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1、20152016|学年1卜匚尸4.i力一4十级期床;试;英语年考试t审可:120分钟试卷情分:1550分命;颈人:、h5诏备课:组审题人曷陶课组说明:i、此试卷分弟I卷(选择题)和弟II卷(非选择题)两部分02、满分150分考试用时120分钟0弟i卷(选择题共95分)弟一部分听力(共20小题每小题1分共计20分)弟一节听下面5段对话0每段对话后有一个小题从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项并标在试卷的相应位置0听完每段对话后你都有10秒钟的时问来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题0每段对话仅读一遍01.How/ wilthewom】an probablyfeel? A.Pleasee.B.Di

2、sappointee.C.NeiYOUs. 2.Whw was the> man late? A.Hi!> carwas$ outof petro.B.Hecouldnt mnenehiscar. C.Hewenit back fo)r ck汨ndothes 3.Whatwillthewomian )rob(ablydo?A. Goover her lessoins. B.Go)to theconicertC.Takes a te1t. N1. What eJoesthewomian rnear1? A.She prefersa f()otba川stadium. B.The lig

3、ht istoobright. C.The? dinng hiall i:smuch tc)o large.5. W,hatcanwe kmowabout thie woman,s r()ommate? A.Sheis alway,s lae.B,She isorgejtful.C. S;he is easy-going.弟二节听下面51殳对话或独白0每J段对话或独白后有几个小题从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项并标在试卷的相应位置0听每1殳对话或独白刖你将有时问阅读各个屋、题每小题5秒钟听完后各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时问0每1殳对话或独白读两遍0听弟61殳材料回答弟6至7题06.

4、wjat$ wr(ong、withthe j:peakers? A.They dot haive ain enigint九B.They los,t their way.C:.Thiey run out g<is. 7.Whiat should th2y d()no、V?A. Do ncithing but wat. B.Calthepolicem:an.(:.Tedephonetheifrie:nd.听弟71殳材料回答弟8至9题08.What$ thefather re(adin(j atthe begirningof theconve?rsation?A. Anovel. B工Amag

5、azine. CA newspapet. 9.What kind obo()k d()es thegirlwant her fatlier t()reaid? 1. Astor,bo(火alboutaninialsB. /卜stoiy booko)n animadols.C.A b)ookbout canidy amd c20kies.听弟8-1材料回答弟10至12题010).What are tliespeakers talkincbout? A.A travel plan. BThel laslvacationC.Anevvspaper.11.Howcanthey geitheprice?

6、 A.Read the ad.B.Cal20 X 20thehoteCCal thetravel office.12.Whaman? A.Heis not ingood he向thB.HC. 1He prefers tostayin tlhe s<彳meplace.答弟13至16题013.What aA. dvejnture. BVa(:ation. C,Weather.14thewoman's t(川r?A. Hlikintg B. 1Sky(1What d(oesthe v/om<an thlink(of the marelaixing. C.A litle borin

7、gJ. 16.Whiat can wSh? jumpecdov/n ahill.B. She droveto vlike!> taking 2adventure.听弟10题0T7. What is tha authors oareimportant because of thefront rmationsource.(C. Tlhey <ire readby leWhat isthepurposeof thie he旧dlinesof thpeo)plewhat is coingonn the world.B. Tsale in t,he s>hopC.&

8、#39;To enable peopleto k19.What can wk kn()w aboutnew/spaperswe(eklyprinted only 1iavirig or】e e(ditioi】.B.inteTestingas thosen big cites.C. Tl】ey aciti(冶.20.W/hatcanwe k:nowabc)ut magaat can we5 learn abouttheIe d(oesn,t want to travel (at all.听弟9段材料回re the two speakt2rs tdking about?卜Whichis the b

9、e;st part oiving.(;Visiting relatives. 15.,s vacation? I. Too baid. E.Verye krow <about the woman? A.isit t】er relathves.C. She段材料回答弟17至20)pinion aboutnew/spapers? A.TheyB. Theyarean importantjss aind lesspeop)le now.18.e newspapers? Ai. Totello telpeo)ple 'whatis onnowthecontentsquic;kly.in

10、smalltowns?A. They <areThey ane not asare not as mainy ais inbigzines? A.They are piiblishedfor ewent taste aiid interest. B.They ae alway!;putblished onceamonth.C. Theyarereadnotas n】anyas ilews甲apers.弟二部分-Mr 央语知识运用(共两节满分45分)弟一节语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂里 八、21

