



1、英语试题第1页,共 9 页新课标人教版初中英语八年级下册精品英语试题附答案本试卷满分 120 考试时间 120 分钟第 I 卷(选择题,共 55 分)一、 听力测试(共 2020 小题,计 2020 分)二、 单项选择(共 1515 小题,计 1515 分)选择最佳答案21.-How soon will you come back?-_ a few min utes.A. For B. InC. AfterD.Si nee22. -Look ! There s a purse on the ground. Whose is it?-There is a woman over there. Ma

2、ybe it s_.A.hisB. hersC.mineD. yours23. Have you heard of the story? It_in terest ing.A. looks B.tastes C.smells D.so unds24.-I called you up this morning, but n obody an swered.-I_the pla nts on my farm at that time.A. wateredB. was wateringC. am watering D. havewatered25. -Mum, I m so hungry.-OK.

3、Here is some_ .A. orangeB. applesC.breadD. vegetables26. - What a beautiful school!.-Yes. A lot of trees and flowers_ last year.A. are planted B. were planted C. are plantingD. were planting27.- They are both wonderful CDs. Can I borrow one?-Sure, you can choose_ of them.A eitherB.anyCeachD. none28.

4、-How do you lear n Chin ese?-I lear nwriti ng diaries.A.toBofC. byD. at29.The train to Qing dao had to bebecause of the heavy snow.英语试题第2页,共 9 页funnyD. funnier33. My friends want to go_ on vacati on.A. somewhereexcitingB. dangerous somewhereC. somewhere boringD. fascinatingsomewhere34. There_ a scho

5、ol party this eve ning.That sounds great!A. are going to be B. is going to beC. is going to haveD. willhave35. -Excuse me, could you tell me_ ?-Walk along the street and turn left. You ll f ind it on your left.A. how far the bus stop wasB. which was the way to the bus stopC. how can I get to the bus

6、 stop D. where the bus stop is三、完型填空(共 1515 小题:每小题 1 1 分,满分 1515 分)When you were young, who rode you around on the back of his bike? Who 36_ football and flew kites with you in the park? Who helped you with your37_ difficult math problem? Whetaught you the differeneebetween 38_?Your dad. Now it is y

7、our tur n to do someth ing for him. This Sun day, June15, it is 39_ Day. So why not do somethi ng 40_to tha nk your dad forall his en courageme nt and support?The idea of Father s Day camefrom a (an) 41_ lady called Sonora SmartDoddi n 1909. She wan ted a special day to honor her father. He raised s

8、ix childre n by himself42_ his wife died duri ng the birth of their sixth child. Doddthought there needed to be a 43_ to honor selfless and loving dads. Her fatherA. putoffB. put outC.put upD. put dow n30. Would you mind if I sit here?_ . It s for the old man .A. Never mi ndB. You d better notC. You

9、 re welcome D.Notat all.31. Shan ghai is one of the_ in the world today.A. busiest cityB. busiest citiesbusy cities32. Ellen likes makes telling jokes, she is muchC. busy city_ tha n her brother.D.A. seriousB. more seriousC.英语试题第3页,共 9 页was born on June 19, so she chose to hold the first Father s Da

10、y celebration英语试题第4页,共 9 页on his birthday in 1910. In 1924, USPreside nt Calvi n Coolidge liked the44 _f a n atio nalFathers Day. Fi nally,in 1966, the third Sun day in Junewas declared Fathers Day.There are manyways to 45_ your love and thanks. A small present, suchas a photo of your family or a sp

11、ecial wallet can make him feel like a ki ng.36. A. bought B. played37. A. first B. seco nd38. A. old and youngC. right and wrong39. A. Mother40. A. easysB. FathersC. Childre nsD. Pare ntsD. bori ngB. specialC. stra nge41. A. BritishB.JapaneseC. Chi neseD. America n42. A. whe nB. untilC. after D.befo

12、re43. A. cardB. flowerC. dayD.photo44. A. ideaB. holidayC. decisi onD. problem45. A. giveB. bringC. showD .say四、阅读理解()阅读短文,完成46-5546-55 小题。 (共 1010 小题,计1010 分)APopular music in America is what every stude nt likes. Stude nts carry smallradios with earphones and listen to music before class, after cl

13、ass, and at lunch.Stude nts with cars buy large speakers and play music loudly as they drive onthe street.Adult drivers liste n to music on the car radio as they drive to work. They also listen to thenews about sports, the weather, and the life of American people. Most of the radio programsare music

