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1、形容词与副词教学目的1、 理解形容词副词 的意义2、 掌握形容词副词的用法3、 熟练掌握形容词和副词的比较级和最高级教学内容Welcome to my class! Homework优( )良( )一般( )差( )_-一、形容词、副词的概念 形容词:我们把用来修饰名词、代词的词称为形容词。形容词主要描述人或者事物的性质、特征和状态。 例: Simba is a good lion. Its a red lantern. He is asleep.(表性质) (表特征) (表状态) (1)形容词通常用于名词的前面。译为“的”。 She is a famous actress. 她是位有名的演员

2、。 He is a warm-hearted man. 他是一个热心的人。a nice watch 一只漂亮的手表 an empty box 一个空箱子a clever boy 一个聪明的男孩 a beautiful girl 一个美丽的女孩an interesting book 一本有趣的书 a blue car 一辆蓝色的小汽车 (2)形容词用在系动词后作表语。 Monkey is smart. 猴子很机灵。 Its hot in summer. 夏季, 天很热。 You look fine. 你们看上去很好。(3)asas (与一样), not as(so)as (与不一样) 中间用原级

3、。如:The story is as interesting as that one. The question is not as (so) difficult as that one.翻译:1、他和他的朋友Jim一样年轻。(young) He _ as _ as _ _ Jim. 2、我跳得和Mike一样远。(far) I _ as _ as Mike.副词:说明事情发生的时间、地点、原因、方式等含义的词,我们称之为副词。多用来修饰动词或整个句子。 (二)、副词的用法:副词多用来修饰动词。 They live happily. (happily快乐地,幸福地,修饰动词live) They

4、are listening to the teacher carefully. (carefully 认真地,修饰动词listen) Dont speak loudly in class. (loudly 大声地,修饰动词speak)1时间now / finally /early 5频度always / often/sometimes / never / seldom2地点here / nearby / outside 6疑问how / where / when / why3方式quietly / fast / slowly7连接how / when / where / why / wheth

5、er4程度nearly / very / rather8关系when / where / why我是小小魔术师,看我的变化,我能把形容词变成副词,不信吗?那就随我来看看吧!(三)、形容词变副词1、部分形容词加-ly可以变成副词。如: 形容词 副词quick quickly slow slowly quiet +ly quietly happy happily careful carefully 注意1:并不是以ly结尾的单词都是副词,有些名词+ly也能变成形容词。如: 名词 形容词 friend + ly friendly 友好的 love + ly lovely可爱的注意2:有些名词+y可以

6、变成形容词。如: 名词 形容词rain rainy 下雨的 snow snowy 下雪的 cloud +y cloudy 阴天的 salt salty 咸的 wind windy 有风的 练一练:1.Winter is a _(cold) season of the year.2.This radio is not so_(cheap) as that one.3.Please listen to me_(careful).4. The child doesnt_(write) as _(fast) as the students.5. I can swim as_( fast ) as th

7、e fish, I think. big bigger biggest其他双音节词和多音节词,在前面加more, most来构成比较级和最高级。原级比较级最高级beautifulinterestingimportant(重要的)more beautifulmore interestingmore importantmost beautifulmost interestingmost important原级比较级最高级good (好的) well (好的)betterbestbad (坏的) ill (有病的)worseworstmany(多的) much (多的)moremostoldolde

8、r (elder)oldest (eldest)little (少的)lessleastfar (远的)farther (further)farthest(furthest)记忆小窍门:合二为一有三对, “病坏”“两多”与“两好”,一分为二有两个, 一个“远”来一个“老”, 还有一个双含义, 只记“少”来别记“小”。 你来猜 猜猜看:引号内的分别代表什么? 四、形容词、副词的比较级和最高级的用法1、形容词、副词的比较级,用于两个同类的人或事物的比较,比较对象用than来连接。She is cleverer than the other girls in the class. 她比班里的其他女孩

