1、2019届高三高考仿真卷(一)英语试卷【含答案及解析】 姓名 _ 班级 _ 分数 _ 题号 -二二 三 四 五 六 总分 得分 、阅读理解 1. There are an un believable nu mber of reas ons to go to Greece;just like there are an un believable nu mber of thi ngs to do once a traveler arrives there.Here is a look at just some of the great historical thi ngs to see whe n
2、 vacati oning in Athe ns,Greece. Agora Agora lies in ruins now,but during its glory days it was a lively and active ope n marketplace where Greeks came to buy,sell,a nd excha nge their goods and services.Agora has ties to com mon people of ancient Greece.Guided tours are available and there is also
3、a small museum with many artifacts from this area on display. Parthe non One of the most famous Ian dmarks in Athe ns is the lege ndary Parthe non. This building is still today admired by architects who are appreciative of the decorative design,as well as the engineering involved in its con struct i
4、on. Those in terested in history will be impressed bey ond belief with the opport un ity to see this historic structure up close and pers on al. Temple of Olympia n Zeus One of the most impressive monuments to see up close is the Temple of Olympia n Zeus.Ma ny people see this monument from far away,
5、or eve n from the win dow of a taxi,a nd n ever stop for a firstha nd look themselves.This is a huge mistake as the size of it cannot truly be appreciated without visiting it up close. Odeum of Herodes Atticus Built into the hillside and providi ng a nice view of Athe ns is the Odeum of Herodes Atti
6、cus.This theater was con structed in the sec ond cen tury and was an importa nt gatheri ng place for both the upper and lower classes .It holds a little over 5,000 people,is located just below the Acropolis,and is still used for performa nces to this day. 1. What did the ancient Greeks do in Agora?
7、A. They did bus in ess. B. They toured aro und. C. They visited museums. D. They prayed for bless in gs. 2. Who will show the most in terest in Parthe non? A. Electrical engin eers. B. Buildi ng desig ners. C. Ordinary visitors. D. Religious people. 3. How can visitors fully appreciate the Temple of
8、 Olympia n Zeus? A. By approachi ng it. B. By look ing in the dista nee. C. By taking a bird s -eye view. D. By seeing through a taxi window. 4. In what way is Odeum of Herodes Atticus different from the others? A. It has great historical value. B. It has ties to com mon people. C. It is famous for
9、its architecture. D. It still serves its origi nal purpose. 2. Many young people these days adore the advertised magaz ine body and become too focused on attai ning this image in stead of worryi ng more about what lasts and even grows over time. But could you imagine being considered beautiful for y
10、ears, and suddenly being ugly after moving to another continent? It is a sad reality that people don t realize how vacillating the idea of beauty can be from one country to another. Think of the most typical American girl you know. Is she blonde haired with white skin and light eyes, and does she lo
11、ve shopping or sports? Now place this girl in the heart of Africa, a place where beauty is placed on what you can control. The Maasai tribe in Kenya focuses on how clean people are, and how stylish their piercings ( 穿孔 ) are. This tribe s culture is to be a brave fighter, so they will cut their skin
12、 with patterns in it to show that they are strong. If you don t look fierce, you are not beautiful. Other countries like North Korea and South Korea have their own unique views on beauty. In an interview, a woman who has lived in both North and South Korea claims that beauty in North Korea is based
13、more on your ability to be a good woman and wife. She says that women in North Korea are less concerned about fashion and beauty in the physical sense. She says they did have a time when big eyes were a big deal and everyone wanted to get double eyelid surgery. This is something extreme and could pe
14、rhaps be influenced by Western culture. And the idea of getting surgery done to look more attractive is crazy. 1. What does the underlined word “ vacillating ” in Paragraph 1 probably mean? A. Inconsistent. B. Reasonable. C. Unusual. D. Similar. 2. The Maasai tribe in Kenya is mentioned to show that
15、 in their eyes _ . A. getting dirty is stylish B. looking fierce is beautiful C. strong people cut their skin D. American girls love shopping 3. According to the woman interviewed, women in North Korea now _ . A. care a lot about their appearance B. put the beauty of eyes in the first place C. pay g
