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1、单元测试卷(一)单项选择( )1.1 some clothes to charity because they are toosmall for me.A. take after B. hang out C. give away D. put off( )2. Now, I can spend time what I love to do.A. to do B. doing C. do D. did( )3. His wants to be a pilot. I think his dream will in thefuture.A. come in B. come out C. come o

2、ver D. come true( )4. We visited the sick kids and tried our best to.A. cheer him up B. cheer up him C. cheer them up D. cheer up them( )5. This is difficult problem that few students can work itout.A. so B. so a C. such D. such a( )6. The old man lives, but he doesn ' t feelA. alone; alone B. l

3、onely; lonely C. alone; lonely D. lonely; alone( )7. The bag is so heavy that I can ' t it.A. take B. bring C. carry D. pass( )8. Do we have to have the meeting right away?Yes, we can ' t.A. put off it B. put it off C. put off them D. put them off(二)完形填空I can't remember clearly when I st

4、arted collecting litter(收集垃圾).When I got tired of seeing litter here and there and realized( 意识至 U) that no one else was going to 1 , I decided to do this .I lived close to a forest . I could walk there only in three 2 !I used 3 going there to play with my dog. But one day, I found there was 4 litte

5、r there that I became very unhappy. So I made decisions 5 up the forest. I made my first trip to clean the forest that afternoon. I took a big black bag with me. After ten minutes' work, my bag was 6 ! There were cans (易拉罐),bottles (瓶子), old newspapers and fruit peels(水果皮)in it.From then on, I w

6、ent to the forest four times a month to pick up litter.I often stayed there for three hours. It made me feel great to do something for the environment.I can ' t understand why people like dropping litter here and there . But I will keep picking it up until they 7 dropping it. I know I am only do

7、ing a little bit to save the earth, but still I think it is important.I hope everyone can play a part in 8 the earth.( )1. A. pick it up B. pick up it C. pick them up D. pick up them2. A. hoursB. weeks C. daysD. minutes( )3. A. love B. loving C. to love D. loves( )4. A. so many B. too much C. so muc

8、h D. much too()6. A. broken()7. A. stop( )8. A. save( )5. A. clean B. to clean C. cleaning D. cleansB. old C. empty D. fullB. begin C. remember D. forgetB. saves C. to save D. saving(三)阅读理解Children always did not do what their parents wanted them to do.They did the things in their own ways. But they

9、 always made theirparents very happy. Old Mr. Brown had a little son named Tom. Hewas ten years old. He was very glad when his father wanted him tobuy something for him. One day at five o' clock in the afternoon, Mr.Brown gave him two dollars and let him buy some stamps( 邮票)in the post office. T

10、om was very excited, because for a long time hedid not have so much money. Mr. Brown told him clearly where thepost office was. He expected that he would come back in twentyminutes. But nearly two hours passed, Tom did not come back. Mr.Brown was surprised. " He lost his way? ” he thought to hi

11、mself.Daddy, I used all ofAt seven in the evening, Tom came back with a box. He was very tired. When he saw his father, he said happily, your money to buy a box of chocolate. It was very sweet( 甜的),but didn ' t you think a box of chocolate was quite heavy for a little boy?( )1.Tom with the two d

12、ollars.A. bought some stamps B. bought what he likedC. had a good meal D. bought a ticket to a film( )2.Why was Tom glad when his father gave him two dollars?A. Because his father wanted him to buy some stamps.B. Because his father wanted him to buy a box of chocolate with the money.C. Because he di

13、dn ' t have so much money for a long time.D. Because the money would not his.( )3. It took Tom to buy the“stamps” .A. two hours B. three hours C. six hours D. over seven hours( )4., so he came back home so late.A. Tom lost his money and he was afraid to come back earlyB. The post office was very

14、 far from his homeC. The post office did not have stampsD. He enjoyed his chocolate on the way home()5.Which of the following is TRUE?A. The post office was very far from Mr. Brown' s house.B. Tom spent all the money.C. Tom often went to the post office to buy stamps.D. Tom' s father was ver

15、y angry when Tom got home. BIn Australia, primary school students have much free time. Every day, they begin their lessons at about 9:00 in the morning and finish them at 3:00 in the afternoon. And Australian pupils have less homework than Chinese students. Usually they only get their homework on a

16、piece of paper from the teacher once a week.Having finished their homework at home, some children watch TV, some play games and some children practice playing some instruments(乐器)for a while. But they don ' t need to practice for a long time. What ' s more, some children go to ride a bike in

17、 the street near the house after their homework. If they have other hobbies, they may spend some time on them. Sometimes children help set the table or doing other housework; sometimes they just feed and play with their pets. For example, they talk to the pet dog or the pet cat. And some children ta

18、ke their pet birds out of the cage and play with them. If an Australian child loves reading, he can spend some time reading what he likes.When weekends come, what do Australian children do? They are not busy doing their homework. What they do is helping clean thehouse, renting(租)a video to watch, or

19、 going out for a picnic with their friends or families.Australian children usually have four holidays each year. The first one, also the longest one is the summer vacation, which lasts about 6 weeks from December to January. They have the second holiday from April to May for about two weeks. Austral

20、ian winter vacation lasts from late June to early July for about two weeks. And they can have a fourth holiday in September, which lasts two weeks, too. During the four holidays, parents prepare something funny for their children to do.6. How many hours are Australian primary school students at scho

21、ol every day ?7. What do Australian children do when weekends come?8. Usually how often do they only get their homework on a piece of paper from the teacher?9. 请将文中画线句子翻译成汉语。10. 请给短文拟一个适当的英文标题。(四)完成单词1. Let ' s make some(通知,布告).2. The look of joy on their faces shows a strong feelingof(满足).3. Th

22、e kids are going on a different(长途旅行)with newbooks.4. We can ' t put off (募集)money because the poor people need them.5. You can ' t ihow I miss you all.6. How can you show colors to a bperson? They can ' t see!7. The boy is very c, but he d oesn' t study hard.8. He shows great kto hi

23、s students, so he is very popular.9. Some people can ' t walk or use their hands easily. We call themd people.10. Jim is r a broken bicycle now.(五)动词运用(一)句子填空:1. The man loves animals, so he is excited about(keep) a dog .2. I want to be a good teacher( teach) kids in the future.3. They put off(h

24、ave) the sports meeting because of the rain.4. Tom asked several boys(clean) up the classroom.5. We need(come) up with a plan for the National Day.6. You can help with things like( read ) stories to the old people.7. Mike used(play )soccer. But now, he likes playing volleyball.8. I want to know how(

25、keep) a bird .9. Thank you for(raise) so much money for the homeless people.10. I feel very lucky(make) good friends with you.(二)短文填空:Jim was trying 1.( think) of many ideas to help poor children. For example, he told a radio interviewer that he had run out of money 2.( buy )old bikes. He also put u

26、p some signs asking for old bikes. And he called up all his friends and 3.(tell) them about the problem. The ideas that he came up with worked out fine. Now, he has sixteen bikes 4.(fix) upand he decides 5.(give) them away to children who don' thave bikes.(六)书面表达:你愿意帮助他人吗?如果你有机会成为志愿者,你愿意利用你的特长或兴趣做什么工作呢?为什么?请根据以上要求,写一篇60词左右的短文。Unit 2一、1 5 CBDCD 6 8 CCB二、1 5 ADCCB68 DAD三、(A) 1 5 BCADB(B) 6.About six hours7 .They are not busy doing their homework. What they do is helpingclean the house, renting a video to watch, or going out


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