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1、环境保护与可持续发展国际研讨会认识脆弱山地景观中的社会文化-自然生态耦合系统2009年5月27-30日 中国 北京主办单位 水环境模拟国家重点实验室北京师范大学美国康乃尔大学承办单位 北京师范大学环境学院协办单位 高等教育出版社(Frontiers of Earth Science in China)IUCN中国办公室ICRAF中国办公室TNC云南办公室会议主题长期以来,学术团体、非政府组织和政府部门已经深刻认识到,在环境和自然资源管理政策或决策的制订过程中,需要自然科学家和社会学家的密切合作,以便全面认识不同环境要素对生物界的各种影响。美国自然基金委2001年设立的研究领域“自然和人文耦合系

2、统变化动态”强调了认识社会文化-自然生态复杂系统的必要性。这个研究方向的设立旨在资助并促进“人文-自然耦合系统过程及人文、自然系统相互作用的多尺度、多学科的量化研究”。在此推动下,科学界也做出了向多学科、应用性为主的环境问题及解决途径研究的重大转变。在这一背景下,我们拟召开“认识脆弱山地景观中的社会文化-自然生态耦合系统” 为主题的“环境保护与可持续发展”中美国际研讨会。藉以此为平台,促进中美学者在相关领域的交流与合作,引起其他中外学术机构、非政府组织和政府部门的密切关注,从而促进全球范围内脆弱山地景观生态保护和可持续发展研究的多部门协作。本研讨会将邀请中美知名研究机构的社会学家、生物学家、水

3、利学家、经济学家等专家学者,共同探讨中国西南青藏高原和横断山脉、喜玛拉雅山脉、昆仑山脉、帕米尔高原脆弱高山景观的生态保护和可持续发展。基于脆弱山地景观保护的主要科学问题,本次研讨会设立了3个研讨主题,这些主题将为全球脆弱山地景观的社会文化-自然生态耦合系统研究提供方向:1. 什么是社会文化-自然耦合系统研究?为什么耦合系统研究与脆弱生态区密切相关?如何开展耦合系统研究?2. 通过案例说明脆弱区综合生态系统管理的成功范例?如何在保护管理和实践中应用耦合系统?3. 耦合系统管理的科学、高效的指标是什么?基于上述研讨主题,本研讨会将设6个专题,以期建立开展合作研究的平台:1. 工程建设对脆弱山地系统

4、生态服务功能的影响;2. 脆弱地区综合生态系统管理的机制和方法;3. 脆弱山地景观中生物多样性评价的空缺性分析;4. 生态系统健康和农牧民生计评估的指标体系构建;5. 自然资源保护和流域管理的生态补偿机制;6社会、文化、环境变化的人为适应对策。会议组织机构大会主席杨志峰(北京师范大学环境学院院长、教授,水环境模拟国家重点实验室主任)James Lassoie(美国康奈尔大学国际教授,康奈尔大学自然资源系原系主任)大会秘书长董世魁(北京师范大学环境学院副教授,美国康奈尔大学客座教授)顾问委员会葛建平(北京师范大学副校长、教授,北京市政协副主席)Stephen Kresovich(康奈尔大学生命学

5、部教务长、教授)Alice Pell(康奈尔大学国际关系事务教务长、教授)Susan Henry(康奈尔大学农业与生命学院院长、教授)郝芳华(北京师范大学国际交流处处长、教授)沈珍瑶(北京师范大学环境学院副院长、教授)学术委员会Stephen DeGloria(康奈尔大学作物与土壤学系原系主任、教授)Karim-Aly Kassam(康奈尔大学自然资源系副教授)Rebecca Schneider(康奈尔大学自然资源系副研究员)Ruth Sherman(康奈尔大学自然资源系副研究员)Stephen Morreale(康奈尔大学自然资源系副研究员)崔保山(北京师范大学环境学院副院长、教授) 刘静玲

6、(北京师范大学环境学院教授)牟 溥(北京师范大学生命科学学院教授)刘世梁(北京师范大学环境学院副教授)李晓文(北京师范大学环境学院副教授)编辑委员会James Lassoie(美国康奈尔大学国际教授,康奈尔大学自然资源系原系主任)Karim-Aly Kassam(康奈尔大学自然资源系副教授)Ruth Sherman(康奈尔大学自然资源系副研究员)董世魁(北京师范大学环境学院副教授,美国康奈尔大学客座教授)石建斌(北京师范大学环境学院副教授)白军红(北京师范大学环境学院副教授)朱建军(高等教育出版社副教授)工作委员会Jamie Herring(康奈尔大学自然资源系博士生)Robert Beazl


