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1、PEP四年级英语(下)1-3单元词汇专项练习题一 看图片,为图片选择正确的单词。将单词序号填在图片下的横线上。 A. canteen B. garden C. teachers office D. gym E. playgroundF. library G. art room H. music room I. computer room J. washroom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _二 将单词与汉语连线1. breakfast 早餐 2. music class 英语课dinner 午餐 English class 数学课 lunch 晚餐 math class 音乐课3. g

2、o to school 上学 4. 1: 20 one thirtygo home 睡觉 1:30 one fortygo to bed 回家 1:40 one fiftyget up 起床 1:50 one twenty三 将下列单词翻译成汉语。1. brown jacket _ 2. white sweater _3. green skirt _ 4. red shirt _5. blue jeans _ 6. yellow dress _7. black shoes _ 8. orange shorts _9. pink pants _ 10. purple socks _四 看图片,写

3、单词。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _五 根据汉语提示,写出下列单词。 1. -What colour is your sweater? - Its _ (红色的). 2My shirt is _ (白色的). 3. My jeans are _ (蓝色的). 4. My socks are _ (黄色的). 5. My pants are _ (绿色的). 6. Its eight oclock. Its time for _ (语文)class. 7. Its nine oclock. Its time for _ (数学)class. 8. Its ten oclock.

4、 Its time for _ (英语)class. 9. Its eleven oclock. Its time for _ (音乐)class. 10. Its three oclock. Its time for _ (体育)class.六 看图,写出相应的英文数字。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _四年级(下)知识竞赛姓名 班别 学号 成绩体育馆 凉鞋 早餐 便宜的 牛仔裤 花园 什么 图书馆 数学 天气 卫生间 奶牛 西红柿 袜子 白色的 靴子 鞋子 炎热的 操场 风扇 今天 短的 马 玩、踢 小的 连衣裙 音乐 寒冷的 裙子 灯 山羊 绵羊 食堂 色彩丰富的 墙壁 拖鞋 毛衣

5、 西瓜 午餐 你的 计算机 有风的 八 语文 地板 多云的 时间 英语 长的 香蕉 兔子 课程 母鸡 洋葱 漂亮的、可爱的 长裤 网球鞋 昂贵的 下雨的 足球 连词成句:1. I, you, can, help ( ? ) 2. is, teachers, a, this, desk ( . ) 3. time, is, what, it ( ? ) 4. like, blue, the, I, dress ( . ) 5. this, your, is, T-shirt ( ? ) 6. hot, is, it, today ( . ) 7. much, is, yellow, how, s

6、kirt, that ( ? ) 8. at, the, look, goats ( . ) 9. for, class, its, music, time ( . ) 10. many, do, have, cows, how, you ( ? ) 11. colour, it, what, is ( ? ) 12. old, is, my, dress ( . ) 13. to, school, welcome, our ( . ) 14. is, whose, jacket, it ( ? ) 15. home, go, lets ( . ) 16. is, my, where, T-s

7、hirt ( ? ) 17. I, my, can, wear, jacket ( ? ) 18. too, is, expensive, skirt, the ( . ) 19. go, a, and, lets, have, look ( . ) 20. the, like, whats, today, weather ( ? ) PEP英语五年级下册练习卷(连词成句)Class:_ Name:_1.do, you, morning, do, when, exercises( ?)_2.I, usually, 8:00, play, piano, at, the  (。)_3.I

8、, sometimes, my, grandparents, visit (。)_4.the, I, evening, watch, often, in, TV (。)_5.what, do, on, do, you, weekend, the ( ?)_6.I, time, sleep, can, because, long, a (。)_7.summer, why, best, like, you, do ( ?)_8.favourite, what, your, is, season ( ?)_9.like, season, which, do, best, you ( ?)_10.ca

9、n, make, I, snowman, a (。)_11.weekend, every, I, play, piano, the (。)_12.about, how, you ( ?)_13.fall, best, like, I (。)_14.is, your, when, birthday ( ?)_15.I, eat, can, ice-cream, because (。)_16.I, piano, on, play, the, sometimes, weekend, the (。)_17.I, eat, at, evening, in, dinner, usually, 7:00,t

10、he  (。)_18.are, doing, you, what ( ?)_19.Mr Li, is, this (。)_20.is, there, for, a, you, call (。)_21.Amy, music, to, is, listening (。)_25.tigers, what, the, doing, are  ( ?)_26.baby, is, the, monkey, swinging (。)_27.doing, she, what, is  ( ?)_28.climbing, they, trees, are (。)_31.they,

11、lunch, are, eating  (。)_32.they, chess, are, playing ( ?)_34.baby, the, is, doing, what, kangaroo ( ?)_35.is, birthday, her, June, in ( ?)_36.is, mum, dinner, cooking, the, in, kitchen (。)_37.I, watch, usually, TV, go, and, shopping  (。)_38.moring, when, you, do, exercises, do  ( ?)_4

12、2.get, at, I, noon, usually, up  (。)_44.birthday, is,(。) her, November, 15th     _45.my, reading, is, book, study, a, sister. (。)_48.elephants, the, are, doing, what  (。)_连词成句(注意大写情况和标点符号)1.this,your,is,ruler 2.is,where,the,chair 3.school,he,new,is,boy,in,a 4.putting,he

