1、吉林省长春市218年中考英语真题试题本试卷包括四道大题,共8页,满分95分,考试时间为100分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。注意事项:1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上,并将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2.答题时,考生务必按照考试要求在答题卡上的指定区域内作答,在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。本试卷阅读A篇(46-50题)“O”表示C选项,“G”表示选项。一、基础知识(共2分)I在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词,使句子意思完整,语法正确。(5分)1 My sster erned toskae by _ Nobdyhlpe hr.2These sudetsawy
2、 sing anEnlish _ before css.3.We can esiyno hat the weaher is _ on o smart ones.4.fyouareepful,you can _ on wll w everyone roun you.5.e shape ofhe basketalis_. T mae it eay topass and trow.I.用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。(5分). I is_ (polite) to tlk loulyin publicpaes lik a lbrary.7.LiFangs ne ofhe mostbeutiul _ (
3、ea) n our cnyDoing hoewrk_(carefu) is good abt an thelps a lot.9.my prices_(pl) the pan for t hur vryda.10Rusa is holdng t (twtyon) FIFWORLDCUP now.II.单项选择。(1分)从每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。1. njy hving _ rekast witmy faily ahome mkese fee relaxeA B. an.theD. /12.oways,there _moreheroes in Chia. e adire thm
4、 a t.A. i. reC. wasD. we3.Thesy is muhbluer _ w hveaen ctin to protet the enrnmet.A. becus.foeC. until unless14.-Luy, d you at to join th artclu or h hes lub?-_. I liedrain ictr.A. Y, doheatclC. No, IdonD Thechessclub15.My itlebth i aidy by. He alays keeps hisroom _.A ceanB. to cleaC. caigD cleand16
5、.WeChinese _ y thochn dometr AmazigChinaA. ncouB.encurages. are ecouragd. encoragng17_ lever og Lcy is!I n understa Mr. Smiths odrs.A. h. atC. HoD. How a8Jck likes ing with the classmats _ re otgoig and knd.A. hreBwhC. whenD. o9.Whenyou meeta new wod, you c _ in dctnay.ctipB. clan it upC.okit uD p i
6、t up20.-i, Jne! Ill oto Shijiaag uaunicywarmtanext ot.-reat! The las brdges _ thaany othe onin teworl.A.longB. lonr longsD. heongest21.I go to y grandarenthme _ h hi ousework r Sunday.Ahelp. heledC. to hlp.helping22Workhardad b ant, _your drem wont come treA orB.andCbutDs3Dpngs are vey delicios. _ f
7、my paretlike themA. llB. thC on. Neither24.-Yorbicl i s nice. Coudou tel _?-Ofcour. Atth hop nearyom.A. whe yo buy itB.here o you buy iC. wer you bought itD.we dd you buy it5.-Sh we make ckefor inas a rthday gi?-_. It will ive her a big sprise.A. od idaB. Itsa pty Yourewelcome. Nve mind二、交际运用(共分)V.根
8、据对话内容,运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。(分)(Mrs. Poo, a 77ear-old dner, has ut won “Bes Ballet(芭蕾舞)ancer f the ity.)ZHANG HA:Conratlations! oldI a uomequestions?MS. POOLE:26 _ ZAN HA: hen di u strto earballet?MR. OL:27. _ZANG HUA:I mutbevery dficult t bcome a ood dancer. Didou thk of iving up?MS. POOL:Ys,
9、 t was iny tirtiesZHANG HUA:28._MRS. OOL:Becaus I thougtI ws too ld fr blle, bu Im stllncing ow.ZHANG HUA:ool!29. _MRS. POO:It is notonl a kind of dance, but lso a lifon o Baletis life.HANG HUA:How youovet! 30._ S POOLE:rtainly nt. ohatou lodo tshe secrett succ.ZNGHUA:Tank yo! Nice talkinwth you!A.
