已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、四川省乐山市2015 年中考英语试卷第二部分:英语知识运用(共2节,满分 分)第一节语法和词汇知识(共 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分)从、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。1Exce me, an take thisseat?u. _.A.Dnt oy B. Go aead C Taket eas22heraio says tere il bea heavy storm in Mout Emei omoow.alck I_ to o thre ith y classate.A.planB.w la .pland23. _iit from he oth

2、tan satio?tsabou 10 mutesbusrie. w f B. Ho longC. Ho son24 m tired. wnt to hve a day_ nextweekGreatda, hey. You do ned a eak. awayB. nC. off5Hell, this Dik. Can Isp to Peter?ld n, pleas. lsee _ hes in.A s son a Bi C. unil2.Les gor awalk,sall we?OK, _ Ineed oclen tedihesfist. s Bd C bt27. I ound y is

3、t _m ting d oo myew agaies. Wht shouldIdo? I guesyhoud telher ts notrightA. lookng thrughB. looingupC. loking r8. Ilike s dres better, utit ostslmttic _ hat one. as ess as B. as mu s as ore as29 I hearyor da Shanha usiness. Dd he fythre?Ys, but heil eome tmorrw.A ill o to B. hasbee to Chas gne to30.

4、 Lily was hungysh ate theeamurger n one go. to;oB. so; at C. enough; that31. Haie rcivedhi mothermil?Ye, e gned r it _ thismorning.Ainerson in fact C.insienc Youbetter too much hocolte, o yol t ftfaA. nottoeat B. not ea C. not eatin33 The 216OlympcGam iRodJaneiro, BrziIm on forwar o it.A. ill hol. i

5、s olin C. will hel3.Mum, he trinileaving in ht minutesI go .Ok, Ji, call me wen youet tere.A. my B. must C. cn5. beutful pcture! I oldn beieveit waintdby yong id. Wha aB. WhtC. How第二节完形填空(共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分)阅读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从365 各题所给的三个或四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 wsnce a farer wo livedner a rad I was

6、 ot 36 rad, bufrom time ttime, cs psedtheam.Near he rm gte,her wasalarge 3 n te rad.This ole salway fl of waer.The drersof hecars that passed y coul not 3 hw deep the hole s. hey thug itwspobablyllow(浅的).Then wen hey rov in te hol, tey coul not driv 9ecaseitwsvy deep.Th farer dnotspe muchtime 0 on i

7、 fr.He spen osfte atcinte ho. When a ca dov nto t, e pulled te car out ithhis tractor (拖拉机) ad demand ot o 41 for doingthsOne dy, a rivrf a caaidto hi:“Youmst makealot ooy b pullig asout ofthishole 42 .”“Oh, o,” the frme sai.“Idont pullcarsout f te hlatnght.Atnght fil e hlewit aer.”36 A.busy . ideC.

8、nic37.A.stone . bag C. hle38. A undestadB. se C her39. . u B. ayC. alng0 .walking .lving C. woki1. A.fod Bmone Cqestio2. A.day dniht .fromnow oC. gai ndagainBw mall wors cn brin smil to someonefac: tank u. But do yusayhee wo os?Prhas hensomeone holdsthe door en fr yu hen fiend does yua g favor.InBit

9、ain, pople sa“thankyou” qut ofte, even ttimesen ter is no4 omeims sayit sarcsicall (讽刺地) 45, if afriendrws my fodaway, tnkin Ias finished, I ay sy,“Oh,an yu!” The yfried woldel,“Sry” Thsamaeasituto 46 confusn (困惑的) o foregn pople.However, anonewoig in the eric secto(行业)wais, ti ivers,h assistants,bu

10、 drsan o onwil 7 a “thank you” fromBishstomers. Ifyouehappy ithh riewhoot you t shool ontime, orhe iter who erv youfod, say “hank u” thm.Yourerelly sying “goo4 “.was first 9tht peple ont often say “nkyou” ere i Chin. Bu I now popleca rpla tes words with smleor no.Yet I antcan y British 5 sayi“tan yo

11、”. Even heriCina, InowIe these twowords oomuc. t syin “thn ou” ifre, and I elev more the bttr3. A. hw B. whre C. whn D. why44 Ae B. use . go.time45. A By te wy .Fr xampe C. Abv all. Afer l46.A. lokB. sou . aste D. smell47. . y B.witeC sdD. get4. A.jobB. maC. fiend D. team9. exced . bed C. srprisd D.

