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1、1945年在意大利的波兰第二军第二步兵师第四装甲团上尉01 - M37/40 battle dress, regiment banners on the collar tabs, 8th Armys Crusaders Shiled on the right sleeve02 - decorations: different ribbons from the Polish-Bolshevik war (1920), armoured badge above, Horse Artillery and 2nd Armoured Division memorial badges below03 -

2、armoured corps beret04 - boots05 - M37 belt06 - American woollen shirt07 - garrison rogatywka cap1945年美军宪兵下士01 - M1 helmet, ebonite02 - woollen shirt03 - M38 jacket04 - white MP cord05 - whistle06 - armband07 - belt08 - gloves09 - Colt M1911A1 pistol10 - trousers11 - Baush and Lomb sunglasses12 - MP

3、 forage cap13 - wooden baton14 - Victory matches15 - white leggins16 - boots 194245年德国海军岸炮部队二等兵01 - M-40 helmet with Kriegsmarine badges02 - M-42 Kriegsmarine jacket, with service branch insignia on the shoulder straps, Matrosengefreiters insignia on the sleeve, Iron Cross 2nd Class ribbon on the bu

4、tton, coastal artillery badge on the left breast03 - trousers04 - boots05 - main belt with ammo pouches06 - M-38 gas mask07 - 7,92 mm Mauser 98k rifle08 - M-24 grenade09 - bag10 - militay payment book11 - odds and ends12 - official Kriegsmarine towel1945年在意大利的波兰第二军少尉01 - M40 battle dress, AAA colors

5、 on the collar tabs02 - American woollen shirt03 - M40 overcoat04 - M42 beret05 - boots06 - M37 breadbag07 - dog tags08 - ribbons of the Monte Cassino Cross09 - 2nd Polish Corps Artillery memorial badge10 - Polish-English pocket dictionary11 - Propaganda leaflet 1943年德国国防军负责宣传的中士01 - M-42 helmet02 -

6、 M-43 summer jacket03 - shoulder straps with Unteroffiziers insignia and bright yellow colors of the signal troops (used by the PK until 1943, later changet to grey)04 - trousers05 - Leica camera06 - infantry assault badge07 - Propagandakompanie armband08 - belt09 - holster for Luger P-08 pistol10 -

7、 map pouch11 - woollen socks12 - leather boots 1942-1945年的美国大兵01 - M1 helmet02 - M1934 shirt03 - M1934 sweatshirt04 - M1941 trousers05 - service boots06 - M1938 leggins07 - M1926 life belt08 - M1937 ammo belt09 - M1924 personal dressing10 - M1910 canteen11 - gas mask bag12 - M1918A2 Browning Automat

8、ic Rifle with M1907 belt13 - armband14, 15 - obvious16 - shoulder badges:A - 1st ArmouredB - 2nd ArmC - 3rd InfantryE - 34th InfF - 1st Inf1943年在西西里的美国第82师少尉01 - M2 helmet with camouflage net02 - M1942 jacket03 - M1942 trousers04 - M1934 wool shirt05 - boots06 - M1936 main belt with M1916 holster fo

9、r the Colt M1911 pistol07 - M1936 webbing08 - M1A1 carbine09 - M2A1 gas mask10 - M1910 folding shovel11 - M1942 canteen12 - M1910 bag13 - dog tags14 - M1918 Mk I knife15 - M1936 backpack 1942-45年德国士兵01 - dutch field jacket with ROA collar tabs and shoulder straps, Heeres eagle on the right breast02

10、- M-40 trousers03 - dog tag04 - M-34 forage cap with ROA badge05 - boots06 - M-42 leggins07 - Grman main belt with ammo pouches08 - M-24 grenade09 - M-31 canteen10 - bayonet11 - M-39 webbing12 - M-35 helmet with camouflage net13 - Novoye Zhizn magazine for the Eastern volunteers14 - 7,62 mm Mosin 18

11、91/30 rifle1945年在德国的波兰第一装甲师维修部队Major, maintenance units of the 1st Polish Armoured Division, Germany, 194501 - M 37/40 battle dress, maintenance units banners on the collar tabs02 - black shoulder strap of the 1st Armoured Division03 - 1st Arm Div badge04 - Silver Cross of the Virtuti Militari Cross