10、ure, y c.B. started at the ag o evn.CI ealy ant agree wito. Wat osblle mean to y?.Whid you want top anng ten?. uld you minivng e smeadv?三、阅读(共4分)V.完形填空。(1分)阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Myo vd inNe Yok Las wntr my sbanand I _1_ himther. Oneday, ilewe wer alingdown testree, my son wentto a toreto
11、 s _32_ theews acoat h wte.twa ver cod. I wen overto ermket to bu some cholte, btmy usa waed outsidealone.When am out, y husban was talkng t _33_ma. saw y hsbad _34_ his loesdh an pass them to Frn, th oess mnFnk ai h hdben iving inN Yok beforeahavy rainstorm ht the ityn the uumn of te yar. Heosthis
12、_35_ in h rainsorm, s hhad no plc t sleep He a beggg a trying t t $25 tofi a cha _36_ where he cou sep for sme hus Allhe ownd to keep _37_ was acket. yusbndsglove and hat were urprisingiftsfo imicywmte At a while, my son came out f ttre, anda e coat ws n his hand I ased hmwhat he agi todoit th od on
13、e H said he od_3_ keept told hm the toan sugested ean it to Frank _39_ ou great upi, my snaled upto Fraknd _40_ thnew oatto hm. Frank asd, “idyoubuy tis for me?”M said n, buhe wantedFrank hv _41_.Frankstoodthe _42_ th t, with smting wt nseye He _43_us with hiwholehart H sad ouldryto fin joas_4_ apsi
14、ble upr himself.My son oudnt the ctur ofFran o ofhis ind. He we hom, took ot al i clthe thtdin _45_ him, and osted themto shete(避难所). haon this a ewimesinc the.1. .vte.rtecteC. noticed.meoed3A. whichB. ifC. yD. h33. crlessB.hopelssC. hepessD. hoelss3Ageto. ur offtake o g ff35.A.otB.keyC. omeD. food.
15、 hspitalB. shopCofce ote37A. cla. baveC. rD. far38ArtainlyB. ddeC. aiently. plitely icywarmtea9.A OnB.ToC. WthD. Fr40. retrnedB. connecedC. gveD. snt41.A.itBhimC.he hem42.A. makngB.whing.selligD hoding43. thankB. intrduceC. ughtD.pushed4 oftenB. sonC longD. fr4.A uB . hangD. imreVI.阅读理解。(3分)()If ouh
16、av onlthe nues t gtsomethgthatou can tafro your ome, adth oter thi rlosforever, what will yutae? The flwin infrmatio wil hlyo.B.O.O.B. is shot or Bug Bag(求生背包). Its a bag wth a oleon ofthings tat arneedd for lie in it.Rasns to se BO.Whendisater(灾难)like erthqkes and heav ainstorms appe,an eoplewll ae
17、 to rn ayfom heirhome and thmy o rtun for a long ie. hey ned to cntinue o liv wthout food,water a sheter in se uexpteiutionshins i B.B.A slepigbag,atleat a tul.DrinkingaterHigh-alorie fods, suc s hcolae and bsus.Ncarymdicnes.oeingfr maki fire,nd a smll ot t oil waeror cok.e bsictoos like a nifad sme
18、rope. flashlight.MoneyA copy of al yor importn papers.(Be sur to ke a.O.B. lihtas pssbPac to kp a B.O.B.Yououlput a B.O. ta plcewheou cangett covnty wedisasers hpen. Your hoe, ur ca, your offce ca be a od pcto uti.AB.OB.ivryhelpful o the peoplin need Youd bter repre mor thaB. if pssibleThe hnkof tef
19、fnce a O. wil make i hose distrs happen.o preparoe now根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(5分). B.O.Bhasacollecionof higs _ in it.A fr reeah.fr tffcO. f lieG. for stdy47May peole run aay o heir om with a .O.B.ause_.Ahey have to smemany eoples es. he have no oteruf hins t takeO.th will be al to etunin a hrttimeG thenedoco
20、tine to ive after disaters hapen48.People hodmke aBO.B. as _as the aAhueB lightO.commonG evy49.Peope ad bete NOTput .B. _.at homB. in e caO. atthe offcG. o the d0.Acordntohe passg, “_” i rght.A. Expesive hngshold be p ia.O.B. fey.Pele hould tak aB.O. withhm vrywere.O. Is bette to prepar mor tan ne .
