



1、九年级英语第二学期第一次月考测试卷2019.04第I卷共65分I.听对话,选答案。共15小题,计15分第一节:听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一个问题,读两遍,请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。1.A.A pencil.  B.A ruler.  C.A knife.2.A.A blue one. B.A white one.  C.A black one.3.A.It's snowy.   B.It&#

2、39;s cloudy.    C.It's sunny.4.A.America.    B.China   C.England.5.A.She's going to write an article.  B.She's going fishing.  C.She's going to do housework.6.A.By bike.

3、    B.By car.   C.By bus.7.A.Behind the library.   B.Across from the dining hall. C.Beside the dining hall.8.A.English.    B.Math.    C.Chinese.9.A.For 45 minutes.  

4、 B.For 15 minutes. C.For 30 minutes.10.A.She was heavy.    B.She was thin.  C.She was short.第二节:听下面两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,请根据每段对话的内容和后面的问题,从所给的三个选项中选出最恰当的一项。每段对话读两遍。听第11段对话, 答复第11、12小题。 11.Who teaches Julia to dr

5、aw?  A.Her father.   B.Her teacher.   C.Her mother.12.W hat does Julia think of drawing?  A.Relaxing.   B.Interesting.   C.Exciting. 听第12 段对话,答复第13 至15 小题.13.Who is 

6、Mrs.White?    A.She's Mr.Brown's classmate.    B.She's Mr.Brown's cousin.  C.She's Mr.Brown's neighbour.14.Why did Mrs.White call?  A.Because she was surprised.&

7、#160;   B.Because it was too noisy C.Because she was in danger.15.When did Mrs.White call?  A.At two in the morning. B.At twelve in the night. C.At two in the aftern

8、oon.II.听短文,选答案共5小题,计10分此题你将听到一篇短文,读两遍,请从每个小题的三个选项中,选出最恰当的一项。16.How long will the campers spend in the camp?   A.Twelve days.   B.Twenty days.  C.Thirty days. 17.W here will the campers go

9、60;for their summerholidays?   A.To the countryside.   B.To the city.   C.To the forest. 18.What can the campers do in the aftemnoon?    A.Learn how to make wor

10、ks of art. B.Ride bikesaround the lake.   C.Play with different kinds of toys.19.When  an the campers have a party?  A.In the moring.   B.In the afternoon.  

11、60;C.In the evening20.If youwant to go to the summer camp ,you can call   A.8731594.   B.8735491.   C.8713954.III完形填空共20小题,计20分 AWhen I was in primary school, I fell in love with reading. The books _21_me to a

12、wonderful world. The more I read, the more I wanted to know. However, my parents _22_ afford so many books. I had to solve the problem myself. There was a book shop near my home. One day I walked into _23_ shop and picked up a book. I didn't know whether _24_there without buying any books. _25_

13、I wasnt noticed, I just read a few pages and then put it back. Luckily, no one noticed me. After that, I went there to read every day. Several days later, while I was reading, the owner came up and asked, "You like reading?" I looked down and replied _26_, “Yes." “Dont worry, he said

14、with a smile. “You may read books here _27_ you help me clean he shop." I felt quite surprised, “Really? It's so kind of you! I was very happy that I _28_ to read there. From then on, I spent a little time cleaning the shop. After that, I quietly read there. That way, I read lots of books.

15、I became one of _29_writers in our school. I even won some prizes in writing. "Now studying in high school, I can borrow books _30_ library. My hobby of reading is kept. It will make a big difference to my life.21. A. brought B. are bringing C. bring D. have brought 22. A. couldn't B. mustn

16、't C. neednt D. shouldnt 23. A. a B.an C. the D./ 24. A. can l read B.I can read C. could I read D.I could read25. A. Make sure B. To make sure C. Believe in D. To believe in26. A. nervous B. nervously C. angry D. angrily 27.A. if B. although C. before D. unless 28.A will allow B. will be allowe

17、d C. allowed D. was allowed29.A. good B. the best C. poor D. the poorest 30.A. to B. for C. with D. fromBAndrew was a smart boy. He was interested in different things. He liked doing things in a way that he thought to be clever. But sometimes he made wrong choices. One day, his father gave him some

18、_3l_ and asked him to buy some goldfish. When he got to the market, he found that the killifish looked like small goldfish, and they were much _32_. So he bought some killifish and kept the rest of the money for himself. When he got home, his father _33_ what Andrew did at once. He put the fish in t

19、he tank 鱼缸without _34_anything at first. He knew his son didn't buy the right fish. At the same time, he thought his son might have an advantage in marketing市场营销. And he should _35_ a way to help his son grow well. He had an idea. Then he said to his son, "Andrew, do you know _36_you have b

20、ought? Are they goldfish? Andrew felt shy and said in a _37_ voice, “Er, no, but"His father continued, “Well, I'm glad you know how to _38_ money. I also know you are good at watching things around you. But it's not right to be dishonest. You should do things honestly, _39_ others won&#

21、39;t trust you." Then he helped Andrew start with some chores琐事,like buying daily things, managing his own pocket money and helping his uncle in his store. Later, Andrew worked as a salesman. He felt himself strong in marketing and kept working hard at it. Finally, he became a successful _40_.