8、论文题目、作者姓名(请在欲做学术报告的作者名字下加下划线)、作者单位、通讯地址和电子邮件、联系电话,并提交填好的申请表。论文全文5000-8000字,21×29.7厘米(A4),上下页边距为3厘米,左右为2.5厘米,全文为Times New Roman 字体,单倍行距,字号12磅。请将论文摘要、全文(word 文档形式)和参会申请表通过电子邮件方式提交到dongshikui;wenlu_5210;fuwei78。会议日程大会日程(北京)5月27日 上午:大会开幕式及特邀报告;下午:主题发言;晚上:欢迎晚宴。5月28日 上午:主题发言;下午:主题发言;晚上:自由活动。5月29日 上午:

9、主题发言;下午:讨论与总结;晚上:自由活动。5月30日 参观明十三陵、考察密云水库(IUCN China)项目区(自愿参加)。会后考察(云南):自愿参加5月31日 上午:从北京飞往昆明;中午:在昆明植物所、国际混农林中心(ICRAF)参观及午餐;下午:开车前往临沧小湾电站;晚上:自由活动。6月1日 上午:考察北京师范大学973项目“水电工程生态效应”研究区小湾电站;下午:开车前往保山;晚上:自由活动。6月2日 全天:参观考察国际混农林中心(ICRAF)项目区。6月3日 早上:开车前往大理;白天:考察北京师范大学973项目“道路工程生态效应”研究区大保高速公路;晚上:参观大理古城。6月4日 早上

10、: 开车前往丽江;白天:考察TNC项目区老君山国家级自然保护区;晚上:参观丽江古城。6月5日 白天:开车前往香格里拉;晚上:自由活动。6月6日 白天:考察TNC项目区布达错国家公园;晚上:自由活动。6月7日 早上:从香格里拉飞往北京;考察结束。会议注册注册费用2009年4月25日前:800元/人(学生300元/人)2009年4月25日后:1000元/人(学生400元/人)注册费用包括:参加讨论会及学术专题,获取会议论文摘要集,会议接待、午餐(3次)、宴会和茶歇(注:1、会议注册费不含代表住宿费和会后考察费用;2、凭会员证或学生证缴纳注册费)。会后考察费用(自愿参加)3000元/人(含往返机票、

11、食宿及交通费用)注册费付款方式(请通过电汇或邮政汇款)(1)电汇开户名称:北京师范大学银行帐号:805210235708091001开户银行:中国银行北京文慧园支行(2)邮政汇款(请注明会议注册费)汇款地址:北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号,北京师范大学环境学院邮政编码:100875收款人:温璐、富伟注册表姓名单位职务通讯地址邮编E-mail联系电话论文题目注册时间会议秘书处联系人:董世魁 温璐 富伟 朱磊地 址:北京市海淀区新街口外大街19号 北京师范大学环境学院邮 编:1000875电 话:(86) 10-58802029传 真:(86) 10-58800397电 邮:dongshikui;

12、wenlu_5210;fuwei78网 站:http:/www. International Workshop in Conservation and Sustainable Development: Understanding Coupled Socio-Cultural and Natural Systems in Fragile Mountainous Landscapes May 27-30, 2009 Beijing, ChinaSPONSORS: State Key Laboratory of Water Environment Simulation Beijing Normal

13、University Cornell UniversityHOST: School of Environment, Beijing Normal UniversityCO-SPONSORS: Higher Education Press (Frontiers of Earth Science in China)IUCN-China ProgramICRAF-China ProgramTNC-Yunnan ProgramINVITATIONAcademe, nongovernmental organizations, and government agencies have long ackno

14、wledge that sound policy formulations and management decisions about the environment and natural resources necessitate effective collaboration among social and bio/physical scientists and management practitioners, as well as a better understanding of the influence of differing scales of biological o

15、rganization. The U.S. National Science Foundation in establishing its Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems Program in 2001 recognized the need for enhancing our understanding of complex systems. This program was established to promote and financially support “quantitative, interdisciplinary

16、 analyses of relevant human and natural system processes and complex interactions among human and natural systems at diverse scales”. As a result, there are major changes in progress concerning how the scientific community develops approaches to address interdisciplinary, applied environmental probl

17、ems. It is within this context that we wish to foster and support a meaningful working relationship between Chinese scientists and American scholars in the related fields through co-organizing 4-day workshop in the last week of May 27-30, 2009 in Beijing.The coupled nature of the afore-mentioned sys

18、tems means that interdisciplinary, applied research is required. This proposed workshop will bring together a group of social, biological, and physical scientists from Beijing Normal University, Cornell University, and elsewhere to examine conservation and sustainable development issues in fragile m

19、ountainous landscapes across the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and Hengduan, Hindu Kush-Himalayas, Karakorum, and Pamir. The importance of these areas to serve as models for examining coupled systems worldwide is expected to attract interest from academic institutions and many non-governmental organizatio

20、ns inside and outside China, as well as from numerous Chinese governmental agencies. All will be welcomed, as multi-institutional collaboration is central to successfully addressing conservation and sustainable development in this region and elsewhere. The workshop will be structured around the foll

