已阅读5页,还剩8页未读 继续免费阅读




1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上国际结算英汉互译整理第1章 国际结算导论专心-专注-专业有形贸易 visible trade无形贸易 invisible trade交货临界点 critical point for delivery 风险临界点 critical point for risk 跟单信用证统一规则 UCP600托收统一规则 UCR 522见索即付保函统一规则 URDG 458环球银行金融电信协会 SWIFT 以下是国际商会出版的2000年国际贸易术语解释通则中规定的全部贸易术语的分类。 第一组:E组(卖方在其所在地点把货物交给买方) Ex Works (named place) 工厂交货

2、(指定地点) 第二组:F组(卖方须将货物交至买方指定的承运人) FCA: Free Carrier (named place) 货交承运人(指定地点) FAS: Free Alongside Ship (named port of shipment) 船边交货(指定装运港) FOB: Free On Board (named port of shipment) 船上交货(指定装运港) 第三组:C组(卖方必须签定运输合同,但对货物灭失或损坏的风险以及装船和启运后发生事件所产生的额外费用不承担责任) CFR: Cost & Freight (named port of destinatio

3、n) 成本加运费(指定目的港) CIF: Cost, Insurance and Freight (named port of destination) 成本,保险加运费(指定目的港) CPT: Carriage Paid To (named place of destination) 运费付至(指定目的地) CIP: Carriage and Insurance Paid To (named place of estination) 运费保险费付至(指定目的地) 第四组:D组(卖方必须承担把货物交至目的地国家所需的全部费用和风险) DAF: Delivered at Frontier (na

4、med place) 边境交货(指定地点) DES: Delivered ex Ship (named port of destination) 船上交货(指定目的港) DEQ: Delivered ex Quay (named place of destination 码头交货(指定目的地) DDU: Delivered Duty Unpaid (named place of destination 未完税交货(指定目的地) DDP: Delivered Duty Paid (named place of destination) 完税后交货(指定目的地)第4节 国际结算中的银行机构Repr

5、esentative office 代表处Agency office 代理处Overseas sister bank,subbranch 海外分支行Correspondent Banks 代理行Subsidiary Banks 附属银行、子银行Affiliated Banks 联营银行 Consortium Bank 银团银行Control document 控制文件Test key 密押Specimen signature 印鉴文本Terms and conditions 费率表Nostro a/c 往帐Vostro a/c 来帐To credit 贷记To debit 借记第二章 国际结算

6、中的票据票据:instrument汇票 bill of exchange汇票是由出票人向另一个人签发的请求即期、定期或在可以确定的将来时间向指定人或者根据其命令向来人无条件支付一定金额的书面命令。( a bill of exchange is an unconditional order in writing,addressed by one person to another ,signed by the person giving it,equiring the person to whom it is addressed to pay on demand or at a fixed or

7、 determinable future time a sum certain in money to or the order of a specified person ,or to bearer.本票 promissory note 本票是一个人向另一个人签发 的,保证于见票时或者定期或在可以确定的将来时间,对某人或者其指定人或持票人无条件支付一定金额的书面付款承诺。( a promissory note is an unconditional promise in writing made by one person to another ,signed by the maker .e

8、ngaging pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money to or to the order of a specified person .or to bearer.)支票 cheque or check 本票是以银行为付款人的即期汇票(a check is an unconditional order in writing addressed by the customer(the drawer )to a bank(the drawee) signed by that cu

9、stomer authorizing the bank to pay on ,a specified sum of money to or to the order of a named person ,or to bearer (the payee)设权性 right to be paid 无因性 non-causative nature 要式性 requisite in form流通性 negotiability 可追索性 recoursement出票人 drawer付款人 payer / drawee收款人 payee背书人 endorser被背书人 endorsee承兑人 accept

10、or保证人 guarantor前手 prior parties后手 subsequent parties票据行为出票 issue 背书 indorsement/endorsement 空白背书 blank endorsement 记名背书 special endorsement 限制性背书 restrictive endorsement承兑 acceptance 参加承兑 acceptance for sbs honour保证 guarantee 保付 certified to pay 提示 presentation 付款 payment拒付 dishonour追索 resource 补充部分

