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1、Unit 5 Gender RolesUnit 5 Gender Roles实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案In this unit, you willObjectives listen to a passage about changing gender roles; read two articles about mens and womens roles in society and at home; enlarge your vocabulary related to gender; get some tips about the subjec

2、t-verb concord (I); read and write a job advertisement.Unit 5 Gender Roles实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Listening and SpeakingText AGrammar TipsText BComprehensive ExercisesPractical Reading and WritingWarm-up实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesGender & Gender RolesClassro

3、om ActivityBackground InformationDifferent cultures have different ideas about what is suitable for men and women to do and to be. “Gender” refers to how women and mens roles, social relationships and expectations are built by society. Gender is also about the balance of power between men and women.

4、1. What is gender?实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesBackground Information Although the words “gender” and “sex” both have the sense “the state of being male or female,” they are typically used in slightly different ways: Sex tends to refer to the biological differences between

5、 men and women. In general, sex is fixed. Gender, tends to refer to cultural ideals and expectations about manhood and womanhood. Gender changes from culture to culture and often changes within a culture during a crisis situation like war, when women may take on traditional male roles, such as heads

6、 of families, industrial workers or soldiers.Classroom Activity2. Difference between gender and sex实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesBackground InformationClassroom ActivityGender roles are the roles that society assigns to men and women based on their gender. Gender roles have

7、 been changing in Western society in recent decades, and generally have become more flexible. For example, years ago women were supposed to get married and stay home to raise a family. The man was expected to go out to work to support his family. If the woman chose to have a career, she was consider

8、ed “lacking in maternal instinct,” and her partner was often considered inadequate, as it was assumed he was not a “good provider.” 3. Gender roles实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesBackground InformationClassroom Activity Today there is more sharing of family and household resp

9、onsibilities, and both males and females are working in less traditional careers. For example, we have both male and female nurses, firefighters, engineers, dentists, etc.实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesBackground InformationClassroom ActivityFrom the moment we are born, boys

10、 are often socialized to deny their feelings and to prove their worth by dominating or competing with others. Control or power over others (especially over women and girls) and violence may be seen as signs of masculinity. Men and boys are often made tough and cruel in order to prepare them for mili

11、tary service. 4. Social influence of gender实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesBackground InformationClassroom Activity Girls are often socialized to deny their intellect and to prove their worth by always placing the needs of others first. Passivity and silently accepting injust

12、ice may be seen as signs of femininity. Protection of women and girls is used in propaganda to provoke or justify war. 实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesA. Pair WorkWork out a short dialogue based on any of the following situations.Background InformationClassroom Activity1. Tom

13、 is not in a good mood these days. His wife Linda is busy with her work in a bank and often comes home late at night. Feeling the housework too heavy a burden to bear alone, Tom decides to have a talk with Linda.2. Jack and Bill work under the manager Susan. Jack finds Susan very kind and competent,

14、 while Bill just cannot accept the fact that he should be ordered about by a woman. Jack and Bill discuss this matter today. After the discussion, Bill gets to understand Susan better.实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesBackground InformationClassroom Activity3. Eliza has always

15、thought of herself as an equal of men, but her friend Lucy is submissive to her husband and does not want to play an active role. Eliza and Lucy have a talk, after which Lucy begins to have a new view of her potential.实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesB. Group WorkDevelop a sto

16、ry together beginning with the sentence given below. Each of you should contribute at least two sentences so that finally there will be a complete story.Background InformationAt yesterdays meeting, there were quite different opinions as to whether Ann should be promoted to sales manager.Classroom Ac

17、tivity实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesC. PresentationMake a three-minute presentation in answer to either of the following questions.Background Information1. What is the role your father and mother play at home respectively?2. Do you think that some day there will be no diffe

18、rence in gender roles? Why?Classroom Activity实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesListen to the passage and supply the missing words or phrases. Over the past few decades, Americans have made great strides in accepting and (1) to new definitions of gender roles. Part of the cause

19、is the (2) number of women in the workplace. (3) the Bureau of Labor Statistics, white men (who once dominated the workplace) now (4) about 45 percent of all workers. White women and women of color (5) 47 percent of the workplace. In 1995, SpeakingListeningI. Listeningadjusting_increased_According t

20、o_account for_make up_实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesSpeakingListening76 percent of women between the ages of 25 and 54 worked outside the home, up from 50 percent in 1970. With the increased (6) of women in the workplace, old attitudes and (7) have had to change. Men and wo