12、 intrestd50. A wy B. habitC. tandard D. spri第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分 分)第一节(共 15小题;每小题 分,满分 3分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的几个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AD youkn someting bout the oiday cmps ino Kng?The studets in HoKongsed to tkpar ina Engishholiay cap in thei holiays. And teir arents wren with them,thugh revery yug.Now hey st

13、ienjoy tainpar mny kinds ofhoiay ampswitheirprent aypets let he chlrn tae ar insome kids f holidy cam ordr to lernmeraciclnwedgei ther life andalso len soe kowledge abot liingkils, scece, rading andwig . The t importtfr te chldren o learn to look fter themslv.Holdaycs inHong Kog are otso pnsve Motfa

14、miies a ffd to d theirhildrn hereor furter sudy r for king their ods srong.Its aid thastuents i HongKog ae uch owledgaboutmany thin. Perhapsi hsometn o do whallkndo ho cams.5. Studets i Hong ong sully tookprt in_inthe pat. an English liday cam . mt holdy cmp a sece olday cmp2. Wh sudnts in Hog Kog a

15、re n holiycams, thei arents_.A ave to lookafr tem B. dont go withthemC must sta t home53. T importn hing f suentsoakeart iholday cams n Hong Kg is_.A. tleaome ctical knowledge in fB. toearabot livig and leningskillC. to learn to loter thmsvs54 The cost of tking partiaolday mpis_A. eryhghB ot air C.

16、l5.Thetudes ho fen ta at inhoidcas usull_A. ko a lotabou any thisB. shw ch nteret insprsC. avea stog love for furher studyBMy r nly hd on. never wanted her t hwuamy choo.One day duringpriary school, wa teib ll My theam.“You mom ny h on ee!” eled so of my clsaeI sed my mother ldhve jusdisaeed (消失).“I

17、fyembarrss(使尴尬) me, why dnt u just di?”I shoteda her, tking nontce fthd loo n her ac My mothrjst haded e seedci and let witaying yhing.At tat time,I dnt hik Ia ut her feli erymch. ht nightI sw myomcin in er roo eso, ted he ear from one eye. I deadeson:I s tuyrdd leve mymher.Yars ter my dram ame ue w

18、as quie sussful.I nevethuh of gong bck t seemy “uly” mother untl neday I got a lter.“My sn srry I nly av n e.hen you re ittle, ou got intoan cidt ndst yur ey.A a mom, I cout stad watchg yu live with olyne e.o av yin.I was ner ngrywth you an I nver reeteit beause oveyu”I cried ot aloud. Only then di

19、I reaise how beutifulmy mtherwas!56. Why in e write want hismm osow u at his school?A.ecausehe thoutshe wasuglB ecus hs mo cold ee anthiC. case hisclassmates dt like hr57. Fm e derlned word “shouted” n Pragah 4, eearn ha at time te writer sr _.A.nevus . angryC excted Thtnigh, the rr decided t _A. as

20、 his mm neve to o hi shol. tke good care of hismom omtttieCworkhard sta away rom his mo9. Thewites momlostone eye ce_A. heused it o sav er sns ghtB.e ad a seous car acident. shes born with olyone e60. he stry is mainl about _.A. hediiculties on o way to uccsB. aaghty bos epiec o owip. a moers gatlov

21、e fr her onCHw o tudy ea day? oumay ar it i one second: hveclasestschoo,tkenotand do homewk. Feelig alitle ore? Ther are other wastat canmae learnigitestnan ard Its calld digital aing.Digita leanin i way tohp studet ern by usn the ntent.There etreimran knds o digitallaring.ps areomuter softr apliato