12、05 - M 37 webbing06 - 11,43 mm Colt M1911 pistol07 - officers boots08 - leather vest09 - drivers gloves10 - armoured units training helmet11 - AT Mk II motorcycle helmet12 - Mk II helmet12 - leggins 1944年夏季党卫军第8 Florian Geyer 骑兵师列兵01 - M-40 Feldmutze field cap02 - M-40 helemt with SS badges03 - Feld

13、bluse 44- new sweatshirt, inspired by the British battle dress, cavalry markings on the shoulder straps04 - trousers05 - M-35 belt06 - wool shirt07 - M-39 webbing08 - Florian Geyer division armband09 - woollen gloves10 - Panzerfaust 6011 - 7,92 mm Sturmgewehr 4412 - M-84/98 bayonet13 - tarpaulin amm

14、o pouches14 - M-24 grenade15 - Waffen SS payment book16 - M-31 canteen17 - M-43 leather boots18 - leggins 1944年德国伞兵下士01 - Fallschirmschtzen-Stahlhelm 38 jump helmet02 - Fallschirmschtzen Bluse camouflage sweatshirt in Splittermuster camo, rank insignia on the sleeves, Luftwaffe eagle on the right br

15、east03 - M-37 trousers04 - M-38 gas mask in a tarpaulin bag05 - 9 mm MP-40 SMG06 - ammo pouches for MP-40, main belt and webbing07 - M-31 canteen in Fliegerblau- aviation blue08 - M-31 breadbag09 - folding shovel10 - Ziess 6x30 binoculars11 - boots 1939年德国坦克兵中尉01 - officers cap with with pink band o

16、f the armored corps (Waffenfarbe Rosa)02 - black officers jacket, Prussian Death Hussars Totenkopf on the collar tabs.03 - grey shirt04 - armored troops trousers05 - officers boots06 - headphones07 - laryngophone08 - protective goggles09 - M-34 leather belt10 - leather holster for Luger P-08 pistol1

17、1 - leather gloves12 - standard grey socks13 - M-31 Meldetasche- map pouch14 - Zeiss 6x30 binoculars 1939年波兰枪骑兵01 - wz.1937 rogatywka firld cap02 - wz.1932 forage cap03 - Adrian French steel helmet04 - wz.1936 jacket05 - wz.1931 canteen06 - dog tag07 - leather ammo pouches for Mauser ammo08 - main b

18、elt09 - RSC gas mask with canister10 - wz.1924 bayonet cover11 - folding shovel in a leather cover12 - boots with spurs13 - wz.1931 mess kit14 - personal dressing15 - wz.1934 cavalry sabre16 - 7,92 mm Mauser 1898a rifle17 - wz.1924 bayonet18 - 7,92 mm ammo clips19 - fork + spoon kit 1939年苏联坦克兵01 - t

19、arpaulin cap with headphones02 - model 1935 forage cap with red star03 - linen overall, worn over the uniform04 - canvas bag for the gas mask05 - officers boots06 - holster for the 7,62 mm Nagant revolver07 - synthetic leather map pouch08 - officers belt 19391940年德军中士01 - M-35 field jacket with Unte

20、roffiziers insignia02 - M-35 steel helmet with Heeres markings03 - Zeltbahn M-31 tent cloth in “Splittermuster” camo04 - Grey (Steingrau) trousers05 - leather belt06 - anti-mustard gas cloth07 - M-38 gas mask08 - M-24 grenade09 - black leather ammo pouches10 - M-31 aluminium canteen11 - boots12 - 7,

21、92 mm Mauser 98k rifle13 - Seitengewehr 84/98 bayonet14 - wire cutting shears 193940年德军骑兵军士长01 - M-35 steel helmet02 - feldgrau jacket with gold (Waffenfarbe Goldgelb) markings of the cavalry03 - Steingrau cavalry breeches04 - black leather belt05 - holster for Luger P-08 pistol06 - leather webbing-

22、 Koppeltraggestell07 - cavalry boots with spurs08 - M-38 gas mask09 - anti-mustard gas cloth10 - trumpet 1940年德军上尉01- M-38 officers forage cap02 - M-35 helmet with Heeres markings03 - M-35 officers jacket, white markings on the collar tabs and shoulder straps (Waffenfarbe Weiss)- infantry04 - M-34 o

