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1、一、选题依据:(背景与意义、国内外研究现状与发展趋势)背景与意义:随着经济全球化的进一步加快,国际经济的进一步发展带动了广告业的腾飞,英语广告翻译日益成为翻译学研究的重要组成部分,广告翻译的发展对国际贸易的发展不言而喻。广告是商战中的有力的武器,广告英语是一种专门用途的英语,他与普通英语有着较大的差别,本文结合大量的实例,从广告英语的语法特点、句法特点和修辞特点三方面分析了广告英语的特点,并浅析了其翻译策略 。英语广告翻译作为翻译学的一个新的领域,引起了众多的翻译工作者和研究人员的注意,发展仍然不够成熟和完善,这篇论文正是针对这一系列的问题提出了英语广告的特点和英语广告的翻译策略等重要意义的课




5、的进一步加强,广告事业迅速发展,对英语广告的翻译需求量和质量的要求也越来越高,因此对英语广告的翻译理论的改进和提高提出了更高的要求。本文根据英语广告的诸多特点,提出了英语广告的翻译方法和策略直译,意译,音译,增译,缩译,转译旨在进一步提高对英语广告的翻译水平和准确程度。三、论文提纲:1. Introduction2. General Knowledge of English Advertisement2.1 Definition of English Advertisement2.2 The Classification of English Advertisement2.2.1 Commer

6、cial Advertisement2.2.2 Cultural Advertisement2.2.3 Conceptual Advertisement3. Characteristic of English Advertisement3.1 Basic Characteristic of English Advertisement3.2 Linguistic Characteristic of English Advertisement3.2.1 Characteristic in Rhetoric3.2.1.1 Parallelism3.2.1.2 Personalization3.2.1

7、.3 Alliteration3.2.1.4 Repetition Simile3.2.1.6 Pun3.2.2 Characteristic in Syntactic3.2.3 Characteristic in Syntax4. Translation Strategies of English Advertisement4.1 Literal Translation4.2 Liberal Translation4.3 Addition4.4 Omission4.5 Conversion5. The Strategy to Avoid the Mistake in Tran

8、slation 5.1 From the Viewpoint of Unequivalence5.2 From the Viewpoint of Different Culture Background6. Conclusion四、研究的整体方案与工作进度安排(内容、步骤、时间)1. 第七学期 第9周 选定论文题目2. 第七学期 第10-18周 查阅相关文献资料3. 寒假期间 查阅相关文献资料4. 第8学期 第1-7周 完成毕业论文任务书、文献综述、开题报告及论文提纲5. 第8学期 第8-10周 完成论文初稿6. 第8学期 第11周 完成论文二稿7. 第8学期 第12周 论文三稿/定稿及答辩8

9、. 第8学期 第13周 复答辩五、中外文参考文献目录(作者、书名论文题目、出版社或刊号、出版年月或出版期号)1 Catford, J. C. A. (1995) . Linguistic Theory of Translation. England Oxford Press. 2冯庆华,2007,实用翻译教程,上海外国语教育出版社。3金惠康,2002,跨文化交际与翻译,中国对外翻译出版公司。4柳琼颖,2002,广告人的目标在英文广告中的体现 ,对外经济贸易大学出版社。5李秀平,2006,“英语广告翻译常见问题分析及对策思考”, 中国翻译第一期。6黄乃圣,2003,英汉广告的文化语境与翻译,江西

10、社会科学出版社。7王金,2001,“广告标语口号的套译”,山东外语教学第一期。8汪滔,2001,广告英语,安徽科学技术出版社。9杨小燕,2000,广告英语中常用修辞手法分析,对外经济贸易大学出版社。10钟丽君,2004,“广告翻译中的直译与意译”,中山大学学报论丛第三期。11张培基,喻云,1988,英汉翻译教程,上海外语教育出版社。六、指导教师意见:河南省高等教育自学考试英语专业本科毕业生毕业论文(英文题目)"Lake Poets" in the history of English literature(中文题目)英国文学史上的“湖畔诗人”专 业 名 称 : 英语专业本科

