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1、图书管理系统设计源代码:*: 文件列表 FILE 图书管理系统.PRG 1310657170.JPG GLY.SCX GLYXXCX.SCX JYCX.SCX JYGL.SCX SJGL.SCX TJTS.SCX TSXXCX.SCX TSXXGL.SCX 登陆界面.SCX 图书管理.DBC Database Database Version 10 Database TransactionLog Database StoredProceduresSource Database StoredProceduresObject Database StoredProceduresDependencie

2、s Table 图书信息表 Path 图书信息表.dbf Field 书号 书号 C 10 0 Field 书名 书名 C 17 0 Field 作者 作者 C 12 0 Field 出版社 出版社 C 21 0 Index xh Unique 0 Table 读者信息表 Path 读者信息表.dbf Field 学号 学号 C 10 0 Field 姓名 姓名 C 10 0 Field 专业 专业 C 10 0 Field 电话 电话 C 11 0 Table 借阅管理表 Path 借阅管理表.dbf Field 学号 学号 C 10 0 Field 姓名 姓名 C 10 0 Field 已

3、借书号 已借书号 C 10 0 Field 已借书名 已借书名 C 10 0 Field 借阅日期 借阅日期 D 8 0 Table gly Path gly.dbf Field 管理员 管理员 C 10 0 Field 密码 密码 C 10 0 Field 身份证号 身份证号 C 20 0 Field 备注 备注 M 4 0 NoCPTrans Index 管理员 Unique 0 *: 使用 Visual FoxPro 格式的向导版本生成文档 .05*:*: 图书管理系统 PUBLIC sun,flag,xh,sh,secondtime,printtype printtype=0 seco

4、ndtime=0 sun=0 DO FORM 登陆界面.scx READ events Left = 1 Top = 220 Width = 520 Height = 200 Name = "Dataenvironment" Left = 10 Top = 20 Width = 116 Height = 90 Alias = "gly" Database = 图书管理.dbc CursorSource = "gly" Name = "Cursor1" Top = 0 Left = 0 DoCreate = .T.

5、Caption = "Form1" Name = "Form1" Caption = "账号" Height = 24 Left = 24 Top = 12 Width = 84 Name = "Label1" Format = "" Height = 25 Left = 108 Top = 12 Width = 168 Name = "Text1" Caption = "设置新密码" Height = 24 Left = 24 Top = 84 Widt

6、h = 72 Name = "Label2" Format = "spring" Height = 24 Left = 108 Top = 48 Width = 168 Name = "Text2" Caption = "身份证号" Height = 25 Left = 24 Top = 48 Width = 61 Name = "Label3" Format = "spring" Height = 25 Left = 108 Top = 84 Width = 169 Nam

7、e = "Text3" Top = 168 Left = 72 Height = 37 Width = 133 Caption = "确认" Name = "Command1"+-PROCEDURE Click| SET exact on| SET order to 管理员| SEEK thisform.Text1.value| +-IF found()=.f.| | MESSAGEBOX('此账号不存在!',0+64+0,'提示')| +-ELSE| | LOCATE for 管理员=thisform

8、.Text1.value| | +-IF 身份证号<>thisform.Text2.value| | | MESSAGEBOX('您输入的身份证号不正确!',0+64+0,'提示')| | +-ELSE| | | +-IF len(thisform.Text3.value)<6| | | | MESSAGEBOX('密码不得少于6位!',0+64+0,'提示')| | | +-ELSE| | | | +-IF thisform.Text3.value<>thisform.text4.value| |

9、| | | MESSAGEBOX('2次输入的密码不一致,请重新输入!',0+64+0,'提示')| | | | +-ELSE| | | | | REPLACE all 密码 with thisform.Text3.value for 管理员=thisform.Text1.value| | | | | MESSAGEBOX('密码修改成功!',0+64+0,'提示')| | | | | DO form 登陆界面.scx| | | | | thisform.release| | | | +-ENDIF| | | +-ENDIF| |

10、 +-ENDIF| +-ENDIF| +-ENDPROC Caption = "确认新密码" Height = 25 Left = 24 Top = 120 Width = 73 Name = "Label4" Height = 25 Left = 108 Top = 120 Width = 169 Name = "Text4" Name = "Dataenvironment" Alias = "gly" Database = 图书管理.dbc CursorSource = "gly&

11、quot; Name = "Cursor1" DoCreate = .T. Caption = "glyxxcx" Name = "Form1" ColumnCount = 3 Height = 229 Left = 12 RecordSource = "gly" Top = 12 Width = 361 Name = "Grid1" Column1.ControlSource = "gly.管理员" Column1.Width = 75 Column1.Name = &qu

