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1、扬州市施桥镇第二小学教学设计纸总第课时授课时间教学内容Unit4 Then and now教学目标1. 听说 读单词 then and now ,e-book, mobile phone,n ewspaper, radio, teleph one, e-frie nd, any where, could,并能运用于语句中。2. 掌握动词过去式的发音及用法,会说years ago,could/could not Now,3能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的引导和帮助下尝试复 述课文内容。4.通过过去和现在的对比,感受个人的成长和社会的进步。教学重点教学难点1能正确地理解并朗读对话内容,在教师的

2、引导和帮助下尝试复 述课文内容2.冃匕正确使用 般过去时和 般现在时表达过去和现在的事 情。教学步骤师生教学活动预设个性化备课Warm up1. T: Do you know the song?S: Where is time going?T: Yes, time flies quickly. We are grow ing up, andthe things around us are cha nging. We know,theworld is cha nging.2. T: Then what is changing?Do you have youridea?Prese ntationA

3、.1. T: Perfect. I like your ideas. Now I' ll showyou a family. Do you know them? Who is he/ she? ( Mike, Mr Brown, Mrs Brown, Mike' sgran dpa)T:(总结)The time before, we can use this word: Then. ( what does it mean?)T: Today, we are going to learn Unit 4, Thenand now.T: SO ,can you say sth. ab

4、out Mike ' s family?(对比说,is/are, was/were )B.1.(图)This boy, he is Mike. Now, he is a young boy. And he can do many thi ngs now.Let' s guess, what can he do?T: So, six years ago, Mike could read.buthe(师生一起读文本)4. look at Mr Brown. This is Mr Brown twenty years ago. And This is Mr Brow n now.Wh

5、at did he do the n and what does he do now?(1)Read the paragraph quickly, and try to find out the com muni cate tools.(2)read the four words. T: They are n eeded whe n we want to con tact others. So ,whichone do you like? And Why?(3) How about Mr Gree n? What did he use twenty years ago? (match: wro

6、te letters, used the telephone ) How about now? (match: writes e-mails, uses the mobile phone)T: Let' s imagine where he did or does these things. Where did he wrote letters/ use the teleph one/ write e-mails/ uses the mobile pho ne?(4) T: Let' s read this paragraph together.Now, try to desc

7、ribe Mr Brow n.(学生复述)(总结) T: The n and now, the way to con tact people is cha nging .5. T: look at the pictures, do you remember her? Mrs BrownLet' s see whatcha nges have happe ned on her.(1) T: What is she doing in the picture?(2) T: Are you right? Read it please.(解释 e-friends) So maybe she is

8、 doing some shopp ing or chat with her e-frie nds on theIn tere net.(3) And this is the picture of her twenty yearsago. Then she was a schoolgirl. Where did she make friends? And where did she buy thin gs?(4) Read the text with your part ners.7. Read the whole text together.Colidatio nT: This time,

9、let' s work in 4. Each one chooses a part to read. Then use the phrases on the blackboard to make a report about your part.(分组练习朗读,然后四人一小组,上 台借助板书进行反馈)。Homework1丄isten and read Story time.2. Retell Story time on P383. Bri ng two photos and think of the cha ngesbetwee n two photos on P40.板书设计Unit

10、 4 Then and nowWho things to do before things to donowMikeMR Brow n教学反思扬州市施桥镇第二小学教学设计纸教学内容Unit4 Then and now教学目标1.能够理解并掌握动词过去式的不规则变化及读音。总第课时授课时间62. 学生能运用句型.years ago, I was/ I could (not)/ did nt. o3. 在真实情境中,用所学知识正确比较过去与现在。教学重点教学难点1. 了解掌握动词过去式的转换方式和运用。2. 运用文中所学的句型等,准确表达出自己的过去和现在。教学设计教学步骤师生教学活动预设个性化备

11、课Warm upT: What did you do yesteday /last weeke nd?S:T:What do you ofte n do at weeke nds?S:2. Act and sayT: What did I do just now ?S: You liste ned to music just now.Prese ntatio1. Think and say7T: Think about the changes of Mike family and finish the table.2. Read and lear nan e-book n ewspapera

12、radiophonea TV3. Try to useT: Look at this short passage, use the new words to fill in the bla nks.Twenty years ago ,my mother used theat home. She couldn ' t call people any where. Now shehas a.It is easy to take .Myfather listened to theand readfor news in the past ,but now he usually watches

13、news on the Internet .Sometimeshereadsn ewspaper.Healsoreads.For me ,ten years ago ,Iwatchedat weekends, now I likeplay ing computer games whe n 1' m freIt ' s fun.4. Grammar time : Make senten cesT: There are three types of cards in my hand.Theyare“ When ”,“ Who” an(“ What ” . We need to pu

14、t these three arbitrary comb ined into a sentence .e .d't they't workColidatio n1. Checkout time: Look and writeT: What could they do? What could ndo?2. Fun timeA. T: Look, here are two photos of me.Twenty years ago, I was a student. I could ride a bikecouldn' t drive. I didnNow I '

