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1、星际穿越精彩对白(英语学习)精彩词句1. When weset the table, wealways setthe plate upside-down.我们不管什么时候摆餐具,都得把碟子朝下放。2. Startpulling your weightyoung man.年轻人,该你出力了。3. I mean, it doesn ' t evenqualify as futile.这种做法说它没用都便宜它了。4. That'esothg shot.那件事成功希望就很渺茫了5. Tom will be alright, but you got tomake things right

2、 withMurph.汤姆会没事的,但你得把莫菲说通了6. Just remember Coop, you re literallywasting your breath.记住库珀,你只是在白费口舌。7. Okay, Plan A does not work, if the people on Earth are dead by the time wepull it off.如果我们完成时地球上的人已经死光,那么计划A就失效了。8. I ' m not thanking anybody until we get outta herein one pieceRom.罗姆,除非我们能毫发无

3、伤地离开这里,我是不会感谢任何人的。精彩对白欣赏:1. After you kids came along, your mom, she said something to me I never quite understood. She said: Now, we' rejust here.to be the memories for our kids. I think I now understand what she meant. Once you ' re a parent, you ' re the ghost of your children' s

4、future.2. When you become a parent, one thriig becomes really clear. And thatyou want to make sure your children feel safe. And it rules out telling a 10-year-old that the world is ending.3. You once told me that when you come backwe might be the same age.And today I ' ithe age you were when you

5、 left. So it would be a real good time for you to come back!精彩片段欣赏:Cooper: Come on! Get to the hatch!Doyle: Go, go. Go.'t! Cooper!Cooper: Shit. Manually overriding inside hatch!Brand: Cooper! Wait! Cooper donCooper: The engines are flooded! I' m gonna have to shut it down! Holy's the pro

6、blemshit! Hang on! Whoaa! CASE whatCASE: Too waterlogged. Let it drain.Cooper: Goddamn it!Brand: I told you to leave me!Cooper: And I told you to get your ass back here! The difference is that one of us was thinking about the mission.Brand: You were thinking about getting home! I was trying to do th

7、e right thing!Cooper: Can you tell that to Doyle CASE, how much timeCASE: 45 to an hour.Cooper: The stuff of life huh What ' s this gonna cost us BrandBrand: A lot. Decades.Cooper: What happened to MillerBrand: Judging by.the wreckage she was broken up by a wave soon after impact.Cooper: How 

8、9; s the hell the wreckage stayed together after all thesesyea huhBrand: Because of the time slippage. On this planet 'tinse she, she' s landed hours ago, she.she probably just died minutes ago.CASE: The data Doyle received was just the initial status echoing endlessly.Cooper: Oh we are not

9、prepared for this. You eggheads have the survival skills of a boy-scout troop.Brand: Well we got this far on our brains, farther than any human in history.Cooper: Well not far enough. And now we' re stuck here till there wonbe anyone left on Earth to save.Brand: I ' m counting every minute s

10、ame as you Cooper.t shakeCooper: Is there any possibility I don' t know, some kind of way we can maybe all jump in a black hole And gain back the years Don head at me!Brand: Time is relative, okay. It can stretch and it can squeeze,but, it can ' rUn backwards! Just can ' T he only thing

11、that can move across dimensions, like time, is gravity.Cooper: Okay. The beings that led us here, they communicate through gravity, right Could they be talking to us from the futureBrand: Maybe.Cooper: Okay, if they can Brand:“They” are beingsdmensions. Right To them, time might beyet another physic

12、al dimension. To them, the past might be a canyon they can climb into, and the future, a mountain that they can climb up, but to us, it ' s not! Okay! Look Cooper, I screwed up. I' kmesorry. But you about relativity.Cooper: Brand. My daughter is 10 years old. Couldn ' teach herEinstein &

13、#39; s theories before I left.Brand: Couldn ' t you have told your daughter that you were going to save the worldCooper: No. When you become a parent, one thing becomes really clear.And that ' s you want to make sure your children feel safe. And it rules out telling a 10-year-old that the world is ending.CASE: Cooper.Cooper: How long for the engines CASECASE: A minute or two.Cooper:


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