1、考场 班级 姓名 学号 装订线 装订线 装订线 共 3页第1页 201X 至 201X 学年第 1 学期 考试时间: 70 分钟课程名称: 英美概况 ( A )卷 考试形式:(闭卷 )年级: 201X级 专业: 英语专业 ;层次:(本 )题号12345总分阅卷人审核人分数Note: Please write all your answers on the answer sheet! 1. Mark each statement true(T) or false(F).(10%)1)A reserved person is one who is quite emotional, and tend
2、s to get excited easily. 2)The United States has traditionally been known as a melting pot, but nowadays people prefer to call the nation a salad bowl.3)The Queen represents the interest of the governing party.4)As a nation of enormous diversity, the United States of America does not have a national
3、 identity.5)The policy of “separation of church and state” protects religious freedom.6) Strictly speaking, Parliament today consists of the Queen, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.7) In the U.K., politeness towards women is still observed today as it used to be.8) There is no charge for
4、prescribed medicine for individual patients in Britain.9)Most of the money to pay for American public schools comes from local taxes.10) About two-thirds of American live in homes or apartments that they own.2.Fill in the brackets according to what you have learned about the political system of U.S.
5、 and U.K.(10%)1) The government system of the U.S.BranchPeopleResponsibilitiesExecutive( 1 )Cabinet( 2 )( 3 )Congress100 senators435( 4 )Make lawsJudicialSupreme Court( 5 )Interpret laws2) The government system of U.K.The ParliamentPeople Responsibility on Law-makingThe Monarch( 6 )Consent to pass l
6、awHouse of ( 7 )Lords SpiritualLords ( 8 )Review lawsHouse of ( 9 )Mps( 10 )3. Match the following occasions with proper expressions(10%)1)Excuse me a. To ask somebody to repeat what he has said2) Sorry b. To gently refuse an offer3) Would you please c.To make an advance apology for4) Pardon d. To e
7、xpress regret for an accidental disturbance5) No, thank you. e. To make a polite request姓名 学号 装订线 装订线 装订线 共 3页第2页4.Use the following words and expressions to complete the sentences.(20%) a. take the place of b. be entitled to c. take ones leave d. conform e.breach f.routine g. Out of date h.keep pac
8、e with i.be particular about j. Compliment1)Tom only had a mouthful of food and then_in a hurry.2)Her boss paid her a_because of her diligence.3)Home remedies should not_visiting your doctor if you are really sick.4)Youve commited a serious_of the regulations.5)The manager is very_his clothes.6) All
9、 are_an equal start.7) Its important for a firm to _changes in the market.8)She found it difficult to establish a new_after retirement.9)Enterprises that fail to_to standards will face severe punishment.10)Cassette tape recorders are_now.5. Answer the following questions.(20%)1) Americans believe st
10、rongly in self-reliance and independence of the individual. What are the advantages and disadvantages of being very independent? Which is more important to you, pleasing your family or having the freedom to do what you want?2) Nowadays, many Chinese people begin to observe western festivals like Chr
11、istmas, Valentines day, etc. What do you think of the phenomenon? Should Chinese people observe western festivals or not?6. Essay Writing.(20%)Write a passage of about 300 words presenting your understanding on the following questions.1)Do you agree with the idea that “Most students are socially ret
12、arded(retard:slow the growth or development of; cause to move more slowly or operate at a slower rate; be delayed)?”2)Why or why not?姓名 学号 装订线 装订线 装订线 共3页第3页 2013 至 2014 学年第 1 学期 考试时间: 70 分钟课程名称: 英美概况 ( A )卷 考试形式:(闭卷 )年级: 2012级 专业: 英语专业 ;层次:(本 )题号12345总分阅卷人审核人分数Answer Sheet1. Mark each statement true(T) or false(F).(10%)1) _2)_ 3)_ 4)_5)_ 6)_ 7)_ 8)_ 9)_10)_2.Fill in the brackets according to what you have learned about the political system of U.S. and U.K.(10%)1) _ 2)_3)_ 4)_5)_ 6)_ 7)_ 8)_ 9)_10)_3. 3. Match the following occasions with proper expressions(1
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