11、 论文作者姓名 : 刘志辉准 考 证 号 : 078203200008论 文 类 型 : 文学批评论文完成日期 : 2006/08/26联 系 方 式 : 河南省辉县市第二职业高中"Lake Poets" in the history of English literature摘要: 湖畔诗人就是一组英国诗人,Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey, and William Wordsworth.他们居住在英格兰东北的"湖区",是18世纪至19世纪时期浪漫主义运动的一部分.受到法国大革命

12、和英国工业革命的影响,他们在诗歌创作方面做了大胆的 改革,无论是在诗体语言还是在主题。的选择上都有独到的见解. William Wordsworth 被人喻为自然的膜拜者. Samuel Taylor Coleridge 不但是著名的诗人也是一流的文学批评家. 然而Robert Southey却更为将精力注意到人人平等的大同社会上来.Abstract: The Lake Poets or Lake School was a group of English poets: Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey, and William Wordswort

13、h. They lived in the "Lake District" in northwestern England. This group was part of the Romantic Movement of the late 1700's and early 1800's. They were inspired by The French Revolution and The English Industrial Revolution. They made bold experiments on poetry writing, no matter

14、 on poetry language seeking or subjects. Wordsworth was regarded as "worshipper of nature". Coleridge was not only a poet but also a critic. While Southy pay more his attention to his democratic community in America known as "Pantisocracy". 关键字: 浪漫主义时期,自然,超自然,想象,改革,简化语言,内在世界,精神实质

15、,平常生活,民主,大同社会Key words: The Romantic Period, nature, super nature, imagination, innovation, simple language, inner world, spirit, common life, democratic, PantisocracyOutlineThesis: "Lake Poets", Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey, and William Wordsworth, marks the beginning of Romant

16、icism. They improve the poetry writing with an entire new conception, especially they composed their poems about nature and imagination, which is very different from those in neoclassical period.(1) The background of "Lake Poets":1The French Revolution and the English Industrial Revolution

17、 2Influence of the economic exploitation(2) Features of "Lake Poets":1They explored new theories and innovated new techniques in poetry writing. 2They believed that poetry could purify both individuals and society. A Nature B Imagination and inspiration(3)William Wordsworth1Career 2Mayor f

18、eatures in poetry writing and classification of his works Samuel Taylor Coleridge his works. 1career 2 mayor features in poetry writing and classification of his worksRobert Southey 1career 2mayor features in poetry writing "Lake Poets" in the history of English literature The English roma

19、nticism as a historical phase of literature, is generally said to have began in 1798 and ended in 1832. However, at this great period, there are three great poets who cannot be ignored, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey, and William Wordsworth. These three poets are known as the "Lake Poe

20、ts", because they once settled at Dove Cottage in Crasmere, Westmoreland, the loveliest spot in the English Lake District. The "Lake Poets" play a transitional role between old and new styles in the poetry development in literature history especially in the English history. In their w

21、orks we see the influence from both the past and the modern.(1) During the Romantic period, there have been great changes in both European society and economy, which were actually provoked by two important revolutions, the French Revolution and the English Industrial Revolution. And as a result, som

22、e of the great imaginative writings in the Romantic period sprang from the confrontation of radicals and conservatives at the close of the 18th century. While "the lake poets" choose nature, imagination as their poetic subjects, other great poets, such as George Gordon Byron, showed a last

23、ing contempt for what he considered the commonplace and vulgarity of the "lake poets". Because they think the "lake poets", to some extent, are too conservative in their period. The other key element for the exiting of the "lake poets" is the cruel economic exploitation

24、. As a consequence of the English Industrial revolution, the European Society emerged a new Labor Class. Though the social wealth had been increased by several times, it was only the rich who owned this wealth. The majority of the people were still poor, or even poorer. The romantics with the "