22、n (应用). Peopleannoad hem on thir moies. Th othertwo kindar scia etwokingervice, includinwiboad WeChat a wesit.Every n of tem is lkeyur teache. hey el yu msterwht yu lern tscho.Cmpared wit trtiol lernig ways, dgiallrniaits vantags.Diital earningis aso aried. tovers alst eversosubje Moe importantly, i

23、t awas offers stuetsthenewest reso (资源) tolearn romDigiallearninis alpesonalzed. You cn chose whatyolike to earn. If youdonmater what youhav leaned at schol, yu c earnaain thrug dl wy.Howver,digital learnin alo as isadvantage. henyo use dital was t lern,yovegot ittle ac o aking i tachersandssmtes. A

24、digial eaning uses cuter omartphoes, win te cren too longmy be ba for yureyestsbett to akea restvery 20 inue6. How d studnts ualytudy everyay accordig totetory?A.ave clses atsholnduse onlin tools home. Hv clases atcol, ke noes add homeo.CLea thr digtal wysnd have lasse in te csrom. Hae classs, tak n

25、o ad do homwora.62. Tre impotnt kinds of diitallearin arementione inthe psag Thare _.a. App. b. stpones c. cperd. websitee.mobes f. weibo adWeChatA. b f . a d C.b c eD d 63. henderlind wd“maser”i aragah ost probably means“_”.A. 复习. 分析C. 掌握. 归纳4. Wha is the poblem fdigita earning?Aou ca comunce th yo

26、ur classmatesor tachers.B. Yu hav tus bthcopters adsmartphnes.C. You cat decid what you n t larn by youself. ts ipossible tln rm e newesresoucs.65. Ho ca you prtectyu eye whn leaningin tal ays?. Tytoe arest o 0nues whe watchng tescreenB.Try to use tadtonalws to larn a ofnaossble.C. y t tak a bakeery

27、 tety minute i sibl.Dry to learnhrohdigital was les hn 2 ours a dy第二节(共 小题;每小题2 分,满分 10分)根据短文内容,从短文前方框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A. Halfai tt y eeltired ter getting up and1 prcet pople averuble falingleepB. Aboe all, ge oughslee.C. Enusleep helps he boy andrin ow andevlpD lghtske hei ins excite

28、fralong whl.E. The rportsid tat ths s neof t minrasonfr bad slep.Sleep is le od fortebrai. 66owver, many Chinese do notsleepwe, andado ot ay oug aenti t seepAcorg t the 1China Sep Quality ndx(指数), early a quartero Chse open't leepwel. 67e ingying,a sl expet at Beijing Tne opitl, sas, “Ifeleftnae

29、 durigthe night, or awys fewek adtd in h da, hey sh pyaention to thir sleep attr(模式).”Many peopleply wt theircell phones o iPads befor slepg. 6 ter eaonsncue sres and ad mods.Hw to slee ell? 9 Seentnine hurso sleepvery ihtiserfct fra adul,ad ighto nehs is st or a ageFormng goodsleephabits is imporan

30、. The report uggesed that peoplnee okeep aayfromitl devices (数码产品) for at let hou efr lep. 70Oter sugestionncde: ry tgotosepand wke upa th samtimevey dy, vn on weeendan drngoliy, ad do thesm rlaxig thigs bere edeah niht, lik lisenig to otmic.英语试题第9页(共10 页)第二卷( 非选择题,共 5分)注意事项:1 必须使用0.5 毫米黑色字迹签字笔在答题卡上

31、题目所指示的答题区域内作答,答在试卷上无效。. 第二卷共50 分。第四部分:写作(共四节,满分 50分)第一节 词汇 (共 5 小题;每小题1 分,满分 分)根据下列句子的句意、汉语提示或英语解释,写出空白处所缺单词的正确形式;每空一词。7 Heleft home in a (匆忙)nd forgot trn of th ligh ti monig.72. Hearing thegod new, we culdnt help (大笑).3I odrt see ers on e backboroe _(清楚), she put herglses4 Afer a lrge _(the meal y