21、men are more aware of sexual harassment than previously; whereas 20 years ago a woman who refused to have an (8) with her boss may have had to quit, she now has other options. (9) are now experimenting with policies that are family-friendly, such as flex time, job sharing, and on-site child care pol

22、icies that (10) both men and women.presence_behavior_affair_Companies_benefit_实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesDiscuss with your partner the following questions based on the information from the passage you have just heard.II. SpeakingSpeakingListening1. Whats the reason why A

23、mericans have accepted and adjusted to new definitions of gender roles?Part of the cause is the increased number of women in the workplace.Hints 实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesSpeakingListening2. What was the percentage of women between the ages of 25 and 54 working outside

24、the home in 1995?3. With more and more women working outside the home, what has had to change?In 1995, 76 percent of women between the ages of 25 and 54 worked outside the home.Hints With the increased presence of women in the workplace, old attitudes and behavior have had to change.Hints 实用综合教程(第二版

25、)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender Roles挂断电话ComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Studygender n.the physical and/ or social condition of being male or female 性;性别a group of people, often a family, who live together 家;家庭;一家人household n.hang upa large circle of flat bread bak

26、ed with cheese, tomatoes, and sometimes meat and vegetables spread on top 比萨饼pizza n.实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Studydelicious adj.having a very pleasant taste or smell 美味的exchange or express opposite views, typic

27、ally in a heated or angry way 争论;争辩argue v.take the easy way out偷懒;怎么省事怎么做help out(尤指在需要时临时)帮忙干活;做帮手实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study想出;算出answer back反驳;顶嘴easy to recognize because of being seen, met, heard, etc. be

28、fore 熟悉的;常见的familiar adj.figure outdifficult to explain or understand 令人迷惑的puzzling adj.一方面另一方面on (the) one hand on the other hand实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Studypartner n.a person or organization you are closely

29、involved with in some way 伙伴;合伙者;搭档a building or room where people perform their jobs, or these places generally 工作场所workplace n.sphere n.a particular area of interest, activity, work, etc. that is one of many parts of life 范围;领域实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionWo

30、rds and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Studyday after day日复一日;每天housework n.the work of keeping a house clean and tidy 家务take on承担a usual or fixed way of doing things 日常工作;常规routine n.光年;喻相隔很远light year实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVoca

31、bulary BuildingText Studydivorce n.the legal ending of a marriage 离婚basis n.the most important facts, ideas, etc. from which sth. is developed(复数形式为 bases)基础used as part of the title of particular positions. The person who holds one of these positions is next below in authority to the person who hol

32、ds the full position and can act for them. 副(职)的;代理的vice adj.实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Studyprofitable adj.resulting in or likely to result in a profit or an advantage 赚钱的;有利可图的a weight or source of pressure born

33、e by sb. or sth. 负荷;负担load n.有时;间或at timesthe state of things as they are, rather than as they are imagined to be 现实,实际reality n.实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study1 Its 6:00 p.m. in the Barnett household. Alex and S

34、usan have been home from work for about 15 minutes. Its Alexs turn to cook dinner. Susan could have some rest now, but she is getting angry in the kitchen.Changing Gender Roles实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study2 Ale

35、x has just hung up from ordering a pizza for the third time this month. When its her turn to cook dinner, Susan always tries to prepare something delicious and low in fat. She wants their five-year-old daughter, Eliza, to learn to eat healthy at a young age. Alex, however, pays little attention to h

36、er concern: “Is eating pizza for dinner going to do harm to Eliza?”实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study3 After arguing the point for minutes, Susan realizes there is more to it than meets the eye. “Its not the pizza i

37、ts just that you always take the easy way out when you have to help out around here.”4 Alex answers back: “Why are you always critical of how I do things? Nearly all I ever hear from you is that I never do enough around here and the things I do are never good enough. I do plenty around here that I n

38、ever get any credit for!”实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study5 More than probably, this arguing sounds familiar to every one of us. We live at a time when gender roles are changing and few paths are marked as we try t

39、o figure out the right way to make our lives work in relationships. What makes gender relations complicated is that our world today would have been almost impossible to imagine even 40 years ago.实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary Buil

40、dingText Study6 Gender relations today present a puzzling picture. On one hand, we are told that women and men are rapidly becoming equal partners at home and in the workplace. With women and men moving into each others traditional spheres, it would seem logical that we would finally be able to unde

41、rstand each others experiences. Women have now had to compete day after day to support their family. Often they aim at the same goals as men; today there are, for example, more women than men in many professional schools. Surely women can now understand the social pressures that their husbands have

