1、西北工业大学电子服务系统设计实验报告学 院: 学 号: 姓 名: 专 业:实验时间:实验地点:指导教师:一、实验目的及要求1、练习如何优化开发环境2、练习如何调试一个 web服务二、实验设备(环境)及要求1、 PC机最低配置:2GHz以上CPU; 1G以上内存;1G自由硬盘空间2、3、Eclipse4、Axis25、axis2-eclipse-codegen-wizard-1.46、axis2-ant-plugin-1.3三、实验内容与步骤1、直接将类文件放入到Axis中2、使改变立即生效3、调试一个web服务4、自动生成代码5、自动生成客户端代码四、实验结果与数据处理1、直接将类文件放入到A
2、xis中右键单击该项目,然后选择“ New | Folder ”,如下图所示:3 Nfrw FolderO XFaldtr/ j占 riEw krider resource."Fft-pf ar ittf* pnrwt folderFolder flamf: ovt| <<二)k_. Llie deiSijli. If olcler 咗 irmt atedl iri tihe1 file &ys4em iVrtu-aiD Jqh d;.) . u Link to dll?f nale l-ocatliar (Lnkec Folder)-2birv.ifeXM21
3、应邛Br x*h j rMbltfi.Chcxwe file sjiTrtem: default vReiDurce Fift*阵亠将out文件夹链接到axis下的services'SimpleService 目录。Java Build设置输入文件夹,右键单击项目,然后选择“ Properties ”,然后选择Path ”,选择Source,如下图所示:PropEe5 for SiriL|ple£erviceJava Build PathRpceurrpBuildersJava BuOd Path lava Codh Slyle lava Corr-pr er 用用Edito
4、fLetdlkjn 齢巳唱工1 Fatets Project RcfrrErce cfactcrinq un/Dcbuq Scttinq: ServerService Policies 1"白常牡 ReposrtOry Tasc7slidstion 丿股T兰 SourerL_ Prcje-rr at Librarif3 A; Order and FicporrScunee fuldhri un build dtk严 S npl tS e-rvict/s re一血11。用 oatpijt folders for source folder iDfablt output fcildr!点
5、击“ Browser ”,然后选择“ out ”,确认删除现有的“ bin ”文件夹。之后要将“Resources ”文件夹重命名为META-INF ,并将其放到“src”目录下:ySimpleSrrkev 型 srcv .jj tcrri.ttelev.e.d irit7 SimpleClient.javaEimpleSen'-iceCallbackHandlerj7j Sim pl eService Stub Javay 冷 META-INF,K services.xml12? SinnpleServkewsd>M JRE System Library 苣.Reference
6、d Libraries £_> binD lib嫖 build.Mml於 SimpleServire.i<vdl验证:修改 SimpleServiceSkeleton.java 文件匱 Simple Clieli £impl朋ErvioeSITetonawm 盘 j1 H14*|E/*£16*Autogeneratedmethodsignature|17* 卽Bri fancatRpquPSl'fl|;19*returnconcatnesponsel|2Q-/|21I>>puhlic coflittdev*ss.ConcatResp
7、ocise concat123(cotti,ttdev,ss,ConcatRequest conctRequestO)14£1 2LString result = corcatReqje5t0.getSl() + coficatHequ&5t0.getSi();ConcatResponse response = new CoiiLaLftesponseO;養 27response. setCcnca 1:REgpang(FESLi. t * tollpp 电广jl2Sreturn response;I ?51|T1*7”< >启动Axis2服务器,运行客户端: C
8、cnwl*空务戛希戶带|兰0戸”口戸M&TwfMted* 号impleCEent J*¥ Appicatipn匚誉r&grm FileaXJiMWIdjflJOjI(20仃年 1 阴彰日下年'7i2&39log4jiWARN fJo appendors could b© found for logger (org.apache.axi&2.d£cr: Icj耳4j :WARM Please initialize the 1°耳卸j system properly,ABC1232、使改变立即生效首先恢复代码:J 5-