21、O. if posible.G. Pep ae avisedo put some moeclhsinaB.O.B.(B)iyu, bon i 1991, sfromurkey(土耳其)She the oungestciof her famy. fer hig chol, may people learned English r Jpanes, ut Meyu dcidd to ern Chines university. helearnd Chnese for year in AkarUnivesiyin ur, an got hename Miyu hr.Meiyu fell nlove w
22、ith Chies afer gog to uivesity.She becam moe inerstedafter se kne moout Chese history. n the beginnig manypople did not derstand her decision. Bt hey all sai Mi d ad a righhocwhn hgrduatdfm nversy in 23.Sncethe, mre nes hae bee vsitiureyT radebetwen the twoontris alsoreqies Chinsespekin pele. “SpenC
23、hinese masmoe joportunities.” sad Meiu.ow Meiyuhas been in Wuhn,hna r bot wo eas Beside oingon studyg Chnese, se shws gra interet in hnesekung f asel, she spends her freetme n kung fu trainng wthher coahes.ot ony canun uhep imrove he hlth, buh is so fascinatdby the hisy nd tuebehi it. eiysaid,“The m
24、orIkw abouthina, teckie Ifeel tohve ben here. But t truth tht fu and ai tgethr in theprocess f erig”Meiywl grduate i une thi year. He friend wan her o sayinChin, buther arents p h cancoe ackhom. Meiyu this it i dificu to dei. “Eenif I go a to Tuey, I will hose Chineelangue duation smjob,” d ei根据短文内容
25、,选择最佳答案。(5分)5Where idMeuern Ciee for ou yers?.In Chia.B. In urkey.C. nInd. InAutrali.5hatspbbly th eningofte ord“opportuniies”n is psge?.观点B. 顺序C.机会D.组织53.he eiyuspend r fee tim nug fu tringwith her oaches?. Because shis iterested i ungfuB. Becaue shhas tolearn kung fu o gdae. cywarmte . Because sew
26、ants teac kn f i Tuey.D.Becuseshe wats totake par in kun fu cmpetitions.5.WhowantsMiyu toome back hme after he gaduaton i ue?AHe ant. efredsC. Her eativ. Herclamates.5.What cn you larnfromthe pssag?A.Miu lost corae hn shesin Wuhan.B. hinee cutu hs greaty inuee.Its eas for eyu ohoose whethr t stinCha
27、or D. Mapopledidnt ept eiyu decsio on edcationi13(C)hkespare(莎士比亚)and Comany, the name f n indpendntboksor, my be e mot amousoste theworl. It i inPari. Th okstre s not ery big, ut ot o peple e always waiing o tit it oneeend and uing te usy summr monhs191, a new Enlh-lanugboosto naed “e Mitral” oened
28、 in Paris. Itquklybecamethecentr of ultur in Paris. In1964, nte 40thnniversa(周年纪念)of Shakespeare irth, te wer o heboktre ge t nw nae “hakspa andCopan”. e ad the name of the ookstorewas “aovel n tee d”. Manyfau peoplehve bnhere.Shaepeare ndComay s notonly nexitin kse, but it also povids a lce forgish
29、speaking travelesto old festival o rtin,rading, andat. hatmore, sides eting eding material, writers can help0 out inebookstin exchangefo ayinthere fr re. I nofer ig ae and food ofive osix wrier at a time. The writers ma ta aslng s tey wn o. Thoner is hppy to provierterswith plces towrie e ofn sas,“I
30、 do ths becuse whn I astraveling aroun t wrld, manpeple ae me hel. Nw nt to hlp othr peole.”he botoreholds my eaigfulvents, such as eadig, disussn and tryours. Alothes evens ar free. So i you ae n te cty, be re to chec heschedule of heventsaheaofti. You o be dsappontedif youcan join them.根据短文内容,判断正(
31、)误(F)。(分)56Shaespearend Copany isan idependntboosre i Pari.5Theoer gave his ookstore a ew name “Shaeseare and opa” in 1964.58.French-seakig ralers can hold esial o wrtng i the bookstor.Theownr prides ritersth lac to wrie caueh has reivdhelfrom othes.60 owanto joinin he eve in ookstor, yu shoul pay e
32、 moey.(D)eth its ne dy offr a wek, youot nedto among eleto hav agreatme 61 _ Y ca spendyourhidayo yorn doig somethingu hae no time to don yur eeryday liEatyour avoriteoods.Thy can bringu much peasuefor sure. Yu cnmae healthy mal at hom.Cook omthing yu lve but uall do vetime o make. nd ohvigmeas a ho