11、.Onl)w when Ieft rmy parents for Shang1ai_ how ImuchI I missed th3m. /A. I realiz:ed E3. I had realized C:.had1 I realize力DdidI re<亦ze22.Thebuildlingwasnamled fFordHallamai namedJames F二 ordA. in plaice o)f B.in celebiatioin ofC. in memory ofD. iin favourof 23. Havingnomoney but -to k:now,hesimpl

12、y said 1ie wouldgo 'vithout dinne. A.notto wantanyoneB.wanted tono c)ne ().nowantincanyoneD.towaint tono one 24It was areally 一_ experience. Afterwards> everyorie was ve». /A. teTifying; J)hockingB. t(jrrified; shockingC.terrifying; srlocked D.terrifiec;shocked 25i. _ the olcma一 ,nssonis

13、 wanted toknow/ was_ the) golC had been hidden. A.That;what B.What; where:C.What; that D.What; if26.I,m tl】inking ofthetesttomorrow. I, mafrad I can,t paj冶ths tirne._! Imsure you wilmake it.A.G(o ahead3.G()od luchC.Noprob)lemD.(:heer up27.Youcanwhisyouspeak lo)udlyyou,ll be punished bat ).in28.t isb

14、adnews thet theschooleqiuipment.A. badlyoffE. w(ell off C.bette29-'/Vha:hap)pened overthere? -iwaiter_ the price of themeal. A.to;for;at D).wth; about30.Theman1Would )(ouike to goover and say helo toC.h> standing D.standing31._wapayr their own w;ay. Ai. Anyone B.Theonegoo)d care cf hismother,

15、theboys_川n冶s.A. quietl/ B.aictuailly C;.practicallydo you thinkof the so)ngs?-As cm mattersoundsbeautifu.A.no one E'.nct allC. neve>ryorie AkI siiouk1 warn yOu _dancer.A.inchaige ELin <idvanceC.inhanyou surprised bytheending cf thf film?book, so)I already knew the scry.A. v/as rreadingD. h

16、averead弟二节完形填空(共sper_ hinn inclas;储but ify tht teache二 A.to B,with C.s raherforer off D.ightoffThey ar(Wedthiefor Ek against; over C.theres our headmaster.him? A.stanid Bto sandnts to stcay ina h(ctelhas toC. Vhoe?verD. VVho32. In threc)vering fromhisD.gradua111y 33.-Whatof fact,_of themct e,eryoneD

17、. notthatImnota very gcodd D.n order :35一Were一No. I _ theeading EL had re,ad C.am20小题;每小题1.5分满分30分)阅读下面短文掌握苴 /、大息从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂里 八、0W“en Ibegan pannng to move to Auckland to study, my mother wasworriec'ab)ut alack:of jobsandcultural dlifferenc(es.Ig rkJnoring these_36_I got t

18、he:re irj July,2010. _37_I ;arrivedI realizedtheimportaince()f gettinca jcb_38_ my'liviingexperience.tDetemined t()dothis_39Ispenit se/erawe1eksgong coortodo()r for a jo)b, but found_40response乂回应)One afterr100n,I walked into a t)uildng t<o ask41_there were <my job oppoirtuniies(机会)The peo

19、plethere advised men notto continue my j()b s(汨rch inthat_42_.As I V/asabopt to43_a man vhohadbeeni listening approache(C meancaskedmeto wait o)utside _44_.Nearlytenminuteslater,he4,5_.He aske(cmeabout my plams amd(encouragjed rie to)stay _46_.Then he offerectotake me+to fRoyal Osk to_47_ax jobI was

20、 alittlesurpriseid, buthad1 a _48.feelin(j about him.AMon(1 theway,I r(ealized tiat Ihad_49_r esum1 s (简历)Seeing this,the rnan_5)_at hisbusines,s partner's officeto makemefifteen_51_copies.He ailsogave mes sorne_52_ondressingandspeaking.I hlanded out my re sjmes anweint ho)mefeeling very _53_.Th

21、e f0110V八ngday,I re(ceiv2d a5;4_froma soren RoyalOakofferingmea job. It s>eemis that thewoiId aways _55_ toyou 'when yoin need it,Andthistime北it yas <acomiplel9 stranger who tljrne(C outo be arealblessing,36Adoubts BConcernis Cinstiucti()ns【Drea:sons37A.Evenif BEvery tmeCNovv that DSo(on a