13、r,she,books,in,her,is,bag 5.are,there,pencils,five,on,desk,the 6.she,ready,is,class,for 7.is,a,teacher,new,he 8.am,thank,I,you,fine 9.not,Kims,pen,it,is 10.this,her,is,pencil 11.you,can,say,year,the,months,the,of 12.the,date,is,what 13.you,ready,for,are,class,English 14.the,Friday,sixth,is,day 15.le

14、t,us,say,the,days,week,.the,of 16.is,day,it,what 17.it,ninth,Tuesday,is,June 18.in,boy,the,third,is,shorts,the,red 19.the,leaves,wind,is,trees,blowing,the 20.hot,sun,the,is 21.cold,snow,is,and,white 22.I,play,snow,in,to,like,the 23.I,at,work,school,hard 24.time,what,it,is 25.breakfast,when,is 26.rai

15、ny,it,and,cloudy,is 27.tomorrow,Tuesday,March,second,is 28.school,when,is 29.blue,two,chairs,here,are 30.is,he,how,old 31.am,I,years.ten,old 32.birthday,is,when,your 33.September,first,my,birthday,is 34.in,an,apartment,is,apartment,building,an 35.it,is,school,near 36.a,house,school,I,in,live,near 37

16、.the,park,my,school,from,is,far 38.go,to,house,lets,your 39.address,Dannys,is,what 40.a,house,on,in,Ninth Avenue,live,I 41.ride,I,bicycle,school,to,my 42.is,a,bus,this,a,truck,or 43.to,walk,you,do,school 44.a,green,is,this,tree 45.the,same,like,we,colour 46.the,white,here,cat,is 47.is,your,what,food

17、,favourite 48.have,we,supper,the,evening,in 49.like,I,a,for,sandwich,lunch 50.either,I,like,dont,fish 51.a,this,donut,is,not 52.cookies,I,for,have,dessert 53.dont,like,they,icecream 54.you,do,dessert,like 55.draw,I,to,pictures,like 56.you,stories,like,to,write 57.are,we,a,new,song,singing 58.basketb

18、all,Jenney,to,likes,play 59.you,do,like,to,what,do 60.they,their,like,socks,pink 61.how,do,many,you,apples,have 62.you,walk,school,to,do 63.I,in,apartment,an,live 64.play,Jenny,to,likes,with,doll,her 65.rainy,it,is 66.tomorrow,is,day,what 67.Sunday,the,week,of,a,first,day,is 68.cold.is,white,and,sno

19、w 69.May,Wednesday,tomorrow,thirtieth,is 70.weather,is,the,how 71.November,is,fifteenth,today 72.is,it,time,what 73.have,evening,I,in,the,supper,six,at,Oclock 74.tomorrow,day,is,what 75.cloudy,is,it 76.is,what,it,day 77.Wednesday,June,its,twelfth 78.the,today,weather,hows 79.my,it,is,pencil,not 80.I

20、,red,my,like,shirt 81.old,you,how,are 82.the,how,weather,is,today 83.live,an,in,I,apartment 84.is,Wednesday,today,June,first 85.new,like,I,your,pants 86.lives,my,grandfather,in,apartment,an 87.Peters,is,colour,what,shirt 88.can,we,in,play,park,the 89.Is,your,when,birthday 90.go,to,by,school,bus,I 91

21、.your,like,new,I,pants 92.far,from,school.its 93.address,104,Ninth,my,is,Avenue 94.are,two,these,skirts,blue 95.the,like,we,colour,same 96.are,favourite,donuts,my,dessert 97.too,like,I,and,sandwich,milk 98.lunch,favourite,whats,for,your,food 99.our,we,purple,like,shirts 100.their,they,orange,like,sw

22、eater 101.she,black,cat,likes,her 102.favourite,clothes,is,what,your 103.wearing,is,she,what 104.dont,like,I,fish,either 105.lunch,what,is,for 106.colour,we,the,like,same 107.favourite,is,my,food,rice 108.white,is,cat,this,a 109.like,I,with,to,my,play,doll 110.my,school,favourite,thats,work 111.old,

23、you,are,how 112.like,colour,we,same,the 113.your,birthday,is,when 114.like,read,to,I,books 115.is,colour,my,favourite,blue 小学英语四年级下册期末小测试一 判断下列每组单词划线部分的读音是否相同,相同打不同打×(10分)( )1. music umbrella ( )2. student bus ( )3. box fox ( )4. nose home( )5. nice big 二将上边图片前的序号填在下面单词前的括号内 10分A. B. C. D. E.(

24、) 1.sandals ( ) 2.sneakers ( ) 3.slippers ( ) 4.boots ( ) 5.watermelons三将右栏答语前的序号填在左栏前的括号内(10分)( )1.How much is it? A. Its one yuan.( )2.How much are they? B. Its red.( )3.What colour is it? C. Size 5.( )4.What size? D. Its hot today.( )5.Whats the weather like today? E. They are three yuan.四、连词组句 (

25、15分)1. is it ? much How 2. they are ? much How3. I help ? you Can4. yuan six . is It5. very pretty . It is五、Read and choose. 选择填空 10( ) 1. Can _ help you?A. I B. my C. me( ) 2. _ they all right?A. Is B. Are C. Am( ) 3. How much _ that colourful dress?A. is B. are C. am( ) 4. How much _ the yellow shoes?A. is B. are C. am( ) 5. Are they nice? Yes, _.A. it is B. they are C. I am六、Read, tick or


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