11、 限制性抬头 restrictive order指示性抬头 demonstrative order持票人抬头 payable to bearer 出票地点 place of issue付款地点 place of payment付款日期 tenor担当付款 person designated as payer 预备付款人 referee in case of need必须提示承兑 presentment for acceptance required 不得提示承兑 acceptance prohibited对价 consideration善意持票人 holder in due course /b

12、ona fide holder 银行汇票 banker's draft 商业汇票 trade bill 承兑汇票 acceptance bill银行承兑汇票 bankers acceptance bill商业承兑汇票 traders acceptance bill即期汇票 sight draft/demand draft远期汇票 time bill /usance bill 光票 clean bill跟单汇票 documentary bill本币汇票 home money bill外币汇票 foreign money bill国内汇票 inland bill国外汇票 foreign b

13、ill 支票种类划线支票 crossed check保付支票 certified check第3章 汇款关键术语順汇 remittance逆汇 reverse remittance汇款人 remitter汇出行 remitting bank 解付行或汇入行 paying bank收款人或受益人 payee or beneficiary电汇telegraphic transfer T/T信汇 mail transfer M/T票汇 remittance by bankers demand draft D/D出票人(上文有)头寸 cash退汇 (无英文解释)预付货款 payment in adva

14、nce 货到付款 payment after arrival of the goods寄售 consignment第4章 托收托收 collection 托收是指由债权人(一般为出口商)开出汇票,委托出口地银行通过其在国外的分行或者代理行想债务人(一般为进口商)收取款项的结算方式,是仅次于信用证结算方式的一种比较常见的国际结算方式。after the exporter has shipped the goods or rendered services to his customers abroad,he draws a bill of exchange on the latter with

15、or without shipping documents attached thereto and then gives the draft to his bank together with his appropriate collection instructions ,thus ,a collection on the basis of commercial credit is usually processed through banks acting as the intermediary .委托人 principal or consignor托收行 remitting bank代

16、收行 collecting bank提示行 presenting Bank托收指示 collection instrument收款指示(无英文)光票托收(无英文)跟单托收(无英文,但很重要)直接托收(无)付款交单 D/P documents to be released to the drawee only on payment /documents against payment 承兑交单D/A documents to be released to the drawee only on acceptance /documents against acceptance第5章 信用证信用证 l

17、etter eof credit 是银行做出的有条件的付款承诺。它是开证行根据申请人(进口商)的要求和指示作出的在满足信用证要求和提交信用证规定的单据的条件下,向第三方(受益人、出口商)开立的承诺在一定期限内支付一定金额的书面文件。Credit means any arrangement ,however named or described ,that is irrevocable and thereby constitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing bank to honour a complying presentation.信用证的

18、形式信开本信用证 letter of credit电开本 cable简电本 brief cable 随寄证实书 mail confirmation to follow信开 open by airmail电开 open by cable通知 advise转递 transmit信用证业务的方式人指定银行 nominated Bank开证申请人 applicant 开证人 opener提出开证担保 secured agreement for L/C开证行 issuing Bank不符点 discrepancy受益人 beneficiary承付 honour议付 negotiate通知行 advisi

19、ng Bank议付行 negotiation Bank保兑行 confirming Bank付款行 paying Bank偿付行 reimbursing bank偿付授权书 reimbursement authorization 索偿书 reimbursement claim信用证的主要种类】光票信用证 clean credit跟单信用证 documentary credit不可撤销信用证 irrevocable credit可撤销信用证 revocable credit 保兑信用证 confirmed credit缄默保兑和局外保兑 silent confirmation不保兑信用证 unc

20、onfirmed credit即期付款信用证 sight payment credit延期付款信用证 deferred payment credit承兑信用证 acceptance credit议付信用证 negotiation credit可转让信用证 transferable credit不可转让信用证 non-transferable credit信用证的再装让 retransfer of credit转让书 letter of transfer背对背信用证 back to back credit 对开信用证 reciprocal credit循环信用证 revolving credit

