英文歌词神翻译Million Years Ago_第1页
英文歌词神翻译Million Years Ago_第2页
英文歌词神翻译Million Years Ago_第3页




1、英文歌词神翻译Million Years Ago英文歌词神翻译!Million Years AgoMillion Years AgoAdele AdkinsMillion Years Ago 灯火阑珊时I only wanted to have fun 愚趣唯我求Learning to fly, learning to run 天地任熬游I let my heart decide the way 年轻正锦时When I was young 依心而行,随缘而适。Deep down I must have always known 其实我已知That is would be inevitable

2、万事皆注定To earn my stripes I'd have to pay 刑发之间And bear my soul 浮生涟漪,心神不宁I know I'm not the only one 芸芸众生,非我一人Who regrets the things they've done 心怀愧疚,抱憾终身Sometimes I just feel it's only me 忽而顿觉,只我一人Who can stand the reflections that they see 情堪回首,悠悠我心I wish I could live a little more 唯

3、有希冀,赠我时日Look up to the sky, not just the floor 仰天远眺,放下执念。I feel like my life is flashing by 人生匆匆,无力追回And all I can do is watch and cry 任其流逝,黯然心悲I miss the air, I miss my friends 念旧日,思故友I miss my mother; I miss it when 忆慈母,追流年Life was a party to be thrown 人生曾繁华如是But that was a million years ago恰在灯火阑珊

4、时When I walk around all of the streets 漫步街头,旧地重游Where I grew up and found my feet 成长记忆,涌上心头。They can't look me in the eye 时过境迁,无人回眸It's like they're scared of me 奈何心门,都惧来扣I try to think of things to say 劲回想与闲聊Like a joke or a memory 趣谈抑或往事But they don't recognize me now 所视之处,物是人非In t

5、he light of day 艳阳正当时I know I'm not the only one 芸芸众生,非我一人Who regrets the things they've done 心怀愧疚,抱憾终身。Sometimes I just feel it's only me 忽而顿觉,只我一人Who never became who they thought they'd be 渐行渐远,遗忘初心I wish I could live a little more 唯有希冀,赠我时日。Look up to the sky, not just the floor 仰天远眺,放下执念。I feel like my life is flashing by 人生匆匆,无力追回And all I can do is watch and cry 任其流逝,黯然心悲I miss the air, I miss my friends 念旧日,思故友I miss my mother; I miss it when 忆慈母,追流年Life was a pa


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