22、Several years later, when talking about the key to his success, Andrew said, “Thanks to my father, I got to know myself well and developed in a right way."31. A. paper B. money C. gifts D. flowers32. A. cheaper B. more expensive C. uglier D. more beautiful 33. A. refused B. forgot C. remembered

23、 D. realized34 .A. knowing B. saying C. giving D. tasting35. A. talk about B. care about C. think of D. hear of 36. A. that B. where C. what D. which37. A. low B. loud C. good D. bad38. A. lend B. lose C. save D. raise 39. A. and B. but C. so D. or 40. A. postman B. businessman C. fisherman D. sport

24、smanIV阅读理解共15小题,计20分第一节:阅读下面一篇短文,判断以下句子是否符合短文内容,符合的用 “A表示,不符合的用B表示。共5小题,计5分 A There are twenty seven bridges over the River Thames. And the Tower Bridge is the first bridge you have to pass if you go to London from the sea. It is close to the Tower of London, from which it got its name. It is a symb

25、ol 象征 of London.The Tower Bridge was set up over the River Thames in London in 1894 and is one of the finest and most famous bridges in the world. It is the only bridge over the Thames that can be raised and opened in the middle. The middle part can be raised to let the huge ships pass. It used to b

26、e raised about 50 times a day, but now it is raised only 4 to 5 times a week. If you are lucky enough to see the bridge with its two arms open high in the air, you will never forget it.The Tower Bridge stands just on the south side of the Tower of London. People often think they are of the same age.

27、 But in fact, the Tower of London was built a thousand years ago, while the Tower Bridge only has a history of over one hundred years.The Tower Bridge was first painted chocolate brown. Then in 1977, it was painted red, white and blue. Its picture also appeared in the opening of the 2019 Summer Olym

28、pic Games held in London. So come to visit the famous bridge. You are sure to have a wonderful experience. 41. The color of the Tower Bridge hasnt changed for more than a hundred years. 42. In 1894, the Tower Bridge was built in London. 43. The Tower of London has a much longer history than the Towe

29、r Bridge. 44. The Tower Bridge is now raised less often than in the past. 45. This passage means to introduce the Tower of London. 第二节:阅读B、C、D三部分内容,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出能答复所提问题或完成所给句子的一个最正确答案。共10小题,计15分 B Li Chunlin, a farmer, used to live in a poor village in the north of Shaanxi. In the 1980s, he went to

30、 Shenzhen to make a living with his wife.Years later, they became rich and returned to their hometown. To their surprise, the land around the village was covered with sand. That made them feel sad. After thinking carefully, Li and his wife made up their minds to fight against the sands.They bought t

31、housands of young trees and planted them around the village. However, only a few survived存活, because the trees were not regularly watered. But how to get water was a big problem. They dug a well井 but it became dry soon. Then they asked a drilling team to dig a deep well. Clear water appeared, but th

32、eir money was used up. They couldnt afford to buy young trees. They went to several banks for help but got nothing. Finally they turned to a friend who was also from the village. The friend had a big business. Learning what they were doing, their friend was moved and decided to do something for thei

33、r village too. So he offered the money they needed.With the money, they bought trees and had them planted. They looked after the trees as if they were their own children. After some time, green leaves came out. When the villagers saw the changes, some started to join Li and his wife in the fight. Th

34、en more joined. Years went by. And now larger areas around the village are covered with green trees.46. When Li and his wife returned from Shenzhen, they were sad because .A. the land around the village was covered with sand.B. they didnt have enough money to buy trees.C. their village was not as be

35、autiful as Shenzhen.D. they didnt have enough water to drink.47. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. Li and his wife dug a well with enough water themselves. B. Li and his wife got much money from the bank. C. The villagers didnt join Li and his wife in the fight. D. Their fri

36、end gave Li and his wife some money to buy trees.48. This passage is mainly about how Li and his wife .A. tried different ways to find waterB. made money in Shenzhen. C. fought against the sands. D. bought and planted trees. C Most animals on land are known to us, but many living things underwater a

37、re not. Now lets get to know some of them.Sea cucumberSea cucumber are strange animals living at the bottom of the sea. They wear brown or pale green coats with many sticks up. When summer comes, they stay deep to sleep because they are afraid of heat. And when it is autumn, they move to shallow 浅的