16、reat attention to their ability D. are crazy about double eyelid surgery 4. What does the text mainly tell us? A. Inner beauty is of great importance. B. Ideas of beauty vary among culture groups. C. Different ways are needed to admire true beauty . D. Fashion magazines easily influence young people
17、. 3. Years ago,my wife and I volunteered at a homeless shelter in downtown Los Angeles,US,preparing meals for thousands of people.I got to talk with one of the guys in line,Albert.He said he liked my socks. “ Want to see mine? ” he asked,lifting his leg.He was barefoot.He said he had been meaning to
18、 buy a pair but he hadn t got around to it.I felt a sinking feeling in my stomach. The next day,after work,I stopped at Ross and filled up a cart with socks.I stuffed my trunk with them.That next morning,I set my alarm for 5 a.m.and drove over to Santa Monica s Palisade s Park,which is a common dest
19、ination for homeless people. I took one of the bags from my trunk.It was still darkout.I headed for a group of three men,standing around a tree,probably using it as a windbreaker.Two were asleep under heavy blankets,and the third was digging through his collection.As I walked toward him,he watched m
20、e,perhaps questioning my motives. “ I thought you guys might need some fresh new socks, ” I said,handing him a pair.He looked confused at first but took them and said, “ Thank you. ” I gave him two more pairs for his friends. I moved on.An hour later,I had given out all the socks.Most people were sl
21、eeping,and I felt like Santa.I knew that when they woke up they would find a very meaningful present. That was nine years ago.Every week I ll ha nd out as many socks as I can.If I m on vacation or on a business trip for more than a week,I bring a bag of socks with me and hand them out to the homeles
22、s on the streets in other states and countries. It s extremely satisfying to operate “ under the radar ” to help make some people s lives a little bit easier.Part of me hopes to see Albert out there one of these days,but even if I don t,I like to think one of the pairs will find him. 1. What caused
23、the author to hand out socks to the homeless? A. Albert s desire to get free socks. B. The approach of Christmas Day. C. His hard work at a homeless shelter. D. The conversation between him and Albert. 2. Which is true about the author according to the passage? A. He believed it felt good to help th
24、e homeless. B. He went to Ross to buy a pair of socks for Albert. C. He handed out socks to the homeless as Christmas gifts. D. He was often questioned about why he was giving out socks. 3. What could be the best title for the passage? A. Santa Claus brings Christmas gifts B. Kindness is rewarded wi
25、th kindness C. Every sock helps make somebody s day D. Socks are passed on from hand to hand4. The Man Booker Prize for Fiction is awarded for a novel written by a writer from the Commonwealth or the Republic of Ireland and it aims to represent the very best in contemporary fiction. The prize was or
26、iginally called the Booker- McConnell Prize, which was the name of the company that sponsored it, though it was better- known as simply the Booker Prize . In 2002, the Man Group became the sponsor and they chose the new name, keeping Booker. Publishers can submit books for consideration for the priz
27、e, but the judges can also ask for books to be submitted that they think should be included. Firstly, the Advisory Committee gives advice if there have been any changes to the rules for the prize and selects the people who will judge the books. The judging panel changes every year and usually a pers
28、on is only a judge once. Great efforts are made to ensure that the judging panel is balanced in terms of gender( 性别 ) and professions within the industry, so that a writer, a critic, an editor and an academic are chosen along with a well-known person from wider society. However, when the panel of ju
29、dges has been decided, they are left to make their own decisions. Meanwhile, the prize sponsor has no further right to take part in any more. The Man Booker judges include critics, writers and academics to maintain the consistent quality of the prize and its influence is such that the winner will al
30、most certainly see the sales increase considerably, in addition to the 50,000 that comes with the prize. 1. Who can submit books to the prize? A. Judges. B. Writers. C. Readers. D. Sponsors. 2. Why is the prize named the Man Booker Prize? A. Because the prize is given to writers from the Commonwealt
