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1、哈佛学园二年级 12 月份月考试题( )1. A. Whose coats are they?班级一、 小朋友们, ( )1. A. dress( )2. A. jackte( )3. A. shoe( )4. A. trousers( )5. A. mum姓名听力部分 请选出你听到的单词。 B. dad C. dresses B. jeans C.jackets B. skirt C. SockB. treeC. TableB. mother C. my、听完单词,我们再来把听到的句子选出来B. Whose scarves are they ?C. Whose trousers are th

2、ey?( ) 2. A. They ' re your mother ' s .B. They 're your sister 's.C.They're their skirts.( )3. A. Whose are they?B. Whose are these?C. Whose are those?( )4. A. Whose are the blue shoes?一、单词对对碰。dress短裙jacket连衣裙jeans夹克shoe牛仔裤skirt鞋二、大家一起选一选。( )1.What socks.笔试部分B. Whose are the gre

3、en shoes?C. Whose are the trousers?( ) 5. A. What colour are his sister' s shoes?B. What colour are the skirts?C. What colour are the boy's shoes?三、接下来我们听对话,选出相应的图片。A B CD E1. 2. 3.4. 5.A. a lot of B. a lot C. lots of( )2. Theyreshoes!1. coat coats( ) coates( )A. DadsB. Dad's C.dad '

4、s( )3.Whose coats they?A. is B.are C. Am( )4.They ' rescarves.A. us B. our C. We ( )5.- are they?-They' re your brother 's.A. Who B. Whoes C. What2. dress dresss( ) dresses( )3. scarfscarfs( ) scarves( )4. jeanjeans ( ) jeanes( )5. skirt skirts( ) skirtes( )四、做做翻译官,选出正确的一项。 ( )1. Whose s

5、carves are they?A. 它们是谁的围巾?B. 围巾是他们的吗?三、看看谁是火眼金睛,请在正确的复数形式后面写 TC.这些围巾漂亮吗?()2.They are DadS trousers.A.那是他们的牛仔裤A. 它们是爸爸的裤子。B. 爸爸的裤子在哪里。C. 他们在爸爸那儿。()3.They ' re your socks.A. 它们是你的袜子。B. 它们是我的袜子。C. 它们是他的袜子。()4. They ' re their jeans.B.那是你们的牛仔裤C. 那是我们的牛仔裤。()5.What fun!A. 什么有趣啊!B. 多么有趣啊!C. 多有趣。五、

6、你觉得下面的这些问话应如何回答,请做出选择。()1 .Whose COatS are they? A. They' re theirOUrjeans.()2.Whose trousers are they? B. They" re coats.()3.Whose ShOeS are they?C. Theyre histrousers.()4.Whose SCarVeS are they?D. Theyre yourshoes.()5.Whose jeans are they?F.They> >re mum Sscarves.六、阅读理解,判断正(T)误(F)Wh

7、at a IOt Of ShOeS and socks! WhOSe are they?“The blue ShOeS are my mum ' S and the green ShOeSare my dad' S .The red and yellow ShOeS are mySiSter ' s.My ShOeS are blue anCl green. The SOCkS are mySiSter ' s. Whose jeans are they?“They' re my jeans and my SiSter ' s. The trou

8、sers are my dad ' S and these are my mum ' S skirts. ”()1. The blue ShOeS are my dad ' S .()2. My SiSter ' S ShOeS are red and yellow.()3.My ShOeS are green and blue.()4. TheSe SkirtS are my mum ' S .()5.The trouserS are my dad ' S and the jeans are mysisters.听力部分、小朋友们,请选出你听到

9、的单词1. A. ClreSS B. dad C. ClreSSeS2. A. jackte B. jeans CJackets3. A. ShOe B. Skirt C. SOCk4. A. trousers B. tree C. TabIe5. A. mum B. mother C. my二、听完单词,我们再来把听到的句子选出来1. A. WhOSe COatS are they?B. WhOSe SCarVeS are they ?C. WhOSe trousers are they?2. A. They ' re your mother ' S .B. They 

10、9; re your SiSterS.C. They ' re their skirts.3. A. WhOSe are they?B. WhOSe are these?C. WhOSe are those?4. A. WhOSe are the blue shoes?B. WhOSe are the green shoes?C. WhOSe are the trousers?S shoes?5. A. What COIOUr are his SiSterB. What COIOUr are the skirts?C. What colour are the boys shoes?5. Whose socks are they?三、接下来我们听对话,选出相应的图片1. Whose jeans are they?They are mum ' s jeans.2. Whose skirts are they?They a


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