



1、课堂教学设计课 题:Reading: How Life Began on the Earth 授课时数 2 日期:2011年 4月 日设计要素设计内容教学内容分析The reading passage titled “how life began on the earth” provides Ss a brief introduction on hoe the universe developed and how life began on the earth. It provides a scientific background to any investigation into spac

2、e and it is factual. Through the article, teacher will help Ss form scientific spirit and the way of studying.教学目标知识与技能1 Get Ss to learn the useful new words and expressions: globe, violent, carbon, atmosphere, unlike, harmful etc;2 Develop Ss reading ability and let them learn different reading ski

3、lls;3 Enable Ss to know about the development of the earth.过程与方法1 Task-based teaching and learning 2 Cooperation learning3 Discussion情感态度价值观1 Arouse Ss interest in science and their love for life 2 Develop students sense of cooperative learning.学习者特征分析本文是一篇科普类文章,文中有许多专有名词,如,两栖动物,水生有壳动物,爬行动物等。因此单词必须先

4、巩固,同时学生可将英文所呈现的内容与生物知识相结合,这样可以使文章的脉络更加清晰。教学分析教学重点Let the Ss read the passage and learn about the development of the earth.教学难点难点Enable Ss to understand the passage and know about the development of the earth.解决办法Help Ss analyze the long sentences.教学策略1 Different reading skills: skimming and scanning

5、2 Clear the obstacles in understanding教学资源1 Textbook2 Teaching reference book板书设计Unit 4 How Life Began On The EarthMain idea of each paragraph:1 a widely accepted theory about the formation of the universe2 the formation of the earth3 the important of water for life4 the development of planet and an

6、imals on the earth5 the arrival of human and their impact on the earthDifficult language points教 学 过 程教学内容教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体使用预期效果Step 1revisionStep 2SkimmingscanningStep 3ExplanationStep 4Read aloudStep 5homeworkQuestions:How many planets are there in solar system?What are they?Ask students to skim t

7、he reading passage and match the main idea for each paragraph.Have Ss read the passage again and put the right order of development of life into a timeline.Help Ss analyze some difficult, long and complex sentences and guess the meanings of the new words.Ask Ss to read the passage aloud after the ta

8、pe and let them pay more attention to the pronunciations of each new sentence.Tell them to pick out all the useful expressions or collections from the passage while reading and copy them to the notebook,AnswerScan the reading passage and match the main idea.Carefully read the passage and discussion.Underline the difficult sentences and analyze them and take notes.Read the passage aloud and learn to read every word correctly.Pick out all the useful expressi


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