已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




1、vdecnfee nce, Seceay of the provi nCal Cmmtee of Xa Bal ng stesse d: li s year is Ie " water tr - ment" "5 kebabs、r three yeas tors outsa” esobviusywoked,"vctyoftheyea.The Cutys partme ns at al eves m ust fimy aaste、uanghuisgodaIdsver"geen.lolmentcncept,cnvIcedthatCa se s no

2、t e 、away s malan ng staegc a buy and stong iebemialIntmproveIeenvbnment,cnsnty,"g 1 " e treatment of" nig Ie war,ever hgher eves of cmpre hens of f socey bill (A) ay the sewage uhilba-Thi s yea w1 "ver water _a*y mprovdaIecountyeve,uptof-r this .asc object's gr_oflokl oncntr

3、l that fo- hIefocus ethingsagoodjob,"learivers"reacingIeCutyceatedOgaIlain"ookbak-specalinspici on, the Cuty ga .age River, ba c ad odor ous Riveris "Dag net" iv - ga.n, tmey red . obemsfudipacefimytpreveItrvepoMUinreound. In a cor e "ne sIpsreg", mprovig theieirfi

4、ewae-aiy moniorig s"onsworkthi s yarto ensuet he ElmiaI cnIol,fiewerquaiysecion 3 m ui»al- s conIolle d Iei oain, ensuethe crain ths -aof、 rier" ndars. Secnd, ppy se-laIetintopolluiIncuIigconstucinofnanotubes.IerceIngna,oubbs aet he ba ss of poluI on of er souce e nginer ng e ngie eig

5、, mate of luce-orf-re of Ie mang-enIUrba n-w.e t meI to mpro<e "llent fom sewgeteament at, unningiccurcy com placl" rrqui emenI, sed u tietow ns luppo. new ok cnsr ucIin, i s focusig on .aotubs home "st meer" queston.DmesIc s - ge Ieament i nrua aeas Is yea i sthe ia yea of Ie

6、 thrre yea icI on, deemiai on I fi|ta nd the mometumarIund,endngIebateonwh“fuytoe nnue I he eazat on of » Cuy 648 fme d vilge cverge Als, belure to a- ch mporance to foousonrualdomiji c w Ie Iramet fa!»Ipeatonandmang-eI e nsueIa wsteate teamet facly uad runig,roeplay,avoidIe"U" p

7、rbl -. Thid, ppy speca ateton t o the Rier Like pond desitigopeaton.Proviccslow hhae fcsld on poluin cntol of Ie go to -dgumud", Ieepei ng Ie of ths ya" "lay".N"I to jump sat a i estgainl ne touchs w ork imp eat in pla a ccdig t o the pri orIis a id Ie prgrmme of work inaccr

8、nne wih t he "ne rier one pol c,rrquie s d ie d ce ai ng de dgig pl a, planing a held of tme ceai ng ou mud "wy ou", accrdngI l oca cndii ons t o do sudge, prom ote icientic esu c uizai on 0fsit and mud. ( B Ie hhevy rrgu ain of heavy polui ng i-ste s Polut on of waer mus grathe suce

9、wsteser s prmaiy Ie sur ce of ba Uwad p.-ci on caa ciy incra - Ie ie nniy of南京市市属国有企业投资管理暂行办法第一条(目的、依据)为了依法履行国有资产出资人职责,进一步规范国有企业投资行为,根据中华人 民共和国公司法、中华人民共和国企业国有资产法、国务院企业国有资产监督 管理暂行条例等法律法规,制定本办法。第二条(适用范围)本 办法适用于南京市人民政府国有资产监督管理委员会(以下简称市国资委)依 法履行国有资产出资人职责的企业(以下简称市属企业)及其能够控制的各级被投资企 业(包括拥有50%Z上权益性资本或拥有权益性资

10、本虽不足50%!具有实际控制权的被投资企业,以下简称下属企业)的投资活动。上市企业的投资事项,按照国家关于证券业管理的相关规定执行,其投资管理程序 和内容经市国资委同意后可一事一议。第三条(投资事项)本办法所称的投资活动是指企业用货币资金、实物、股权、有价证券或无形资产等 实施投资的行为。(一)对外投资(含设立全资企业、合资合作、收购兼并、对出资企业增加注册资 本等)。(二)固定资产投资(含基本建设、技术改造投资和融资租赁等)。(三)金融投资(含投资商业银行、非银行金融机构以及证券投资、期货投资、委 托理财等)。(四)其它投资。第四条(市国资委职责)(一)组织研究国有资本投资导向。(二)评审年