31、h. B. Because the prize was known as simply the Booker Prize . C. Because the prize is sponsored by the Man Group and they kept the name. D. Because the prize is aimed to award the very best contemporary fiction. 3. Which task can be done by the Advisory Committee? A. Changing the rules for the priz
32、e on their own. B. Selecting the judging committee. C. Making decisions on who is the winner. D. Submitting books for consideration for the prize. 4. The consistent quality of the prizes is guaranteed by _ . A. the prize money B. the gender of the judges C. the make-up of the panel of judges D. the
33、increase in sales of the winner 二、七选五 5. Choosing the right college for you is not so easy.You should have a general idea of what you want and dont want.The idea can guide you to find what fits your needs best. 1. Think about what major you want to study in college.If you know that,just look at coll
34、eges that have your major. 2. So think carefully about your major and interests before choosing one. Where the college is located matters.Anyone who tells you the location isnt important is lying. 3. If you look forward to working in the publishing industry,New York may be your best bet.If your pare
35、nts want you to stay close to home,please dont consider anywhere that requires a plane ticket to get to. Think about how much you can afford.Are your parents,paying for your education? If so,how much are they willing to spend?Do you have to contribute anything? Financial aid and scholarship exist,bu
36、t dont count on anything. 4. These are all things to consider before you fall in love with a college. Make sure youre going to spend time with the right people.The cool thing about college is that each different one attracts different kinds of people.For the first thing in your life,you get to choos
37、e where you get to spend your time and who you get to spend it with. 5. Make sure that the people youre with for four years are your kind of people. A.College is about learning what you love. B. Youd better choose a major that is popular. C. Go to the college with some people you like. D. Are you wi
38、lling to go into major debt over a school? E. Remember,above all,its the people that make the place. F. If you dont like cold weather,stay away from northern schools. G. These guidelines will help figure out what college you want to go to. 三、完形填空 6. Grandma is ninety this Christmas.I remember once v
39、isiting her,crying when my big sister told me “ There is no Santa Claus! ” ,because I knew she always told the _ . “ No Santa Claus? ” she snorted( 哼着说 ). “ Ridiculous! Don t _ it.That rumor has been going around for years.Now,put on your coat,and let s go. ” “ Go?Go where,Grandma?” I asked. “ Where
40、” _ to be Kerby s General Store.As we walked in,Grandma _ me twenty dollars. “ Take the money, ” she said, “and buy something for someone who needs it.I ll wait for you outdoors. ” I was only eight years old,and had never shopped for anything _ .For a few moments I just stood there, _ ,wondering wha
41、t to buy,and _ on earth to buy it for. I thought of everybody I knew:my family,friends,classmates.Suddenly I thought of Bobbie,a kid sitting behind me in the cla ssroom.He didn t have a _ ; he never went out during the winter.I held the bill _ .I would buy Bobbie a coat.I saw a red one with a hat to
42、 it.It looked really _ .He would like that. That _ ,Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas pape r and write, Bobbie,From _ ” on it.Then she drove me to Bobbie s house.Grandma _ down the street,and we hid in the bushes by his front walk.Then Grandma pushed me gently. “ All right,Santa Claus,get
43、 going! ” she _ . I took a deep breath, _ for his front door,threw the _ down,rang his doorbell and flew back.Together we waited _ in the darkness for the front door to open.Finally it did,and there stood Bobbie. Forty years haven t _ the thrill of those moments.That night,I reali those awful _ abou
44、t Santa Claus were just what Grandma said:they were _ .Santa was alive and well,and we were on his team. 1. A. story B. truth C. joke D. lie 2. A. believe B. ignore C. suspect D. admit 3. A. seemed B. supposed C. proved D. imagined 4. A. borrowed B. delivered C. threw D. handed B. lonely C. special
45、D. expensive B. depressed C. frightened D. confused 13. A. parked B. slowed C. rode D. walked To zed 5. A. alone 6. A. bored 7. A. when B. how C. who D. what 8. A. money B. coat C. friend D. hat 9. A. excitedly 10. A. new B. B. nervously C. warm C. cheap anxiously D. thoughtfully D. beautiful 11. A.
