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1、感谢信老师的xx篇一:感谢信范文感谢信范文尊敬的园长、老师:您们好!每当我家珂珂开心的从幼儿园回来,我就打心底里感谢幼儿园的老师,是她们崇高的敬业精神和博大的爱生情怀,让孩子在父母忙碌无暇照顾孩子的日子里,体会到了 老师如慈母 的情怀,老师对孩子从学习到生活无微不至的关怀,我们做家长的有太多的感激之情无法再笔尖倾泻,只能在此行哈佛幼儿园的老师们衷心的说声谢谢 ! 尤其是小一班的任老师、魏老师和郑老师。孩子入园前,我有许多顾虑,担心她被小朋友欺负、担心她不会吃饭饿着、担心她不会上厕所尿裤子、担心她第一天送孩子入园, 在她的大声哭闹中,我狠下心离开了幼儿园,在单位我一天都在忐忑不安中度过,担心孩子

2、离开妈妈还哭吗?喝水了吗?吃饭了吗?终于等到接孩子了,带着满脑子的担心,我第一时间冲进了幼儿园,映入我眼帘的是孩子开心的笑脸,我的心一下子放了下来回想起孩子一年半的幼儿园生活,思绪万千,从小小班到小班,从衣来伸手到自我独立,从哭哭啼啼到勇敢自信,这里包含着老师们多少的汗水和爱心呀!每到看到孩子背古诗的流利自然,与人交往的礼貌大方,作为家长的我们由衷的感谢您们 - 辛勤的老师们!一年半来,孩子和辛勤培养她们的老师们朝夕相处,产生了甚至连家长都替代不了的感情。孩子经常把: 任老师是妈妈挂在嘴边。 放假了,孩子会说: 我想我的任老师 孩子还小,她不会施加任何华丽的语言,但是这些极为简单的话语,却代替

3、了孩子的心声,孩子爱你们- 辛勤的老师们!孩子的点滴进步离不开园长的科学管理和老师们的努力,几位老师一整天语孩子们相伴左右,不仅要关心孩子们的吃喝拉撒,还要教育孩子们,十分辛苦,但她们总是满面笑容的把快乐带给孩子们,是孩子们的 好妈妈 ,更让人感动的是几位老师对家长却都很热情,经常与家长保持良好的沟通,让我们送的放心,工作安心。微笑,挂在孩子们的脸上。感激,流进父母的心窝。在这里再次向小一班的任老师、魏老师、郑老师,还有宝宝的申园长表示由衷的感谢。谢谢你们用爱心滋润着幼苗,也希望哈佛幼儿园继续用先进的教育理念,多给孩子们鼓励、赞扬、引导,培养孩子们自信、活泼的性格,开启她们智慧的头脑。让哈佛幼

4、儿园成为孩子们的乐园!小一班张旖珂的家长篇二:英语感谢信范文范文 1(感谢款待)Directions:Suppose you were takengood care of byMr. Rogers, a friend of yourfather s, when you visitedLondon the week before.Write a letter to Mr. Roger toexpress your gratitude in about 100 words. Do notsign your own name at the end ofyour letter,using“ WuTin

5、g ” instead.You do notneed to write the address.【经典范文】Dear Mr. Rogers,It is my great pleasure to show my hearty thanksto you for your hospitality andcourtesy to me during my stay in London.Originally I only wanted to call on you and gavemy father s regards to you, as ithad been threeyearssinceyou an

6、d he lastsaw eachother. But you insisted that I stayin your house during my visit in London and took good care of my life as if I were afamily member of you instead of the daughter of one of your friends. You really addedgreatlyto my convenienceand pleasureof the wholetrip.Thank you again for your k

7、indness and I hope that I will have the opportunity toreturn your charming hospitality.Yours faithfully,Wu Ting范文 2(感谢推荐)Directions:SupposeyouwererexxmendedbyProfessor Liang to get furthereducation in Sydney University last June and nowyou have been admitted by thatuniversity. Write a letter to Prof

8、essor Liang toexpress your gratitude in about 100words.Do not signyour own name attheend ofyourletter, using“Zhang Ying ”instead. You do not need to write the address.【经典范文】Dear Professor Liang,I am writingto extend my gratitudetowith your help I am now astudentofChemistryDepartmentyou becauseofSydn

9、eyUniversity.Last June, when I applied to bexxe a graduate student of Sydney University,you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a rexxmendation forme to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University and also gave me carefuland patient instructions on how to fill the applic

10、ation forms and write the applicationletters.It is your ueserved help that enables me to obtain this splendid opportunity offurther education. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate yoursincere help and expectations with excellent grades.Yours truly,Zhang Ying范文 3(感谢款待)Directio

11、ns: Suppose you have just xxe back from a business trip with a delegation.Writea letterto your host xxpany who receivedyouto express your gratitude fortheir hospitality, describe the help they gave you and offer to repay their help. Do notsign your own name at the end of the letter. Use“Li Ming ” in

12、stead. You do not need to write the address.【经典范文】Dear Pres. Smith,I am writing this letter to thank you for your warm hospitality accorded to meand my delegation during our recent visit to your xxpany. I would also like to thankyou for your interesting discussion with me which I have found very inf

