职业英语教学设计比赛一等奖获奖future life traffic 听说课_第1页
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1、UNIT 6 Future Life Section B Unit 6 Future LifeSection B 【教材分析】本课是浙江省中等职业学校课本英语第二册第六单元听说课。本课时的重点是通过听关于找工作和职业规划的对话,使学生能使用与职业及职业规划相关的词汇和句型,谈论职业规划。为跟学生未来的就业有进一步的联系,教师设计了规划职业小窍门这一环节,帮助学生用英语讨论并介绍自己能从事的职业和未来10年的职业规划。【学情分析】笔者所任教班级为电子商务专业,学生词汇量偏少,在正确使用英语句子会话上也存在较大困难。因此教师用“找一找”、“连一连”分步帮助学生复习和学习词汇,用先短篇后长篇的阶梯式

2、降低对话难度,提高学生的掌握率。教师用学生熟悉、喜爱的著名主持人汪涵的17年职业奋斗史,增加课堂趣味性。仅中专毕业的汪涵,通过自己的努力和有条理的职业规划攀上了事业高峰,让学生切实感受到:只要努力,有奋斗目标,职校生也能有自己的一片天地。【教学目标】知识目标: 学生掌握并运用各类职业及职业规划相关的词汇,如kindergarten, cartoon designer, chef, clerk, auto-mechanic 以及salary, personality, major, certificate, weak point, strong point, career plan等。 学生掌握

3、重点句型,如:What are you going to do after graduation? Id like to be a (an) How come? Have you made a career plan? Because I loveand I can May your dream come true!能力目标: 能用重点句型What are you going to do after graduation? How come? May your dream come true! 等来谈论未来工作和职业规划。 了解职业规划的相关知识和步骤,通过小组讨论和合作完成职业选择和10年职

4、业规划,提高学生的实践应用能力。情感目标:联系生活实际,以著名主持人汪涵从抬桌子到台柱子的职业奋斗史,让学生感知职校生也能在自己的职业舞台上大放异彩。【教学重点】学生掌握和运用与职业及职业规划相关的词汇和句型,理解视频、听力材料,用英语谈论职业规划。【教学难点】学生能通过小组合作完成自己未来职业的选择和10年的职业规划并用英语表达出来。【设计总揽】1. 歌曲视频导入新课,图片直观呈现单词教师以Get a Job这首契合该主题的歌曲视频导入,抓人眼球的同时还直观的呈现了多种职业。巧妙处理教材,把本课要求掌握的职业词汇如kindergarten, cartoon designer, chef等与视

5、频中出现的职业词汇相融合,用“找一找,连一连”的活动淡化了“教”的痕迹。2. 听力会话分层设计,有效落实教学重点学生的英语基础存在差异,就应对他们确立不同的培养目标。在这堂听说课中,如何让学困生开口说话,基本能完成课堂教学的学习任务?如何让程度较好的学生具有一定的交际能力,创造性地完成学习任务。在短短的四十分钟内要始终关注每一个层次的每一个同学的确不是一件容易的事。因此教师在听说教学环节中设置难度系数。在让学生完成学习任务时,可以根据自己的程度自己选择适合的难度。教师在听与说的部分进行的分层处理,有效落实了教学重点。3. 榜样携手职场贴士,努力攻克教学难点在毕业季这一时间背景下,教师设计了一个

6、择业小贴士,帮助学生完成从梦想到现实理性择业。用著名主持人汪涵的17年的奋斗史抛砖引玉,学生四人小组活动,完成自己未来10年的规划。他们不仅是简单地谈论I want to be a * in the future.而是结合自己的专业和兴趣,确定未来想做的职业,鼓励学生既脚踏实地又敢于追求梦想。如I will go to college when I am 18 years old. I will graduate from college and get a job as a sales person at the age of 22. I will be an assistant sales