21、owing inter-dependent themes:1. What is coupled systems research, why is it relevant to Alpine regions, and how should such research be undertaken?2. What are best practices in integrated ecosystems management from Alpine regions and how do we design coupled-systems conservation strategies and manag

22、ement?3. What are effective and scientifically defensible indicators of coupled systems management?A variety of possible research topical areas fall within these themes. The nature of this workshop is to identify such areas for future research, but some likely topics include:1. Effects of major cons

23、truction projects on ecosystem services and functions2. Strategies and methodologies for integrated ecosystem management in fragile regions3. GAP as a landscape analysis tool for assessing biodiversity4. Identifying and applying realistic indicators for assessing healthy ecosystems and viable rural

24、livelihoods5. Designing Payment for Environmental Service and Ecological Compensation Programs for Protecting Natural Resources and Managing Large Watersheds6. Human resilience and adaptation in response to socio-cultural and environmental changeCOMMITTEESCo-Chairmen:Prof. Zhifeng Yang, School of En

25、vironment, BNUProf. James P. Lassoie, Department of Natural Resources, CUGeneral Secretary: Prof. Dong Shikui, BNU Advisory Board:Prof. Ge Jianping, Vice President, BNUProf. Stephen Kresovich, Vice Provost for Life Sciences, CUProf. Alice Pell, Vice Provost for International Relations, CU (confirmed

26、)Prof. Susan Henry, Dean, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, CUProf. Hao Fanghau, Director, Office of International Exchange & Cooperation, BNUProf. Shen Zhenyao, Vice Dean, School of Environment, BNUAcademic Committee:Prof. Stephen DeGloria, CUProf. Rebecca Schneider, CUProf. Karim-Aly K

27、assam, CUProf. Cui Baoshan, BNUProf. Liu Jingling, BNUProf. Mo Pu, BNUProf. Liu Shiliang, BNUProf. Li Xiao Wen, BNUDr. Ruth E. Sherman, CUDr. Stephen Morreale, CUEditorial Committee:Prof. Dong Shikui, BNUProf. Shi Jianbing, BNUProf. Bai Junhong, BNUProf. James Lassoie, CUProf. Karim-Aly Kassam, CUAr

28、rangement Committee:Ms. Wen Lu, BNUMr. Fu Wei, BNUMr. Zhu Lei, BNUMr. Louise Buck, CUMr. Jamie Herring, CUMr. Robert Beazley, CULANGUAGEThe official language of the Conference (manuscripts, presentations, etc.) is English.CALL FOR PAPERSThose people who are interested in environmental protection, na

29、tural resources management, social-cultural conservation, sustainable development of society and human benefits are welcome to participate this workshop. The authors who are willing to present either oral or poster presentations are required to submit an abstract and an application form before April

30、 10, 2009. The list of accepted abstracts will be announced on April 25, 2009. The full paper for accepted abstract should be submitted to Editorial Committee before May 15, 2009. The selected and peer-reviewed papers from plenary and contributed presentations will be published as a contribution to

31、international journal on these important topical areas. The rest of high quality papers will be presented in English journal published in China.The authors are invited to submit a 250-300 word abstract with author(s) full name (the speakers name should be underlined), address and e-mail. The full pa

32、per should be 21*29.7cm (A4) with a margin of 3cm on the top and bottom and 2.5cm on the right and left, using "Times New Roman" font throughout, single-spaced paragraphs and 12pt. type for the body text. The filled application form, abstract and full paper can be submitted to Editorial Co

33、mmittee by e-mail to dongshikui.WORKSHOP SCHDULEBeijing WorkshopMay 27 Morning: official welcome and plenary presentations; Afternoon: invited presentations on coupled system themes; Evening: welcome reception and dinner.May 28 Daytime: contributed presentations; Evening: Free;May 29 Moring: contrib

34、uted presentations; Afternoon: thematic working sessions; Evening: free May 30 Optional fieldtrip to Miyun Watershed (IUCN China)Yunnan Fieldtrip Workshop (Optional)May 31 Morning: fly from Beijing to Kunming; Lunch: Kunming Institute of Botany & ICRAF; Afternoon: drive Kunming to Lincang; Eveni

35、ng: freeJune 1Morning: visit Xiaowang Dam BNU 973 Project (dam construction); Afternoon: drive Lincang to Baoshan; Evening: free.June 2 Daytime: visit Baoshan ICRAF Project; Evening: freeJune 3Morning: drive Baoshan to Dali;Daytime: visit Dabao Hingway BNU 973 Project (Road construction); Evening: f

36、reeJune 4Daytime: Visit Laojunshan National Park (Ludian & Liming) TNC Project; Evening: Free.June 5 Moring: drive from Liming to Shangri-La; Evening: free.June 6 Daytime: Visit Pudacuo National Park TNC Project; Evening: free.June 7 Fly from Shangri-La to Kunming to Beijing/USA.REGISTRATION INFORMATIONRegistration feesBe


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