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1、李奎的教学设计(教案)基本信息学 科英语年 级八教学形式新授课教 师李奎单 位济源市实验中学课题名称Unit 6 Section A 1a-2c What are you doing?学情分析依据课程标准的要求,遵循“丰富课程资源,拓展英语学习渠道”的理念,利用英文歌曲导入课题,采用游戏,听说,结对练习,听力训练等方法,借助录音机,卡片等教学工具,并通过游戏创设一定的语言环境,让学生在轻松愉快的气氛中理解,学习并运用英语。教学目标(1).知识目标:识记单词和短语:read a newspaper, use, make soup, wash掌握动词-ing形式的构成规则;能够运用现在进行时的句型

2、谈论人们正在做什么:What are you doing? Im watching TV.What is he/she doing? He/She is listening to a CD.What are they doing? They are using the computer.(2).技能目标:能正确使用现在进行时态询问正在发生的事情并能进行回答; 能根据动词的变化规律写出正确的动词-ing形式。(3).情感目标:能在英语交流中注意并理解他人的情感。 (4).文化知识目标: 了解谈论人们正在做什么的话题中中英文表述的差异。教学重点和难点(1).重点:谈论人们正在做什么的话题。(2).

3、难点: 现在进行时的基本结构be+doing,以及动词-ing的构成规则。教学过程Step OneSing the English song Proud of You, writing the following lyrics on the blackboard:(通过学生歌唱十分熟悉的英文歌曲,导入现在进行时动词ing形式。)Sitting silent by my side. Going on holding hand.Walking through the nights. Teaching me to love with heart.Helping me open my mind. Wi

4、shing once upon a time.Step Two According to the sentences in the song, present the v+ing:1. going, walking, teaching, helping, wishing2. loving, having, liking, riding, driving, using3. sitting, running, swimming, shoppingGet the students to sum up the forms of v+ing:1. 一般在动词原形末尾加-ing;2. 以不发音字母e结尾的

5、动词,先去掉e,再加-ing;3. 以重读闭音节结尾的动词,且末尾只有一个辅音字母,应双写这一个字母,再加-ing。Step Three Present the Present Continuous Tense. (用课前准备好的写有动词短语的卡片,叫几名学生上前表演相关动作,为现在进行时句子的学习创造语言环境。) Get three students to act, and present the following sentences: I am watching TV. I am cleaning. I am reading a newspaper. I am talking on th

6、e phone. I am listening to a CD. I am using the computer. Have them read and sum up the sentence structure: be+动词ing Present the sentence: What are you doing? Get them to use the verb phrases to act with their partners, ask and answer like this: A: Hello! What are you doing? B: Oh! I am After that,

7、have some pairs show it.Step Four Go on getting several students to act, ask the class and present: What is he/she doing? He/She is. What are they doing? They are And then work in groups. (学生分组活动,由一名学生表演,其他小组成员两两结合操练对话。) Check some groups, get them to show in front of the class.Step Five(结合文本素材,围绕现在

8、进行时句型,开展听力训练。) Look at 1a on Page31, read the phrases first, and then ,match the activities with the pictures. Check their answers. 1b, get them to listen and find out what these people are doing, write the numbers from 1a. Play the tape, then check the answers. Using the pictures in 1a, have them a

9、sk and answer questions about people are doing in 1a,just like this: A: Whats he doing? B: Hes using the computer. A: What are they doing? B: Theyre listening to a CD. Next, 2a and 2b, first listen and match the answers with questions, and then, listen again, fill in the blanks in 2b. Check their an

10、swers, and role-play the conversation in 2b. Step Six Sum up what they learned in this lesson.(学生自己回顾并归纳总结本节所学内容。) Do the following exercises:1.I _(ride) a bike now.2.Keep quiet, the boy_(sleep)in the room.3.Mr. Wang _(exercise) every morning.4.Its seven oclock, they _(run)on the playground.5.Look!J

11、ack_(read)a newspaper on the sofa.(通过练习检测本节学生对知识的掌握情况。) Homework:(通过调查,学会运用现在进行时谈论人们正在做什么,并培养用英语进行人际交流的意识。) Make a survey in the group, ask six students what their parents, sisters or brothers doing now, and write down the conversation.板书设计Unit 6 Section A 1a-2cWhat are you doing? Im watching TV.Wha

12、t is he/she doing? He/She is listening to a CD.What are they doing? They are using the computer.作业或预习Homework:(通过调查,学会运用现在进行时谈论人们正在做什么,并培养用英语进行人际交流的意识。) Make a survey in the group, ask six students what their parents, sisters or brothers doing now, and write down the conversation.自我评价融入歌曲,歌词,游戏,操练,练习


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