32、u hav in the mr), the set otfo ahikein temounain.7 They had theirshoaverpaty las _(theda etweenFri andSund).第二节完成句子(共 5 小题;每小题 分,满分10分)阅读下列各小题,根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。76. dlieto rdera hambger aa on juice.(就划线部分提问)_ _ you lke o orde?7.I ope ou will writ so. (改为同义句)Im lkg forard t_ _ you soon.78. 很遗憾,由于大雨,我们不

33、得不推迟运动会的召开。Ita ty th we hvet _ _t pots eeting becaue f te eavan.7采访前,我把要问的问题在脑海里又过了一遍。nce agaiI_ htI eeded to inmy nd oe theiteie.80. 令我们吃惊的是,新操场占了学校一半多的面积。samazing that our new laygrnd _ _ more than alf of the school re.第三节 完成短文和对话(共10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分)A)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。oywet 81(ish) at sea

34、. Bthe sat allda logwitut achinga singe fis. 82 () wa home,hstoppedt stor and odeed for tuna (金枪鱼). old h seller: “ickfour age 83 (one)outnd thrw hmat me,wilyu?”“Why do you ant me o hrow hmatu?” ased theseer.“Sotht Iam al to tllmy wfe that I4(catch) hm,”sai on.“K, but I sugest tt you take the saon (

35、三文鱼).”“Why?” aske Tny.“Because yur wie ame in(ealy) than outoy and sad tht yu ce by,should ell youtoe salmon.hats what se lke frsuperonight,”sid the ele.英语试题第10页(共1 页)阅读下面对话,在空白处填入恰当的内容。A: So, wht yur plan fortis weked?B: I jt wnt o some.: aout going to_8_?B:Sor, I ben tiredthss. stwat thve odres.A:

36、BtI tink goigo movis is a bette wy o _8_ yorsel.: Youare probably right.: aybweshoud o ott _8_irst.B:Ya, I ink soA: I owizasbe yourfavorieLesmet am Pizza Huse ead tey ust camout ih ew iza.B: Realy? haven een here for a logtie. When shll we met?A:ell, he vie sa2:0 pm an 1:0pmB: _9_ go the 2:00 m hw?A

37、:No poblm. e canmet a a Pza ous at11:0 .: Prfect.fs, we can have lentyof timeto _9_.第四节书面表达(满分 0分)近几年,越来越多的中国人出国旅游,他们中的一些不文明行为引起了人们的极大关注。调查显示,中国游客列世界第二不受欢迎的人。为此,请你根据以下要点,给校报英语专栏写一篇短文,并提出你的建议,呼吁人们文明出行。1 不高声喧哗;2. 排队候车或就餐;3. 不随地吐痰或乱扔垃圾;4 不乱涂乱画。注意:1 词数:80词左右;开头已给出,不计入总词数;2.应覆盖所有要点;可适当增加细节,使行文连贯;3. 参考词汇:

38、st. 吐痰;har n. 行为。With oe ad oeChee peole tveg abroad, th bd behvirs hve ecoe topicA ecnt US srve shoed hiese wre the scondostourists. How can we bagoodturis? ere so tipsfor you_乐山市2015 年高中阶段教育学校招生统一考试英语试题参考答案及评分意见第一卷(满分100分)第一部分:听力(共20 小题;每小题5分,满分 0分)5 ACBCA 1CAB 1115 BCAB 1620BCBCA第二部分:英语知识运用(共 小题;

39、每小题 1分,满分30 分)225BC260 CABCB 3135 ABA340ABC 44 BACA 4650BACB第三部分:阅读理解(共 20小题;每小题 2 分,满分 分)5155 ABCCA 60 BAC 6165 BBAC 6670AEBD第二卷(满分5分)第四部分:写作第一节词汇(共 小题;每小题1分,满分5 分)7. urry 72.lui 73. clarly reafst 75. Satrday第二节完成句子(共5 小题;每小题 分,满分0 分)7 Wat wold7. haring rom 78. pu off . wen over 80.taesup第三节完成短文和对话(共0 小题;每小题1.5分,满分15 分)81. fsing 82.s 83. n4cag 85. earlir6. heia (movies)/se mie (fim) 87. rel


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