11、度投资计划,监督、检查年度投资计划的执行情况。(三)对投资项目实行分级分类管理。(四)指导市属企业建立健全投资决策程序和管理制度。(五)法律法规规定的其他出资人职责。第五条(市属企业职责)(一)企业是投资活动的责任主体。市属企业必须依据本办法并结合本企业实际制 定和完善投资管理办法,建立健全科学民主决策、投资风险控制和投资失误责任追究等 管理制度,并报市国资委备案。(二)对本企业及下属企业的年度投资计划和投资项目,按照相关规定履行报请核 准、备案和报告程序。第六条(监事会职责)对企业执行本办法的情况,市国资委外派监事会要纳入日常及年度检查范围并向国 资委报告检查情况。第七条(投资管理的原则)v

12、decnfee nce, Seceay of the provi nCal Cmmtee of Xa Bal ng stesse d: li s year is Ie " water tl - ment" "5tmeaes、r three yeas tores oubsadig es obviusy woke d," vcty of "year.The Cutys parme ns at al eves m ust fimy aaste、uanghuiisgodaIdsve"geen.lolmentcncept,cnvil ce d

13、that Ca se s not e 、away s malan ng staegc a buy and stong iebemialonomproveIeeVionment,cnssety,"g 1 " e treatment of" nig Ie war,everhghereves of cmpre hens of fsocey bill (A) ay the sewage uhilba-Thi s yea w1 "ve water _a*y mprovdaIecountyeve,uptof-r this .asc object's gl_o

14、flokl oncntrl that fo- hIefocus e thing s a good job, "lea rives" reacing IeCutyceatedOgaIlain"ookbak-specalinspici on, Ie Cu” ga .age Rive, ba c ad odor I us RVe s ""g "" i-tgalon, tmeyreclcalnof”obemsfoundipafimytpreveItrvepoMUinneound.In acorce e "ne stpsre

15、g", mprovig the ifeir fie wae quaiy moniorig s"ons workthi s yarto ensuet he ElmiaI cnI ol, fie wer qua iy seci on 3 m ui»al- s contolle d Iei orain, ensuetheceaintsyeaof、 r s" sandars. Secnd, ppy se-latetintopolluiIncuIigconstucinofnanotubes.InerceIngna,oubbs aet he ba of polut

16、onf er souce e nginer ng e ngie eig, mate of luce-orfaiueofwaemanagment Urba n-w.e t meI to mpro<e "lent rm sewgeteament at, unningiccurcy com placl" rrqui emenI, sed u t I e Iw ns luppo. new ok cnsr ucIin, i s focusig on .aotubs home "st meer" queston.DmesIc s - ge Ieament i

17、nrua aeas Is yea i sthe ia yea of Ie thrre yea icI on, deemiai on I fi|ta nd the mometumarIund,endngIebateonwh“fuytoennueIher- on of » Cuy 648 fme d vilge cverge Als, belure to aach mporance Io focusonrualdomiji c w Ie Iramet fa!»Ipeatonandmang -eI e nnuIa wsteate teamet facly uad runig,ro

18、e pla y, avoi d Ie "U" prbl -. Thid, ppy speca atetontotheRier Like pond desitigopeaton.Proviclslow hhae fcsld on poluin cntol of Ie go to 1dgu mud", Ieepei ng Ie of ths ya" "ly".N"I to jump sat a i I 'eUgain l ne touchs w ork imp eat in pla a ccdig t o the pri

19、 orIis a id Ie prgrmme of work inaccrnne wih t he "ne rier one pol c,rrquie s d ie d ce ai ng de dgig pl a, planing a held of tme ceai ng ou mud "wy ou", accrdngIl oca cndii ons t o do sudge, prom ote icientic esu c ulzai on 0fsit and mud. ( B Ie hhevy rrgu ain of heavy polui ng i-ste

20、 s Polut on of waer mus grathe suce wsteser s prmaiy Ie sur ce of ba Uwad p.-ci on caa ciy incra - Ie ine nniy of市属企业及其下属企业(以下统称企业)的投资活动,以及市国资委对企业投资活 动的监督管理应当遵循以下原则:(一)符合城市发展规划和产业政策。(二)符合国有资产布局和结构调整方向。(三)符合企业发展战略和规划。(四)突出主业,有利于提高企业核心竞争能力,非主业投资应当符合企业调整、 改革方向,不影响主业的发展。主业是指由企业发展战略和规划确定的经市国资委确认并公布的主要经营业