9、1 Tip ietjsvs|J| $ mplc=er>/irT±krlrtar.i£va 勇/*家* Auto generated method signature+* param concatRequ?st0* greturn coneatResponsei*/public com<ttdev.ss.ConcotRcsponsc concat (cun, tldv. ssXoncd LRqutt _onL<t_Roques CO)String result = con匚otR亡qu芒gc:t51()十 concateque CuncalRspurise
10、r yspense = new ConcatRysponseO; response.setConcatRspcmi r psu 11)jreturn re5pan&£;但是现在仍然输出 ABC123,这是因为默认情况下,一旦 Axis服务器加载一个Web服务,它不会监测到文件的更改,要解决这个问题,需要修改axis2.xml :n ame='jhotdeployment'T>true</ name="|hotupdate,>true</parameter> name=,enableHTQM,>false</k
11、' h nam="GnableSwA,h>al£</ n重新启动Axis服务器,让hot update option生效,然后修改java代码:.了 Sim pkScrviccSIkclcwrLigivfl 黒14Ha H、L DV m syu=m3旷 zm z.oc* param 匚oncdtRequebt©r«turn concatResponsel* Auto gertyraled intthod igtiLurt.;站 Epl u匚I UTtjara” + “弭丄 L);|String result = concatReque
12、ste*eetSl() + concatReque Conc£tRm5Jon5E rwspoi内社=new 匚QrK£tRE5pon5E(;厂皀冬|1 _ 11、匕.S皀t匚BMLd lRt?&pOH、岂 "h兰旦。 return r?s卩门public com.ttdcv* ss + ConcatRcsponsc toncat (com.ttdev+ssConcatRequcst concatRcqiucstO)I IhFC ClueterW昭 h#s be«i dih现blwd_INFO_ Dep Lcying madule: addreEE
13、ir-g_L &. 2 - filer/fl: /aEis2l. &. 2_bin/a j i 52 1 _ 6- 2/bin/. /rEpas i tnry/in r di.iles/a diiressiiig-1 6 2« earINFO. Der loving jolule: irpetiila ta£Kchae&L 6. 2 二 f lle:/E:/aslE2-L 6.2-tirLsis2=l. 6.2/bln> /reposi l cory/fiudiil fic/Mz. 1- 6<IWU DspLor/iriF. ncduLv
14、: SErtorapaLicy-L 2 = filB:/l;/axiB2-L L 2-bin/uit2vL6h2/bin/r-Bpoiltory/ffi fidulei.Jntcipp-cl5-ey-1 r 6. 2” iwr.IfFOi. Def I oying nn dut e :/pLtg-L 6S.mr_,LN14,!,J_I DepIctieis znaduLelt-s/scTluting LG. ZJNFOJ Dej?Leying nitule:kx-dul cs/ a c apiuoni 1 or 1B 务 2. rar'INfVL OeployirK 歼日万 servi
15、cs; SiropleS 日 r?ic日-Xil&/E;/aKis2-lP 6.2-bin/i£2-L &, 2/tin/.»/repo bl tor'r / serving 5/SiaipLeSarv ice/.INFlL Dep Lcrzing Teb service! Version, zarcrices/versiotL aarINFOl Li t&rjiug jn jyit_8O3OStutfird.Siup曰色吕严r号:r十wri_.IWD1 Find-ep 1 oyi n< 1 Eb servi of: Si upl eS
16、erv 1 ce II1FO| gDlOTiMtefcsCTYicejLgglervicejf il e ; /E ; /axi s2-1 - 6. 2-t>in?EELs2-L, 6. 2/t ir/ /r2pzisLt.orY / sai'Yi l: j j 'yar vice/1pins'l. 6. 2 - file:.T:/asi g2_l, 6. 2-bir;aii s£- E. 2/bir/.,Zr耶ositcryZupduleEScript LG2file; /£ Z/'axl =2-1. 6. 2b ih/ axj.s2
17、 1- 丘 2/blzu' u . /xsposi 4口i:¥/jujdul8O4l?mnriLrorlt 氐 2 fil?: :/«152 L H'-bin/axisS :. & 3/binA /rwnsL'ary/fz le!/E!6. 2-bin/aii s2 - 1_ 2/biii/. . /reposi tcry/s客户端输出在Axis服务器运行过程中发生热更新:Q c«i<ph用蓦豪|哥砸 站诃毋| PD噹(冋|"0;"刨凯1岸 imbplClrniApplicticniJ C:Ppvi'