33、m, o can ls o t loclrestaurant forsthing spca. atit thre,orng it me 62. _ Stay away fromtechnology. Yomay ae aace t fid trea eauty f l aybeyo an help playng with your smrt phnes all da whilyu ae olidalone. Wyot creaeor time to go ikin, kites or dosome heroutor actiitis? 3._ 6. _ ou ca g sopin,se a f
34、l, o ae a clas ake youri toseach frsotng evensmall thatywant. Going to see ovie ora sow alone cn eafnexpernce. Use yr holid as achace o try soethig like ding or pintng.5. _ eave yur wories ehid an try to mater of yor own, bu remembe atnothng s moreiportant thsafty.阅读短文,把A五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。(5分)A. T
35、y t in soething ne an fu o do.Wher yo ea our orok ahom,eo!C. Beig ane can lo b relaxn andamazg.D. All n all, elax a have a wonderfuloliday.E. In thi ay, ow have chance o bclse to ar.(E)gil ridg a bk hand scrtchd(刮)a pked exensvecr by accidnt whn she as busiloongta roads.That pr girlws Zan Yu, an 8ye
36、ar-old colleestdet r Yunn rvince. Itead o rnne away,she decided o waitfor the oner the car. hemade thatdeciin just because sh wantedto say sry for the accdentZhangYu ws scaredwhe Sog Ming, he oer of the ar,sa hr stadingbeehi car. Knwng thsehawed in the ht for an h and th s was from a oor family, e s
37、 epyoved. Hetold he thatsh didn nee to pay anmney o the scratched at of the cr. Hearingthewors, Zhang u bod atonce and hanke SnMing sncerly.The eartwan mment didntendtere. Li ang was boss of hefacoryhreSogMingwokdAfr heaing htd ppened, hewas lo deepymove.Hetod the stoy ts worksand annunced, “It is e
38、athat Sng M didt k Zhan Yu to pay, and Iold lie tohep hertocompe hrcllegedution.”Drng th folowing teyer,hag Yu madgreat effortstostudy and k ative part in dieentcivites t develop her abilitis with the elp f iQang. Bytheiese lef oee, se adeen a eclent sdent Hvigmpetedwtha other, ht a jo at i Qangs fa
39、ctor That excd m.One good tdesevsaothr.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。(分)66Wh was ZanYuf?7Whyidhan Yumake the decison twit?68.Ho id hang Yfeel whn Sog Mng say her?69.Whoheed Zhag complteherolleeducation?70.Whate Zhang Y etedmst?四、书面表达(共2分)II.(A) 多亏了建筑者们的辛勤付出,自今年四月份以来长春南湖大桥的水幕瀑布成为了我们城市的又一道绚丽的新风景。下面是林立写给美国笔友ke的邮件,请你将其
40、补充完整,每空一词。(分)Dea Mike,How i oig? ereha smething ne totel you.Sie _, anhu BridgeWatefals ve n nothe ttrcninCghun. Y know,_72_o the buider, the projet is agreacess Peple cn nt ony enjoy he watealls in dfferent shpes a clor, ut also _73_ t nie ms attsame te.u cannotimagin lts eople com er jut ora lok,
41、_74_ hey lvquter.The brige isometiescoded _75_ mny viito, so polceen etere to ee hings in rerWelcome tmheown hi smmer.Looing forwrd to ur rplyYour, Lin i(B)在日常生活中,总有些事情影响着你的自身发展。请写一篇不少于80词的英语短文,叙述一件对你影响较大的事情,谈一谈这件事情是如何影响了你某一方面品质(qualy)的提升,如独立、勤奋、乐于助人等,并在班级的英语园地中展出。(文中不得出现真实的人名和校名)答案解析1hersel 2. sog3
42、. like 4. ge5rod 6. mpoit7.eaer caeull 9plying 0. twnyfrt11【解析】本题考查冠词的用法。hvebekfst意为n吃早 饭为固定搭配。12B【解析】本题考查Te be句型。根据Nowadays可知应用一般现在时,先排除C和D 主语是moe heres #故be动词要用are。13.A【解析】本题考查连词的用法。此处是说,天空变得蓝多 了,"因为"我们已经采取行动来保护环境了。根据设空前 后的因果关系可知,所缺的词是bcae。14.B【解析】本题考查选择疑问句的答语。选择疑问句不能 用Ye或o来回答,先排除A和C再根据答
43、语中的”我喜欢画画”可推断,我想加人美术倶乐部,故答案为B。1.A【解析】本题考查句式结构。根据题干中的” tid boy” 可知,他总是保持他的房间干净。"keep +宾语+形容词” 为固定搭配,此处lean是形容词,意为”干净的”,作kp的宾语补足语。6C【解析】本题考查被动语态的结构。根据本题语境可知 此处表示"被鼓舞”,应用被动语态。根据被动语态的基本 结构 be +过去分词”可知答案为C。17.B【解析】本题考查感叹句的结构。句意% Lucky是一只多 么聪明的狗啊!它能明白史密斯先生的指令。感叹名词 dg要用What,先排除和D$又因为og是可数名词的单 数形式,Wt后要加不定冠词,故答案为B。1【解析】本题考查定语从句中的关系代词。先行词是 classmes,指人,且关系代词在定语从句中作主语,故所缺 的词是 wh。9.C【解析】cut up切碎;cle u打扫干净;lookp查阅,向上看;put up搭建,张贴。句意当你遇到一个生词的时候, 你可以在词典里查一下。根据句意可知答案为C。词典或参考资料中查阅。如果宾语是名词,该名词可以放 在ook和up之间,也可以放在lokup之后;如果宾语是代 词,该代词只能放在lok和之间。如 I wnt loup ths
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