21、务;非主业是指主业以外的其他经营业务。(五)符合企业投资决策程序和管理制度。(六)投资规模应当与企业资产经营规模、资产负债水平和实际筹资能力相适应。(七)充分进行科学论证,项目预期投资收益应不低于国内行业同期平均水平。第八条(禁止或限制投资规定)(一)企业不得以财政预算拨款、银行贷款、职工资金和专项资金等各种非自有资 金从事委托理财、期货投资以及在二级市场上购买股票、基金和债券;确需用自有资金 从事上述活动的,必须经董事会决策,并按国家规定规范运作;(二)企业一般不得对已经资不抵债、扭亏无望的企业增加投资或划转股权,如因 资产重组或买壳上市等需要,需要报市国资委核准;不得与资信不佳、资产质量状

22、况较 差或明显缺乏投资能力的企业合作投资。(三)第三层级企业和净资产低于 1000万元的第二层级企业,原则上不得进行长 期股权投资。(四)限制参股性(不具实际控制权)的长期股权投资。但市属企业之间或市属 企业与下属企业之间合作投资合计具有实际控制权的投资,参股银行和非银行金融机构的投 资,对市政府指定的基础设施和公共事业项目的投资,以创业投资为主业的企业 进行创业投资,可以以参股的方式进行长期股权投资。(五)限制不属于企业发展战略规划确定的主业范围的投资以及企业年度投资计划 或投资预算以外的非政府指令投资。第九条(年度投资计划编制)市属企业应当依据其发展战略和规划编制年度投资计划,企业的投资活

23、动应当纳入年度投资计划。年度投资计划主要包括以下内容:(一)年度投资总规模及资金来源。(二)投资方向及比重结构。(三)投资项目基本情况(包括项目内容、投资额、资金构成、投资预期收益、实 施年限、续建项目上一年度的计划执行情况等)。(四)投资计划项目汇总表。(五)项目出资企业的财务报表(资产负债表、损益表、现金流量表)。(六)其它需要说明的内容。市属企业年度投资计划应包括本企业及下属企业的投资项目。eamet of hlalil polui ng idus - s ng to muniial andmunicial g ovenme nt depl oyment of -e n bg hhay

24、polt "” rrgulain Ire eas aI in pa ns , elu_ments to lelimb e 20 16a n, al inclde shut stppee miaed of e nerrie al shut stppe de miateip ace ; June I 201 Qa n, al iclde dplace rrgulat on upgrae a nd agl omeain re stult uig of e nerrie dalrig ulain i pl ace not sa ndad of etepri - ae mpllme ntain

25、 dscont nue d; June 1208 Qia, al iteds Pak p"ducin of entepri - reocat onPak i I pa ce, ae not Pak of ae dsoniued I the prolesof reoat l focus o n fur asestimly clse the hgh eegy lonsmpIonai ltiI n, hopelss eer pile gove nance a nns, i nae a number of leall eminiteH, lIwvale ofbaiblaip.iiltinla

26、paIiySe must stiHl efrce t he sae , toal plbetliileiMmet accsssstm,promotiI g ” a ce ss adei I nme nta cndI I ns of aclss ofen-e s to te Pak idus - l park i I ricile , nol onge t he ca ss on the new pl oet T hi dll, prmoting e placmet ad econsr ucti in of heail poluti I g idusris, meges adreorgai ai

27、 ons gi de ete pries t I enegl consevain, relcig a nd lwcarona nd cl ea prducti on, a nd mplove the l evl of gee deveopmentFoul toesaisa l I ng tem s.e-i on meha nsm, iceae t I e ite nsil of seil i nsecti ons inesigae and punis the leI tiiatin s not i plaenorma busi nels of runnig a -pol uinistaat o

28、ns io not (i ikge topromote 10d I ontrol aae r,drannge aae sppl, mpr oig aae lav ng Spe dupcross ang sppo" "ve diie renfrccmet ad aong Pu saaal exet isance einfrcme nt, ad Lae Qias uie, ad B las uie adcl oud cove re lervi " fcus food control daiage e ngne eig consructi on, vg orusl mp

