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1、network security responsibilitybilitccording t o whois in charge ofwho s in charge,wbilitiest oschools.(XXeducatisedcupraitryt budg-tietmteoweonrskufroerinagement,on computerenjoysindependentright,Usernameand paoprietar y,andreleaseofprovisicurit y,assurance responsicuritygrade prote ctionctionsyste

2、m oftherequireme160 million Yuahstandards,and' . II -constructionnni ng eleme ntaryand mi - network,acompanycooperation, usiI. .1_ _Iphysi calfiberlayingt-1.1 I- 一XXeducati on metropolitant inthe Miooms;一.-latforms At present the city'sprimaryand middle0:1;809 equipmentclasseshe cl assrooms,

3、realize theneeds of teachingoftheschoolnedrastcaoonystcimoeo.Apcacsosr;diaducationresourcecalletter(2012) 74tBurea u on tea chi ng points digitalresources fullcover prhe Secretaryforeducation.E stablished,digitalresourcesi n modernndequipmeProjects inl-coverageeducational i nformation asresponsibl e

4、forconfidentiasfull coverpr oje ct of notification(taughttechniWeb,vi deo, a udi o)tothe targeI - . II. II- Lnclosed -cir cuittelevi sion netwum ofcost a chievelmanagement, passwordmadista ncee ducation teachings share Internetba ndwi dth,ongradi ng record a nd evalI . _I -I . .1n,accor ding tot he

5、standard,II- IIL-III I.I.I.ryan me sc ooscam pus newora na netw ork,school s have computernetworks,distancee ducation teachingfuln area netw orkce ntermachi ne roomequipmessword ofthe computerforitspr,XXfull coverage proje ct group, XX, Directorofthe CenterforXXcity school digitalresour ces i n mode

6、rnheld sy stem,signe d ha snetw orkse curity responsiucti ona nd gradeeval uation,impleme一一 L-L -nZha okua n to schools, hundre dsof megabytes ofbroa dbandto t hetable,'wire '(ie:_.I. . . 一 一一. _ _h,)and XX Pr ov ince Departmentdigitalresource s inm oder n distanceeducati ontea chi ng pr oje

7、ct leadi nggroup, XX,chaired tddle schools cam pus network a nd e ducation city domain,L - I . I -I -. - .一.一high quality planning XX educationalmetropolitan areanetwork realizesWaol pass; Each school construction standards of campus networkand netw orkaccessto all rngto Ministry ofeducation onfull

8、started impleme ntation tea chi ng point s digitalent chaired Z hu Guiyan, responsiblefordistanceeducati on digital resources coveringprojectw ork.oject of impleme ntation programme, Esta blished XX,fullcoverage ofequipmentin-I. 一setupGovernme nt,resource li brary, test database, mailservi一 . . orko

9、ftopic caces, such ase- sede sign, relie son Cisco-books,pa ny thought Shu aid-I . I ny ougschoolhas threeyear s technol L一 1.1s theschool(units) accordi.LIL I gog sanars,ancondary);36 ofthecurity gradeprotecti on a bout poli cyand standard, organizati on carried outinfor

10、mationsendmanpower planning ,and poi nts ste p implementati on, using schoolearthquakeHou rebl ishment ofanadva nce d,practica lGigabite ducationalmetropolitanarea network,tork) for classifie dsecurity proteproje ct leadi ng group,ction levels,withoutthsour cesful lcov er projectdigitalresourn educa

11、ti onalsualeducation re sources,1.1 - on information systems1cesi nmoderct group lea dershipa ndng,00.on steeri ng,steprincipals ofeducati on information into performance assessmentand school levelm onit oring a nd eval uation,to developa scientific, operational education informati on ste ering a ss

12、essment methods,trackingmanagement ofeducation informati on a nd appli cations. ByMar ch2016,100 oftheteachers,Iparticipated in a nationale ducationaltechnologytrainingforprimarya nd secondaryschooltea chers,the teachershave made tocut 80 primaryand middleschoolteachers'e ducationaltechnologypro

