The program integrates well into existing structures and operational sequences because of its flexibilityCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.HOW-TO IMPROVE SPRINGBACK CALCULATION AND COMPE

14、NSATION21Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Springback calculation and compensationPurpose / Goal:To find a tool geometry that allows the forming of the part as close as possible to the intended geometryTo reach this, the tool geometry has t

15、o be modified / compensatedA numerical compensation before tool manufacture will shorten lead times and save costAssumptionsThe result of the forming and springback simulation should be optimized before compensation startsNo wrinkles / cracks should occur in the forming stageThe springback should be

16、 stableThe springback amount should not be too extreme22Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Principles of the compensation of springbackGeometry of the tool (CAD)Forming simulationSpringbackNoCompensationCompensated tools(CAD)YesSuperposition of the compensation on the surfacesPAM-STAMP 2

17、GMesherChange of thetool geometryIteration NTolerancefulfilled?panelshopMesh e.g. NastranIGESe.g. IGESe.g. IGES23Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.CompensatedToolCompensatedToolCompensation(Iteration 1)Principles of the compensation of springbackCompensation(Iteration X)Trimmed blankBla

18、nk after sprinback= Reference geometryFormed blankOriginalToolFirstsimulation(Iteration 0)Reference geometry * Compensation factorDeformation fieldCompensation =24Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Sample, springback compensationSigned distance to the reference modelScale +0,5 to -0,5mm

19、(according to defined goal)Iteration 0Iteration 1Iteration 2Iteration 325Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Sample, springback compensationSigned distance to the reference modelScale +0,5 to -0,5mm (according to defined goal)Iteration 0Iteration 1Iteration 226Copyright ESI Group, 2011. A

20、ll rights reserved.Sample, springback compensationBMW AGSigned distance to the reference modelScale +0,5 to -0,5mm (defined goal +/- 1mm)Iteration 0Iteration 1Iteration 2Iteration 3Courtesy of BMW AGCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Sample, springback compensationBMW AGIteration3012100%

21、91%Percentage of the blank within the given tolerance of +/- 1mm9%40%Courtesy of BMW AGCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Sample, springback compensationBMW AG30120,5mm3,6mmIterationsAverage distance to intended geometry1,4mm0,2mmCourtesy of BMW AGCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights re

22、served.Sample, springback compensationAdam Opel GmbHSigned distance to the reference modelScale +0,5 to -0,5mm (defined goal +/- 1mm)Iteration 0, Percentage within tolerance: 2,4%Iteration 3, Percentage within tolerance : 99,7%Courtesy of: Adam Opel GmbHCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved

23、.Sample, springback compensationAdam Opel GmbH301299,7%93,8%81,6%2,4%IterationsPercentage of the blank within the given tolerance of +/- 0.5 mmCourtesy of: Adam Opel GmbHCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Sample, springback compensationAdam Opel GmbH30120,2mm0,1mm0,3mm2mmIterationsCourte

24、sy of: Adam Opel GmbHAverage distance to intended geometryCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.33Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.34Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.35Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.What happens inside the Press?Simulation allows

25、a view inside the press!Courtesy of AP&TCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.HOW-TO SIMULATE THE HOTFORMING PROCESS37Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Complexity overview of thehotforming processMetallurgyStructural MechanicsHeat TransferFluid DynamicPhase dependentmateria

26、l propertiesStrain InducedtransformationTemperatureinduced phase transformationThermalexpansionThermal BC resulting fromstructural deformationHeat fluxesTemperature dependentfluid propertiesPhase dependentthermal propertiesThe stamping engineer is confronted with several new areas where he has to ha

27、ve a high level of knowledge to get the process right. Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.About ESI39Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Virtual prototyping for hotformingOverview40Die FaceDesignFormingevaluationQuenchingevaluationCoolingevaluationBlank sizeoptimizationVirtual

28、 Performance(crash simulation)Copyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Forming evaluationPurpose:Find feasible design for the formingAvoid cracksAvoid wrinklesThis includes normally gravity, holding and formingSpringback is possible to simulate, requires quenching simulationAssumption:Sufficie

29、nt cooling is availablePhase transformation not necessarily included41FormingevaluationCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Quenching evaluationPurpose:Ensure the right phase transformationSpringback is possible to simulate, requires quenching simulationAssumption:Sufficient cooling is ava

30、ilableNormally gravity, holding and forming are simulated before42QuenchingevaluationCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Cooling evaluationPurpose:Ensure sufficient coolingAvoid “hot spots”Ensure sufficient cooling fluid flowAssumption:For not-CFD: enough cooling in the cooling channelsTe

31、mperature field from hot blank on tool surface43CoolingevaluationCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Forming evaluation:Advanced formability simulationStages: holding, stamping, quenchingCourtesy of: AP&TTemperature distribution on tool surfaceCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights res

32、erved.Forming evaluation:Advanced formability simulationStages: holding, stamping, quenchingCourtesy of: AP&TTemperature distribution on blank surfaceCopyright ESI Group, 2011. All rights reserved.Numisheet B-Pillar, holding, stamping, quenchingProportion of austenitic phaseForming evaluation:Advanced formability si


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