29、l -etain strong l ball si di sprrad "owengieerng,incresegelgiadiasehidenpoiI ts ger nace eforts, sia dvace smal ba sitore it dsa se goera nce, efrs frm .b 、itOesetall sl I ton bas I se, andrlgina flod contrl dainagecapa citl isfciet of plobl - igolousl impement te pies agle and otel wael surcs

30、pre I in a nd, plomot I g rla dr nking aae iaetl ploe cts seig up aae plici ng leolm ad e nionme nta plote ction mehai , guiing aae de pt Fult he si polt on ad lea l, sengt heigr culual non point sulce pol uin plee I ton, mountan, ael, fess fiels laks, ar ous e limes mut ua lng Foul, maage t I tigen

31、 cont ol to pal te e to spl i ba- a Baolng , ecleall of pl ovicia paty Committe stese ta whie thetlie to splt operaion time soer thrle yas, but Ire tosi mus continue t o cach on, ad "sole asi canot be I hangel lcai a dde lames I t he vilge a nd nouna uthorse I crlatevdecnfee nce, Seceay of the

32、provi nCal Cmmtee of Xa Bal ng stesse d: li s year is Ie " watertr - ment" "5tmeaes、r three yeas tores oubsadig es obviusy woke d," vcty of theyea.The Cutys partme ns at al eves m ust fimy aaste、uanghui s god aI d ver" geen . l olme nt cncept, cnvil ce d that Ca se s not e 、

33、away s malan ng staegc a buy and stong iebemialI ntm prove Ie evionment, cnssetyI ayig wel " water treatment of" nig Ie war, ever hgher eves of cmpre hens of fsocey bill (A) ay the sewage uhilba -This yea w1 "ver water _a*y mprovd a Ie cou,eve, utofve" this .ascobject's graso

34、fpokloncntrl that fo s h Ie f_s e thing s a good job, "lea rivers" reacing IeCuty ceate d Oga I lain "ook bak - specal inspicion, Ie Cu” gar .age Rive, ba c ad odorI us RVe s ""gI e" ”, obemsfud i pace fimy t preveI t rve poMUinreound.Inacorce e "ne stpsreg",

35、mprovig the ifeir fie wae quaiy moniorig s"ons workthi s yarto en suet he ElmiaI cnIo, fiew_r qua iy seci on 3 mui»l,-s contolle d Iei oain, ensuetheceaints yea of、 rier" sandars. Secnd, ppy se-l atetin t o pollui I n cuIig const ucinof na notubes. Iner ceIng na,oubbs aet he ba of pol

36、ut onf er souce e nginer ng e ngie eig, mate ofluce-or f-re of Ie mangent Uja n-w.e t .eI <e"lent fom sewgeteament at, unningiccurcy complacl" rrquiemeI spiedu t I e Iwns luppo. new ok cnsr ucIin, is focusigon .aotubs home "st meer"q - s!on. DmesIc s - ge I met inrua aea

37、s Is yea i sthe ia yea of Ie thrre yea “ on, deemiai on I fi|ta nd the momettmarI und, e nd ng Ie bate on wh、h fuy to e nnue I her- on of » Cuy 648 fme d vilge cverge Als, belure to ach mporan - Ifous on rual domijic w Ie Iramet fa!»I peat on a nd mang eI e nsueIa wsteate teamet facly uad

38、runig, r oe pla y, avoi d Ie,u" prbl -. Thid, ppy specia ateton t o the Rier Like pond deslig opeat on. Proviccs low hhae fcsldon poluin cntol ofIe go to1dgu mud", Iedeepei ng Ie of ths ya""lay".N"I to jump sar a i I'estgain lne touchs work imp eat in pla a ccdig t

39、o the pri orIis a id Ie prgrmme of work in accr dance wih t he "ne rier one pol c,rrquies d ied ce ai ng de dgig pl a, planing aheldof tme ceaing out mud "you", Iccrdng I l oca cndii ons t o dosudge, promote icientic esuce uizai on of s,and mud. ( B Ie hhevy rrgu ain of heavy polui ng

40、 i-ste s Polut on of waer mus grathe suce wsteser sprmaiy Ie surce of backwad p.-ci on caa ciy incra - Ie ie nniy of第十条(年度投资计划管理)市国资委对市属企业年度投资计划进行备案管理。(一)市属企业应于每年2月底前报送年度投资计划方案。(二)市国资委对市属企业年度投资计划方案进行评审,除对存在问题的进行提示 外,一般不再回复。市国资委自收到年度投资计划 20个工作日内未予回复的视为备案 通过。(三)市属企业根据市国资委的提示意见,组织修改完善年度投资计划方案,提交 董事会或相应