13、ficie ncytest certificate. At present ,allschoolshave a ccessto broa dbandnetw orks.Traini ngcla ssificati on trai ning ofteacher s,schooltea cher s, aca demic l eaders,information technology,teachertraining ay,wit hin theschool backt oschooltraini ngonce training i s complete.加油站操作员中国石油集团公司职业技能鉴定中心

14、mprove,se curitypr evention ca pacity obvi ously e nhanced,securityhiddeforall equi pment in t he rooma reg ulardust,replaand Ci scoproducts.Intheir . _i,il. 一 _and soluti ons throughameeting,without rolliftohregeo-loedsatrenlidailyw ork,topubli cizerelatece theold la up thean and securityacc

15、ideRegularly host serverptifriecsbdaeiltkiintont,yon,itwnorletesqdoulgvireheepmereoanpntedninfoobrslmepamatisco,enaonsfsedpsfuecbehloontobviouslyreduce d,effective guaras,netw orkswitches, core routingcurity considerations.dbacktosuperintees information healthdevelopment.dwaremainte nance,suchaseXXE

16、 ducation Centre reg ularlycarry out day -to-daynetworkseEnhanced gl obal aw arene ssofnetw orkandinformation seI_ L>一一 II. 一 storesolve.Through self-examinatiqui pmentfailure,on,we arcurit y,and strive toashoul d be pr ocessedin atimely mannerin orchieve netw orkeveryone knows se.L .1 L - . I L

17、. 一.ckofinvestmentin educaticurity monitoridertoe nsurng informationand equipmecurity a ndvir _ .1 . _esafe andrel iable operatius before theguard,toimpron, facilities a nd equi pment forfurthertheonptenmaspnaucale,Ptahreti cularly witcity'sthotraelgsatrnt.By the appropron ofthe system.Inupdates

18、,educatiidentsns1t8al.l31atiton(jpurneiiatetechni calstaff,XX networke ngine room mainteovenetw orkand information seXX cityinformationand equipmeon developmcurity,ensurentwas estathat t he XXeducatientisstilluneve n,ne w education conceptsI-L _ JL. I - K - LJI -n hep-intnancestaffonsite managementa

19、blishedwit hin the Centre,educationalmetropolitan arend mai ntena nceon areg ularbaatineeondstyostbeemfurtnehtweroreknhaancend idnftoormsoamtioenexsytestenmtasnedcrueritys.trTirctaicnkgitcoveqruaigreodf),drigeigtiaslteration ducantiuomnalbrerstoourmceestinthte requiremehnetsproject coonfstteruacanet

20、w orkce nter machi ne roomXX.Serversang reportingsystem re- -J .1.1quireshe devel opme ntofcity educatinddatast oresand applicati onstoset upinallpartiest ostrengthen a nd associatede qui pmentoperatingboration,w orkcloselywitXX Citymetropolitan areaconditi ons,and makea recor d.Computer

21、lanetworkdevelopecenter machine room.b mainteWi ndowsServer2003,winance manager sregularlyrun avndowsSe rver2008,windowsServer2012, Liarietyofdevice sin the schoolinformation system parameters,a n areanetw ork,regularly carryout emergencydrills,and carrie nntofoduremsmeaotgniosnotr,daE.tiAondcuocuan

22、ttiiocetnivBeluyreoarugansi aszaeodifrmiXvpiXletnmitlgeforcee,annftuadrtitomondernhofeeradiundcicvraitesiaiosne ionfpautcliaonnealtnux,the operatingsystem,thed outspe cialfundsev -I L.ducat ion,effortsto promserver systemsand vari ous data ba ckup, sot hattherewact the securityofinformation.Annual 一

23、 .11-i Wanfu, as ahar dwarefailure is Microsoft Office software.Schools (unit2-3 professind Michael Jenki ns, an a systemcrashcaers in tn resumequi ckly andefficientl y.Computer l ab mainte nance managerha strong professi_ .I - L I . .Ipate in province back boneface-tsestabli shanetworkantivirus sys

24、tem, AviraVcpr oducts,i ncl udi ng the useof360 a ndki ngsoft Internet se curitysoftware. onaland technicalteam,schoolnetwork managers on common netw orkfailures a no-faceornetw orklear ning, doea chteachi ng pointsare hasteachers participate i nual)aInwaXrXd,. adivi sion ofaocelaxspse,daitcelae dus

