



1、论巴赫在巴洛克时期的历史地位    约塞巴赫是巴洛克时期西方音乐的颠峰人物,也是一位在人类音乐史上具有划时代意义的伟大音乐家。他不仅开创了巴洛克音乐艺术风格,而且他的音乐对后期的音乐风格乃至现代音乐风格都有深刻的影响。要深入了解巴洛克音乐,解开巴洛克时代的神秘面纱就必须先潜心研究巴赫这个伟大的中心人物。了解巴赫与巴洛克时代的背景关系,以及巴赫在这一时代所做的巨大贡献,要了解西方音乐史就要从巴洛克时代从巴赫开始着手。  巴赫从小受到家族影响有着浓厚的宗教情结,他创作出来的作品多数是赞颂神灵的宗教音乐。巴赫一生创作了各种形式的音乐作品500余部,在

2、他的音乐创作中,虽然宗教性还起着重要的作用,但他以德意志民族音乐为基础,处理手法常与现实生活相结合,使之更具有现实意义。  巴赫把复调音乐推向了后世无人能够超越的、完美的顶峰,巴赫从风格上继承和发扬了复调音乐的传统,积极发展了主调音乐与和声功能,并创造了综合声乐器乐的新音乐风格。他是十二平均律的应用者和推广者,是其以前音乐成就的集成者和其以后音乐发展的启迪者,并留下了令世人为之震撼的十二平均律钢琴曲集、赋格的艺术、音乐的奉献等。他不仅在器乐领域有卓越贡献,还创作了两百多首优秀的声乐作品。马太受难曲就是经典代表作之一,它是饱含对人类的热爱的史诗性作品,代表着巴赫宗教音乐的最高成就。 巴

3、赫为音乐发展史做出了卓越的贡献,他开创了音乐史上的一个新纪元。巴赫晚年双目失明,1750年7月28日于莱比锡病逝。 关键词:巴洛克,宗教情结,复调,十二平均律  ABSTRACT   Cypriot about Bach Baroque period is the peak figure of Western music, but also one in the history of human music is of epoch-making significance of the great musicians, was born in German

4、y in 1685 the musical family, he not only created a style of Baroque Music, And the music of his late style of music and modern music styles have a profound impact. The history of the Baroque era music is from 1600 to 1750 between the scope of this 150 years. During this period, the music, called on

5、 the habits of Baroque music, Bach and the Baroque era is the most important music composer, so in-depth understanding of the Baroque to solve the mystery of the Baroque era must be concentrated on the study of Bach The central figure of this great, Bach and the Baroque era to understand the backgro

6、und, as well as in this era of Bach's great contribution to understanding the history of Western music from the Baroque era will be started from Bach.     Bach family from a young age by the impact of a strong religious feeling, so he works created by the majority of tribute to th

7、e gods of religious music, Bach's creative life in various forms of the Department of more than 500 musical works, in his music, although also from the religious An important role, but his German folk music-based, approach and real life often combine to make it more practical significance.  

8、;   Bach to polyphony to a later no one can go beyond, the pinnacle of perfection, from Bach's style to inherit and carry forward the tradition of polyphony, and actively develop the tone music and sound features, and to create a comprehensive vocal music The new musical styles. He is

9、the equal temperament of the application and promotion, music is its previous achievements of the integration and the development of music after its inspiration, and left it shocked the world of "equal temperament Pieces," " Fugue in the arts "and" Music of dedication "

10、, he not only in the areas of outstanding contribution to music, but also the first creation of more than 200 outstanding vocal works,"Matthew Passion "is one of the classical masterpiece, it is full of the human The love of the epic works of Bach's religious music represents the highe

11、st achievements.     Bach for the development history of music made an outstanding contribution to music he created a history of a new era. Bach's old age blind, July 28, 1750 in Leipzig, died of illness. Key words: Bach, Baroque, religious sentiment, Polyphony, equal temperament,

12、 "Matthew Passion"  目   录   中文摘要. ABSTRACT. 一、绪论. 1 二、巴赫的艺术成就. 2 (一)巴洛克时代背景. 2 (二)巴赫简介及时代背景对音乐创作的影响. 3 (三)巴赫器乐创作的艺术成就复调创作. 3 (四)巴赫的声乐领域的创作马太福音受难曲. 4 (五)巴赫音乐中的深厚的宗教情结. 6 三、结论. 7 参考文献. 7  一  绪  论  着手写此论文前,笔者做了以下准备工作。通过大量查阅课题资料深入了解巴赫时期的音乐特色,综合归纳出巴赫在这一时期

13、的音乐创作特点及音乐创新;大量视听巴赫的优秀代表作品,细细品味巴赫在复调音乐中所体现的音乐情怀及从始至终都贯穿的浓厚的宗教情结。   重点研究内容:巴赫是巴洛克时代的音乐巅峰人物,要了解巴赫首先要知道巴洛克时代的背景以及音乐特点,这一时期的时代背景对巴赫本人的音乐创作有深远的影响;其次巴赫的音乐作品分器乐和声乐两大板块,在器乐方面巴赫把复调推向了后世无人能够超越的、完美的顶峰,运用和推广了十二平均律;在声乐方面也创作出很多非常优秀的作品,尤其是大型声乐套曲马太福音受难曲;最后要分析存在巴赫音乐中的深厚的宗教情结,结合以上几个方面来诠释巴赫在巴洛克音乐时期的重要历史地位。 通过大量聆听巴赫的音乐作品


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