7、 manager when I am 25. I hope I will be a sales manager when Im 28. 从18岁到28岁的展望中,在一步比一步高的目标中,学生学会的不仅是能使用英语谈论自己的职业,更唤醒了追求梦想的斗志。4. 寻找身边职校学生,优化课外作业设计寻找身边的榜样更有说服力。教师设计了“身边的职校毕业生就业调查”这一作业,鼓励学生去发现更多更优秀的职校毕业生们。学生可以借鉴榜样的经验和教训,进一步完善自己的职业规划。在完成作业的过程中,孩子们不仅学会用英语做事,更能帮助他们树立自信心。【教学过程】Step One Lead- In 视频导入,激发兴趣S

8、how Ss a video called Get a Job which includes at least 12 jobs. 【设计意图】用歌曲Get a Job的视频导入本课主题,歌中各种职业的传神表演能瞬间吸引学生的眼球,激发学习兴趣。Step Two Word learning1. 激活思维,找一找Show 18 pictures of jobs and let Ss tick the ones that were shown in the video. 教师给出18个职业的图片,请学生勾出视频中出现过的职业。 2. 扩充词汇,连一连Then get Ss to match the

9、words with the pictures according to the word bank, which includes twelve old words and six new words. And then check the answers with the Ss. Word Bankauto-mechanic cleaner cashier cartoon designer chef dentist gardener hammer worker handyman kindergarten teacher musician massage-girl pet-groomer s

10、ecretary salesgirl trainer tour guide waitress 学生根据教师提供的词汇表,把圈出的职业图片与单词配对。词汇表中包括12个视频中出现的学生已知的旧词汇和6个本课要求掌握的新词汇,学生核对答案。通过图片学习和掌握单词,直观有效。【设计意图】 “找一找,连一连”的活动把本课学生要掌握的新词汇如kindergarten, cartoon designer, chef, auto-mechanic等与视频中的12个职业巧妙地融为一体,先视频、再图片、后文字的学习步骤降低了学生学习新词的难度,更生动形象,更易于掌握,同时为学生规划自己职业这一活动提供了词汇储备

11、。Step Three Listening I 听力理解,捕捉信息Tina will graduate next month. She is talking with Uncle Jack about jobs. Listen to the tape and fill in the form. Then check the answers with the Ss. While checking the answers with the Ss, the teacher helps the Ss to understand How come? 学生听第一篇小对话,找出所缺信息。在与学生校对答案时,

12、教师解释对话中的语言点,帮助学生理解。Job: A kindergarten teacherReason: loves kids, have summer and winter vacations【设计意图】创设情景引出第一个对话,培养学生通过听关键词迅速捕捉听力信息的能力。听力中的对话同时是学生下一步会话练习的示范,承上启下,自然地过渡到会话练习。 Step Four Speaking 摩拳擦掌,小试身手Give Ss the sentence structures of the dialogue and let them use the information of the form to

13、 practice in pairs. 教师提供对话框架和操练信息,请学生两人一组完成对话。Sample dialogueJobReasonA: What are you going to do after graduation?B: Id like to be _.A: How come?B: Because I _ and _.cartoon designerlove painting get a high salarycheflove cooking cook tasty foodtour guidelove traveling all over the world meet diffe

14、rent peoplegardenerlove gardening make cities more beautiful【设计意图】学生两人一组用所给的信息来练习如何谈论毕业后的打算。听对话,补充所缺信息;根据所给信息,练习对话这一模式的听说活动帮助学生降低了难度,也能让更多的学生愿意开口说英语。Step Five Listening II 抓住要素,掌握句型Get the Ss to listen to the second dialogue and fill in the blanks. The teacher offers two difficulty levels for the Ss

15、 to choose. 学生听第二段对话,完成对话填空。在这一活动中,教师可以让学生自己选择听力练习的难度系数。程度较好的同学可以选择Level A,而相对薄弱的同学则可以选择Level B。Level AJack: Youll soon leave school. Have you made a career plan?Tina: A career plan?Jack: Yes, to think about what you are good at, and what you want to do in the future.Tina: Something like planning my

16、 future according to my personality and interests?Jack: Right?Tina: Well, you see. I major in Pre-school Education, so, Id like to be a kindergarten teacher.Jack: How come?Tina: Because I love kids and I can have summer and winter vacations.Jack: That sounds great. By the way, have you got a teacher

