人教版初中英语8年级下册 unit 2 重点单词短语 练习习题(含答案)_第1页
人教版初中英语8年级下册 unit 2 重点单词短语 练习习题(含答案)_第2页
人教版初中英语8年级下册 unit 2 重点单词短语 练习习题(含答案)_第3页
人教版初中英语8年级下册 unit 2 重点单词短语 练习习题(含答案)_第4页
人教版初中英语8年级下册 unit 2 重点单词短语 练习习题(含答案)_第5页




1、8年级下册 unit 2 重点单词、短语 练习习题I.根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺的单词A:1.We all feel _(兴奋的) after hearing the news.2.The boy tried his best to make himself _(理解).3.I can get enough money to help the poor children because of your _(善良).4.The success brought him great _ (满足). 5.Han Jie is the _(主人) of the house. He bought it i

2、n 2017.B:1.I have a_(强烈的)feeling that he will win the English Speech Competition.2.Did you see the_(通知)on the board? No,I didnt.3.There are_(几个)girls in the room. They are talking about the vacation plans.4.I didnt have breakfast. Now I have a_(感觉)of hunger.5.We saw a_(标志)which says“No Parking”. So

3、we couldnt park the car there.II.用所给单词的适当形式填空A:1.I was _(excite) about the idea of getting a dog.2.Thanks to your _(kind), we could set up a school.3.I heard from a friend of_(I) last week.4.Everybody should try to help the_(disable).5.I hope _(be) a volunteer in an after-school reading program.B:1.

4、We all feel_(excite) after hearing he won first prize.2.He cant go out with us. He is strict in _(train) for the next game. 3.Now young people write microblogs (微博) instead of writing_(letter).4.She had_(difficult)finding the way to the museum.5.I_(understand)what the customer said. So I asked him t

5、o take his order.6.We shouldnt laugh at the_(disable).7.I will never forget your_(kind).8.Most of my classmates became_(interest)in pop music.9.My bike is_(break). I think I need to buy a new one.10.My parents words made a big_(different)to my life.C:从方框中选择合适的短语,并用其适当形式填空give awayset uptake aftergiv

6、e outstay up 1.The old man is generous and he is going to_all his money to charities.2.The teacher asked me to_the papers to the students. I was glad to help him.3.Dont_too late. If you dont go to bed early,you may feel sleepy the next day.4.Lily_her mother, but she is a little taller than her.5.The

7、y_a small company last year.III.根据句意和首字母提示写出所缺的单词A:1.Zhou Han discovered the j_of reading, so she reads a book every day. 2.All of them v_to work in the big factory.3.She likes music very much, and she has s_ new CDs of TFBOYS.4.My uncle has a large house and he is the o_ of the house.5.Please look

8、at the n_, so youd better not go there at night.B:1.My alarm clock doesnt work.Who can help me r_(修理)it?You can ask Tony for help.2.He cant see anything. He is a b_(盲的)man.3.Theres something wrong with his ears. He is a d_(聋的)man.4.Please o_(打开)the window and let the fresh air in.5.I wrote some l_(信

9、)to you.6.My brother is c_(聪明的)and he can work out all the math problems.7.Your story doesnt i_(使感兴趣)us at all. Please stop telling it.8.The box is too heavy for me. I dont think I can c_(搬)it.9.Im going to find a job in that big city.Nothing can c_(改变)my mind.10.I cant i_(想象)what the future life is

10、 like.答案:I:A:1.excited2.understood3.kindness 4.satisfaction5.ownerB:1.strong2.notice3.several4.feeling5.signII:A:1.excited2.kindness3.mine4.disabled 5.to beB:1.excitedexciting意为“令人激动的”,常用来形容人或事物固有的特征;excited意为“感到兴奋的”,常用来形容人的主观感受。此处指的是人的主观感受,故用excited。2.trainingbe strict in意为“对要求严格”,后跟名词或动名词形式,故用 tra

11、ining。3.lettersletter是可数名词,用作单数时,前面要加冠词a/the,用作复数时,要加s。由语境可知要填letters。4.difficultyhave difficulty(in)doing sth. 意为“做某事有困难”,是固定搭配。5.understood前后两句时态均为一般过去时,故用过去式understood。6.disabled“the+形容词”泛指某一类人,the disabled意为“残疾人”。7.kindness根据前面的your可知此处用名词。8.interestedbe/become interested in意为“对感兴趣”。9.brokenbroken在此处意为“坏掉的;断掉的”,是过去分词作表语。10.differencemake a big difference意为“有很大影响”,是固定搭配C:1.give away根据后面的单词charities(慈善机构)可知是要捐钱,故填give away。2.give outgive out the papers意为“分发试卷”。3.stay up此处是让对方不要熬夜,故填stay up。4.takes after句意:莉莉和她的妈妈很像,但她比她的妈妈高一点。take aft


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