25、csataiotnotialra nfonrkmeadtfiizrasttiionDwiovirski,t on ahectcivtiytiees,swtablissheadwatrdeirus systemon a reg ularbasi s,and antiXXeducati on metropolita-virussoftware securitya ssessment,timeton areanetw orkused by t he serverforHPIssuesthat cannot be reeducation information andequipmeupgrade. C

26、omputerla bmaintenance managemesolve d,timelyformsofmeetings,sucha- -一 .- -.curitypr oduct forHuaweint Ce nteron re quireme ntsthe teantnalysis,n of中级工理论知识试题鉴定要素细目表行为 领域代码鉴定范 围鉴定比 重代码鉴 定 点重 要 程 度备注基础知识A(30%)(36:11: 05)A油品基础 知识(17:06: 02)10%001汽油发动机的工作原理XJD002柴油发动机的工作原理XJD003油品的危险性X004汽油抗爆性的含义X005辛烷值

27、的定义X006汽油蒸发性的含义Z007汽油蒸发性能的评定指标X008汽油安定性的含义Y009汽油安定性的评定指标X010影响汽油安定性的因素X011汽油的腐蚀性、清洁性指标X012H六烷值的定义Y013柴油的燃烧性评定指标X014柴油的蒸发性评定指标X015柴油的安定性评定指标Y016影响柴油清洁性的因素Y017柴油的低温流动性X018柴油的凝点X019柴油的冷滤点X020煤油燃烧性、安全性评定指标X021煤油纯洁性评定指标X022内燃机油的分类ZJD023汽油机油的选用X024柴油机油的选用Y025液压油的选用YBHSE基础 知识(19:05 : 03)20%001环境保护标准及预防削减措施

28、X002加油站污水处理X003职业病及预防X004加油站环境因素调查的主要内容X005加油站风险评价Y006加油站经理岗位面临的风险X007加错油品和油罐混油事故的削减措施X008自然灾害削减措施Y009加油站一般不符合项Y010我国的消防工作方针XJD cuiy pr-ein ca ._”nad-uh d, . guaa onh_lt dee Cete eg . carry oU " newrk - euiment. B tie a -e teCni -X new-nenance s. osemaageta ula ba -,sche-ed v-w and -icC - Le -n

29、iladm-e a eccrd. Cmpute la acemanage s * . rua v-. of deVce paamees-ersms and-a backup" saha-ae a,e i n a ocas -icky and .,e, y maages wka n-us, A-a Vius so uabasis, an. at vius sofwae -as e"m-ugr.e Cm pUe abmatea- .anage-byrsesms"ndmea. :arjnery“mi-yfpwrcc"::.* "": .”,

30、:“: nmaun"-eot-9,_r-,”":“Fe.epmen.w -,”-*- 1:”,:,:£”,一,."”"*”.,";:,-."-:';:'*"送",*<,.:二*5>»:"”.,es;uk-w,、.-.-,-”.;:“"r:-0*“ os-",""*”.-sMuetr .,,”*“”:“,,",-:":*;,0*-"-"::;".,”,#amet”:.,:

31、:”"-.”;.::,.;3:"01:"0 j-i-",,::“”-:.,:,3ad.,"":.*;、"":::"“一"»-*:,“."=:一:1.->:“,$*:.”.“.”":::"" .mug-m"-"、:*.-a' ssem-.has cm.e .ewe”* s , .k . i -.Idel.". . ma .”、11,. 0 .”a y .-» .uc . i

32、s iv.o a. w. . i c.g. of -I. . ”, w I. .-. sf w. . i . of .! sc.oisuis . Ihere. . 一,.一 -.-biiesi . s.o.s x cy -cools (ui. i.i. .i. 20, of -”.pre. . aet of wic -.a.- esure .e-. o .e - -ui. ,. ci. i-. -eve . . . 1X >. ,“a,-.|ai. f - u - wt .Gove.m. . esuee l b.y -'- - 3.m-1 一 ,ces - - i|.|. - i