38、water and get their food.PikeThe pike is a kind of freshwater fish. They are good swimmers and like swimming near boats, waiting to be fed. They have sharp teeth to catch fishes. When they are young, they live in groups. However, when they grow up, they prefer to live alone.CuttlefishA cuttlefish ca

39、n swim quite fast, so it is also called rocket火箭 fish. It has eight arms and two feelers on its head, just around its mouth. It ejects ink 喷墨 when it is in danger. Its meat is delicious, and it is often the first choice for many people.OctopusAn octopus has long arms, with which to catch food and pr

40、otect itself. When it is sleeping, one or two of its arms are still on duty, keeping moving. Once it feels something dangerous, it can wake up at once to take action.49. Sea cucumbers stay deep to sleep in summer because they . A. are afraid of high temperature B. want to get strong and fatC. are af

41、raid of their enemy D. want to live alone50. According to the passage, likes to swim near boats. A. the sea cucumber B. the pike C. the cuttlefish D. the octopus51. What happens if a cuttlefish meets its enemy? A. It rushes at the enemy at once. B. It cuts off one of its arms.C. It bites with its sh

42、arp teeth. D. It ejects ink to the enemy.52. The of an octopus can help protect it when in danger. A. color B. arms C. sound D. smellsDReading makes one wise, but many adults seldom read. They say they are too busy to have time to read. Sure. They have work to do. They have families to support. But

43、these are only excuses. The fact is that they havent got a reading habit. A reading habit isnt something natural. It needs to be trained. And its never too late to develop a reading habit.Scientists believe proper books are very important for children to develop a good reading habit. A book in rich

44、colors and with simple patterns图案 such as lines and circles is a good choice for babies of three months old. When they reach six months, they will become interested in simple story books in rich colors.When children get old enough to read by themselves, its necessary to buy books that are both inter

45、esting and right for them to understand. Books which are either too easy or too difficult are not good for kids to keep their reading habits.Only buying books for children isnt enough. For kids, parents are their first teachers. So parents should read books to set an example. Children will follow th

46、em. Scientists say imitating the adults is a born skill. And it is the most valuable way for children to learn. This will certainly help them develop a reading habit in the end.53. According to the writer, many adults seldom read because they .A. dont have enough time B. have to work all the timeC.

47、havent got a reading habit D. have to support the family54. The underlined word “imitating here probably means . A. copying B. reading C. testing D. missing55. We can learn from the passage that .A. story books are better than books in colors B. a reading habit comes from certain trainingC. a three-

48、month-old kid likes simple stories D. too easy books help keep a reading habit第II卷55分V完成句子共5小题,计10分56. 多么新颖的橙子啊! How fresh the are!57. 我经常在星期二打篮球。 I often play basketball _.58.去把你的袜子洗洗吧。 Go and _ .59.我同意你的野餐方案。 I _ you about the plan for the picnic.60.“一带一路产生了宏大的社会影响。The Belt &Road Initiative ha

49、s had a great .VI短文填空:共10小题,计10分用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每个单词限用一次leaf, quick, young, judge, what, see, happy, miss, ugly, eachMany years ago, there was an old man who had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge判断 things too 61._. So he told them to go and look at a pear tree. It was far away from

50、 their home. The first son went in winter, the second in spring, the third in summer, and the 62._son in autumn.When the sons came back, the old man asked them to say 63._ they had seen. The first son complained, “The tree is too 64._. The second son said, The tree is covered with buds芽 and full of

51、hope. The third son said, “ The tree is full of green 65._. And it is the most wonderful thing that I have 66._. The last son said, “ The tree bows down with heavy fruits, it is full of life and harvest.The man explained that all of his sons were right, but 67._ of them had seen the tree just in one

52、 season. He told them that they couldnt 68._ a tree or a person by only one season.“ If you give up when its winter, you will 69._ the hope of your spring, the beauty of your summer, and the fulfillment of your autumn, said the old man.It is true that we shouldnt let the hard season break the 70._ o

53、f the other seasons. Never give up during the difficult days and better days are sure to come some day.VII任务型阅读:共10小题,计10分Most people say retirement 退休 is the best thing in their lives. But it isnt so, at least for me!At first, to be honest, everything is OK. Then I got bored. And I decided to do so

54、mething different. So I cleaned the house and put away old things. By the third month, I had gotten some new trouble.“How lucky she is! I began to cry as I heard this. By the fourth month, I had been even lonelier. Though I took a few trips alone or with family, nothing worked. I started to hate ret

55、irement deeply.I had to sit down and think about it. Years ago an old friend told me to stop feeling sorry for myself during a difficult time. Good idea! So I got a part-time job which could use my skills and allow me to travel.Now I always visit places I have never been to before. I also learn to spend the loneliest days doing chores, shopping or v


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