42、always felt.实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study7 As wives have moved in even greater numbers into the workplace, husbands have had to take on more of womens traditional responsibilities for childcare and housework. I

43、t would seem they could now understand these responsibilities, the endless routine of care and crisis.8 On the other hand, we are told that our social experiences are separated by light years and we dont know what to say to one another. At the same time, there are daily reports in newspapers and on

44、TV about quarrels, fights and divorces between husbands and wives.实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study9 What has not changed clearly over the past 40 years is the desire of men and women to figure out what is appropri

45、ate for their own and the other gender and to find ways to live together. What has changed is that we are now less sure about what is the right way to be a man or a woman.实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText Study10 And so

46、you, both of us, and Alex and Susan all struggle with gender issues on a daily basis. At the end of last year, Susan was promoted to vice president of the bank for which she works. She now makes more money than Alex, who is a chemist with a large company that produces agricultural products. Under gr

47、eat pressure to keep the banks investments profitable, Susan often works long hours. She drives herself hard to exceed expectations for her, and Alex has had to take on some housework. 实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionWords and ExpressionsVocabulary BuildingText S

48、tudyWhen he was under considerable pressure in the first few years of his career, Susan pulled the heavier load at home, so he now has greater sympathy for her. But as we have seen, at times sympathy isnt enough to bridge reality and expectations!实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender Ro

49、lesActive Wordsn. (1) 荣誉;赞扬 She was given no credit for her hard work. (2) 带来荣誉的人(或事物) You are a credit to your team. (3) 信用;信贷;赊欠 The bank refused further credits to the company. (4) 学分 It takes 120 credits to graduate.ComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionscredit实用综合教程(第二版)

50、实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsv. 记入贷方 The bank clerk credited 100 dollars to a customer.to sb.s credit 为某人带来荣誉 Much to his credit, he won first prize at the speech contest.credit实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5

51、Gender RolesComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsn. 声音,声响 Where are those sounds coming from?v. (1) (使)发出声响 The bell sounded at 7 oclock for breakfast. (2) 听起来 Your proposal sounds very practical.sound实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionVoca

52、bulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsadj. (1) 健康的,健全的,完好的 These old people are sound in body and mind. (2) 正确的,合理的 You can depend on him to make a sound judgement.safe and sound 安然无恙,完好如初 The soldiers have come back from their mission safe and sound.sound实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教

53、案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsn. (1) 痕迹;斑点 You have a dirty mark on your face. (2) 符号,记号;标志;标签;商标 There is a mark on the map to show you where I live. (3) 标志;表示 He bought her flowers as a mark of his love. (4) (考试的)分数 He got 98 marks out of 100 fo

54、r English.mark实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsv. (1) 留下痕迹;做记号,表明 Please mark your choice with a tick. (2) 标志,是的特征 What are the qualities that mark a good leader? (3) 给(试卷)打分 I have 20 compositions to mark (to be m

55、arked) this weekend.mark实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsn. (1) 数字 The teacher told the students to add the figures up. (2) 图形;图表 These figures show the results of the experiment. (3) 人形,体型;外形,轮廓 I saw a tall figur

56、e approaching in the darkness.figure实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressions (4) 人物(尤指有影响的) She is a well-known figure in that countrys history.v. (1) 认为;判断 I never figured that this would happen. (2) 出现;扮演角色 You will fig

57、ure in my book as a great influence on my life.figure实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsfigure on 指望;依赖 We figure on your coming early to help us.figure out 算出;想出;理解 We must figure out a way to solve the problem.figu

58、re实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gender RolesComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsv. (通常为故意地)伤害,危害 Low-priced imports will harm the industry.n. (通常为故意的)伤害,危害 All dogs are capable of doing harm to human beings.harm实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit 5 Gend

59、er RolesComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsdo harm to 损害,伤害 The abuse of your powers does harm to all other officers who do their job properly.in harms way 处于危险中 They could be in harms way if military action becomes necessary. harm实用综合教程(第二版)实用综合教程(第二版)第第4 4册电子教案册电子教案Unit

60、 5 Gender RolesComprehensionVocabulary BuildingText StudyWords and Expressionsn. (1) 命令 As darkness fell, James gave orders for his men to rest. (2) 定单;定购 The city is going to place an order for a hundred and eighty-eight buses. (3) 秩序 Some teachers find it difficult to keep order in their classes.o


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