25、lake poets" as a leader saw both the corruption of the feudal societies and the exploitation in modern capitalist society. Under such condition, the "lake poets" emphasized the special qualities of each individual's mind. Wordsworth "The Solitary Reaper", Coleridge "

26、;frost at night", Southy "Winter" are all such poems.So we can see they pay more attention to portray the individual's experience. It's a typical character of the "lake poets" to place the individual at the center of art in order to express his or her unique feelings

27、 and particular attitudes. (2) With the coming of the French Revolution in 1798, and the primarily agricultural society replaced by a modern industrialized one, these three poets inspired an entire new poetic revolution. At first, they started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature. They ex

28、plored new theories and innovated new techniques in poetry writing. As we all know, the neoclassicists had some fixed rules and laws for almost every genre of literature. Poetry should be lyrical, didactic satiric or dramatic and be strictly guided by principles. The neoclassicists also emphasized u

29、pon reason and intellect. However, the romantics started a poetic revolution. Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Robert Southey, and William Wordsworth, with the publication of "Lyrical Ballads", were the major representatives of this movement. We can get such ideas from the following examples: &quo

30、t;The Ancient Mariner" written by Coleridge; "The prelude"_(1) written by Wordsworth. In these famous poems, we can see they have made bold experiments in poetic language, versification and design. Second, they believe that poetry could purify both individual and the society. At one h

31、and, they chose to live by the lakeside so as to escape from the rational and ugly society. At other hand, they also want to achieve their wishful society in the imagination. 1Imagination and inspiration, defined by Coleridge, is regarded as something crucial for true poetry. “Kubla Khan”, as we all

32、 know, was composed in a dream after Coleridge took opium. “So twice five miles of fertile ground, With walls and towers were girdled round; And there were gardens bright with sinuous rills, Where blossomed many an incense-bearing tree; And here were forests ancient as the hills, enfolding sunny spo

33、ts of greenery. ”_(2) When we read these great lines, we are deeply impressed by the image of the river, the magnificent palace and other marvelous. We can hardly believe they were worked out in his unconsciousness. Similar examples can also be found from works of Robert Souhey, which contained a lo

34、t of vaguely Hindu tales. 2 The nature world is the first thing coming into poets imagination. “I wandered lonely as a cloud, The floats on high over vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Besides the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breez

35、e."_(3) Wordsworth wrote this beautiful poem of nature after he came across a long belt of gold daffodils along the waterside. In this poem, nature is not only his source of imagination but also his poetic subject. But when we read it a second time, maybe we can realize that the writer want to

36、recollect the beauty of nature in his mind while he is in solitude. (3)Since the "lake Poets" refers to three great English poets, let's appreciate them respectively. 1William WordsworthWilliam Wordsworth is a leading figure of the English romantic poetry. The most important contributi

37、on he has made is that he has not only started the modern poetry but also changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the language and by advocating a return to nature. William Wordsworth was born in an attorney family. As a young boy, he developed a keen love of nature, which i

38、nfluenced all his rest life. After the French revolution, his heart was stirred and his imagination fired. However, William Wordsworth was conservative in politics, which Percy Bysshe Shelley and George Gordon Byron were strongly against. William Wordsworth had a long poetic career. Though his life,

39、 he finished many poem volumes. But maybe the most famous one is "Lyrical Ballads". That is because this volume is different from his early poetry, with an uncompromising simple language and fusion of natural description. "The Prelude" is also among his best works and is regarded

40、 as one of William Wordsworth's greatest works by many critics. Because he expressed his philosophy ideas in it .To him, life is a cyclical journey, in which the beginning finally turns out to be its end. According to the subjects, William Wordsworth's short poems can be classified into two

41、groups: poems about nature and poems about human life. A. William Wordsworth emphasized the picturesque scenes and gave the reader the very life of nature. He is regarded as the worshipper of nature. But we can also find a deeper moral awareness in his poems. To him, nature acts as a bridge between

