



1、教学设计(教案)模板基本信息学 科英语年 级5教学形式故事教学教 师蔡淑雯单 位广州市荔湾区乐贤坊小学课题名称Unit 15 Story Time学情分析分析要点:1.教师主观分析、师生访谈、学生作业或试题分析反馈、问卷调查等;2.学生认知发展分析:主要分析学生现在的认知基础(包括知识基础和能力基础),要形成本节内容应该要走的认知发展线;3.学生认知障碍点:学生形成本节课知识时最主要的障碍点。一、 教师主观分析:教学内容:本课是广州市小学英语五年级SUCCESS WITH ENGLISH 第十五课的故事学习部分,也是本单元的第六个课时。教学内容分析This lesson is the thir

2、d unit of Module 5 in the book. In the previous two units, the pupils had learnt the main language structures and vocabulary in the Dialogue and work with language.二、 学习者认知分析Children like story very much, so in this lesson I will use the teaching technique of the story-telling to help children to us

3、e of the language in an enjoyable way. And also use visuals, simple drawings, gestures, facial expressions, body language and movement to help children understand the story while telling the story.三、学生认知障碍点本课中如何吸引孩子学习,通过教学从而使孩子能够表演课文是本课的认知障碍点,在教学中华应该通过各种教学手段引导学生听、学、讲故事,给学生创设一个故事学习的最佳环境,让学生有身临其境的感觉,把

4、听故事、读故事和表演故事融入到英语教学中去,使学生学习故事的过程即轻松又有趣,既提高学生口语的流利程度,又能让他们学习词汇知识,促进语言交际能力的培养,使学生有效地培养外语的实用能力,在不知不觉中掌握了知识点和要领,从而完成教学任务教学目标分析要点:1.知识目标;2.能力目标;3.情感态度与价值观。教学目标分析1、to provide opportunities for the pupils to enjoy a simple story. 2、to develop childrens listening, speaking, reading and acting skills.3、to gi

5、ve the pupils the opportunity to interpret the story in their own way.4、to have fun教学过程教学步骤活动序列资源及环境设计意图教师活动学生活动第一环节:Preparation1Ask the pupils to sing, chant and dance2Ask them to play a guessing game3Free talk4Read the title and tell the aim5Introduce the background of the story1To chant and dance

6、2To play the games 3Review some words and sentences in this module4Read the title and know the aim5Guess and know the background of the story教学课件1To cheer the kids up2To do some warming up exercises3Review the knowledge they had learnt4Let the children know what they will learn5To attract the attent

7、ion of pupils and prepare for the story telling第二环节:Presentation1First telling of the story by simple drawing2Second telling1Listen and watch, try to understand the story2Enjoy the story again and put the pictures of the story in order教学课件讲故事所需用品:动物面具、玩具等1To tell the story2To know whether the kids u

8、nderstand the story or not第三环节:Consolidation1Tell the story again, ask the kids to join in the story telling 2Ask the kids to stick the sentences under the right pictures in groups3Check and read the story together4Choose the best title for the story5Make a story book6Role play 1Join in the story te

9、lling2stick the sentences under the right pictures in groups3Read the story 4Choose and stick the best title in groups5Make a story book in groups6Act out the dialogue in groups每小组一份制作“BIG BOOK”所需材料, To cultivate their ability of speaking and acting第四环节:Development1Watch another story “Dogs That Wor

10、k” 2Do exercise about this story3Sum up1Watch and listen the story 2Understand the story and do exercises3Know what they had learnt this lesson教学课件练习纸To offer more chance for the kids to learn a story板书设计 作业或预习1. Listen and try to act out the story in groups.2. Think about the end of the story, then draw in a A4 paper.自我评价本节课的教学内容是关于狮子和小老鼠的故事。在教学前本人就做了充足的准备,我充分利用了网络资源,从热身阶段到各个少儿网站中挑选适合该年级和该课程的歌曲和诗歌,然后视频学习如何精辟,生动的运用简笔画呈现故事内容,直到后来拓展部分的另一篇小故事的筛选都由网络辅助完成。而且在教学步骤的策划和实施中,学校科组的老师也通过学科博客提出了他们宝贵的意见。因此在本课的教学中,本人很好的完成了教学目标,教学步骤清晰,层层递进,各环节过渡自然,教师能够运用流利的课堂用语进行教学。在教学中通过各种教学手段吸引孩子喜欢故事,给学生创设一个故事学


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