46、 morning 12. A. Grandma B. weekend C. B. classmates evening D. afternoon C. friends D. Santa Claus 14. A. shouted B. whispered C. complained D. ordered 15. A. searched B. dashed C. waited D. started 16. A. paper B. bill C. present D. bush 17. A. delightedly B. cheerfully C. willingly D. breathlessly
47、 18. A. weakened B. strengthened C. reminded D. informed 19. A. secrets B. discussions C. rumors D. sayings 20. A. unusual B. incredible C. strange D. ridiculous 四、短文填空 7. While people in Western countries are busy 1. (prepare) Christmas gifts for their loved ones,Chinese people are looking forward
48、to the Spring Festival,China s most important annual event.What is children s expected part of the Spring Festival?Chances are that they are longing 2. (receive) red envelopes which contain money.The red color of the envelopes symbolizes wishes for good luck.And the money in them is a symbol of wish
49、ing good fortune on children. One popular story of 3. the red envelopes came from is about a monster 4. .(call) Sui appearing on Chinese New Year s Eve.A sleeping child who w touched by it would develop a fever 5. . then become a fool.But a couple prayed so 6. .(sincere) that a god sent eight guards
50、 disguised as coins to protect their child.From then on,people placed eight coins on a red string and 7. . (hide) them under c hildren s pillows. As the Chinese character for “year ” has the same 8. . (pronounce) as the monster s name,people called the coins “ya sui qian ”,meaning “ 9. (luck) money
51、against the evil spirit ” . 10. . time passing,paper notes replaced the coins and the red envelope replaced the thread. 五、短文改错 8. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中 共有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A),并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线( )划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1. 每处错误及其
52、修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。 My father is the man I respect most. Strict as he may be, however he never fails to show her care and consideration. Once I broke a neighbor window. Seeing nobody around, I ran away immediately. When Dad came home, he noticed as my uneasiness and asked me what
53、 has happened. I could only tell him a truth. Instead of scold, he praised my honesty and then encouraged me to apologize our neighbor. I learned from this incident that not only does Dad take care of my health and he also teaches me what to be a good citizen. How luckily I am to have such a good fa
54、ther! 六、书面表达 9. 假定你是李华 , 你的英国笔友 David 寒假期间想来你所在的城市学习汉语 ,让你帮他选 择培训学校。请用英语给他写一封电子邮件 , 推荐一所理想的培训学校 , 并告知他学习时间、 课程内容、食宿、交通及学费等情况。 注意:1. 词数 100 左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节 , 以使行文连贯 ; 3. 开头和结尾已为你写好 , 不计入总词数。 Dear David, Yours, Li Hua参考答案及解析 第 1 题【答案】 细节推理題 Q 根据第一部分中的 i【was a livelv and actnre open niaitetplace wheie
55、Greeks canie to buy, sell, 醍簣矗曾 ZeM 桃人在矽旷场逬行买卖 交换商品和提供服务在此 2. B 推理尹 J 断题。根据第二部分中的 This buildmg is still today acnined by ai chitects who are ajjpreciatrve of the decorative design. as well as the engineetmg involved m its car.struutiGn.可矢口 Parthenon建疏学的典范 深 爱。故选 B. 3.A 细节推理题。根抿第三 aOne of the most im
56、pressive ttionunientsjo see up close is the Temple of Olympian Zeus可知 Temple Gf Olympian 2 如、应该近距离观赏的,远观不能很好地欣赏。故选 A. 4. D 推理判断题 根 1S 最后部分 It holds a little ovei 5,000 people, is Located just below the Acropolis, and is still used foi performances to this dav.可知 Odeum oFHeriidts Atncin 与众木同之处在于建于 2
57、世纪至今还用 于演出,故选 D. 【名师点睛】 做好细节理解题的几点建议: 做细节理解题具体方法与步軽如下; 略读材轧 大概了解原文,拿握中心或主旨; O 按文童的依栽,作者写作的组织摸式及有关的信息词。妇 for sample, first 亦d等预测应该到何 处寻找自己所需要的事实; active open marketplace where Greeks came to buy, EQIL and echanqe their goods and services可知古 na 1 tv a 韦 六饰希七 m/H 甌 2 夂 保 rH-g ,1、曰 5 r FHp*口?厶 孑l.A 2.B
58、3. A 4.D 、文童列举了雅其 4 个最吸引人的古遗址匚 希腊汉她独有的魅力每行吸弓I 了大 量题 S。 Bn 定丿 I mIR 卜待找到含细节句 一原 1 匕匕 D2T冃 第3题【答案】 第2题【答案】 1. A 2. B 3. C 焉饨皿游,叶 h皿等施说明了每个国翻于美歸曙生活类文丟站仪 1. 词义精测 1 虹 由第段中的 “ Put could yoM imagine being considered beautiful for years, and suddenly being ugly aftr moving to another continent? It 忑 a sad r
59、eality tha1 people dont realize how ne country to another可知在到畠个大洲之后#普 在融蠡塾鬧的却舒难过的 n wnststeniL LZLJUCLLL CceasOnable L ZLU 匸匸 liflUEual J Z 匸匸匚二 匚口 匚匚 2细节理解题。由第二段中的 aThe Maassi tribe in Kenya .If you dont look fierce, you are not b-eautrful可知在W 乐制落里人们认为着起来不凶猛就不瀑亮故 E 项*看崔来凶猛才是;票亮 正确。 二推理斷题亠由最后一段中的“ 爲
60、 woman . claims tha1 auty in North Kora is b 占書电占 on your ability to be a good womn and wife. Sh 弋 say5 that v/omeri in North Korea are Ie5& concerned abcut ashion and beauty in the phygQI 詢侃可 Mb 在 North Ko女人们不衣关注外表的美丧地们的美 更參的建立在作为一个好妥人和好妻子的能力之上口故可推知,fiHoith 畑总硬注重的是能尢 I 故选 斗主旨大意题,第一段提出话題;每个国家对干美的看法不
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