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1、Protocol for Modern Diplomats and Etiquette for Some Western CountriesPengfei Wang Contents:Introduction.I. International Culture .Addressing OthersIntroductionsTitlesII. Mission Culture.Before ArrivalArriving at PostWelcomingMaking CallsCalling CardsResponsibilities at PostHierarchyIII. Host Countr

2、y Culture .Social Red FlagsBeing a GuestResourcesIV. Entertaining .Whom to InviteInformal EntertainingFormal EntertainingV. Dress .Formal “Black Tie” or “White Tie”Semi-formal/InformalCasualMedals and DecorationsSummary.Glossary of Diplomatic TermsINTRODUCTIONFew things are as anxiety provoking for

3、the first-time embassy or mission employee orfamily member as the notion of diplomatic protocol. Protocol can sound both stuffy andmysterious at the same time; and most of us believe we have had little experience in our non-governmentlives to prepare us. In fact, the rules and processes of diplomati

4、c protocol arebased in pragmatic thinking, common sense, and good mannersareas where we all havehad some experience.Protocol makes the job of representing our nation easier by facilitating our work as a missionteam, making our relationships and interactions within the diplomatic and host countrycomm

5、unities more predictable, and byproviding a basic social framework and hierarchy tofollow.This booklet is designed to help you begin to master the basics of diplomatic protocol.Whether you are an employee or spouse, have few representational responsibilities or arerunning your posts protocol office,

6、 this booklet is a good starting point for you. Thebooklets four main sections deal with international culture,mission culture, the hostcountryculture, and entertaining. I. INTERNATIONAL CULTUREAt gatherings that include representatives from the host country as well as from othercountries, the timel

7、ess formality of international diplomatic culture remains in place. Itensures that each country will be respected uniformly and without bias. The necessaryrespect is expressed most visibly through spoken courtesies. Below are some tips on how toaddress and introduce diplomatic representatives.Addres

8、sing OthersAlthough guidelines exist, proper forms of address vary greatly from culture to culture. Besure to check local customs, but a few general rules follow.The spirit of formality among diplomatic representatives usually means not addressing othersby their first names as quickly as is done in

9、the United States. One should rely on courtesytitles until invited to do otherwise. Socially, one can refer to a spouse by his/her first name oras my husband, or my wife rather than as Mr./Mrs. Smith. When dealing withhousehold employees however, you should still refer to your spouse as Mr./Mrs. Smi

10、th.Ambassadors are addressed as Mr./Madam Ambassador or Ambassador Jones. Only byspecial invitation or long friendship should one address an ambassador by first name and thenonly when not in the public eye. In indirect address, refer to the ambassador as theambassador, with his/her spouse as the amb

11、assador and Mr./Mrs. Jones, or if theambassadors spouse is a woman who kept her maiden name after marriage, the ambassadorand his wife, Ms. Smith. An ambassador of the United States may continue to be addressedas Mr./Madam Ambassador after retirement or after returning from his/her duties abroad.In

12、some French-speaking countries, the wife of the ambassador may be referred to as MadamAmbassador. Therefore, in those countries, refer to a female ambassador by her last name(Ambassador Jones) to avoid confusion and ensure that she receives her due respect.Those of rank below Ambassador are addresse

13、d as Mr., Ms. or Mrs., if marital status isknown.When referring to a U.S. post, the Embassy of the United States of America is preferredover the American Embassy. As references to America can be ambiguous, especially in theWestern Hemisphere, avoid using terms such as American ambassador or American

14、 citizen. Similarly, to be clear and to avoid offending others by suggesting that the USconstitutes the entire continent use United States in all references to this country.Making IntroductionsThe purpose of making introductions is to exchange names between people so that aconversation can follow. F

15、or a formal occasion, the traditional Mrs. Smith, may I presentMr. Jones? is used internationally. For less formal occasions simply stating the two names,Mrs. Smith, Mr. Jones, is acceptable. Making personal introductions (i.e., introducingoneself) is perfectly acceptable and encouraged. Adding cont

16、ext about yourself and your roleis helpful. For example, Hello, Im Zhang Xiao, Vice Consul at the Embassy of the Peoples Republic of China in Canada.In English, the accepted, formal response to any introduction is, How do you do?Informally, a smile, Hello, or, Its nice to meet you, are fine. Other l

17、anguages have veryparticular phrases, so be sure to learn them upon arriving at post.When making introductions, honor is recognized by the name spoken first. Courtesy giveshonor to those who are older, higher in rank, titled, have a professional status, or are female.To make the introductions more p

18、leasant, tell each individual a bit of information about theother. This encourages the conversation to continue.As they do when a woman enters the room, men should rise when being introduced to awoman. In some countries, a man kisses a married womans hand. Men also rise when beingintroduced to anoth