23、fficers belt05 - Zeiss 6x30 binoculars06 - SA sport badge07 - compass08 - M-35 map pouch09 - holster for Luger P-08 pistol10 - offciers gloves11 - boots12 - watch 1940年德国海军登陆部队四等兵01 - M-35 helmet with Kriegsmarine decal02 - privates and NCOs jacket, Matrosengefreiter insignia on the sleeve03 - stand

24、ard trousers04 - boots05 - M-38 gas mask with canister06 - leather main belt with ammo pouches07 - M-31 tarpaulin breadbag08 - mess kit with cup09 - Mauser 98k rifle 1941年德国非洲军列兵01 - M-35 steel helmet in desert camo02 - M-40 olive jacket with white markings (infantry)03 - M-40 breeches04 - M-40 shor

25、ts05 - main belt and webbing06 - brown leather ammo pouches07 - Tropenhelm cork helmet with Heeres insignia08 - M-24 grenade09 - 7,92 mm ammo pack10 - 7,92 mm Mauser 98k rifle11 - Seitengewehr 84/98 bayonet12 - breadbag13 - brown bakelite canteen (coconut)14 - M-31 mess kit15 - M-31 tent cloth16 - t

26、ropical boots17 - RAF aircraft recognition bookCaptain (Kapitanleutnant)- U-boat commander, 1941年德国海军U艇艇长海军上尉01 - officers jacket, Kapitanleutnant insignia02 - Kninghts Cross of the Iron Cross03 - U-boat crew badge04 - Unofficial badges of the 1st and 9th U-boat flotilas05 - cigarettes06 - Kriegsmar

27、ine officers cap07 - leather gloves08 - leather U-Boot-Päckchen - U-boat battle dress09 - boots10 - Junghans watch11 - naval binoculars 1941年德国冲锋队三级小队长01 - forage cap02 - Schaftmtze der SA- SA service cap, with blue markings of the SA Group Upper Rhine03 - linen sweatshirt, rank insignia and un

28、it number on the collar04 - SA tie with NSDAP member badge05 - Bronze SA Sport Badge06 - NSDAP armband07 - breeches08 - service coat09 - leather main belt10 - leather boots11 - SA Sport Badge ID card12 - Organisationsbuch der NSDAP, 1941 edition13 - SA-Gruppe Oberrhein badge14 - SA member ID card15

29、- M-33 SA dagger (identical to SS dagger) with the inion Alles fur Deutschland 1939-41年苏联红军列兵01 - Model 1940 ushanka cap02 - Model 1935 coat, with service branch insignia on the collar tabs03 - felt boots04 - main belt05 - 7,62 mm Tokarev SVT-40 rifle06 - bayonet07 - ammo pouches08 - bag for the gas

30、 mask09 - folding shovel 1943年非洲军空军技术军士01 - M-41 field cap with Luftwaffe eagle02 - M-41 Luftwaffe tropical jacket, yellow collar tabs of the flying personnel03 - linen trousers04 - main belt with holster for the P-08 pistol05 - Afrika armband of the Luftwaffes African theater units06 - leather glov

31、es07 - oxygen mask (bomber version)08 - linen pilots cap with earphones09 - life jacket10 - leather boots11 - aviation goggles12 - Kappmesser M-37 knife13 - Hankart watch14 - compass15 - map16 - Deutsches Kreuz in Gold- Golden German Cross, established 194117 - Iron Cross 1st Class18 - Luftwaffe pil

32、ot badge19 - bomber crew badge20 - pilots military ID 1939-41年英国皇家海军水兵01 - service cap02 - sweatshirt with optical signaller 3rd class insignia03 - Square rig04 - main belt and ammo pouches05 - 9 mm Lanchester Mk I SMG06 - Lanchester Mk I magazine07 - magazine loading tool08 - Model 1907 bayonet09 -

33、 trousers10 - naval leggins11 - Jack knife penknife12 - Royal Navy payment book13 - cigarettes14 - Naval boots 1941-42年波兰陆军司令官01 - British Mk II helmet02 - Battle-dress03 - field trousers04 - belt05 - holster for Enfield No2 Mk I revolver06 - gas mask07 - officers boots 1943年德军军士长01 - M-40 steel hel