9、聪明。Bill is _ _ Tom.(old) .汤姆(Tom)比露西(Lucy)高。(tall)2、形容词或副词的最高级,用于三者或三者以上的人或物的比较,表示人或事物在某个范围内“最” 注意:形容词最高级前一定要用 “the” 基本结构是:“A+be+the+最高级+范围” Yao Ming is the tallest in Chinese basketball team. 姚明在中国篮球队里最高。 Cairo is the _ city in Egypt. (big) . 约翰(John)是班里最聪明的男孩。(clever) 学完了就练一练吧一、按要求写出下列单词的比较级和最高级 1

10、.good_ _2.thin_ _3.heavy_ _ 4.happy_ _5.long_ _6.little_ _ 7.far_ _8.careful_ _9.slow_ _10.well_ _11.low_ _12. beautiful_ _13.large_ _14.famous_ _15. delicious _ _16.interesting _ _ 17.important _ _18.cheap_ _ 19.easy _ _ 20.high_ _二、根据句意,用所给形容词或副词的正确形式填空1.Jim works_(hard), but his brother works_(ha

11、rd) than him.2.Its much_(hot) today than yesterday.3. Mr Smith is the_(rich) man in this office.4. This match is _(exciting) of the three.5.My mother is the _(busy) in my family.6. Beijing is one of the_(beautiful) city in China.7. This book is _(interesting) than that book.8. Which goes_(quick), th

12、e bus or the car?9. Look! His hands are_( big ) than mine.10. I think you do these things_( well ) than your classmates.11. Whose bag is_( heavy ), yours or mine?12. Does Jim run as_( slow ) as David? Yes, but Mike runs _ ( slow ) than them.13. Im very_( thin ), but shes_( thin ) than me.14. My eyes

13、 are _(big) than _ (she).25. My brother is two years _(old) than me.三、单项选择题1. Which subject do you like_, maths or English? A.good B.better C.well D.best2.This red rose is _of all flowers. A.beautifuler B.much more beautiful C.the most beautiful D.beautiful3.My book is newer than_. A.he B.his C.our

14、D.we4.He is_student in his class. A.good B.better C.the best D.best5.Look! The bee_than the bird. A.fly higher B.is flying higher C.as high as D.flies higher6.His hens are _and fat. A.big B.bigger C.biggest D.the biggest7.She knows_about history than most people. A.more B.much C.most D.many8.It was

15、really an_story. A.afraid B.excited C.exciting D.worried9.Which city is _from here, Beijing or Shanghai? A.far B.farther C.farthest D.the farthest10.This building is _that tree. A.so tall as B.as tall as C.so tall as D.as taller as 四、翻译句子:1.谁比Jim年纪大?是你。 _ is _than Jim? _ are.2.谁比David更强壮?是Gao Shan.

16、_ _ than David? Gao Shan _.3.谁的铅笔更长,他的还是她的?我想是她的。 _ pencil is _,_or_?_is, I think.4. 你和你的叔叔一样高吗?是的。 _ _as _as your uncle? Yes, I am.5. Lesson One is interesting. Lesson Two is more interesting. (合并为一句话)Lesson One is _ _than Lesson Two.6. 她和她的双胞胎哥哥一样胖吗?不,她比他瘦。 _ _ as _ as_ twin _? No, _ _ than him.7.

17、 Yang Ling每天睡得比SuYang晚。 Yang Ling _ to _ _ than Su Yang every day.8. He runs faster than any other people in the class. (改为同义句)He runs_ _in the class.9. Tom比你跑得快吗?不是的,他和我跑得一样快。 _ Tom _ _ than you? No, he _ as_ as_.10. He isnt so tall as his father. (改为同义句)His father_ _ than him.五、选择正确的词填空。Sarah is 1

18、2 years _ (old,older).She is one year _ (older,oldest) than me.But I am 0.1 meter _ (taller, tallest) than her.She studies in Guangzhou interational Shool.She studies the_ (harder,hardest) in her class.Everyone likes her.Yesterday ,she was ill.She took some medicine and she feels _ (good,better) now

19、.参考答案:一、1.better/best 2.thinner/thinnest 3.heavier/heaviest 4.happier/happiest 5.longer/longest 6.less/least7.farther/farthest further/furthest 8.more careful/most careful 9.slower/slowest 10.better/best11.lower/lowest 12.more beautiful/most beautiful 13.larger/largest 14.more famous/most famous15.more delicious/most delicious 16.more interesting/most interesting 17


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