12、ot;Column1" Column2.ControlSource = "gly.密码" Column2.Width = 75 Column2.Name = "Column2" Column3.ControlSource = "gly.身份证号" Column3.Width = 75 Column3.Name = "Column3" Caption = "管理员" Name = "Header1" BorderStyle = 0 Margin = 0 ForeCol

13、or = 0,0,0 BackColor = 255,255,255 Name = "Text1" Caption = "密码" Name = "Header1" BorderStyle = 0 Margin = 0 ForeColor = 0,0,0 BackColor = 255,255,255 Name = "Text1" Caption = "身份证号" Name = "Header1" BorderStyle = 0 Margin = 0 ForeColor = 0

14、,0,0 BackColor = 255,255,255 Name = "Text1" Left = 1 Top = 220 Width = 520 Height = 200 Name = "Dataenvironment" Left = 10 Top = 20 Width = 116 Height = 90 Alias = "借阅管理表" Database = 图书管理.dbc CursorSource = "借阅管理表" Name = "Cursor1" Top = 0 Left = 0 H

15、eight = 443 Width = 625 DoCreate = .T. Caption = "Form1" WindowState = 2 Name = "Form1" Top = 360 Left = 132 Height = 25 Width = 96 Caption = "返回" Name = "Command1"+-PROCEDURE Click| thisform.RELEASE+-ENDPROC ColumnCount = 5 Height = 288 Left = 12 RecordSource

16、 = "借阅管理表" Top = 24 Width = 492 Name = "Grid1" Column1.ControlSource = "借阅管理表.姓名" Column1.Width = 75 Column1.Name = "Column1" Column2.ControlSource = "借阅管理表.已借书号" Column2.Width = 75 Column2.Name = "Column2" Column3.ControlSource = "借阅管

17、理表.已借书名" Column3.Width = 75 Column3.Name = "Column3" Column4.ControlSource = "借阅管理表.借阅日期" Column4.Width = 75 Column4.Name = "Column4" Column5.ControlSource = "借阅管理表.学号" Column5.Width = 75 Column5.Name = "Column5" Caption = "姓名" Name =

18、"Header1" BorderStyle = 0 Margin = 0 ForeColor = 0,0,0 BackColor = 255,255,255 Name = "Text1" Caption = "已借书号" Name = "Header1" BorderStyle = 0 Margin = 0 ForeColor = 0,0,0 BackColor = 255,255,255 Name = "Text1" Caption = "已借书名" Name = &quo

19、t;Header1" BorderStyle = 0 Margin = 0 ForeColor = 0,0,0 BackColor = 255,255,255 Name = "Text1" Caption = "借阅日期" Name = "Header1" BorderStyle = 0 Margin = 0 ForeColor = 0,0,0 BackColor = 255,255,255 Name = "Text1" Caption = "学号" Name = "Head

20、er1" BorderStyle = 0 Margin = 0 ForeColor = 0,0,0 BackColor = 255,255,255 Name = "Text1" Left = 1 Top = 220 Width = 520 Height = 200 Name = "Dataenvironment" Left = 10 Top = 20 Width = 116 Height = 90 Alias = "图书信息表" Database = 图书管理.dbc CursorSource = "图书信息表&q

21、uot; Name = "Cursor1" Top = -1 Left = 0 Height = 443 Width = 625 DoCreate = .T. Caption = "Form1" WindowState = 2 Name = "Form1" Caption = "书号" Height = 37 Left = 168 Top = 48 Width = 121 Name = "Label2" Caption = "书名" Height = 37 Left = 16

22、8 Top = 108 Width = 121 Name = "Label3" Caption = "作者" Height = 37 Left = 168 Top = 156 Width = 121 Name = "Label4" Height = 37 Left = 312 Top = 48 Width = 145 Name = "Text1" Height = 37 Left = 312 Top = 108 Width = 145 Name = "Text2" Height = 37 Lef

23、t = 312 Top = 156 Width = 145 Name = "Text3" Top = 264 Left = 168 Height = 37 Width = 97 Caption = "查询书籍" Name = "Command2"+-PROCEDURE Click| GO top| SET exact on| LOCATE for 书号=thisform.Text1.value and 书名=thisform.Text2.value| +-IF found()=.t.| | thisform.Text1.value=书

24、号| | thisform.Text2.value=书名| | thisform.Text3.value=作者| | thisform.text4.value=出版社| +-ELSE| | =MESSAGEBOX("对不起,你的输入错误!",48,"信息提示")| +-ENDIF| +-ENDPROC Top = 264 Left = 324 Height = 37 Width = 85 Caption = "退出" Name = "Command3"+-PROCEDURE Click| | thisform.RE