34、met02 - Bergemutze M-43 field cap with green markings (Waffenfarbe Hellgrun) of the mountain units03 - M-40 police jacket, Schutzpolizei emblem on the sleeve04 - mountain troops ski trousers05 - leather belt06 - hoster for P-08 pistol07 - 9 mm P-08 pistol08 - payment book09 - dog tag10 - Meldetasche

35、 map pouch11 - M-39 grenade12 - leggins13 - mountain boots14 - 9 mm ammo pack1940-45年在英国的波兰空军01 - RAF officers cap with Polish wz.1936 air force eagle02 - RAF officers jacket, Polish major insignia on the collar tabs, British Flight Leutenant insignia on the sleeves03 - officers trousers04 - shoes05

36、 - briefcase06 - Silver Cross of the Virtuti Militari Cross07 - Infantry Officers School badge08 - Observer badge09 - British Navigators Wings1942年意大利北非部队工程师01 - Steel helmet with enginners badge02 - tropical sweatshirt with engineers badges on the collar tabs03 - leather belt, webbing and ammo pouc

37、hes04 - shorts05 - shirt06 - 6,5 mm Carcano 91/41 rifle07 - Model 1891 bayonet08 - 6,5 mm ammo09 - SRCM 1935 grenade10 - T-35 gas mask11 - breadbag12 - canteen13 - protective goggles14 - leather boots 1940-41年苏联内务部队中尉01 - Model 1935 NKVD cap02 - Model 1925 sweatshirt, lieutenant insignia on the red

38、(NKVD) collar tabs, metal stars on the sleeves03 - NKVD service breeches04 - boots05 - main belt06 - holster for the Nagant 1895 revolver07 - model 1932 map pouch08 - Veteran NKVD soldier badge, established 194009 - Order of the Red Star10 - military ID book11 - ammo for the Nagant revolver 1942年波兰游

39、击队02 - jacket03 - trousers04 - boots05 - improvised armband06 - 9 mm MP-40 SMG 乌克兰志愿保安警察Ukrainian Schutzmannschaft der Sicherheitspolizei volunteer01 - M-32 Allgemeine SS jacket with unraveled pockets and grey cloth applications02 - Allgemeine SS M-32 breeches03 - Polish wz.1932 main belt04 - office

40、rs boots, Polish pre-war05 - Sicherheitspolizei volunteers armband06 - field cap07 - M-40 Einheitsfeldmtze field cap with „Schutzmannschaft der Sipo“ emblem08 - shoulder insignia09 - Schuma emblem, worn on the left sleeve. The inion says: Faithful- Brave- Obedient.10 - German-Ukrainian brochur

41、e about the territory of Ukraine, 1941 edition11 - For Bravery and Service medal, 2nd class with swords19-45年德国装甲兵中尉01 - M-42 Sturmgeschtzjcke jacket, red (Waffenfarbe Hochrot) insignia of the artillery02 - M-42 trousers03 - M-32 officers field cap04 - earphones with laryngophone05 - Badge for close

42、 combat06 - infantry co-operation badge07 - officers gloves08 - Zeiss 6x60 binoculars09 - holser for Walther P-38 pistol10 - M-35 officers belt12 - compass12 - boots1941年的苏联士兵01 - Model 1940 steel helmet02 - Telogreika jacket03 - field trousers04 - boots05 - 7,62 mm Mosin 91/30 rifle06 - rifle oiler

43、07 - Model 1930 ammo pouches08 - personal dressing09 - military ID10 - synthetic leather map pouchSS一级突击队中队长01 - M-38 SS officers jacket, with SD rhombus on the left sleeve, silver chevron on the right sleeve means that the uniform owner joined NSDAP before 30.01.193302 - Schirmmtze officers cap03 -

44、 M-44 officers trousers04 - M-34 officers belt05 - Decorations:- Iron Cross 1st Class- ribbons: Kriegsverdienstkreuz (war service cross), medal for the winter campaign on the eastern front 1941/42, bronze SA sport badge06 - Ehrendegen des Reichsfhrers-SS, Reichsfuhrers Honorary Sword07 - Totenkopfri