22、ter38A.of BAtCforDwith39A.on m:/ ownB0nmywayCbyanychanceDbythe cay 40A.ainyBMuch Csoje Dlitthe 41A.why bWhereverCwhetheDwhienever,42A.direction EEAttitudeClangjuage Dmanner43A.ainsweUBWork CleaveDrefijse 44A.for ev,er Eat any tmec Cas isuaDfor awhie 45A.returnedBHssitated(Cpassec1Dregretteid 46)A.si

23、entBBus>y CpositiveDcomforteble,7A.p)ick(out B1se<archfor (take onDgiveup48A.dull BGo()d Cguilty )general49A.rmad(u us? ofBtaken(;areof Cruni outofDbecome tined of 50A.stoppedBKnockedCglancecDappeared 5i1A.rghtBMoeCformerDdifferent 52A.pressuresBAgreerlentsCimpressonsDsuggestions53A。nelyBFunny

24、CdisappointedDsatisfied 54A.callBTip)CpresentDreport 55A.tiirnsoff Bgo)es()verCgives backDloo)ks up弟三部分阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分满分30分)阅读下列短文从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出最佳选项并在答题卡上将该项涂里 八、01 A O)nemorning,a yo)ungmanileadinga goat lost hi;s way due tothe hickmistTienhe met ablind man and askecwhethe, healsolosthis v

25、ayThe blind mansad,“Icanrot s(ee anythngThe>refore, the mlist doesin,taffect meI fcllowed廿ie p<ath ii】mymeimorya and it nevergoeswr()ng." Happly the youngmani ledthegoatfolk)wing hirnforwardTheblind m(an a;skedwhej re he w<、s g()ingHesaidhe ,wantedto sell his gMaleor femae?卜lowmany yea

26、rshaveyoukeptit?" T'he young main s|)okewithiouttoo rnucht thought,“Afem;ale goatof 31 years!Theyoung mian wasstill follovingtheblind1 man when hiewa:s grasped thes hanid b/ theblind m<inHeshouted,“Here isthepolce station! Go into it <andelab(orate:onhowyoustohe the? go:it!They yoiJng

27、 manhadbeen a thieffor along time an1d adImitted tl1e g()atwasstolen by hirHeasked thie blyouknc)w Iam athief?Theblind mgoaits fo)r decad(冶arid can tell one ofthemas theirageaccoirding totheirvoi(cesis obvioiuslya m.Jle goat,butyousaidfema little mnorethani ony year old,but you sathree yearsMoreovT

28、thie goat wwhen heis k2d ba a stranger instead of histhegoat do(es n)t belongto you!the、whole thing with hiis hsaddroppeddowdidn't lost hiswaybecause _Bhe couldn 't ses anything. Cthick mi!st. Dhe 1had (a beitter riem|57Acc(ordirg tothedialoguein Parac_ Atheblind main was adeteyoung rnanwasa

29、n hionest man.Jgoat.Dtheblin(m man w<is vsry carefidabo)ratein Paragraph3 mostprobAexf)resi) in(letail BtellDmaike up ons mind 59ind inanpuzz"ingy,Jut how dioan smile(d,I have beenkeepingi ismaleor female as;welJ1e g()at you led just rOwaleThe go)at is(simplyd you had kejpt itforill bleat to

30、tally differeitlyownerS(o I can tellOnlyr then diethethief un(iersandn56Theblind m<inAhe9 didn,t leaid agoat.hewasn' taffectedbythe卜ry thantheyoun吗man.rap?1 2, ee can knowthatective(侦探).Bthethe youngmanfamiliarwiththe,.5;8Thes undlerlirled vordablyme<ans _.a liej Clea,n b:h heartWecaninfet

31、hat theyoung mtan 'wasafterhearingtheblindman,s explanatioinAhumorousBnervousCdepressedDsatisfie(d B、Joumaythink thetsailing isa dfficult sportbut it is,really not haird t()learn itYoij donotneedto t)e strong.But youi ne(力tobequidk. Anid yo)u ne2dto uinderstaind afewbasic rues aboutthewindi. Fir

32、st, you mnustaskyousellf,“W,her(5 is the windcomng from'? Is it comingfromi ah汨dorbehiindor fr(om the side?Youmus>t think aboutthisall the timeonthe b)oat.Thewind diiectkon tells you whatto d()with thes sai.Lets Stcart with tie wind 1blowng frombehind.'Thismeans the windand1 theboat aregoing ini thesamie di,ection.Thenyoumust alw/ayskeep the sal ousidetheboat. It s)houd bej at ai 90°angle(角度to the boat.Then it vAll catchthewindbest. Ifhe vvindis bowingfromi thesid(eit i:s blowineacrossthe t)oat.In this case


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