



1、选择补全单词并写出中文意思1.w t 2.m d 3. t 4.d i k 5. r nk 6.r d (read 的过去时) 7.wr te (writed 的过去时) 8.r de (ride的过去时) 9.sa g 10. ea t ful 11. e ert 12. el 13.s ck 生病的 14.r s 休息 15.ch co ate 16.c i ken 17.any ing 18.bo le 19.w er 20.gen 根据以下中文,写出短语多么啊! 仿照例句写句子Model 1:Wow!What a beautiful desert!(flower) Model 2:Wh

2、at did you eat this morning?(do) Model 3:Did you drink anything this morning?(eat,at 7:00) Model 4:Oh, a bottle of water! Im thirsty.(bowl,rice,hungry) Model 5:Thats not water! Thats a genie!(orange,ball) Model 6: I feel sick. Lets rest.(ill,have a rest) 根据情景,选择最佳答案。1.你去到一个美丽的宫殿,可以说: A、Wow!What a be

3、autiful place!B、Wow!What a beautiful palace!C、Oh!What a beautiful plane!2.你和你的小伙伴出去玩,路途中觉得自己不舒服,需要休息,可以说: A、I feel sick. Lets rest.B、I feel ill. Lets sleep.C、I feel tired. Lets stop.3.你想知道你的朋友小琳刚刚吃了什么东西,可以问: A、What did you drink just now?B、What did you eat this morning?C、What did you eat just now?4.

4、你很口渴,这时你看到一杯水,可以说: A、Oh, a glass of water! Im thirsty.B、Oh, a bottle of water! Im thirsty.C、Oh, a bottle of juice! Im hungry.5.你想问你的朋友昨天他有没有吃东西,可以问: A、Did you drink anything this morning?B、Did you eat anything this morning?C、Did you eat anything yesterday?单项选择题1. What _to your sister? A. happen B.ha

5、ppened C.is happening2. There _a typhoon last month. A. is B.was C.were 3.The wind _away my clothes. A.blow B.broke C. blew4. My father _and went to the hosital. A.fell over B.sat down C. took away 5. What _the food like yesterday? A. is B.was C.were6. I _to the park this morning. A.go B. went C. go

6、ing7. I wrote a letter _a friend this afternoon.A. in B.on C.to 8. _were you last month? I was in Canada.A. What B.Where C.When9. What did Tony do last Sunday? He _the floor. A. sweep B. swept C. sweeped 10. I didnt _a Chinese book. I _an English book. A. readreading B. readreaded C. read.read 阅读短文,

7、下列句子与短文内容相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。John is my good friend. He is twelve. He is English. We are in the same (同一个) school. We are not in the same class. His father Mr. Black is a cook. He is forty-five. His mother is not a cook. She is a nurse. She is forty-two. John has a sister. Her name is Alice. She is twenty-one. She is a new teacher at our school.( ) 1 John Black is my good friend. ( ) 2 Mr. Black is a cook. ( ) 3 Johns moth


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