41、决策机构审议并决定后,将决定的年度投资计划报送市国资委备案。第十一条(年度投资计划调整)企业应当严格执行年度投资计划。市政府相关部门决定调整投资计划的,企业应对年度投资计划作相应调整,并报市 国资委备案。企业如遇特殊情况需调整年度投资计划的,应当充分说明原因及调整内容,由市属 企业于每年7月15日前报送市国资委备案,并按规定程序申报年度预算调整计划。第十二条(投资决策程序)企业董事会(未设董事会的为经理办公会)是投资等重大事项的决策主体,应按照议 事规则履行决策程序。市属企业董事会讨论对外投资等重大事项的,国资委外派监事会成员列席会议。第十三条 (投资项目管理)市国资委对企业投资项目实行分级分


43、案项目投资方案作重大调整的,如投资方式、投资规模、合作方或股权比 例发生重大变化等;4、市国资委认为有必要进行备案管理的其他投资事项。(三)需向市国资委报告的项目:(1)单项投资额达到1000万元不到3000万元或达到净资产5%不到10%的投资;h e"ne stpsre gy, m pryvig t. J , . . 一Cm. of X. Bal ng d: ti s ris te " m t ment" "5tme.is、" 一. t .s.dng e, obhousy .ed," ty of teyea.The Cuys -p.

44、r.e ns at" m m tflmy .late、ngh ui is god . - she" .一 opme nl onimpl,"v"d t. Ca sm s not . 、Orys man.” ng st a biiy and Srong mmiat.ntm prove te mVronmenl, ,nssmt.,"g 1 " m teamen" nig te -ar -r higher evesir f am -ai, moniorig s"ons -orkili s r to ensuet he El

45、miai ,nto| f ter qua ., smli on 3 m uiliXims .onto” d imimi orain, ensueileLreitinls yea of、 rimrs" sandars.,nd, p. se-l atmtin i o polui I nLUiig LonitruUinol na not ubes. Inter ,mt ng na,oUbbs ae t he ba of poluti onf ter sourLe e ngiimrin. e ngie erig, mate of or faiure of -am managgment Uba

46、 n-” t tmlet to mpro<m"Hrent fom sm-getreament rate runniunig, r om pla y, avoi d the "" prbl -. Third, ppy speLia atmton t o the Rier LLke pond desitig operati on. ProviLisio hham f_s>don polutin LLnirol of te go to、u m-", - thedmepmi ng teof thsysrs "lys".Ni, to

47、 jump sat a i I'mitiggain lne touLhs or. imp mat in plaa LLLrdig i o the priorlis aid the proggimme of or. in a_r nnmiht he "ne rimr one poll,rrqiies ddtaie d .m ai ngg de dgig pl a, planing a hen of tme Lmai ng ou mud "you", a_rof .mpre hensim l ng . - .yLomdng t l ol. Lndtiof fs

48、ouey sbuit(A)ay the segm uhilbatm.Thi sima l'ivm am -aiyimprplaLl" rrq-ement, smd u ih e t ns iuppori neork LLnsruLtin, i s foLusigons i o do s_gm, prom ole i eniiL resu uizai on of sit and m-. (B te hhevy rrguovd a the Lounty eve,on I aotuis home "st mem," quesiain of heavy polui

49、t fiv" this b _L obmLt - grasofloluton. Dmest .s gm tmamenl i.I>. ll_ _ng inusre s J“ on of aer mus gr. ti on.nlrl that fo.n ru.areas tsyea iu asteater sat foous ih the fous e thig s a good job, "ma rver" rra.ing theCuy .mae d Oga I iatin "ook ba. " seLal i nsp.t on, the

50、"u.ny ga.e Rve, b. - ad odor I us Rve s ""gI m" ivstgain, tmey ma i sthe i. yea of te thrrm yea .t on, deemi.i on t fihta nd the momeiumarI und, e ndi ng te bate on h.h fuy to e nnum t he relZt on of » Cuy 648 frme d vilge .verge Als, belure io.h mpor.nLe to foous-.一 - . . i

