英语美文背诵短篇精选 英语背诵美文30篇.doc_第1页
英语美文背诵短篇精选 英语背诵美文30篇.doc_第2页
英语美文背诵短篇精选 英语背诵美文30篇.doc_第3页




1、英语美文背诵短篇精选 英语背诵美文30篇我国教育部门对英语的教育是极为重视的,培养专业英语人才不仅需要具有专业的英语语言知识和文化,而且可以在不同的岗位上使用英语和本族语来从事不同的工作。下面是WTT带来的英语短篇美文背诵精选,!英语短篇美文背诵精选篇一Moonlight and the Spring(月光 泉水)Moonlight and the SpringSometimes he watched the moon,pouring a silvery liquid on the clouds,through which it slowly melted till they became a

2、ll bright;then he saw the same sweet radiance dancing on the leafy trees which rustled as if to shake it off,or sleeping on the high tops of hills,or hovering down in distant valleys,like the material of unshaped dreams;lastly,he looked into the spring,and there the light was mingling with the water

3、.In its crystal bosom,too,beholding all heaven reflected there,he found an emblem of a pure and tranquil breast.He listened to that most ethereal of all sounds,the song of crickets,ing in full choir upon the wind,and fancied that,if moonlight could be heard,it would sound just like that.From“The Can

4、terbury Pilgrims”by Nathaniel Hawthorne月光泉水时而他注视着月亮,看它向云朵洒下道道银光,渐渐地,云朵里渗进融化的月光,变得通体透亮。一转眼,那清辉又翩跹在扶疏的枝叶当中,而树叶沙沙颤抖,好似要将那不速之客抖落在地。一会儿月光蛰伏在高山顶上,倏地又盘旋而下,消失在遥远的山谷里,梦境大概就是这样不可捉摸的吧。最后,他转向水泉:在那里,光与水再也不分彼此。当目睹泉水晶莹,反映出整个天穹的影像,他恍然大悟:这不正代表了一种纯粹、平和的心境么?微风送来虫鸣阵阵,此曲只应天上有,他侧耳细听,并梦想着,假如月光也可以歌唱,它的歌声一定就是那样的。英语短篇美文背诵精选篇

5、二Talking with strangersI believe that everyone has the e_perence of chatting with some strangers.Chatting with strangers can make us rela_ and feel fortablely.Yesterday,I took a train from Huizhou to Zhaoqing by myself, at first,I just played my cellphone and saw the view out of the window.I felt lo

6、nely.A woman was sitting opsite me,and a boy was sitting beside me.I thought we could talk about something,but the woman was just sleep or looked around and the boy seemed deovted himself into his phonegame or listened mp3,I tried several times in my heart:“Hello,where will you go ”,however ,I could

7、n't say it at the moment.At last,I descovered that if I don't do it ,I would bee really lonely all my journey,the woman awoke and the boy just listen his mp3.I breath deeply,opened my mouth to the woman :“Hi,where will you go ?”“Guangzhou”,the woman answered,“and you?”“Zhaoqing.”“You are a s

8、tudent,”the woman cried,“di you finish the collage entrance e_amination and have a vacation?”“yes”,I answered.“I'm an English teacher in a middle shcool,”she said happily,“do you feel successfully during the test?”“So so,”I answered frankly.And we talked about some universities I had chosen,at t

9、hat time.the boy came and talked with us.We knew he also was a university student and he did some parttime job.His collage was beside one of the colleges I had chosen.So we chatted many tings happily during long time.When the train arrived Guangzhou, they got out of the train ,I sat beside the windo

10、w and chew the short-time memories we had e_perienced.The ne_t two hours'journey became lively and interesting.英语短篇美文背诵精选篇三生命之巅There was a dreamLong time agoThere was a dreamDestined to growHacerse pasion (To bee passion)Con fuego abrazar (and to hug with fire)El deseo de dar sin fin (the will t

11、o give in an endless way)El deseo de ganar (the will to win)For a lifetime of progressThat runs here todayWe'll go all the wayHey they feel like having the time of our livesLet's light the fire find the plainLet's go together as one inside'Cause it feels like we're having the tim

12、e of our livesWe'll find the glory and the painAll that we are, for all that we areFor time of our livesHoy es el dia (Today is the day)Es la ocasion de triunfar (the time to succeed)Para hacer realidad el destino que so?abamos conseguir (reality the destiny we dreamt to achieve)Una vida de luch

13、a nos trajo hasta aqui (A life of fight brought us here)Y llegare hasta el final (and I'll keep on till the end)Heaven knows'Cause it feels like we're having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo deser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)&#

14、39;Cause it feels like we're having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )Llego el momento de la verdad (the moment of truth has arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)Y ya nunca jamas lo podre olvidar.(And now I will never ever forget it.)'

15、Cause it feels like we're having the time of our livesJuntos, unidos, triunfara nuestro deseo de ser el mejor (Together, united, the will to be the best will win)'Cause it feels like we're having the time of our livesHasta la gloria, junto a ti, (Till the glory, along with you )El momento llego (The moment arrived)El momento llego (The moment arrived)We'll find the glory we'll be thereFor all that we areFor one thing that we wanna be and all that we areFor the time of our livesFor the time of our lives这里有一个梦想在很久很久以前这里有一个梦想不停


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