



1、10 Ways to Keep Your Members (Happy!)十种保留会员的方法(快乐)The health club industry enjoys great success in selling memberships in the United States . However, for every 15 million members who walk in the front doors, 12 millionexit through clubs' back doors. Membership attrition represents a financial l

2、oss for owners, an opportunity loss for managers, and an experiential failure for members.While there is no one-size-fits-all solution,the following suggestions can help youimprove your club's rete nti on.在美国,健身俱乐部行业在销售会籍方法做得非常成功。然而,每1千5百万会员前脚迈进俱乐部,而其中1千2百万会员后脚就放弃了。会员的这种流失不仅给俱乐部投资方带来了相当 大的经济损失,同

3、时对俱乐部经理也是一种损失,对俱乐部会员来说,更是一次失败的经历。虽 然任何事情都没有万能的解决办法,但是以下建议将会给大家一定的帮助,帮助大家改善俱乐部 的会员保有,降低会员流失率。1. Get the right people on board.挑选正确的员工及会员Every employee either strengthensor weakens the culture that either supports ordepletes a club's initiatives aimed at improving retention. Employees must recogni

4、ze the vital role they play in making the club friendlier, more responsive, more hospitable,and more effective in help ing members connect to the club to which they have hitchedtheir hopes for a healthier, more enjoyable life. This raises the issue of firing - not simplyfiring staff who poison the m

5、orale of their fellow workers, but also of firing memberswho pois on the well of membership morale. If a member is a chronic compla in er a nd iscon ti nu allycom muni cati nghis misery to other members,man ageme ntmay bewell-served from a rete nti on perspective to in vite him to take his bus in es

6、s elsewhere.俱乐部每位员工都可能促进或者抑制俱乐部文化的发展,这种俱乐部文化的好坏取决于是提高还是削弱俱乐部改善会员保有率的积极性。俱乐部每位员工都必须认清自己在俱乐部中的角色及职 责,友好、热情地帮助会员实现自己的健身目标,享受健康生活,形成俱乐部与会员之间的友好 桥梁,对会员的需求做出高效的回应。这就涉及到选人用人解雇人的问题了,所谓解雇其实不仅仅是指解雇员工中的害群之马,同时也应当拒绝那些对会籍制度及体系有破坏性影响的会员。例如某位会员自身是个怨天尤人的投诉者,总是不断地把自己所谓的“不幸”转告给其它会员,那 么管理层就有必要拒绝那些影响他人的会员了。2. Hone your

7、 staff's hospitality skills and reward successes.强抓员工热情服务技巧,优秀者给予奖励Hospitality skills can never be assumed, nor can they ever be completely perfected. They can only be taught, nu rtured, modeled, and in cessa ntly in creme ntalized. Hospitality trai ning should be a regularly scheduled trai ning

8、 eve nt that invo Ives the entire staff. The club's senior leadershipshould model this trainingin their dailyin teract ion with members Reward and recog nize employees who create mome ntsofmagic for members.热情服务是无法假装的,也不可能永远都能做到完美。热情服务只有经过俱乐部的教导、培育、模仿,不断地改善及提高。俱乐部应当定期为全体员工举办热情服务等方面的培训。领导及管理层也应当在

9、日常工作中向员工做出榜样,制定奖励政策,对提供优秀服务的员工给予奖励及认可。3. Make sure owners and man agers are visible.俱乐部老板及经理应时常在俱乐部中走动At prime time, i.e., whe n the club is busiest, no man ager should be buried in an office;rather, at those times, man agers should be on the floor in teract ing with members. Inadditi on, the occasi

10、 onal prese nee on the premises of a club's owner is a stateme nt thathe or she cares and is pers on ally in terested in everythi ng that happe ns in the club.通常俱乐部最繁忙的时候,经理都不应只是待在自己的办公室里;相反,多数时候经理应当在俱乐部健身区域里与会员进行沟通及交流。另外,俱乐部老板也应时常在俱乐部里出现及走动,亲 自去了解俱乐部每天所发生的事情及经营状况。4. Take nothing for gran ted wh

11、ere new members are concern ed.方方面面地帮助及关心新会员,责无旁怠Ask new members to state their fit ness objectives and inten ti ons. These are uni ikely tocha nge, and they can be used later as leverage to re-motivate members whose usagepatter ns in dicate that they are losi ng touch with the club. Approximately 4

12、0% of newhealth club members are first-time members. They need to migrate through many unique psychologicalbarriers. For them, every policy, program, and piece of fitnessequipme nt is a mystery. Provide every new member with a pers on alized in troductio n to your facility. Within the first two week

13、s, call to ask about their experie nee.新会员入会,询问他们自己的健身目标及目的。通常会员的健身目标不太可能随便变换,因此了解会员的健身目标可以在日后加以利用:当会员在使用中渐渐失去激情及动力的时候,可以以此提醒他们,鼓励他们重新找回健身的热情及动力。通常俱乐部约 40%的会员都是第一次加入俱 乐部。他们必须克服不同的心理障碍。新会员对于俱乐部的每个政策、训练项目及设备的使用都 是一头雾水。以及俱乐部必须为每位新会员提供一项个性化的介绍,让新会员尽早了解俱乐部的所有设备及服务。在入会后的首 2周,可以致电新会员询问其健身想法及经历。5. I ncen tive club usage early on.从一开始就激励会员积极使用俱乐部Activati ng members withi n the first 90 days is esse ntial. Combat early term in ati on byincentivizing club usage during this time. For example: if a new member uses the club4-5 times in the first 30 days, give him 2 guest passes; i


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