18、;yd kl fi, 0 1 %叽bMjiazm巨贺合log4j :kAJIN No appender could b电 found for logger (org.apache.axis2.descr: log4j:EARN Please ini七the log4j system 卩ropprly-helo:abcl?33、调试一个web服务要调试eclipse中的web服务,在启动Axis服务器之前需要设置一个环境变量:t:axis2-L 6. 2-bin!aii.s2-ls 6* 2bLrb-=&t JAVA .JPTS=-XdebLLg ->lrunjiwp-: tran
19、spar t =dt_socket, aildres£ =8000? erver-y? siiEpeiid*nE: <ris2-L 6. 2-bin*iis2-L 6*server, bat通过这种方式,Axis服务器将在调式模式下运行 JVM,这样JVM会侦听8000端口的连接,设置一个断点:b.i-2324public com,ttdev.ss.CcncatResponse concat (coirHttdev*ss*ConcatRequest coneotRcqucstQ) JL25 String result = concatReq|uest0.getSl()十 con
20、catReque|26ConctResponse response = n«w ConcatResponse()s27response* setConcatRsponset "hello:11 + result);28return reponQ;bepou选择“ Open Debug DialogSimpl&SeiYircom.iLnilf £ ruu y/T 4 TestH 5 Sensihzaticin C GShovFJeBC T 1 Cop沁T ?FileClient (1)MET Oraruzo Fa.yorites.1+JR E kJ
21、 Vit*-JJi* dFA-U-llVUi ¥ L” J 11ii * RefewMced Libiws会出现下面的窗口> Open Detug Dialog.CflTLSpnalifH:-甄 Jaa AroLtH AppLtfifci&nT. R)o=r Tomcat5.x誉JU血际自 Applrtioin学:Coiuect Source lZ Cpmmon.h Tsrwrtiv*?ThfTf -stlilies «sotiite a pyrrpF勺we wUh R Ji HEieieni perrpr'bw & utay te asEoc
22、iKfed w optojjCLl' apouoc Jon a ftofixnraio& via.thi Ddug pjcKfteta. To iaikft.1t "JTvnf".右键单击“ Remote Java Application”,然后选择“ New ”,命名次配置为“ DebugAxis ”,确保SimpleService 项目被选中,并且端口为 8000.单击“ Debug ”连接到JVM,运行Axis服务器,运行客户端来调试 Web服务, eclipse会在断点处停止。Conncctipn 7yp&$愉皿曲'ackel Att
23、evh:1Connection Pro?ritifHod: kcdhodPort-public c±as£ Sinp leServLceokeleton im驻丄ement s SLmpleServlceSJceletorLlntc public conn ttdev m弓,CoTitrat只亡巴pc»nm亡 ccncar (com,ttdev旨mcroncatPequestO) String result concatRequestO口亡L (+CDnc9itRe(iu色雷cD口首 Concft匸R已却卫Diim cespone new ConcatRespon
24、ae (); response .setConeatResponse (ffhelLc: *+re-su丄tj ; return 匕亡sponse;然后可以单步执行程序,如果要停止调试,在调试窗口中选中SimpleService ,单击“ stop4、自动生成代码首先需要编辑build.xml文件:瞿 build, iml -*E1丄7 #*UjL Ju-Lli 超 LJ Ui-L -L uh J/ jT10S</target>11&9-<taskdefIWnamt,'-"w5d'l2cnd<1"111cld&snjm
25、e=*ur.jpjche JxibiAool diit. Ail LCodegtnTdik"1112clatspathref = " axi&2* class. path|'/>11.斤<target name="pneK,'ate-service''>1 4-<ws1l?cncle115w5dlfilenon>e-'*SirDpleServic*w5dl,'116servers ide="true''11/gerieratese'rvicexm
26、l-'trLjc "liesk ip build xml='* true"119serversideinterface- true"120ncHMespacetopack5ges="http: /ttdev二tom昌甲” ss"121targ9tsourcefolcler'lcication-"src"122targetresonrcesfblrienlocation-*5r'c?META IhFb,123/>124</target>1?S</proj?ct>12