25、LEASE+-ENDPROC Caption = "出版社" Height = 37 Left = 168 Top = 204 Width = 121 Name = "Label1" Height = 37 Left = 312 Top = 204 Width = 145 Name = "Text4" Left = 1 Top = 220 Width = 520 Height = 200 Name = "Dataenvironment" Left = 10 Top = 20 Width = 116 Height =

26、 90 Alias = "图书信息表" ORDER = "xh" Database = 图书管理.dbc CursorSource = "图书信息表" Name = "Cursor1" Top = 10 Left = -34 Height = 445 Width = 606 DoCreate = .T. Caption = "Form1" WindowState = 2 Name = "Form1" Caption = "书号" Height = 36 L

27、eft = 48 Top = 60 Width = 96 Name = "Label1" Caption = "书名" Height = 36 Left = 48 Top = 120 Width = 96 Name = "Label2" Height = 37 Left = 192 Top = 120 Width = 168 Name = "Text2" Top = 288 Left = 12 Height = 49 Width = 97 Caption = "修改" Name = "

28、Command1"+-PROCEDURE Click| SET exact on| DIME a(4)| a(1)=thisform.Text1.value| a(2)=thisform.Text2.value| a(3)=thisform.Text3.value| a(4)=thisform.text4.value| LOCATE for 书名=a(1) and 书号=a(2)| +-IF found()=.t.| | REPLACE 书号 with a(1)| | REPLACE 书名 with a(2)| | REPLACE 作者 with a(3)| | REPLACE 出版

29、社 with a(4)| | =MESSAGEBOX("该书已经修改成功!",48,"信息提示")| +-ELSE| | =MESSAGEBOX("没有找到对应的图书编号!",48,"信息提示")| +-ENDIF+-ENDPROC Top = 288 Left = 312 Height = 49 Width = 97 Caption = "取消" Name = "Command2"+-PROCEDURE Click| thisform.RELEASE+-ENDPROC To

30、p = 288 Left = 144 Height = 49 Width = 121 Caption = "删除" Name = "Command3"+-PROCEDURE Click| GO top| SET exact on| LOCATE for 书名=thisform.Text1.value and 书号=thisform.Text2.value| +-IF found()=.t.| | Delete| | PACK| | =MESSAGEBOX("该书已经删除!",48,"信息提示")| +-ELSE|

31、| =MESSAGEBOX("对不起,你的输入错误!",48,"信息提示")| +-ENDIF| +-ENDPROC Caption = "作者" Height = 37 Left = 48 Top = 180 Width = 85 Name = "Label3" Caption = "出版社" Height = 37 Left = 48 Top = 228 Width = 97 Name = "Label4" Height = 36 Left = 192 Top = 168

32、 Width = 168 Name = "Text3" Height = 33 Left = 192 Top = 219 Width = 168 Name = "Text4" Format = "" Height = 37 Left = 192 Top = 60 Width = 168 Name = "Text1" Left = 92 Top = 343 Width = 520 Height = 200 Name = "Dataenvironment" Left = 150 Top = 20 W

33、idth = 116 Height = 90 Alias = "图书信息表1" Database = 图书管理.dbc CursorSource = "图书信息表" Name = "Cursor2" Top = -10 Left = 90 DoCreate = .T. Caption = "tjxdbd" Name = "Form1" Caption = "书号" Height = 25 Left = 12 Top = 24 Width = 73 Name = "书

34、号" Caption = "书名" Height = 37 Left = 12 Top = 60 Width = 85 Name = "Label2" Caption = "出版社" Height = 25 Left = 12 Top = 144 Width = 85 Name = "Label4" Value = Format = "" Height = 25 Left = 96 Top = 24 Width = 169 Name = "Text1" Value

35、= Format = "" Height = 25 Left = 96 Top = 60 Width = 169 Name = "Text2" Value = Format = "" Height = 24 Left = 96 Top = 96 Width = 168 Name = "Text3" Value = Format = "" Height = 24 Left = 96 Top = 144 Width = 168 Name = "Text4" Caption = &

36、quot;作者" Height = 25 Left = 12 Top = 96 Width = 73 Name = "Label1" Top = 192 Left = 36 Height = 37 Width = 109 Caption = "确定" Name = "Command1"+-PROCEDURE Click| DIME a(4)| a(1)=thisform.Text1.value| a(2)=thisform.Text2.value| a(3)=thisform.Text3.value| a(4)=thisform.text4.value| SET exact on| LOCATE for 书名=a(1) and 书号=a(2)| +-IF eof()=.t.| | APPEND from array a| | MESSAGEBOX('该书已经添加成功!


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