17、 certificate?Tina: Sure.Jack: May your dream come true!Level BJack: Youll soon leave school. Have you made a career plan?Tina: A career plan?Jack: Yes, to think about what you are good at, and what you want to do in the future.Tina: Something like planning my future according to my personality and i

18、nterests?Jack: Right?Tina: Well, you see. I major in Pre-school Education, so, Id like to be a kindergarten teacher.Jack: How come?Tina: Because I love kids and I can have summer and winter vacations.Jack: That sounds great. By the way, have you got a teacher certificate?Tina: Sure.Jack: May your dr

19、eam come true!【设计意图】第二段对话是第一个对话的扩展,通过填空的方式呈现对话中关键句,学生能清晰地了解本课要求掌握的句型。重点句型的填空分层要求,学优生可以完成Level A 听对话填写句子,学困生可以完成Level B听对话填写所缺单词。教师在对学困生有难度的环节中设置难度系数。在让学生完成学习任务时,可以根据自己的程度自己选择适合的难度。Step Six Practice实战演习,牢固掌握Let Ss make a dialogue according to the information and the sentence pattern, they can choose

20、different levels. 在这里,学生可以选择适合自己水平的句型与信息,两人一组练习对话。Level AA: B: Level BA: Youll soon leave school. _?B: A career plan?A: Yes, to think about _ in the future.B: Something like planning my future _?A: Right?B: Well, you see. _.A: How come?B: Because_.A: That sounds great. By the way, _?B: Sure.A: _!Nam

21、e: LeeMajor: AccountingCertificate:accounting certificatePossible occupation:a bank clerkName: KevinMajor: Vehicle RepairingCertificate: auto mechanic certificatePossible occupation: an auto mechanic【设计意图】此部分为本课的教学重点,为了充分调动学生参与课堂的积极性,掌握重点句型谈论职业选择,教师同样在这里采取了分层处理,让更多的学生开口说英语,更顺利有效地达成教学目标。Step Seven Su

22、mmary讨论归纳,承前启后Brain storm: Ss discuss in groups and conclude the possible items of a career plan. Collect the Ss answers on the Bb. Then ask the Ss: Which of the following are important? Which are more important? And which do you think are the most important? 学生以小组为单位开展头脑大风暴,除了major, certificate, pe

23、rsonality, interest等一些基本要素外,教师鼓励学生给出更多能影响择业和职业规划的其他要素。学生给出回答后,教师又请学生思考哪些因素是他们择业的首要考虑。Importantfriends & family members jobs personality majorMore importantcertificate interest education knowledge education Consider making a career planMost importantstrong & weak pointsvalues salary 【设计意图】通过小

24、组讨论、合作学习的方式学生罗列影响职业规划的基本要素,再根据自己的状况讨论这些因素的不同重要性。这一环节既是对前面教学内容的回顾提炼,又为最后的任务做好铺垫。Step Eight Expanding1. 身边大咖,榜样力量Get the Ss to guess “Who is he?” according to the pictures. Tell Ss Wang Hans career steps. Show how he became a famous host from a nobody. 用不完全信息的图片和提示语请学生猜猜“他是谁?” 在学生猜出答案汪涵后,教师为学生简要介绍他的职业

25、生涯。 Clue 1 Clue 2 Clue 3 Black eye frame Moustache God of plot in HunanHe was 22.He was 25.He was 30.He was 40.graduated from a Specialized Secondary School (中专) become a stage manager was a TV host in Hunanbecame a famous TV host in the countrywas elected Political Commissar of Hunan (湖南省政协委员)2. 学以

26、致用,回归生活Graduation season is coming. Ss should think about their future. Here are three tips for Ss to help them to choose a suitable job and make a growing career plan. Get the Ss to work in groups. They each choose a suitable job and make a career plan in 10 years and complete the form. Then get so

27、me groups to report it.毕业季来临,同学们面对就业倍感迷惘,教师给出择业小贴士帮助同学走出困境,认识自我。学生小组活动: 规划我们的未来十年。在讨论以及记录完成后,请小组内同学向全班做一简单汇报。Tip 1: What do I like doing: Write down at least 10 jobs that you like. Find the favorite one. Tip 2: What can I do: Study yourself, considering the following items such as personality, education, knowledge, qualification, inter


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