19、er man. Women should rise when being introduced to another woman forwhom she wishes to show great respect, such as the hostess, a very distinguished woman, ormuch older woman. In some countries, women rise when introduced to all others.Throughout the world, greeting and leave-taking customs may incl

20、ude handshakes, salutatorygestures or other specific expressions. If there is such a tradition, use it with host countrynationals, foreigners and fellow staff members. Failure to abide with tradition may beinterpreted as rudeness or a lack of respect for colleagues.The best and most courteous way to

21、 handle recognizing someone without recalling his or hername is to mention your name again. For example, Good evening, Im Jim Smith. We metrecently at the ambassadors home. Im pleased to see you again. More than likely, he/shewill reintroduce himself/herself. Starting from the assumption that he/she

22、 may also notremember your name could save both of you potential embarrassment.TitlesForms of address for foreign government officials and people holding professional,ecclesiastical, or traditional titles vary among countries. The correct local usage can beverified at post. Following are titles for

23、U.S. and some foreign officials that are widely usedin both spoken and written address. It is appropriate to begin letters and refer to othersdirectly and indirectly with the following titles.Diplomatic TitlesChiefs of MissionMr./Madam Ambassador (this also applies to an ambassador with a military t

24、itle), orAmbassador Reed.*Sir RichardBritish ambassador who is a knight (Sir Richards wife would beaddressed as Lady Smith.)Lord MontgomeryBritish ambassador who is a baronMr./Mrs. Douglas or Ms. Williamsthe ambassadors spouseCharg dAffairesMr./Ms/Mrs./Madam RandalMinisters and OthersMr./Madam Taylo

25、r* Special note should be made of how to address ambassadors. Over the years, and recentlyas well, there has been discussion about the use of the honorific title of Ambassador byformer ambassadors, both those who remain active in the Foreign Service and those who areretired. For years,regulations ha

26、ve forbidden this usage unless actually in the jobof ambassador or for those few who retired with the personal rank of career Ambassador.For current employees, long-standing custom and practice, however, has established a cleartradition that persons who have served asambassador may continue to use t

27、he title after such service inappropriate communications with others, may be referred to in communications andconversations by the title of Ambassador, and may be introduced to public audiences by thetitle.In the States, The Foreign Affairs Department has also clarified the use of the title for pers

28、ons who have retired from theForeign Service or left government service who served as ambassador after Senateconfirmation. An amendment to the various regulations permits the use of the title,“Ambassador, Retired,” for all such persons.Although the United States does not use the term, Excellency, so

29、me countries do whenreferring to ambassadors. Even if the host country uses the term Excellency, Americanchiefs of mission in those countries are addressed as Mr./Madam Ambassador by U.S.citizens. Foreign chiefs of mission who are accredited to the US are also referred to asambassadors.Government Ti

30、tlesIn most cases, the spouse of a government official does not share the officials title withhis/her spouse (i.e., the Presidents spouse is Mr./Mrs. Washington or Ms. Lincoln).Executive BranchMr./Madam PresidentMr./Madame Vice PresidentAll members of the cabinet are addressed as Mr./Madam Secretary

31、 exceptMr./Madam Attorney GeneralBelow the rank of Secretary, U.S. Government officials are addressed by their own name:Mr./Madam Reynolds, not Mr./Madam Undersecretary.Judicial BranchMr./Madam Chief JusticeMr./Madam JusticeLegislative BranchSenateSenator WilliamsHouseMr./Madam Speaker of the House,

32、 and Mr./Madam Williams for a staterepresentative. The titles Congressman and Congresswoman are becoming morecommon in social usage, but are not, strictly speaking, correct forms of address.State Government TitlesGovernor AdleyMayor Scott or Mr./Madam MayorII. MISSION CULTUREWhile less formal than i

33、nteractions at international functions, mission behavior is alsogoverned by specific guidelines. Following these guidelines ensures a pleasant workingenvironment and efficient mission operation.Before ArrivalIt is a long-standing custom to write to the chief of mission at your new post when you find

34、out about your assignment. This letter should express your interest in the new assignment andoffer your services before your departure. Writing to your new supervisor is a thoughtful,although not required, gesture. If writing to a new supervisor, a letter is the traditional form,but using technology

35、 such as e-mail messages is often acceptable as well. The once-commonpractice of newly assigned spouses writing to the principal officers spouse is now ratherunusual and generally not expected.The administrative staff will need to know about the details of your arrival. Administrativestaff members w

36、ill help you with specific arrangements for housing, shipping belongings andany other logistical matters. The person you will be replacing is also a valuable resource andyou should consider contacting him/her for advice.Arriving at PostYou should make the post aware of your travel plans so arrangeme