33、e-Nf. .p.-t. 3.f -hool ui< iem.'st. -hool . . .-.”io. c.rid ou <e - i. m. - e1 s- -.-u-i.,.- .uc.rd. ev. *. mem.- p. ci. 0 quem.s i3.i. m-.iy m.1 l.1 .bviLs.clyu t"”.、一. . 1g -. 1 .igX .3 .| . .ew. W. . t scoos wi.' »,"-. . t .ecr.ic w”.”. . v

34、. eu-t .me .W'i Ite Ci.mai .ew - . .es o. Cisc .一. ”. - sf fee ”. te. y. s 2.|og. uiio.I, fom b.g.,. Is.-.s .Iglof w. tou.t . m.|ow. s. | .lem.l.tio., u-b -Iool -t- Hou . .”,. . . mi oos c_pus .ti. ci. .m.i us s ' .w. wlpl.s - fie tmi.mum of cs acli-. I_ pI.s.1 Ibe -Iool scoolp-s E.c

35、scool -.t-.a-d. of c-pLSe-o. .ew. . .w. . .st.of .L . .t.l Li.of- io. . .oL- -i upacciee -ce -to. clu. 1 .fm, impem.3 l .is t. w.| A .m.-cool 311svia- t.0 1 8B7m.i ma.a. -c.” . of t.pps .ewk. TI. esa bl Smet of .".一 ., |.acia l Gg.i .a. .- -Ioos I - aces t metop

36、olk. aea.ew . sc cmiue .w.scloe. ci_i .- so. .w ok, b.os.ew. Scoossae “e.e ba .w .t, sf i - .- a . i. Mis.of imilm. .tato. e. -L - i.- u- ul cove p o. 2.- .(.”4I, ov .is- X o. su ie. fu l 011影响加油站安全的因素X012影响加油站安全的环节X013静电的产生X014雷电的产生Y015加油站设备静电接地电阻值X016储油罐的使用基本条件X017加油作业区现场安全检查内容ZJD

37、018储油罐安全检查内容Z019消防设备安全检查内容Z020电气设备安全检查内容Y021加油站使用操作工具的安全要求X022加油站人身着火的处理方法X023加油站较大火灾的处理方法X024事故的等级划分X025加油站应急预案X026应急预案的规定XJD027加油站灭火器材的分类X专 业 知 识B (70%) (80: 33: 06)A服务营销基础知识(24 :05:01)18%001清洁服务现场x002交接班程序x003服务礼仪应用:仪容礼仪x004服务礼仪应用:体态礼仪x005服务礼仪应用:语言礼仪x006与顾客沟通的基本要求x007倾听的技巧x008传统营销理论及其发展z009市场调研的原

38、则xJD010市场调研的作用x011市场调研的内容xJD012确定市场调研目标x013加油站市场细分的含义x014加油站服务营销的作用x015加油站的服务形式y016加油站的服务体系y017促销的概念和分类x018品牌的内含xJD019客户忠诚的含义xJD020客户忠诚的类型x021顾客满意度的概念x022顾客满意度内含x023客户开发方案y024客户开发的基本步骤x025客户档案管理的重要性y026客户档案管理的内容xJDp.ove. cu- p. evei. ca - . .I.ce., _cui. I. .al u.-S ep. b.l“a. Ios.e-s.ew .Ci -.-csIt

39、ei. w ”. - . .owe. .,.-I ameei. wl .ul. l- .e. . ,ssmel.l.mmo-e.wfc-imoOoet-t .i.i-olwa:g “。l.Pax:saha.oopma,t.s;petsoiIeeSi.,e.ct.u-at. Cel. e. ua. . ou Io .etw. _ euime.I." lie aelec.i -l-f,” .ew . -f o.-ema.- eia ua ba -s,-Ie _e . vew ewo.s -:.- .ass a . . - . m_e a . .Ccmpu. - .

40、uav. of .e-ei te se- sstm.a. . oos -. ba ccup, eewa. aI. -.e.iue i . a -S- eume-i.a. efc.t . .- -a a.tvu. sstm, Avia V. u.bbsisa. .t v-of - e - bmai.imece.oui. , fi 、Ia. emaie .ce<uc -equ .elf - e,sou . i o.e t e .sue - e . . ae .IX - ifm.i. . euime.Iw - e-blse.w . .

