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1、Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes. 人教版人教版Unit3主讲人:王娟娟学校规章制度学校规章制度 No, we cant.5. Dont fight.Do you agree? Or disagree? 美国的孩子追求个性世人皆知,想要用统一的校服栓住他们可不容易。因此,除了教会学校和部分私立学校外,美国的的公立学校都不要求学生穿校服。不过学校还是会在学生毕业时为他们准备统一的服装,好让学生们以统一的形象参加毕业典礼和拍集体照。American school uniform 英国校服款式经典、简洁大方英国校服款式经典

2、、简洁大方,中学生必须穿着正统西中学生必须穿着正统西式校服式校服,男生为正统西装、正规皮鞋、需要佩戴领带男生为正统西装、正规皮鞋、需要佩戴领带;女女生也是统一西式正统服装、正规女式皮鞋、必须佩戴领生也是统一西式正统服装、正规女式皮鞋、必须佩戴领花。这种经典的校服款式花。这种经典的校服款式,以及严谨细致的服饰搭配以及严谨细致的服饰搭配,潜潜移默化地影响着英国学生的气质和审美。移默化地影响着英国学生的气质和审美。Britain school uniform 女生校服基本以水手服+短裙+长袜为主,男生则是中山装或西装制服。部分学校还统一外套、背包、鞋的款式。在日剧中频频出现的学生制服,是大多数女生钟

3、爱日剧的原因之一。Japan school uniform 如今,韩版服饰已成了当下许多年轻人的最爱。其实韩国学生的校服也同样非常好看。男生大多是白衬衫西装裤,女生通常是白衬衫加花格子百褶裙还有蝴蝶结。青春中不乏时尚。还记得我的野蛮女友中全智贤和车太贤穿着高中校服去酒吧的的经典画面吗?Korea school uniform这个校服不是经常穿,只有在盛大典礼上才穿着,俄罗斯人超漂亮,都是帅哥美女Russian school uniform网球王子吸血鬼骑士吸血鬼骑士 犬夜叉犬夜叉柯南柯南 clannad 小镇家族小镇家族金色琴弦金色琴弦 Do you think your school uni

4、form is beautiful?Do you like your school uniform?If you can choose your own school uniform, what will you choose?Reading Tips1. Fast reading(略读)(略读): What is this article about?2. Careful reading(精读)(精读): Details we need to pay attention The other day, my friends and I talked about the rules that w

5、e have in school. At our school, we have to wear uniforms every day. The problem is that all my classmates think the uniforms are ugly.Explain the passage, do you know the meaning of the underlines words.We think young people should look smart and so we would like to wear our own clothes. Our teache

6、rs believe that if we did that, we wouldconcentrate more on our clothes than our studies. We disagree. Explanation the other day = a few days ago 前几天前几天 (用于一般过去时用于一般过去时) talk about 谈论谈论 look smart 看起来漂亮看起来漂亮 would like to do sth 想要做某事想要做某事 our own clothes 我们自己的衣服我们自己的衣服 concentrate . on 全神贯注于全神贯注于 t

7、hat is good for studying 那对学习有好处那对学习有好处We would feel more comfortableand that is good for studying.If we cant do that, we should be alowed to design our own uniforms. That would be a good way to keep both teachers and students happy. Its also probably a good idea for parents to allow teenagers to st

8、udy in groups during the evening. I know we get noisy sometimes, but we learn a lot from each other. We also think that vacations should be longer. At present theyre too short. Longer vacations would give us time to do things like volunteering. Last summer I had an opportunity to volunteer at the lo

9、cal hospital, but I couldnt because I had to go back to school. It would be a good experience for me because I want to be a doctor when Im older. a good way to keep both teachers and students happy一个使学生和老师都快乐的方法一个使学生和老师都快乐的方法 (keep sb. adj. 使某人.) probably 大概大概 get noisy 变的嘈杂变的嘈杂 learn . from . 向向.学习

10、学习 at present = now 此刻此刻/现在现在 give us time to do sth 给我们时间去做给我们时间去做. have an opportunity to do sth 有机会做有机会做某事某事. go back to 返回返回. 1. What do the students in this article think about the school uniforms? The students think the uniforms are ugly.2. What kind of clothes do they want to wear? They would

11、 like to wear their own clothes.3. How do they like to study? They like to study in groups during the evening.4. What are their ideas about vacations? They think that vacations should be longer.5. Why is it good to volunteer? Because volunteering is a good experience for future jobs.Do you think all the rules in our school are fair? If not, why?What do you think should be changed?A: What school rules do you think should b


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