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1、Abstract vs Concrete1;.Comparison and TranslationEnglish tend to be abstract on account of nominalization.1. as a mark of civilised manThe absence of intelligence is an indication of satisfactory development.2. as a way for obscurity3. affixation and preposition2;.Chinese tends to be concrete.In tra

2、nslation, we have to change abstract items in Eng. into concrete ones in Chin. so as to convey clearly the original meaning.3;.1. Abstract nouns-VerbsI marveled at the relentless determination of the rain.我对雨那冷酷无情的决心感到惊异.雨无情的下个不停,我感到惊异.He has surfaced with less visibility in the policy decisions.在决策

3、过程中,他已经不那么抛头露面了These problems defy easy classification.这些问题挑衅简单的分类这些问题难以归类4;.2.Specifying abstract words with category words(行为,现象,属性等)He was described as impressed by Dengs flexibility.据说他对等的灵活态度印象深刻He discussed greatness and excellence.他探讨了伟大和杰出的涵义What they wanted most was an end of uncertainties.

4、他们最渴望的就是结束这摇摆不定的局面The sight of his native place called back his childhood.见到自己的故乡,他想起了童年的情景5;.3. Concrete words to explain abstract onesTo help myself live without fault, I made a list of what I considered the 13 virtues. These virtues are 1 Temperance, 2 Self-control,3 Silence, 4 Order, 5 Firmness

5、of mind, 6 Savings, 7 Industry, 8 Honesty, 9 Justice, 10 Cleanliness, 11 Calmness, 12 Morality, 13 Humbleness(Benjamin Franklin)为了使自己生活中不犯错误,特列出我认为应该身体力行的条守则这些守则是:节制饮食自我克制沉默寡言有条不紊坚定信念勤俭节约工作勤奋忠诚正直办事公正衣履整洁平心静气品行高尚谦虚恭顺6;.Figuration(metaphors,proverbs and idioms)He was open now to charges of wilful blin

6、dness.这时人们指责他装聋作哑I talked to him with brutal frankness.我对他说的话,虽然逆耳,却是忠言But all the rules of self-preservation were broken.但明哲保身的金科玉律统统被打破了7;.Notes1. 英译汉时,可化虚为实:可同行文,添文采,增加可读性汉译英时,可化实为虚:可化症结,消梗,提高可译性You are in serious trouble吃不了兜着走8;.Further Practice He spoke with firmness, but his face was very sad and his eyes at times were dim.他讲话时,态度坚定,但面带愁容,时而眼神暗淡To the Chinese , theirs was not a civilization, but the civilization.中国人认为他们的文化不是文化的一种,而是唯一的文化9;.Disint


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