14、.Pop or popular music sin gers make much mon ey. They make a CD or tape which radiostati ons use in many places. Once the popular sin ger is heard all over the country, youngpeople buy his or her tape. Someof the moneyfrom these tapes goes to the sin ger. Whereverthe sin ger goes, all the young peop

15、le want to meet him or her. Now the sin ger has become an ati onal star.There are other kinds of music that are importa nt to America ns. On eis called folk(民间的)music. It tells stories about the commonife of America ns. Ano ther is called western orcountry music. This is started by cowboys (牛仔) who

16、would sing at ni ght to the cows theywere watch ing. Today, any music about country life and the love between a country boy andC. sold D. gaveC. third D. lastB. big and smallD. long and short英语试题第5页,共 9 页his girl is called western or country music.根据短文内容,判断下列句子正误。正确的用A A 表示,不正确的用 B B 表示。46. Three ki

17、nds of music are men ti oned in this passage.47. When pop sin gers make much money , they will become n ati onal stars.48. From the passage we know that folk music is about the com mon life ofAmerica ns49. A few students in America like popular music.50. Every one in America wants to meet pop sin ge

18、rs wherever they go.BAfter 20 years of debate, Chi na has fin allydecided to allow the Walt DisneyCompa ny to build a theme park in Sha nghai. It will be the sixth Disney park in the world.Thereare already parks in California, US; Florida, US; Paris, France; Tokyo, Japa n; and Hong Kong,China.The Di

19、sney park in Shanghai will cost 25billionyuan. It is expected to openin 2014. Disney officials are very excited. “China is one of the most exciting and importantcountries in the world,” said Disney CEO Robert.Some people are worried. There is already a Disney park in Hong Kong, and it s losingmoney.

20、 Why build another one?Supporters of Sha nghai Disney have two an swers. The Sha nghai park will be muchbigger than the Hong Kong park, offering better value for the price. It will also be easier forpeople on the Chin ese mainland to visit the Shan ghai park.Tens of thousa nds of jobs will be create

21、d in order to build the park and make it fun. Butmanypeople think the government should spend moneyon Chinese development and culturerather than on bringing American culture to China.Paris Disn eyla nd faced similar problems. French and other Europea ns didn t likethe idea of American culture invadi

22、 ng(侵入)their way of life. Why not celebrate local culturein stead?MaLi, 14, from Hebei. I like amusementparks, but I don t think China needs a sec ondDisn eyla nd. First of all, it will cost lots of mon ey. If the money is used to build schools, it willhelp a lot of childre n. Second, we already hav

23、eHong Kong Disn eyla nd. Third, I think China should make its own amuseme nt park similar toDisn eyla nd. We have many great carto on characters like Mon key Ki ng and Pleasa ntSheep.英语试题第6页,共 9 页根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。51. How many Disney parks are there in the world now?A. Five.B. Six.C.Two.D. Seve n.52. Wh

24、ich of the followi ng is true?A. Hong Kong Disney is larger tha n Shan ghai Disn ey.B. None of the Europea ns likes Disn ey.C. Disney is the local culture for the Europea ns.D. New Disney will bring many jobs.53. What does the underlined word“debate ” mean in the sentence?A. 协议B. 较量C. 讨论D.合作54. Whic

25、h of the following is NOT true according to Ma Li s idea?A. People don t like Hong Kong Disney.B. Build ing a Disn eyla nd costs much mon ey.C. China doesn t need a new Disneyland.D. We can build a Chin ese carto on theme park.55. Choose a title for the passage.A. Disney comesto China againB. A thre

26、at to Chinese cultureC. Good n ews for Chin ese kidsD. Disn eyla nd(二)阅读对话,完成第IIII 卷第五大题的 61-6561-65 题A: Hi, Liu Ming. May I ask you some questi ons?B: Of course.A: 61_B: English. But I think it s a bit hard.A: You ll be go od at it if you study hard. 62_B: Yes.A: 63_B: Liste ning is really difficul

27、t, I thi nk. What should I do?A: I think you need lots of practice. The more you listen to English, the easier it becomes.B: That s true.A: 64_ Then you can liste n the En glish programs on it.B: 65_英语试题第7页,共 9 页A: Sure. If you do it often, you II improve your listeningsoon. Goodluck!A. Do you agree