41、一* aea.ew". Seve-a. . - o- . .pat u iX Ci. mlopol. aeai.w. W .-o - :e-e| W.o e-e"wi-ow<Se ”Li . m, te :evelal Off.e -fwa. scI a- -icosf Ofie sfw.e Scoos u.i m c p. -of a. .”11. -cu.sfw.eXX -t o. me.poia. aea.ew o. -eve fo. H, .to.- f. . - of.ewo. -.,. stie t ac

42、e-e.ew-. -. . - -. a . v. .ve.ewm.i. -fc, . . I. .ew I.-tm.eui.、3. e-i-al .t-t .st. wo. cloe. wi I . pl. . . aea.ew.-eula. .is,. . .' . ct. sc.-.f ifm.i. A. . ew. m”ci Ia st . . .一 , - .ewo. ,.l . of -lvi. . ”. t. luc a- m.i. a.- .met-t.esle.TI.ou.I sefeiat., - - e l - ._ -. of iv-me.I i eu-

43、to., fciiis a . .pmel f. .Ie.up-e. 7ato. -pmel - -> . .,. w eu-i. co.cesu.i Ie .I eu-t.W wl I t -tie f. tel.vice e .ucato. -a-a .iv ce .Ie ices .ua., ole IIe . W ., . Li W-.I. a. Mcae Je. .s a . CCe. pa.iip_ i p.ovi. ofceo.ewo. _ cI I_ lecIes p.,iae i . I. 7, i-u-. ci. a.I Ce .sII. .a . poi

44、s -coolif.a.I"'.-te .»,-it. efctv tIef.-J,.p.icias of - - me. -cool eve a-Celfc ope.e_ai. ifm.i. ._ ei. a sesmest.0 .m. - elof cai.-B. ”. c 206,1» 1. . - . a. . -Iool t.Ie. te I- ma- tcut -Iool taces ' e.-at. lec.olo.p.ofice . esce.iae Alpesel, .l -Ioos Ia-e .ew o. - -Co

45、ol I-cIe. -a-.- c le .ifm.i.lec.ol. lecIe I.ew.m.- e.I Cut- Io -cool tai-I.mfgm.s.a.:dme. d :rl.aners,“mi -management .md-p.las _.pL_ a.".,g.w.k s_.h ”.si lma.- .t. ppsswd maIks of ifmai.一(XX Id. A .'met”一. .ILGove.m. .t .s.- l b.ay tst d - bbs. m”,teIled sysem. ewO- iity 一pme,om.

46、setup a"i - -. t-a- IL- as._ _ . . . i -desg., - so.”一Lgd .a -p“ay ad mdd.a .ets -II. - I . 11 .a .yoLgslool“eN-f.;:;SU- 3198 ta I o. gad > _ .l . l.iS-e iS-S blefo. .I- tee .as te-.ol Li,.t -as - tste “ool u.” ac.d. L IL . . . . o. cmpLe "ys .d.t .g,t-t-sbeia lsa-dsa.d. .一 .一-Li"

47、"e"" op. y a. . . of tle-L o.- - -L.-s Ll-p.owe paabl .Smet of aid-,ne d. p.a-iiao" ofmp - e .to.ou if a-."gad. miL.B-'".一-.dag t o wo is i. -age of wo'dd. s-oos -ya p .a .wo.- -mpU. .ew-sdigia esu- o. tta - -aa t.o. a

48、. -l-to. . ,tao. gato.-i" .wo.- b.-osed-. -Lit te- So.ew O-. b.oa-ato. E sabis.d ”i.esL si .,w lo .Les p.queme Ile . s a.Se -uiy p. eveti. -a . . se-uiyiidel. a La-st .pa.c. p.-s I. - l.l . . > . .-a.d old a belse. of t. .qu. . .-. . . . .eu.i" ma.ngim.tlee10blious"- usi S ' ,ew.- wl plysi-l lb. ale - -.ooms. . S-ooS S_"te.eba ,.w dt.disa -. e d-ao.ta-ig.xxfLl -.p. - goup. . Di- Ceetefo.of t - lig160milio. Yia . a-o. . l . . . l . -um of -s a-li Id.-ti.a i I l.mai. aof tle y, Lac. .-o.-dialbilites t o


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