



1、 Affricates:/t/ /d/ /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ / tz/一、教学目标: 1.知识与技能1) 能掌握以下破擦音的发音:/t/ /d/ /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ / tz/及其字母组合。2)能做到看到字母组合就能读出相应的破擦音,听音会写。2. 过程与方法听说读写练习相结合,穿插各种小游戏练习3情感态度价值观目标: 学会通过学习,自己发现规律并总结知识,让学生养成独立思考的习惯。在教学过程中学生积极参与,养成良好的学习习惯。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 学习掌握破擦音/t/ /d/ /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ / tz/。2) 看到字母组合就能读出相应的破擦音,

2、听音会写2. 教学难点:1) 学习掌握破擦音/t/ /d/ /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ / tz/。2) 看到字母组合就能读出相应的破擦音,听音会写3.教学用具多媒体 教学卡片三、教学过程. Greeting. New lessonToday well learn the pronunciations of /t/ /d/ /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ / dz/.Look at the screen.Lets know the six Affricates- /t/ /d/ /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ / dz/T:Look at the ppt.learn to pronounce /

3、tr/.read some times after the tape.Give some words they have learnt before.such as tree trip .Ask students to read them.ask students Can you find the pronunciation rules?Right .tr tr tr在一起,声音变成/tr/ /tr/ /tr/ /tr/ 发音方法:双唇收圆向前突出,舌尖抵上齿龈后部,气流冲破阻碍发出破擦音。声带不振动。Practice the exerciseLets chantOne more try ,o

4、ne more try.Dont give up .You ll reach the sky. . /dr/T: Look at the picture .Whats this?Ss:A dragon.T:Right.Its a dragon. Lets learn the pronunciation of /dr/.引出/dr/ 2. 给出单词,学生试读。引导学生找出发/dr/的字母组合dr,dr 在一起声音变成/dr/ /dr/ /dr/ 小游戏练习我为小组争光荣 游戏规则:本环节设有基础题,拔高题和风险题。其中基础题每题一分,拔高题每题两分,答对加分答错不扣分。风险题答对加3分,答错扣三

5、分。评出优胜奖/t/Look at the picture . Whats this?Ask students to tell the class one by one. Can you find the letter pronunciation rules?T:Good. tch,ch 在一起,声音变成/t/ /t/ /t/小游戏 眼力大比拼Look at the ppt.I will show a word one time .If you know the words ,stand up and pronounce the word.you will get one point.Are

6、you ready?lets begin.评出优胜奖. /d/ 1. 视频链接 Look at the flash,letlearn pronunciation of /d/3.单词训练Show some words on the screen.please read the words with your partner.Practice the words to the class.4.A small game (Pick the apples to put them in the basket. ) . /ts/ / dz/1.Look at the chant and read .Ca

7、n you pronounce cats and beds?The teacher correct the pronunciation of /ts/ / dz/.Read the chant once again. 2.Ask students practice the chant to the class. 3.Ask students to read the words quickly. 1. 小游戏,听音摸音标.综合训练 IX. Homework: 1.课后多加练习。2.写出你所认识的含有破擦音的单词。板书设计: 破擦音/t/ /d/ /tr/ /dr/ /ts/ / tz/tr tr tr在一起,声音变成/tr/


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