13、ormative anduseful.During the entirevisit,my delegationoverwhelmed by theenthusiasmexpressedbyyourrepresentatives on cooperation with ourxxpany.Isincerelyhopewe couldexchanges like this one when wewouldbeabletocontinueourand I werebusinesshavemoreinterestingdiscussion on possible ways to expand oure

14、conomic and trade cooperation.I feel obliged to thank you once more, and I am looking forward to your earlyvisit to our xxpany when I will be able to pay back some of the hospitality Ireceived during my memorable stay in your xxpany.Faithfully yours,Li Ming范文 4(感谢款待)Dear Minister,I am writing this l

15、etter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to meand my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country. I would also liketo thank you for your interesting discussion with me which I have found veryinformative and useful.During the entirevisit,my delegationoverwhelmed by theent

16、husiasmexpressedbyyourand I werebusinessrepresentatives on cooperation with China. Isincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be able tocontinue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral economicand trade relations and bring our business people

17、 together.I am looking forward to your early visit to China when I will be able to payback some of the hospitality I received during my memorable stay in your beautifulcountry. With kind personal regards,Faithfully yours,Tom范文 5(感谢面试)Dear Ms. Grasso:Thankyouforinterviewingme atTechnologies. I was im

18、pressed withthe xxpany and the type of banking services thecorporation provides. zd.54yjsYour xxments gave me a good understandingbusiness and yourexpectations for the attorney you are seeking. ICreditof theam confident that my background andexperiencein banking law and my abilitystatutes and regula

19、tions in detailcouldbe usefulto CreditTechnologies.toIfanalyze you wereto offer me this position, I believethat I could provide services that would meet the high standards of your corporation.I look forward to talking again with you soon.Faithfully yours,Tom范文 6(感谢面试)Dear ,I appreciated the opportun

20、ity to meet with you yesterday about the positionof with .I really enjoyed meeting with members of the office and learning about thejob. The entire team certainly seem to be highly skilled and motivated and the workitself seems as rewarding as it is challenging.From our discussion, I gained a strong

21、sense of xxmitment to their clients and theiremployees. I alsoenjoyedourdiscussion ofmy opportunitiesandfuture within the firm.I feel strongly that I possess the qualitiesrequired as a . Ibelievemy educationand experienceshave preparedme well for a future with you. Ieagerlyanticipateour next meeting

22、.Thank you forconsidering me for thisopportunity.Sincerely范文 7(感谢面试)Dear ,Thank you so much for seeing me yesterday. The interview confirmed whatothers have told me -that would be a terrific place for someone withmy skills and interests.I am convinced that I could make an impact and add value as a i

23、nyour department.As we reviewed my background,I hope thatyou cameto a similar conclusion.Itwasindeedapleasuretodiscussopportunities with you. I thank you again fortheopportunityandlookforwardtoourinteraction.Again, you can reach meat , or you may leavethenextamessage on my answering machine, and I w

24、ill return your call promptly.Sincerely,Mary范文 8(感谢款待)Dear Mr. Smith,I am writing to you just to tell you how much I appreciate the warm welxxeyou extended to my colleague Ms. Jenny Wilson when she visited your xxpany lastweek.Thehelpandadviceyougaveher,andtheintroductions you arranged for her,have

25、resultedin a number of very usefulmeetings.I shouldlikeyou to know how gratefulI am forallyouhave done to make them possible.I realizedthe value of time to a busy person likeyou, and thismakes me allthe more appreciativeof thetime you so generously gave her.译文敬爱的史密斯先生:我写此信是想告诉您我是多么感激您在我的同事?女士上周访问贵公司

26、时给与她的热情款待。您给与她的协助和宝贵建议,以及对她安排的情况介绍,使她得以举行几次十分有成效的会议。这一切都得益于您才得以办成,我对此感激不尽。我深知时间对于像您这样忙的人是多么宝贵,而您如此慷慨地拿出时间接待她,我尤为感激。范文 9(感谢老师)Dear teacher,I am writingto you to expressmy thanksforyourhelp in learning English and speaking English.During these days in your class, I have learnedmuch from you and it is

27、very helpful to me. Firstly,you let me know what is the west thinking patternstraight thinking pattern. And, I think, it is veryimportant to understand the west s thoughts. As youknow,thiscanhelpmewithmy examinationandinteractionwithforeigners.Secondly,IhavegotenoughconfidenceinspeakinginEnglishfrom

28、yourclass and ittookme a long timeto gain thisconfidence.Now, I always express my ideas in English as possibleas I can. Its greattodo that.The last not the least,I find that learning English is not an boring thing asbefore and I m interested in studying English whichwas justa necessarytasktopass examinations.Reading,listeningor speakingallbexxeinterestingand Ireally enjoy it.Above all,I wantto say thanks againtoyou. Andthank you for your time.Good luck篇三:给老师的感谢信致谢孙老师时光荏苒,岁月易逝,转眼间,学期即将结束,不知是太充实还是太放任,时间过的是如此之快,在这学期之末,感谢孙老师对我们的教育与关心。在您的引导下,


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