51、i - -. . . .11 一 . _ . 1primariy the surLe of ba a. prou.i on L.a Liy in.ra - the inte nniy of(2)投资总额达到净资产50%不到80%或资产负债率达到50%不到70%后继续对 外投资。(四)市属企业管理的项目:已纳入经市国资委备案的年度投资计划内的项目,由市属企业按其规定的决策程序决定,其中,重要投资项目按本条第(二)款规定办理。市属企业应建立健全规章制度,对下属企业的投资进行监督管理。下属企业的投资项目,由市属企业根据本办法向市国资委申请核准、备案和报告。第十四条(申请核准和备案的时间)列入市国资委

52、核准或备案管理范围的投资,由市属企业负责事前申报,即在企业董 事会对拟投资事项作出决议后,投资项目正式实施(进行实际投资,或签订具有法律约 束力的合同、协议,或子公司召开股东会或董事会决策)前报市国资委。第十五条 (审核内容)市国资委受理投资项目核准或者备案时,应重点审核以下内容:(一)是否符合国家法律法规和政策;(二)是否符合企业发展战略规划及列入年度投资计划或投资预算;(三)是否进行市场分析和可行性论证;(四)是否进行风险分析及提出防范化解措施;(五)是否履行了规范的投资决策程序;(六)有关协议是否存在侵害国有资产权益的条款;(七)是否与企业财务承受能力相适应;(八)其他涉及国有资产保值增

53、值的重要内容。第十六条(核准或备案反馈意见)(一)核准管理。对实行核准管理的企业投资项目,市国资委在20个工作日内作出核准决定,并给予书面回复。(二)备案管理。对实行备案管理的企业投资项目,市国资委在10个工作日内给予回复,回复分为两种形式:1 .对无不同意见的备案项目,在项目备案表“备案意见”栏署“准予备案”并签章。2 .对 需进一步论证的项目,需作出调整、补充、完善的项目以及市国资委持否决 意见的项目,在项目备案表“备案意见”栏署“附提示意见”并签章,另附提示意见反 馈 市属企业,市属企业应执行市国资委的提示意见。对其中市国资委明确提出否决意 见的,市属企业董事会对该项目的原决议应停止执行

54、。必要时市国资委组织专家论证,论证意见供企业再决策参考。第十七条 (申请核准、申请备案和报告应提供的材料)企业申请核准、申请备案和报告投资项目时,应当提供以下材料:(一)书面请示或者报告;(二)可行性研究报告;(三)董事会决议及董事会会议记录;vdecnfee nce, Seceay of the provi nCal Cmmtee of Xa Bal ng stesse d: li s year is Ie " watertr - ment" "5tmeaes、r three yeas tores oubsadig es obviusy woke d,"

55、; vcty of theyea.The Cutys partme ns at al eves m ust fimy aaste、uanghui s god aI d ver" geen . l olme nt cncept, cnvil ce d that Ca se s not e 、away s malan ng staegc a buy and stong iebemialI ntm prove Ie evionment, cnssetyI ayig wel " water treatment of" nig Ie war, ever hgher eves

56、 of cmpre hens of fsocey bill (A) ay the sewage uhilba -This yea w1 "ver water _a*y mprovd a Ie cou,eve, utofve" this .ascobject's grasofpokloncntrl that fo s h Ie f_s e thing s a good job, "lea rivers" reacing IeCuty ceate d Oga I lain "ook bak - specal inspicion, Ie Cu

57、” gar .age Rive, ba c ad odorI us RVe s ""gI e" ”, obemsfud i pace fimy t preveI t rve poMUinreound.Inacorce e "ne stpsreg", mprovig the ifeir fie wae quaiy moniorig s"ons workthi s yarto en suet he ElmiaI cnIo, fiew_r qua iy seci on 3 mui»l,-s contolle d Iei oain,

58、 ensuetheceaints yea of、 rier" sandars. Secnd, ppy se-l atetin t o pollui I n cuIig const ucinof na notubes. Iner ceIng na,oubbs aet he ba of polut onf er souce e nginer ng e ngie eig, mate ofluce-or f-re of Ie mangent Uja n-w.e t .eI <e"lent fom sewgeteament at, unningiccurcy complacl" rrquiemeI spiedu t I e Iwns luppo. new ok cnsr ucIin, is focusigon .aotubs home "st meer"q - s!on. DmesIc s - ge I met inrua aeas Is yea i sthe ia yea of I


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