28、 with me?B. Why don t you buy a radio?C. What s your favorite subject?D. Why do you like En glish best?E. Do you thi nk that will help?F. What s the matter with your radio?G. What do you think is the most difficultin En glish?(三)阅读短文,完成第 IIII 卷第五大题的 66-7066-70 题Rece ntly some houses in our com mun i

29、ty have bee n broke n in to. I would like to give yousome suggesti ons about how to preve nt from steali ng (盗窃).First, let s talk about lighting. We should turn on the outside lights atni ght. In side the hous e, it s a good idea to put automatic timers (自动定时器)on lights. Whe n you are out, it will

30、still look like some one is at home.If you live in an apartment building, make sure that there s good lighting inthe garage and in the hallways.Next, let s talk abou t locks. First of all, cheap locks are not safe. You should buy speciallocks to lock your doors and win dows. Remember to lock your do

31、ors and windows, even whenyou leave for just a minute. Did you know that half of the thieves break in through uni ockeddoors and win dows?My next suggestion is not to keep lots of money in the house. It s wise toput your money in a bank. You should put marks on your other valuables, like television,

32、stereos and cameras, so that the police can return them to you if they are found.Believe it or no t, if you follow all of these suggesti ons above, your housewill be safer.第 II 卷(非选择题,共 65 分)五、听写、补全对话与阅读表达A A)听写 56-6056-60B B) 补全对话,阅读第 I I 卷第四大题 C C 篇对话,从方框内选出适当的句子完成对话。(共 5 5 小题,计得分评卷人英语试题第8页,共 9 页5

33、 5 分)答案:61.61._ 62.62._ 63.63._ 64.64._ 65.65._英语试题第9页,共 9 页C C)阅读表达。阅读第 I I 卷第四大题 D D 篇短文,根据短文内容完成下列各小题。(共 5 5 小题,计 1010分)66.How many suggestionson does the writer offer in thepassage?67.Why it is a good idea to put automatic timers on lights68.Are cheap locks safe?69.将短文中划线的句子译成汉语70.Wtite a title

34、for the passage.六、词形转换(共 6 6 小题,计 6 6 分)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,每空格限填一词。71.The_ (twe nty) City Games will be held n ext week.72. We should study hard to get good g_73.Could you please speak more slowly?I can hardly hear you_(clear).74.There are ten doctors and six nu rses in the_ (medic ine) team.75. Tom is

35、_(outging) than any other student in his class.76. The pen I bought yesterday_ (cost)me eight dollars.七、完成句子(共 6 6 题,计 1212 分)按括号内要求完成下列句子,每空格填一词。77.Mary did her homework last night.( (改为一般疑问句)_ Mary_her homework last ni ght?78.My uncle wants to go there by ca _( (对画线部分提问)_ your un cle want to go th

36、ere?79.Bob looks like his mother.( (改写句子,句意不变)Bobhis mother.80.We should find the lost boy as soon as possible.The lost boy should_ as soon as possible.81. “lean t wait to eat the cake !” She said to me.(改为间接引语)She me that she wait toeat the cake.得分评卷人得分评卷人(改为被动句)英语试题第10页,共 9 页82.周末去海边吗?一那要看天气了。英语试题

37、第11页,共 9 页How about going to the beaches this weeke nds?A)A) 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空( (必要时可加助动词或情态动词) )。Mr and Mrs Smith were giving a dinner party with some visitors . Their talk was about whohad more self-control(自控力),men or women.Suddenly they saw a strange expression (表情)comeacross Mrs Smiths face. Shes

38、aidsomething to the servant(仆人)standing behind her without 83_ (turn)around. The serva nt quickly put a glass of milk outside the ope n door.On eof the men said, I want to know what self-c on trol every one will have. While I 84_(count) from 1 to 300, none of you can moveat all. If you do, you85_ (p

39、ay) 50 dollars.The people sat like rocks while the mancounted. Whenhe reached 280, a large snake( (蛇) )86_ (see) movi ng slowly from the table to the glass of milk.Mr Smith said, You just 87_(show) us an example of self-control,buthow did you know there was a sn ake in the room?I didn t know it was,

40、 but I knew the milk was for the snake,the manan swered.It was 88_ (lie) right on my feet, said Mrs Smith.83._ 84._ 85._ 86._87._88._B)B) 在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,词首字母已给。In most coun tries of the world,there is one medici ne called aspiri n.N_ (89) every one takes it. People take it whe n they have an ache or apain. Doctors b_(90) it can also help people who have heartdisease , too. Some people, however, cannot take aspiri n. It must n ever be give n to c(91)un der 1


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