27、6>然后定义一个环境变量 AXIS2_H0ME,选择“ Windows | Preferences | Ant |Run time ”,选择“ PropertiesRuntirTiev Apearanc-e Colors and Fo Comp are/Patchv Fditorp T#xt EdElorf iftJinQtatlorStartup a rd Shut v Ant* EditorContent AstlfilFormatter TemplatesRuintimev Javam code &tyl« Formatter* CompilrfErrors/Wa
28、niiin9 EditorMovers Syntir CcJarit w 11耐 aScriplv Cods £tyl« Formattercftiingii u»d when rurning Ant buildfiUea;< ClaEspath K Tasks 4> Types 咱 Propirii-sNanre$<白祜5£卜口尸扫昭口 ;' er ipse.pd rbui d.Ep«.p d st ui 也* 口J ec Sipe.pd Hmi d.Q#coip».njnringWalueCantribm
29、orE:eclip-5eorg .ed ipse ntrarflfE ;/cx lip spLigi m/orgi al ”“ org ,rd iprsrpdr, bu- >r /Ei/eclipse/pljqi畸/卩唆卑日円 &rq ,e d ip强申d创bu>叶 /Flip 'w/pli igi m/arg eclnrg ,| ipFpcI bn 吓trutorg 曰 ipMAHt ranGliobl preprties.:Add Prcpertj-.Global property 刑弗:Add Fil«.Ad d F ±*ni.L Remo
30、w点击“ Add PropertyAdd PropertyName: env.AXIG2 HOMValue; E;冃曲2-1 你2-bin"k2-162OK接下来要运行Ant,为了验证其能正确工作,重命名SimpleServiceSkeleton .java文件为SimpleServiceImpl.java,然后删除该包中的其java文件,并且删除META-INF 文件夹中的文件:在Axis2代码生成向导中有一个bug,安装后,将无法在eclipse中运行Ant。要解决此问题,需要在 Ant的Run time窗口中,选择“ classpath ”选项,然后点击“ AntHome ”,
31、浏览选择 eclipse'plugins目录下的 org.apache.ant 文件夹。浏览文件夹XChoose a fdder that will be ued as the iQcai'cn of ANT_HOME:vpluginsnjava>c<xml.rp_lJ ,0<v2 01209140446 jjvax,xmLsBa p_1.2,0.v20100 5 0605017org lapach e.ant_L9C.v2015101 &1327abotit_fil« bin etcQ lib META-INFcorg.apache.snt
32、 1.9 ,&v2Q1 510161327I H IMIE取消v 出 SimpleSe-rvicev 出 eom.ttdv.s 即 SirnpleServi匚>出 co m.ttdev.-ss. cI lentJ- METAIINF吕、J RE System Lubrary . - a £E 1.BL Referenced Libraries亍 bin> & lib怕 build.xml0 SimpleService.wscll为了运行Ant,右键点击build.xml文件,然后选择“ Run As | Ant Build然后选择“ gen erate-s
33、ervice ” 点击“ RunEdit Config u-radonEdit unfiguration and launch.Run an Art b-ui d 刊已Clow控制台结果如下:H叵X邑闻址刊詩旦曰遐Ip rm;门点罟did Sdmpleherwwe- bui d.xrnll AHI BuilcJ iCjPggrjiE FilMJflva'jdicI .8Lfl 1 Si 戸厂症 jajmrM严MU年 1 2 目El 曰 *午*口孑:'弓劲 Euildfile: E:IUNCE'EiniDlwSErviue'bLiilcLxTil i:p(iFrty 5Prvi£r:,j;dl?(<j(lel Retrieving document at *Sifl»pleService<wsdl, viisdlJcodel log4j :WARN No append«rs could be found for logger (org,apache.axis2 wsdlZcode log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j s
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