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1、课题: Unit 4 Where's my schoolbag?第五课时: Section B( 2a-2c )Teaching and learning aims:1. 功能:让学生学会通过一段话来表述自己房间的物品摆设。2. 词汇和常用表达 :学会描述自己房间的表示的相关表达句型,以及新单词: tidy,but,everywhere,always 的拼写和使用。3. 学习策略:通过文章对 Kate 和 Gina 的不同的描述,学习在阅读时对文章内容分类和归 纳的阅读技巧。4. 文化知识:通过阅读短文,认识到保持房间整洁的重要性,养成学生整洁干净的良好习惯。(设计意图:目标引领,从知

2、识和能力、阅读技巧和情感习惯教育三个方面来呈现本节 课的学习目标。)Previewing and testingComplete the following story using the new words in this class.Look! This is Gina ' s room. It ' s a nice room. I整洁的').Thettapes(are on the desk,(但是)her clock isn ' t on it. It' s on the floor. Her和enciler are under the tabl

3、e. Her books are ( 到处 ).She( 总是) asks ,”Where are my books? ”. Weknow her but ( 我们的 ) teacher doesn ' t.(设计意图:用一个故事来巩固应用本课新单词,让学生对生词进行熟悉和运用。)Look at Page 23 and 24 , try to translate and write down the following sentences without looking at the text.1. 我很整洁 ,但吉娜不。2 我有一个闹钟 . 它在书桌上。3. 吉娜的书到处都是 - 在

4、床上 ,沙发上和椅子下4. 吉娜总是问。5. My keys are in my schoolbag.6. The white model pla ne is hers.(设计意图:课前预习,以学生为主体,让学生主动参与,体验,感知新知识,以学定教)Teaching steps.教学过程)Step 1 Warming up and leading inT: First, let ' play a game. Look at the following pictures , and let ' s play a game. Try to find the differe nces

5、 betwee n the two pictures.(Ss look at the picture and try to know how to play the game.)T: Now let ' s look at this picture and try to find the difference®tween them.S1: The books are on the bookcase.S2: The color of the light is purple.(让学生发现两幅图片的不同,有房书橱上书的数量以及灯顶部的颜色不同。T: Now, please look

6、 at the followi ng two pictures. Whats the differe nee betwee n the tworooms? Which room do you like?S: Picture 1 is tidy and picture 2 is not.S: We like picture 1.s see their room together.T: Well done. We all like tidy rooms. Is Kate and Gina tidy? Let(设计意图:通过图片展示进行学生喜欢的 “大家来找茬 ”游戏,在吸引学生的注意力的同 时,也

7、复习了已学单词和句型。通过 tidy room 与 untidy room 的对比,充分调动学生的积 极性, 激发学生的学习热情。)Step 2 While-reading activities( 读中活动 )Task 1 Read the passage fast and silently to find the general idea.The main idea of the passage is.A. about Kate and her sister, GinaB. about Kate and Gina ' s roomC. that Kate is tidy, but G

8、ina isn't(设计意图:培养学生快速阅读并且获取文章答题意思的能力。)Task 2 Read the text carefully and silently to find the specific ideas.1. Read the passage and answer the questions alone. . Is Kate tidy? . Is Gina tidy? . Where are Kate's keys? . Are Kate 's books in the bookcase? . Where 's Gina 's model

9、plane? . Is Kate 's clock under the desk?2. Group workRead the passage again and complete the chart about the things Kate and Gina have and where they are. Work in groups of four students.KateGinaThingsWhereThingsWherebooks and tapesin the bookcase(设计意图:让学生精度短文获取文章细节。并且在阅读中通过文章对Kate和Gina的不同的描述,学

10、习在阅读时对文章内容分类和归纳的阅读技巧。对应课本2c环节和学习目标 2,训练学生阅读能力与技巧。)Step 3 Post-reading activities.(读后活动)Taskl Listen to the tape and repeat.(设计意图:通过原文的听力以及跟读,矫正发音,并加强对文章结构的理解。)Task 2 Try to retell the passage accord ing to the follow ing min d-map.(l)keysKate (luhisistersGina (not ti<lv)(2)ruler(3)$choolbag| (Don