45、ng der SS 1942/43年波兰第一装甲师少校01 - British forage cap with a Polish wz.1940 military eagle and majors insignia02 - British officers jacket03 - British trousers04 - officers belt05 - shirt and tie06 - officers boots07 - black shoulder strap of the 1st Armoured Division08 - 1st Armoured Division badge09

46、- banners of the 1st Independent HMG Batallion10 - 1st HMG Batallions honorary cord 1943年波兰人民军(苏军指挥下)第一步兵师少尉01 - wz.1937 field rogatywka cap02 - Model 1936 drill jacket, wz.1943 military eagle on the buttons03 - Soviet breeches04 - Model 1935 officers belt05 - synthetic leather holster for Nagant re

47、volver06 - synthetic leather map pouch07 - leather boots08 - Adrianov compass09 - binoculars10 - 7,62 mm PPSh-41 SMG11 - decorations: Cross of the Valorous, Zasłużonym na Polu Chwały medal 1943年苏联红军侦察兵01 - Model 1935 forage cap02 - camouflage clothing, autumn variant03 - 7,62 mm PPS-4

48、3 SMG04 - tarpaulin ammo pouch for 3 PPS magazines05 - Model 1935 officers belt06 - leather holster with 7,62mm TT pistol07 - Model 1940 assault knife08 - Adrianov compass09 - personal dressing10 - officers boots1943-45年德军中哥萨克志愿兵中尉01 - Dutch officer jacket with changed collar, Model 1943 collar tabs

49、, Oberleutnants insignia on the shoulder straps02 - Soviet trousers with red stripe of the Cossacks03 - Kubanka cap04 - German belt05 - leather holster with Walther P-38 pistol06 - Bashlyk- Cossacks traditional winter hood08 - Shashka- Model 1881/27 Cossack sabre09 - Dog tag10 - Medal For Bravery an

50、d Service, 1st class with swords1944年英国第一空降师军士01 - Mk II helmet- jump version, with camouflage net02 - Battle-dress03 - M41 Denison smock jacket04 - face camouflage net05 - toggle rope06 - boots07 - M37 leggins08 - M37 webbing09 - Sten Mk V SMG with bayonet10 - M36 grenade1944年在法国的德国空军士兵01 - M-40 he

51、lmet02 - Einheitsfeldmtze M-43 field cap03 - M-43 sweatshirt in Sumpftarnmuster camo04 - trousers05 - webbing06 - 7,92 mm Mauser 98k rifle with bayonet07 - M-31 breadbag08 - M-31 canteen09 - M-39 boots10 - dog tag11 - Esbit pocket heater1944年华沙起义者01 - German Gladiator helmet02 - Wehrmacht sweatshirt

52、 in Sumpftarnmuster camo03 - Polish wz.1933 main belt04 - Polish breeches05 - German pre-1939 boots06 - AK (Home Army) armband07 - 9 mm Sten Mk II SMG08 - German ammo pouches for MP-38/40 magazines1943-44年意大利Decima MAS突击队中尉01 - basco beret02 - Model 1933 helmet03 - Model 1941 airborne jacket, leuten

53、ants insignia on the cuffs, division badge on the upper sleeve04 - German belt05 - holster for Beretta 1933 pistol06 - German M-24 grenade07 - 9 mm TZ-45 SMG08 - ammo pouches09 - trousers10 - mountain boots, German11 - memorial badge of the Folgore company1944年在诺曼底的党卫队突击队员01 - M-40 helmet with SS ba

54、dges02 - M-43 SS Feldbluse, Sturmmanns insignia on the collar tabs and left sleeve, Iron Cross 2nd Class ribbon on the button03 - trousers from the Drillichtanzug 43 uniform, in Tupfenmuster camo04 - SS main belt with webbing05 - Patronentasche fr MP-Magazine, ammo pouches for MP-38/4006 - map pouch

55、07 - 9 mm MP-40 SMG08 - breadbag, canteen, Zeltbahn tent cloth09 - boots10 - gas mask canister 1944年在安亨的波兰第一空降旅中尉01 - British beret with Polish eagle and rank insignia02 - Denison smock Mk I jacket03 - Oversmock vest04 - officers boots05 - trousers from M37 Battle dress06 - British map pouch07 - captured German ammo pouch used as a cover for a flashlight08 - webbing, belt and hols


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