15、m a teacher. I can drive . I teachyou En glish.B. T: Let' s say something aboutnow ” of you, and make a comparis on table.3. Checkout time:Think and writeT: Stick a photo of yourself and then write about it .“ then andHomework1背诵第二单元课文。2用英语介绍自己过去和现在的变化。板书设计Unit4 Then and nowWrite wrotebuy bought

16、read readtake took教学反思11扬州市施桥镇第二小学教学设计纸总第课时授课时间教学内容Unit4 Then and now教学目标1、阅读并理解Cartoon time 的内容,学会表演,明白Cartoon time的幽默之处。在前两课的基础上会正确并熟练对比以前和过去,感受个人的成长和社会的进步。;了解并体会字母组合er在单词中的发音;让学生了解人类的两项重大发明并延伸中国古代的四大发明及 其他的发明。教学重点教学难点阅读并了解相关的Culture time ;在前两课的基础上会正确并熟练对比以前和过去;让学生了解人类的重大发明,激发学生的求知欲望和远大理想。教学设计教学步骤

17、师生教学活动预设个性化备课Warm upWatch the video;Let' s recall the past.Revisio na、Introduce myself.b、Introduce themselves.c、Introduce Clothes 、Food、House and Tran sportati on about the past and the prese nt.Prese ntation1 Sound time1) Talk and lead-in : Bobby and Sam also learn English at school. This is an

18、 English less on.Ask: What are they doing now?2) Try to read the senten ces;3) Explain :er is pronounced as -134) Try to say some other words about“er ”5) Read the words together ,the n make some new senten ces with the words.2Carto on timeWatch the cartoon, then answer :Miss Fox gets an gry. Why?Re

19、ad together and judge.Read alone and an swer: What do you thinkof Sam and Bobby?Liste n and repeat.Think and imagine: If you were Miss Fox, what would you say? Read in roles and try to act.Guess : What are Bobby and Sam talking about?3 Culture timeThey ' re talking about a book called Great inve

20、n ti ons.Ask: What is this? It ' s an aeroplane. What about this? It ' s a train.Ask: Who inven ted the aeropla ne and the train? Liste n and repeat.Introduce the first aeroplane and the first trai n.Colidatio n1) The America ns and the British inven ted the first aeroplane and the first tra

21、in. And Our Chinese people are even great. Then In troduce the Four Great Inven ti ons of an cie nt China2) Share some other inven ti ons.3) Sum up: Listen carefully in class, we willknow a lot and be a useful pers on!Homework1、Read the dialogue with expression and tryto recite it.2、Surf the Interne

22、t and find out some stories about inven tio ns.板书设计Unit4The n and now-years ago, I-er / ?/Now I-fatherbrother together-invented-writerlettersin gerwin tersweatersweaterwinner教学反思扬州市施桥镇第二小学教学设计纸总第课时授课时间17教学内容Unit4 Then and now教学目标1.正确元成书上 Checkout中的练习2熟练并正确地比较过去与现在。3. 复习并巩固前三课时所学的单词与句型4. 正确使用过去与现在的句型

23、写短文:I' ve grow n up!教学重点教学难点复习并巩固前三课时所学的单词与句型正确使用过去与现在的句型写短文:I' ve grown up!教学设计教学步骤师生教学活动预设个性化备课Warm upShow the taskHello, boys and girls, welcome back again.Nice to see you. Today let' s go on 1this unit. What is the topic?At this less on, we' II have a main task. Lthe task is :Wri

24、te a passage: I' At the end of this less on, please try to finishearningook,e grow n up!the passage. OK?Play a gameFirstly, let ' splay a game, it ' scalled: Choose and classify. For me , some words that used in the past and some of them that used in the prese nt. Can you classify them?Y

25、ou can say like this: In the past, youyou.Noy isPrese ntation1) Just now, you could classify the words that used in the past and the prese nt. Which onedo you prefer? That means which one do you like better, life in the past or life today?You can answer the question in this way: I think life in the

26、past wasLife toda2) Some one likes the life today, but some one does n ' t.No matter whether we like it or not, we will grow up! Look, this isMike ' sfamily photo. But what were they19like when they were young? What could they do? What couldn ' tthey do? Let ' take a look.3) Say some

27、thing about them according to the photos? Please try to guess from the photos.T: Look at this baby. Who' s he?S: He ' s Tim.T: Can you say somethi ng about him?S: Tim was one year old. He could nT: What else?S:4) Now, let's know more about the membersin Mike ' sfamily. Open your book

28、s, read this part and finish the exercise here.Let ' s check together.s'tBoys and girls, you should use could and couldn ' t correctly.5) You know Mike ' sfamily. What about you? Now, it's time for us to write a passage:I ' ve grown up!Colidatio nTaskYou see, every one has cha nged a lot .and we can see many cha nges in our daily life. Can you find more cha nges in our life.Discuss in groups and the n share ideas.Homework1. Talk to your friends about the changes happe n on you.2. Memorize the irregular verbs you ' ve lear nt,


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