21、积累性循环信用证 cumulative revolving credit 非积累循环信用证 non-自动循环信用证 automatic revolving credit 非自动循环信用证 non-半自动循环信用证 semi-预支信用证 anticipatory credit 第6章 银行保函和备用信用证银行保函 letter of guarantee,L/C银行保函的当事人 申请人 applicant 委托人 principal 受益人 beneficiary担保行 guarantor bank 通知行 advising Bank转开行 reissuing Bank反担保行 counter g

22、uarantor bank保兑行 confirming bank 见索即付 payable upon first simple demand投标保函 tender guarantee 履约保函 performance guarantee 预付款保函 advanced payment guarantee质量保函 quantity guarantee 维修保函 maintenance guarantee关税保付保函 customs guarantee账户透支保函 overdraft guarantee进口类保函付款保函 payment guarantee延期付款保函 deferred paymen

23、t guarantee补偿贸易保函 compensation guarantee来料加工保函 processing guarantee租赁保函 lease guarantee其他类保函 借款保函 loan guarantee保释金保函 bail board票据保付保函 guarantee for bill费用保付保函 payment guarantee for commission/charges备用信用证 stand-by letter of credit SL/C商业票据信用证 commercial paper L/C担保信用证 guarantee L/C第7章 国际贸易结算中的单据单据

24、document 商业发票 commercial invoice首文 heading正文 body麦头 shipping mark货物的描述 description of goods货物单价 unit price出口商的签章 exporters signature海关发票customs invoice估价和原产地联合证明书 combined certificate of value and origin证实发票 certificate invoice in accordance货物单据 transport documents海运提单 marine bill of lading 或 ocean

25、bill of lading 托运人 shipper/consignor承运人 carrier收货人 consignee受让人 transferee or assignee海运提单的种类已装船提单 shipped on board B/L待运提单 received for shippment B/L直达提单 direct B/L转运提单 transshipment B/L联运提单 through B/L清洁提单 clean B/L记名提单 straight B/L不记名提单 open B/L指示性提单 order B/L简式提单 short form B/L全式提单 long form B/L

26、班轮提单 liner B/L租船提单 charter party B/L运输代理行提单 horse B/L过期提单 stale B/L倒签提单 anti-dated B/L多式运输 multimodal transport多式运输单据 multimodal transport document多式运输提单multimodal transport B/L联合运输提单combined transport bill of lading联合运输或港至港提单 combined transport or Port to Port bill of lading不可流通转让的海运non-negotiable

27、seaway bill 直交进口商 straight consigned to importer租船合约提单 charter party bill of lading,charter party B/L航运提单 airway bill 直交记名提货人 straight consigned to a named consignee 保险单据海上风险 perils of sea 外来风险 extraneous risks全损 total loss实际全损 actual total loss推定全损constructive total loss部分损失 partial loss共同海损general

28、 average 单独海损particular average 施救费用 sue and labour expenses救助费用 salvage charge基本险 chief risk平安险 free from particular average,FPA水渍险with particular average WPA一切险 all risks AR一般附加险 general additional risk特殊附加险 special additional risks保险单 insurance policy 保险人insurer 被保险人 insured 预约保险单 open policy or

29、open cover 保险凭证 insurance certificate 保险声明 insurance declaration联合凭证 combined certificate暂保单 cover note附属单据商品检验证明 inspection certificate产品证明书 certificate of origin普惠制原产地证明书 generalized of preferences GSP一般原产地证明书 C/O 黑名单证明 blacklist certificate包装单据 packing document装箱单 packing list重量单 weight list第8章 跟

30、单信用证下单据的审核信用证的有效期 expiry date 最迟交单日 latest documents delivery date 最迟装运期 latest shipment date不符点 discrepancy 不符单据 discrepant document 佣金 commission 折扣 discount 现金折扣 cash discount 贸易折扣 trade discount空白抬头、空白背书 made out to order and blank endorsed开证行指示性抬头 made out to the order of issuing bank全套 full set常见不符点做成了转运 transshipment effected短装 short shipment超装 over shipment做成了分批装运 partical shipment effected超支 over drawing 超过信用证金额 redit amount exceeded少开支款金额 short drawing 发票金额与汇票金额不相符合 the amounts shown on the invoice and draft differ第9章 贸易融资打包放款、打包贷款 packing credit/loan出口押


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