11、 her bedill the bankcjseand peN(3)underthe sofain my schoolktyson the deskdockmodel underdeskpkmcDo you have these thi ngs? Where are they in your room? Please make a form accord ing to your own room.WhatWheredictio naryon the deskbedtablechairTask 3 InterviewAccord ing to the form in Task 4,a group

12、 of four stude nts talk about you and your friendrooms and the n report what you have in terviewed to the class. You can report like this:I ' m,and my friend is Alan. This is my room. It tidy/not tidy. ' sMy/The is .My/The are That is Alan' s room. It ' s tidy/untidy.His is His .are

13、We love our rooms.(设计意图:语言的最终目的是为交际之所用,此环节即训练了学生的听说读写的能力,又训练了学生的逻辑思维能力和创新能力。)Step 4 SummaryInquiry into knowledge by translationThe Ss can help each other and have a discussi on in groups of four stude nts after doing the following by themselves. Then ask students to check the answers and explain th

14、ey don' tunderstand. The teacher only explains things students can' t.I ' m Kate, and my sister is Gina.I ' m tidy, but Gina is not.以上两句中的and和but均为,把两个独立的 并列连接成为一个较长的句子。英语中把这种由and或but并列连接而成的句子称为“ 。其中and表示的逻辑关系,含义是 “等;but表示的关系,含义是“等。例如:1.1 am fourtee n, and my sister is seve n.2. My p

15、en is in my pencil box , but my pen cil is not., The white model plane is hers.hers是一个,相当于形容词性物主代词her+ n.,因此此句子中的就相当于。我们学过的类似的名词性物主代词还有。例如:1. 这是我的铅笔,那是你的。2. 这不是我的钢笔。我的在我的铅笔盒里(设计意图:四人一组合作探究完成此任务,培养学生的小组合作意识,并通过小组成 员之间的互动充分发挥学生的积极性。教师也适当的参加到学生的小组活动中,进行解 惑,让学生更能找到自己不懂的地方。 )Step 5 The-end-class test一、用所

16、给词的适当形式填空 .1. My tapes(be) in the bookcase.2. Her (key) are in my schoolbag.3. The model plane is (her).4. (Gina) books are on the desk.5. My ruler and pen (be) in my pencil case.二、根据汉语意思完成英语句子。1. 我的磁带在书橱里。 (in )2. 她的飞机模型在椅子下面。 ( under)3. 棒球在哪里?-在地板上。(on)4. 我是整洁的,但吉娜不是。 (but)5 .他的字典和收音机在书桌上。(and)(设计

17、意图:通过检测,提高的学生做题能力,以学评教, 强化落实。发挥学生的主 动性,让生教生,教师只适时点拨)Step 6 HomeworkYou must:假设图片中是你的房间,请根据图片,描述一下你房间中物品的位置。If you can:写-己的房间与图中战士的房间的不同。(可从物品摆放的位置,物品的颜色等。)要求:语句通顺,不少于40词。(使用建议:分层次完成作业,较后进的学生完成you must,层度较好的学生可进行拓展训练,完成If you can.)(设计意图:创设情境,让学生学以致用。并且在批改中做到有效的纠正自己未能掌 握自己的内容。分层次布置了作业,面向每一位学生。)本课亮点是Po

18、st-reading activities(读后活动)环节的设计。Listen and repeat是基础.Retell 和Complete the passage是巩固,Survey和In terview是知识点的综合应用。层层深入,步步 提高。使用建议:由于本课的容量较大,课前一定要做好充分的预习,以确保本课的课堂效率。Keys:Previewing and testing (预习检测,课前完成 )Complete the following story using the new words in this class.使用本课所学单词,补全下 面的故事.)tidy; but; and;

19、 everywhere; always; ourTran slatio n:1. I ' m tidy, but Gina is not.2. I have a clock. It ' s on the desk.3. Gina ' s bosokare everywhere on the bed, on the sofa and under the chair.4. Gina always asks.5. 我的钥匙在书包里。6. 白色的飞机模型是她的。Task2 Read the text carefully and silently to find the specific ideas.( 读取细节 ) . Yes, she is . . No, she isn ' t. . They are in her schoolbag. . Yes, they are. . It ' s under the desk. . No, i


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