



1、做志愿者的意义英语作文在这几篇英语作文中,我们能够了解到虽然志愿者有很多琐碎的 事情,但是这些事情必定有它存在的意义,存在即合理!下面是给大家整理的做志愿者的英语写作范文,供大家参阅!做志愿者的意义英语作文篇 1A volunteer is someone who works for a community or for the benefit of natural environment primarily because they choose to do so. The word comes from Latin, and can be translated as”will "

2、 (as indoing something out of ones own free will). Many serve through a non-profit organization – sometimes referred to as formal volunteering, but a significant number also serve less formally, either individually or as part of a group.By definition, a volunteer worker does not get paid o

3、r receive compensation for services rendered other than reimbursement for out-of-pocket expensesMany organizations (hospitals, food banks, etc.) have a continual need for volunteers. Other high-profile events, such as a marathon, require hundreds or thousands of volunteers for a one-time or annual n

4、eed. The success of such events hasa significant economic impact on the local economy. Thus, there is increasing awareness of the economic importance of volunteers.This, in turn, has elevated the importance of the volunteer manager for such events, people who formerly may have managed volunteers in

5、addition to other duties but now may be viewed as professionals in the field.This has also increased the need for volunteer management software, e-mail broadcasts, texting and other technological tools, allowing the volunteer manager to register and communicate with large numbers of people who other

6、wise have no connection to each other.“I tell people they owe me nothing ".I volunteer to help other people not for rewards or any special treatment but because it is a way to make life better for everyone.Young or old you can Volunteer for any reason. Volunteering will not make your life any b

7、etter or have any rewards for you other than what you dream. Volunteering makes the United States of American a better place that so many hero’s have given just so you can be free. I told my friend continue to Volunteer no matter how bad the pain gets because others have it worse than you.

8、做志愿者的意义英语作文篇21n modern societies, it is increasingly popular that young people volunteer on weekends in the local community service center to help the people in need. If all the youngsters do it in a regular way, the benefits are obvious to both the community and these young adults.It can be argued

9、that the advantages of doing unpaid community service are enormous. Indeed, when an old person feels sick, the volunteers could offer first aid before the doctor or the ambulance arrives. Moreover, as far as the young people are concerned, they could develop the sense of responsibility, independence

10、 as well as interpersonal skills in the process of helping others in the neighborhood. In this way, people may live in harmony in the community.College students’ participating in teaching children in rural areas, in helping the old in geracomium and in other activities will not only take c

11、are of those people in need of help, but also bring hope and warmth to them. Besides, large-scale volunteer activities, such as the Olympic Games, can exercise the volunteers themselves, and what’s more, can show present university student's elegant demeanor.Be a university student

12、, I will keep it in my heart that I'm a volunteer and fill myself with a strong will of devotion.做志愿者的意义英语作文篇 3Every day, we can see the figures of the volunteers. Actually, they have formed a kind of scenery of the city. Some people hold that volunteering is merely a waste of time, because

13、the volunteers have no gains with pains. However, I believe that doing voluntary is quite rewarding.每天,我们都能看到许多的志愿者,事实上,他们已经成为城市 的一道风景线了。有些人认为做志愿者就是单纯地浪费时间,因为做志愿者是只有付出没有回报的。然而,我相信做志愿者还是有一定回 报的。In the first place, we can put into practice what we have learnt before, for instance, when we were asked b

14、y a foreigner about the way to some place, we could practice our oral foreign language, it’s definitely a good opportunity to express ourselves in a foreign language correctly and clearly.首先,我们可以把以前学过的东西付诸实践。例如,如果外国人 向我们问路,我们就能练习口语,这肯定是一个用外语清楚地自我表 达的好机会。In the second place, we could make a

15、 lot of new friendsAt home onewhile we are volunteering As a proverb says, relies on one’s parents and outside on one’s friends ” , so it is never a bad thing to have lots of friends.第二,做志愿者的时候可以交到很多新朋友。正如谚语所说的,在家靠父母,在外靠朋友。所以,拥有很多朋友永远都不会是件坏事.Finally, helping others is a good way to make you feel happy and when you help others solve a problem successful, you will feel fulf川ment.In this sense, we reap a bountifulspiritual harvest by doing voluntary work.最后,帮助别人是获得快乐的好方法,当你帮别人成功的解决问 题的时候,你会有成就感。从这种角度来看 ,做志愿者可以丰富我们 的精神。


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