



1、教学设计教学内容Saving the Antelopes教学对象 高二学生一、教材分析本节课是一节阅读课,课文是一篇有关藏羚羊的新闻报道,介绍了藏羚羊濒临灭绝和人们为保护它们所做的努力。阅读活动首先使学生掌握和藏羚羊相关的词汇,学会谈论和描述濒危动物;其次引导学生展开阅读,培养其从篇章中高效、准确获取知识与信息的阅读能力;再者通过本课的学习培养学生“热爱动物,热爱自然”的环保意识。二、学情分析对于英语成基础比较弱的学生阅读理解是高考中比较难的一种题型,而且高考所占分值较大,有一部分学生能掌握简单的阅读技巧,还有一少部分学生对于阅读理解无从下手,不会运用正确的阅读策略。三、教材内容理解Readi

2、ng and vocabulary Saving the Antelopes 的课文大意,并且掌握skimming 和scanning的阅读技巧。四、教学目标(一)知识目标1.掌握一些关于藏羚羊的词汇、日常用语及重点2.正确理解课文,掌握课文。 3.对濒危藏羚羊的情况有所了解。(二)能力目标1.掌握更多阅读技巧,提高自身阅读能力。 2.能够运用所学词汇,谈论有关濒危藏羚羊的话题。(三)情感目标通过对本篇课文的学习,对学生进行思想品德的教育,树立保护动物的意识,尤其是濒临灭绝的动物。五、教学依据阅读教学要求通过有效的阅读策略完成语篇的理解,逐步提升学生阅读理解的能力,锻炼学生的思维品质

3、,更好完成文章内容相关习题的阅读练习。六、教学重点(一)掌握一些关于藏羚羊的词汇、日常用语、重点句子及课文。 (二)了解濒危动物藏羚羊的情况。 (三)掌握更多阅读技巧,提高自身阅读能力。七、教学难点(一)运用快读和查读等阅读方法完成阅读理解的相关习题。(二)正确找出关键词完成文章内容的整合。八、教学方法以学生为主体的发现学习和合作学习,分层教学的原则:1.Task-based teaching methods2.Reading, pair or group work, discussion(阅读、小组合作、讨论)九、教学媒体电脑课件,黑板,粉笔Teaching proced

4、ures:Step 1 Lead-in (3mins)教学目的:通过观看可可西里电影片段,让学生内心受到触动,引发思考,导入课题。Let the students watch a piece of video about Hoh Xil and ask them two questions.Q1: What animals can you see in the video ? Q2: What happened to them ?Step 2 Fast reading(6mins)教学目的:引导学生运用略读的阅读方法归纳文章的段落大意(高考题型七选五),明确文章的写作结构。Activity1

5、Para. 1_ Para. 2_ Para. 3_Para.4_ Para.5_A.The reasons why antelopes were killed.B. Chinese government protect the antelopesC.Jiesang Suonandajie died when protecting antelopes.D.The future situation of the battle.E.The business is illegal but difficult to stop.F. Achievements have been made in prot

6、ecting antelopes.G.The legal trade of wool.Activity2Part1 para. The death of Jiesang Part2 para. -para. The reason for the trade and the process of the tradePart3 para. -para. The measures and the achievements of protecting the antelopesStep 3 Careful reading(16mins)教学目的:1.引导学生仔细阅读课文,运用查读的方法完成相关练习,并

7、且能够复述故事内容。2.通过小组合作复述藏羚羊的处理过程。Activity1 (6mins)Read para.1 carefully and find out the key information of the story.When:Who:What happened:Why:Let some students retell the story according to the time,character and ending.Activity2 (6mins)Read para.2-3 carefully and fill in the blanks.The reason why th

8、e poachers killed the antelopes is that the _ are huge.The wool It is _,_and warm._ It can sell for 5,000$.The process Five verbs:shoot_ _ _ _Pair work :How are the antelopes traded ?Possible answer:Often working at night, the poachers _whole herds of antelopes at

9、a time.The animals are_ on the spot and the wool is _to India, where it is _into shawls. And then it is_to rich countriesActivity3 (4mins)Read para.4-5 and finish the following exercises.1.What has the Chinese government done to help the antelopes? It is protecting the antelopes in a nature reserve.

10、It has closed the border with India.It has sent police to countries where “Shahtoosh” is sold.2. List two other reasons why the antelope population has slowly begun to grow again. Possible answers:A. Volunteers helpB. International co-operation Step 4 Consolidation (3mins)教学目的:引导学生通过查读的阅读方法迅速找到关键词,对

11、文章进行进一步的理解巩固。Say what the numbers and dates refer to?1. 50,000 2. $5,000 3. 1975 4. 138 5. 2%6. 3,000 7. 5,000 metres 8. 1997 9. 19941. Jiesang Suonandajie was killed in _.2. The number of antelopes had fallen to _ by the 1990s. 3. The price of a shawl made from “shatoosh” is $_. 4. The trade ban on

12、 “shatoosh” shawls was started in _. 5. The number of “shatoosh” shawls found in a London shop is _.6. _ of the antelopes had been killed to make 138 “shatoosh” shawls.7. The number of poachers caught in ten years is _.8. The Qinghai- Tibetan Plateau is _ high.9. The antelope population has started

13、to grow again since _.Step 5 Summary of the passage (7mins)教学目的:通过短文改错(高考题型)的形式引导学生对整篇文章进行总结。Error correctionIn a freezing cold day Jiesang was shot by poachers and gave her life to save the Tibetan antelopes. It was heartbreaking! There used to be millions of antelope on the Qinghai-Tibetan plateau

14、. Unfortunate, many poachers killed them and skin them on the spot for their wool, that is the ideal material for a coat. Now the government begins to take active part in protecting the antelopes. But police are getting tough with the dealers, too. As a result of, the antelope population has slowly

15、begun to grow again since 1997. The purpose of the passage is to make us realize the importance of protect antelopes.Step 6 Discussion (7mins)教学目的:通过本节课的阅读以及藏羚羊的自述,引导学生小组讨论“我们怎么做可以挽救濒临灭绝的动物”,树立保护动物的意识。Dissussion :In your opinion, what should we do to save the endangered animals? possible answers:1.

16、set up nature reserves to protect their habitat2. support the people who save the endangered animals by giving money and so on3. make laws to ban the hunting of animals 4. put forward a proposal to raise awareness of the protection 5. do not buy anything that is related to them 6. be a volunteer if possibleStep


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