37、nts can be made to meetyou, help you through customs, and provide transportation to a hotel, temporary or assignedhousing. Many posts assign a sponsor to meet newcomers at the airport, look after theirimmediate needs and introduce them to the mission community.As a general rule, you will meet with a

38、n administrative or personnel officer at post soon afterarrival. Most newly arrived officers are expected to advise the mission upon arrival either byphone or in person. However, the next business day is also acceptable at many posts.WelcomingEach post has its own traditional way of greeting newcome

39、rs and introducing them to othermembers of the mission. A personnel officer or an orientation packet will explain thisprocess. Usually, the employee will be introduced to senior officers and colleagues at theoffice, but family members may meet members of the mission community in a variety ofways. In

40、dividuals or couples may call on you (the employee), you may call on them, partiesmay be planned, or the post may sponsor periodic receptions for arriving and departingfamilies. These events are designed to help ease your familys transition. The employee andthe family will benefit from participation

41、 in these customary welcoming procedures.Making CallsThe purpose of making calls is to introduce yourself at post. The more people you meet, themore likely you are to be comfortable and successful in a new assignment. There are twodifferent kinds of calls: office (also known as official) calls and s

42、ocial calls. Office calls areactually face-to-face meetings, not telephonic contacts, and take place in the office orresidence of the person being called upon. Office calls continue to be the primary way ofmeeting the individuals with whom the employee will be working. Social calls, or personalvisit

43、s to anothers home, are still made at some posts but informal introductory socialfunctions, phone calls, and invitations are used more often as a way of getting acquainted. Inthe past, both types of calls involved the exchange of social calling cards but this gesture hasmostly been replaced in busin

44、ess settings with the exchange of business cards and almostentirely eliminated in social settings. Be sure that you are following your missions customs.If the post has a protocol officer, check with him/her for details. If not, consult your sponsoror supervisor for guidance.Office CallsNew members o

45、f the staff should call upon the Ambassador or principal officer within twoworking days. Usually, new employees are taken around the mission to see the facility andmeet colleagues on the first day. This introductory tour often serves the purpose of the callon colleagues; another may not be necessary

46、. If, for some reason, you are not introduced toothers, ask whether it would be appropriate for you to make appointments to introduceyourself. If your new position requires that you deal with the host country government or with itscitizens, you should make appointments to meet them in their offices.

47、 Often, chiefs ofmission are expected to make office calls upon all other foreign chiefs of mission in order ofdiplomatic precedence. Other officers are not expected to call on their counterparts at othermissions, although they may decide to do so. If you do make such calls, you may ask a coworkerwh

48、o is already acquainted with the other person to accompany you as a means offormal introduction. Official calling cards may or may not be used depending on localcustoms, but business cards will probably be exchanged. Colleagues at post can usuallysuggest the names and positions of the individuals to

49、 be called upon.A third-person diplomatic note to the host country generated in the posts personnel officemay announce the arrival of new officers, usually high-ranking officials. Others areannounced when the mission issues its biannual diplomatic list. However, officers serving atsmaller posts ofte

50、n find that their pending arrival is widely known and/or eagerly anticipated,so do not assume anonymity based on rank.Social CallsA social call is a visit to the home of the person being called upon. Although becoming lesscommon, some countries customs may continue to require formal social calls as

51、theemployees primary method of meeting both business and social associates. Since the customhas been virtually abandoned in some countries like the United States, you may not be familiar with how it isdone. A few guidelines for practicing the art of making a social call follow.One call, either offic

52、ial or social, may satisfy the requisite need to make a call in bothinstances. Although spouses have no obligation to make either official or social calls, it isacceptable for them to accompany the employee on social calls. If the spouse chooses, he orshe may make a social call alone upon the spouse

53、s of the employees colleagues, eitherwithin or outside the mission environment. In some cultures, social calls for the employeeand/or spouse are considered obligatory. Check with post for local practices. When makingan appointment for a social call, indicate if a colleague or spouse will accompany y

54、ou.Children are generally not included unless specifically invited. Stay no longer thanapproximately 20 minutes unless urged to do so by the host(ess).According to strict protocol rules, social calls that foreign colleagues make on the employeeand/or spouse are returned within a week or two. However

55、, depending upon local custom,social calls may or may not require return calls. Check with post for guidance.Acknowledging calls from people within the mission is less formal and often as simpleas inviting the person who called to your next social function.Check with the protocol officer or Communit

56、y Liaison Officer at post about possibilities forinformally meeting other families. Generally, established families introduce themselvesto newcomers and include them in planned activities rather than engaging in formal socialcalls or exchanging calling cards.Business CardsThe traditional calling card that bears only ones name and title, if appropriate, has yielded tothe more versatile business card. The business card may include ones name, rank ordiplomatic title, office or section, business address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mailaddress. Bu


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