42、human and certain circumstance."We stood together; and that I, so long A worshipper of nature, hither came Unwearied in that service: rather say With warmer love - oh! with far deeper zeal Of holier love. Nor wilt thou then forget, That after many wanderings, many years Of absence, these steep

43、woods and lofty cliffs, And this green pastoral landscape, were to me More dear, both for themselves and for thy sake ""Tintern Abbey" is one of his masterpieces on nature. In this poem we can find the coordination between the wanderer's thoughts and the natural scenes. B. The joy

44、s and sorrows of the common people are also his usual subject. His sympathy always goes to the suffering poor. The "Lucy poems" describes a young country girl living a simple live in a remote village. In this poem, William Wordsworth used simple language to give the readers the scenes and

45、events of everyday life. In his opinion, the speech of ordinary people was the raw material of poetry writing. By using limited language, Wordsworth worked out an eternal theme, love and loss, time and death. "The solitary reaper" "To a highland girl' are all his masterpieces abou

46、t human life. 2.Samuel Taylor Coleridge Samuel Taylor Coleridge is a son of a clergyman. When he was young, he was a lonely sad boy, full of dreams in his mind. However after having met Robert Southy, he was inspired by the radical thinkers with their idealism. He even joined the Robert Southy in pl

47、otting a democratic community in America, named 'pantisocracy'. But generally speaking, he was a conservative poet. He opposed the rationalistic trends of the 18th century thought. In his opinion, "A poet should realize the vague intimation derived from his unconsciousness without sacri

48、ficing the vitality of the inspiration."_(4) Samuel Taylor Coleridge is also a good critic in his period. His lectures on Shakespeare proved to be very successful. As a poet, he maintained that the true end of poetry is to give pleasure through the medium of beauty. This conception is same with

49、 Wordsworth's. However the two great poets also have something different with each other. For example, Samuel Taylor Coleridge claimed that there was essential difference between the language of poetry and the language spoken by common people, while William Wordsworth thought the speech of ordin

50、ary people were the raw material of poetry writing. Samuel Taylor Coleridge's achievement as poet can be divided into two groups: the demonic and the conversational. A. The demonic group includes his three masterpieces, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", "Chritabel" and "

51、;Kubla Khan". Mysticism and demonism with strong imagination are the distinctive features of this group. "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner" told a story of a sailor, who met a strange bird during his adventure trip. The mariner shot it and then disaster fell onto the ship. Finally only

52、 when the mariner blessed for the water snake the ship then can go back home. In this story, we can find out Coleridge a more spiritual and religious interpretation of life. While his predecessors emphasized reason, Coleridge's demonic works is a great improvement of poetry writing.B: Among the

53、conversational group, "Frost at Midnight" is the most important. This poem is a record of his personal thought about his infant son Harley in a midnight. Generally speaking, the conversational groups deal with the themes, such as, the desire to go home and wish someone he loves success or

54、experience joy. But in order to get that he must fail or suffer. 3.Robert Southy As a young student, Robert Southy was expelled from School for criticizing the practice of flogging in the school magazine. This incident helped to fire his youthful revolutionary ideals, which found expression a few ye

55、ars later in his first long poem “Joan of Arc” (1796). His attention was taken up by a new friend, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and his ideas about 'pantisocracy', a scheme to set up a democratic community in America, came out. Southey and Coleridge married two sisters, Edith and Sara Fricker. Th

56、ough there were some ill-feelings over the abandonment of pantisocracy, the two men remained friends. Like Wordsworth and Coleridge, he became disillusioned by the progress of the French Revolution. I would like to suggest that his volume of "Poems" 1799 is some ways an answer to “Lyrical

57、Ballads” and to describe the contents of that volume. And he was criticized as a political turncoat by the younger generation of Romantic writers, notably in Byron's “Don Juan”. About his revolutionary ideals we can see clearly from his poem "winter""Some merry jest, or tale of murder dire, Or troubled spirit that disturbs the night, Pausing at times to rouse the mouldering fire, Or taste the old October brown and bright"_(5)But a


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